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čistilno sredstvo
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0796
Čistilno sredstvo: bazična raztopina svinčevega acetata.
Clarification agent: basic lead acetate solution.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0042
"pripravljalna in čistilna sredstva"
"preparatory and cleaning" means products designed to remove old coatings and rust, either mechanically or chemically, or to provide a key for new coatings:
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0042
"organsko topilo" pomeni kakršno koli HOS, ki se uporablja sama ali v kombinaciji z drugimi sredstvi za raztapljanje ali razredčenje surovin, proizvodov ali odpadnih materialov ali se uporablja kot čistilno sredstvo za raztapljanje onesnaževalcev ali kot medij za disperzijo ali kot regulator viskoznosti ali kot regulator površinske napetosti ali kot mehčalec ali kot konzervans;
"Organic solvent" means any VOC which is used alone or in combination with other agents to dissolve or dilute raw materials, products, or waste materials, or is used as a cleaning agent to dissolve contaminants, or as a dispersion medium, or as a viscosity adjuster, or as a surface tension adjuster, or as a plasticiser, or as a preservative;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
.Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva, čistilne krpe in zaščitne obleke, ki niso navedeni pod 15 02 02
absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in 15 02 02
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva (tudi filtri za olje, ki niso navedeni drugje), čistilne krpe, zaščitne obleke, onesnaženi z nevarnimi snovmi
absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances
6 Končna redakcija
Umivalniki za umivanje rok morajo biti priključeni na tekočo vročo in hladno vodo ali vodo z vnaprej pripravljeno ustrezno temperaturo in opremljeni s čistilnimi in razkuževalnimi sredstvi ter higieničnimi sredstvi za sušenje rok;
For washing hands, these facilities must have hot and cold running water or water premixed to a suitable temperature, cleaning and disinfecting products and hygienic means of drying hands;
7 Pravna redakcija
Sestavljena čistilna sredstva
Formulated detergents
8 Pravna redakcija
Če se pri pranju uporabi tekoče čistilno sredstvo pod pritiskom, je treba paziti, da se že očiščeni deli ponovno ne kontaminirajo.
where washing is carried out with liquids applied under pressure, re-contamination of the previously cleansed parts must be avoided;
9 Pravna redakcija
absorbenti in filtrirna sredstva, čistilne krpe, zaščitne obleke
absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths, protective clothing
10 Pravna redakcija
Pri sestavljenih čistilnih sredstvih se analizira vsebnost MBAS in mila.
Formulated products are analysed for MBAS and soap content.
11 Pravna redakcija
"prisotni v čistilnih sredstvih v smislu člena 1 Direktive 73/404/EGS".
'present in detergents such as those referred to in Article 1 of directive 73/404/EEC'.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1774
Za čiščenje je treba preskrbeti primerno opremo in čistilna sredstva.
Suitable equipment and cleaning agents must be provided for cleaning.
13 Pravna redakcija
Biološko nerazgradljiva čistilna sredstva in druge površinsko aktivne snovi;
Non-biodegradable detergents and other surface-active substances;
14 Pravna redakcija
Delo s kislinami in lužnimi raztopinami, razkužili in korozivnimi čistilnimi sredstvi.
Work with acids and caustic solutions, disinfectants and corrosive cleaning substances.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0656
Delo s kislinami in lužnimi raztopinami, razkužili in korozivnimi čistilnimi sredstvi.
Work with acids and caustic solutions, disinfectants and corrosive cleaning products.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
15 02 03 Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva, čistilne krpe in zaščitne obleke, ki niso navedeni pod 15 02 02
15 02 03 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in 15 02 02
17 Pravna redakcija
čistilnimi sredstvi z blagim delovanjem, ki jih je lahko odstraniti (rokavice za zaščito pred razredčenimi raztopinami pralnih sredstev itd.),
cleaning materials of weak action and easily reversible effects (gloves affording protection against diluted detergent solutions, etc.),
18 Pravna redakcija
Po homogenizaciji, se koncentracija anionskih površinsko aktivnih snovi v v sintetičnem čistilnem sredstvu določi po analitskem postopku MBAS.
After homogenizing, the concentration of anionic surfactants in the synthetic detergent is determined according to the MBAS analytical procedure.
19 Pravna redakcija
V 1250 mL etanola dodamo 250 g sintetičnega čistilnega sredstva za analizo, raztopino segrejemo do vrelišča in jo med mešanjem refluktiramo 1 uro..
