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1 Objavljeno
V primeru kršenja zakonov se družb v državni lasti in države kot lastnice ne bi smelo ščititi pred sodnimi postopki ali ukrepi regulatornih organov.
SOEs as well as the state as a shareholder should not be protected from challenge via the courts or the regulatory authorities, in case they infringe the law.
2 Objavljeno
UN: UN 1325
potrjuje tudi potrebo po popolnem izvajanju mednarodnega humanitarnega prava in mednarodnega prava človekovih pravic, ki ščitita pravice žensk in deklet v času konfliktov in po njih;
Reaffirming also the need to implement fully international humanitarian and human rights law that protects the rights of women and girls during and after conflicts,
3 Končna redakcija
Častno razsodišče sodi, da gre za posebno zvrst novinarskega dela, ki jo je potrebno dalje gojiti in negovati ter jo, kadar je dobra, podpirati in ščititi.
'The Ethics Commission holds the opinion that this is a special journalistic genre which should be maintained and cultivated and, if satire is good, it should be supported and protected.
4 Končna redakcija
Namen člena 234 je ščititi samo pravico tretjih držav in ni namenjen ovekovečenju pridobljenih mednarodnih pogodbenih pravic držav članic na škodo ciljev iz Pogodbe o ustanovitvi EGS ali interesa Skupnosti.
The purpose of Article 234 is to protect the right of third countries only and it is not intended to crystallize the acquired international treaty rights of Member States to the detriment of the EEC Treaty's objectives or of the Community interest.
5 Končna redakcija
ker mora v drugih pogledih ta stabilnost glede na začasno biološko stanje staležev ščititi posebne potrebe regij, kjer je lokalna populacija še posebej odvisna od ribolova in z njim povezanih aktivnosti, kakor je o tem odločil Svet v svoji resoluciji z dne 3. novembra 1976 in zlasti v njeni Prilogi VII;
Whereas, in other respects, that stability, given the temporary biological situation of stocks, must safeguard the particular needs of regions where local populations are especially dependent on fisheries and related activities as decided by the Council in its resolution of 3 November 1976, and in particular Annex VII thereto;
6 Končna redakcija
Glede dejavnosti izkoriščanja so glavni cilji skupne ribiške politike ščititi in ohranjati razpoložljive in dostopne žive morske vodne vire, in poskrbeti za razumno in odgovorno izkoriščanje na trajnostni podlagi, ob ustreznih gospodarskih in socialnih pogojih za sektor, ob upoštevanju posledic za morski ekosistem, in še posebej upoštevajoč potrebe vseh, proizvajalcev in potrošnikov.
As concerns exploitation activities the general objectives of the common fisheries policy shall be to protect and conserve available and accessible living marine aquatic resources, and to provide for rational and responsible exploitation on a sustainable basis, in appropriate economic and social conditions for the sector, taking account of its implications for the marine eco-system, and in particular taking account of the needs of both producers and consumers.
7 Pravna redakcija
ker je zaželeno ščititi določeno raven pridelave v teh regijah z dodelitvijo posebne pomoči;
whereas it is desirable to safeguard a certain level of production in those regions by the grant of special aid;
8 Pravna redakcija
V zameno za dolžnosti, ki so naložene uradnikom in drugim uslužbencem, jih je Parlament dolžan ščititi, kot to določata člena 24. in 26. kadrovskih predpisov.
To match the obligations incumbent on them, Parliament has a duty to protect its officials and other servants as laid down in Articles 24 and 26 of the Staff Regulations.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
Med prevozom in skladiščenjem je treba hraniti čista in suha jajca v prostorih brez tujih vonjev in jih učinkovito ščititi pred udarci, učinki svetlobe in pretiranim nihanjem temperature.
During transport and storage, eggs must be kept clean and dry in places, free of extraneous odours and effectively protected from shocks and from the effects of light and excessive fluctuations in temperature.
10 Pravna redakcija
- je treba doseči uravnotežen razvoj ukrepov za boj proti kriminalu na ravni celotne unije in hkrati ščititi svobodo in ustavne pravice posameznikov kot tudi gospodarskih subjektov (točka 40 sklepov), in
- a balanced development should be achieved of Union- wide measures to fight crime while at the same time protecting the freedom and the constitutional rights of individuals as well as of economic operators (point 40 of the conclusions), and
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
Nekatere stranke so trdile, da protidampinški ukrepi ne bi smeli ščititi industrije Skupnosti pred mednarodno konkurenco in da bi morala biti industrija po petih letih protidampinških ukrepov popolnoma sanirana.
Some parties claimed that anti-dumping measures should not shield the Community industry from international competition and that the industry should have fully recovered after five years of anti-dumping measures.
12 Pravna redakcija
Pogoje iz člena 1 izvajata oba, imetnik, ki predstavlja žlahtnitelja, in kmet, tako da ščitita zakonite interese drug drugega.
The conditions referred to in Article 1 shall be implemented both by the holder, representing the breeder, and by the farmer in such a way as to safeguard the legitimate interests of each other.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Protitelesa pomagajo ščititi pred okužbami, ki jih povzročajo ti virusi.
The antibodies help protect against infections caused by these viruses.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Protitelesa pomagajo ščititi pred boleznimi, ki jih povzročajo ti virusi.
The antibodies help protect against diseases caused by these viruses.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
Protitelesa bodo pomagala ščititi proti boleznim, ki jih povzročata ta virusa.
The antibodies will help to protect against diseases caused by these viruses.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Protitelesa bodo pomagala ščititi mačke proti bolezni, ki jo povzroča ta virus.
The antibodies will help to protect against the disease caused by the virus.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
Kolostrum vsebuje protitelesa, ki pomagajo teleta ščititi pred nekaterimi okužbami.
Colostrum contains antibodies that help to protect the calves against certain infections.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Ta protitelesa pomagajo ščititi proti gastroenteritisu, ki ga povzročajo ti tipi rotavirusov.
These antibodies help protect against gastroenteritis caused by these types of rotavirus.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2322
Dejavnosti v okviru šestega okvirnega programa morajo biti v skladu s finančnimi interesi Skupnosti in morajo ščititi te interese.
Activities under the sixth framework programme should comply with the financial interests of the Community and should safeguard those interests.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
Člen 85(1)in člen 86 Pogodbe zagotavljata neposreden vpliv na odnose med posamezniki, ki jih morajo ščititi nacionalna sodišča [36].
Article 85(1) and Article 86 of the Treaty produce direct effects in relations between individuals which must be safeguarded by national courts (36).
21 Prevajalska redakcija
Cepivo RotaTeq je peroralno