Add 250 g of the synthetic detergent to be analyzed to 1 250 ml ethanol, heat the mixture to boiling point and reflux for one hour with stirring.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
15 02 02* Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva (tudi filtri za olje, ki niso navedeni drugje), čistilne krpe, zaščitne obleke, onesnaženi z nevarnimi snovmi
15 02 02* absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances
21 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta z dne 22. novembra 1973 fn o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s čistilnimi sredstvi in zlasti člena 4 Direktive;
Having regard to the Council Directive of 22 November 1973 (1) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to detergents, and in particular Article 4 thereof;
22 Pravna redakcija
Čistilni proizvodi, razkužila, insekticidi, sredstva za dezinfekcijo in vse potencialno strupene snovi morajo biti shranjeni v zaklenjenih prostorih ali omarah.
Cleaning products, disinfectants, insecticides and all potentially toxic substances shall be stored in locked premises or cupboards.
23 Pravna redakcija
proizvodi za čiščenje, kot so metle, krtače, krpe za prah in krtače za prah, kuhinjske krpe, krpe za pomivanje tal, gobe, čistilna sredstva, jeklena volna in jelenova krpica
Articles for cleaning such as brooms, scrubbing brushes, dust pans and dust brushes, dusters, tea towels, floorcloths, sponges, scourers, steel wool and chamois leathers
24 Pravna redakcija
proizvodi za čiščenje, kakor so metle, krtače, krpe za prah in krtače za prah, kuhinjske krpe, krpe za pomivanje tal, gobe, čistilna sredstva, jeklena volna in jelenova krpica,
articles for cleaning such as brooms, scrubbing brushes, dust pans and dust brushes, dusters, tea towels, floorcloths, household sponges, scourers, steel wool and chamois leathers,
25 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z določbami člena 4 Direktive Sveta z dne 22. novembra 1973 ob ustreznem upoštevanju nezanesljivosti preskusnih metod države članice prepovejo dajanje v promet in uporabo čistilnega sredstva na svojem ozemlju, če je raven biorazgradljivosti tega čistilnega sredstva manjša od 80 %, kar se določi z enotnim preskusom v skladu z eno od naslednjih metod:
In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Council Directive of 22 November 1973, due account being taken of the unreliability of testing methods, the Member States shall prohibit the placing on the market and use on their territory of a detergent if the level of biodegradability of this detergent is less than 80%, determined on a single analysis in accordance with one of the following methods:
26 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba tudi pojasniti, da člen 2 obravnava raven biorazgradljivosti anionskih površinsko aktivnih snovi v čistilnem sredstvu, in ne raven biorazgradljivosti samega čistilnega sredstva;
whereas it is also necessary to make quite clear that it is the level of biodegradability of the anionic surfactants contained in a detergent, and not the level of biodegradability of the detergent itself, which is dealt with in Article 2;
27 Pravna redakcija
ker so se glede področja uporabe Direktive 73/405/EGS pojavile nejasnosti in je treba pojasniti, da se Direktiva uporablja samo za površinsko aktivne snovi, ki se uporabljajo v čistilnih sredstvih;
Whereas some confusion has arisen as to the scope of Directive 73/405/EEC and it is necessary to make quite clear that the Directive applies only to surfactants used in detergents;
28 Pravna redakcija
Iz homogenega vzorca (praški, posušene kreme in tekočine) pridobimo etanolni ekstrakt, ki vsebuje površinsko aktivne snovi, milo in druge v alkoholu topne sestavine vzorca sintetičnega čistilnega sredstva.
From an homogeneous sample (powders, dried pastes and dried liquids) an ethanol extract is obtained which contains the surfactants, soap and other alcohol-soluble constituents of the synthetic detergent sample.
29 Pravna redakcija
po metodi OECD, objavljeni v tehničnem poročilu OECD z dne 11. junija 1976 o "Predlagani metodi za določanje biorazgradljivosti površinsko aktivnih snovi, ki se uporabljajo v sintetičnih čistilnih sredstvih",
the OECD method, published in the OECD technical report of 11 June 1976 on the "Proposed Method for the Determination of the Biodegradability of Surfactants used in Synthetic Detergents",
30 Pravna redakcija
izdelki za čiščenje in vzdrževanje, kot so milo, pralni praški, čistilni praški, detergenti, dezinfekcijska belila, balzami, proizvodi za čiščenje oken, vosek, loščila, barve, sredstva za odmaševanje, dezinfekcijska sredstva, insekticidi, fungicidi in destilirana voda
Cleaning and maintenance products such as soaps, washing powders, scouring powders, detergents, disinfectant bleaches, conditioners, window-cleaning products, waxes, polishes, dyes, unblocking agents, disinfectants, insecticides, fungicides and distilled water
31 Pravna redakcija
izdelki za čiščenje in vzdrževanje, kakor so milo, pralni praški, čistilni praški, detergenti, dezinfekcijska belila, balzami, izdelki za čiščenje oken, vosek, loščila, barve, sredstva za odmaševanje, dezinfekcijska sredstva, insekticidi, fungicidi in destilirana voda,
cleaning and maintenance products such as soaps, washing powders, washing liquids, scouring powders, detergents. disinfectant bleaches, softeners, conditioners, window-cleaning products, waxes, polishes, dyes, unblocking agents, disinfectants insecticides, fungicides and distilled water,
32 Pravna redakcija
(a) predelava (b) po čiščenju s čistilnimi sredstvi (uporaba čistilnega sredstva in izpiranje z vodo) in (c) po uporabi razkužila (uporaba razkuževalne raztopine, čiščenje in sušenje zadevnega mesta ali opreme), in
(a) processing, (b) after washing with detergents (application of detergent followed by rinsing with water), and (c) after using disinfectant (application of the disinfectant solution, washing and drying of the area or equipment concerned), and
33 Pravna redakcija
(a) ob prihodu plovila, pred čiščenjem (b) po čiščenju s čistilnimi sredstvi (uporaba čistilnega sredstva in izpiranje z vodo) in (c) po uporabi razkužila (uporaba razkuževalne raztopine, čiščenje in sušenje zadevnega mesta ali opreme), in
(a) on the vessel's arrival, prior to cleaning, (b) after washing with detergents (application of detergent followed by rinsing with water), and (c) after using disinfectant (application of the disinfectant solution, washing and drying of the area or equipment concerned), and
34 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s členom 4 Direktive 73/404/EGS v zvezi s čistilnimi sredstvi države članice prepovejo dajanje v promet in uporabo čistilnega sredstva na svojem ozemlju, če je biorazgradljivost anionskih površinsko aktivnih snovi, določena po eni izmed naslednjih metod, nižja od 80 %:
Pursuant to Article 4 of Directive 73/404/EEC relating to 4 detergents, Member States shall prohibit the placing on the market and use on their territory of a detergent if the biodegradability of the anionic surfactants contained therein is less than 80 % determined in accordance with one of the following methods:
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
Zadevni izdelek se uporablja kot vmesni produkt za surfaktante (ki se uporabljajo v detergentih in izdelkih za osebno uporabo), gnojila, sredstva za zaščito pridelkov, protikorozijska sredstva, mazalna olja, fotografske kemikalije, kozmetiko in poliuretan ter kot absorpcijska pomoč čistilniku plinov ali dodatek k cementu, v kovinsko-predelovalni industriji in industriji papirja.
The product concerned is used as an intermediate for surfactants (used in detergents and personal care products), fertilisers, crop protection agents, corrosion inhibitors, lubrication oils, photographic chemicals, cosmetics and polyurethane, and as a gas scrubber absorption aid or additive for the cement, metal-works and paper industries.
36 Pravna redakcija
ker je na podlagi člena 4 Direktive Sveta 73/404/EGS z dne 22. novembra 1973 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s čistilnimi sredstvi fn treba določiti ustrezna dovoljena odstopanja pri merjenju biorazgradljivosti, da bi se ustrezno upoštevala nezanesljivost preizkusnih metod, ki bi lahko imela za posledico sklepe o zavrnitvi s pomembnimi gospodarskimi posledicami;
Whereas, pursuant to Article 4 of Council Directive 73/404/EEC of 22 November 1973 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to detergents (5), suitable tolerances for the measurement of biodegradability should be determined in order to take due account of the unreliability of test methods which could result in rejection decisions with important economic consequences;
37 Pravna redakcija
ker je glede približevanja zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s čistilnimi sredstvi treba predvideti ustrezna dovoljena odstopanja pri merjenju biorazgradljivosti, kakor je predvideno v členu 4 Direktive Sveta z dne 22. novembra 1973, da bi se upoštevala nezanesljivost preskusnih metod, ki bi lahko vodila do sklepov o zavrnitvi, kar bi lahko imelo pomembne gospodarske posledice, in ker je sklep o zavrnitvi treba sprejeti samo, če preskus pokaže raven biorazgradljivosti, nižjo od 80 %,
Whereas as concerns the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to detergents, suitable tolerances for measuring biodegradability should be determined as provided for likewise in Article 4 of Council Directive of 22 November 1973, in order to take account of the unreliability of testing methods which could lead to rejection decisions having important economic consequences and whereas a rejection decision must only be taken therefore if an analysis shows a level of biodegradability less than 80%,
38 Pravna redakcija
strojev in vlečnih vozil, strojnega orodja za obdelavo kovin ter drugega orodja in opreme za uporabo s stroji, izdelava naprav za rudnike, železarsko in jeklarsko industrijo in livarne, gradbeništvo in mehanska oprema za mehansko manipulacijsko opremo in transmisijsko opremo za gibalno moč, izdelavo strojne opreme za obdelavo lesa in podobnih materialov, papirja, izdelkov iz papirja, strojne opreme za tiskanje in knjigoveštvo, strojev v pralnicah in čistilnicah, naprav za usnjarsko industrijo, vključno s stroji za izdelavo škornjev in čevljev, izdelavo motorjev z notranjim izgorevanjem, vodnih koles, vodnih in toplotnih turbin ter druge strojne opreme za proizvodnjo energije, izdelava kompresorjev, črpalk in opreme za delovanje strojne opreme s hidravličnimi ali pnevmatskimi sredstvi, izdelava opreme za ogrevanje prostorov, prezračevanje in klimatiziranje, strojev za zamrzovanje (razen gospodinjskih zamrzovalnikov in enot za globoko zamrzovanje), izdelava neelektričnih peči, neelektrične varilske opreme ter izdelava pisarniških strojev in strojev za obdelavo podatkov.
machinery and tractors, of machine-tools for working metal and of other tools and equipment for use with machines, the manufacture of plant for mines, the iron and steel industry and foundries, civil engineering and the building trade, of mechanical handling equipment and of transmission equipment for motive power, the manufacture of machinery for working wood and similar materials, of paper, paper goods, printing and bookbinding machinery, of laundry and dry cleaning machinery, of plant for the leather industry, including boot and shoe machinery, the manufacture of internal combustion engines, of waterwheels and water and heat tubines and other mechanical energy producing machinery, of compressors, pumps and equipment for operating machinery by hydraulic or pneumatic means, the manufacture of spaceheating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, of refrigerating machinery (except domestic type refrigerators and deep freeze units), the manufacture of non-electric industrial furnances and ovens, of non-electric welding equipment and the manufacture of office and data processing machinery.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0287
Čistilna sredstva (do 4 točke)
Detergents (up to 4 points)
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Kadar je treba, temeljito operite vime s toplo vodo, ki vsebuje primerno čistilno sredstvo (namenjeno čiščenju vimena) in ga nato temeljito osušite.
Where necessary, wash teats thoroughly with warm water containing a suitable dairy cleansing agent and dry them thoroughly.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0287
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0042
"pripravljalna in čistilna sredstva"
"preparatory and cleaning" means products designed to remove old coatings and rust, either mechanically or chemically, or to provide a key for new coatings:
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0013
organsko topilo je katera koli HOS, ki se uporablja sama ali skupaj z drugimi snovmi, ne da bi se pri tem kemijsko spremenila, za raztapljanje surovin, izdelkov ali odpadnega materiala ali se uporablja kot čistilno sredstvo za raztapljanje nečistoč, kot sredstvo za raztapljanje, kot disperzni medij, kot sredstvo za uravnavanje viskoznosti ali površinske napetosti, kot plastifikator ali kot konzervans;
organic solvent shall mean any VOC which is used alone or in combination with other agents, and without undergoing a chemical change, to dissolve raw materials, products or waste materials, or is used as a cleaning agent to dissolve contaminants, or as a dissolver, or as a dispersion medium, or as a viscosity adjuster, or as a surface tension adjuster, or a plasticiser, or as a preservative;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Konico seska nato razkužite s primernim čistilnim sredstvom.
Disinfect teat end using a suitable cleansing agent.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2320
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2320
Po dostavi se čistilna sredstva pregledajo na podlagi naključno izbranih vzorcev.
After delivery, cleaning supplies shall be screened on a random basis.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0042
"organsko topilo" pomeni kakršno koli HOS, ki se uporablja sama ali v kombinaciji z drugimi sredstvi za raztapljanje ali razredčenje surovin, proizvodov ali odpadnih materialov ali se uporablja kot čistilno sredstvo za raztapljanje onesnaževalcev ali kot medij za disperzijo ali kot regulator viskoznosti ali kot regulator površinske napetosti ali kot mehčalec ali kot konzervans;
"Organic solvent" means any VOC which is used alone or in combination with other agents to dissolve or dilute raw materials, products, or waste materials, or is used as a cleaning agent to dissolve contaminants, or as a dispersion medium, or as a viscosity adjuster, or as a surface tension adjuster, or as a plasticiser, or as a preservative;
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
.Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva, čistilne krpe in zaščitne obleke, ki niso navedeni pod 15 02 02
absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in 15 02 02
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2320
čistilna sredstva v obliki pošiljke službenega materiala se pred pošiljanjem do drugih destinacij pregledajo.
and (g) the screening of cleaning supplies shall take place before co-mailing the supplies to other destinations.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0574
Absorbenti, filtrirna sredstva (tudi filtri za olje, ki niso navedeni drugje), čistilne krpe, zaščitne obleke, onesnaženi z nevarnimi snovmi
absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances
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čistilno sredstvo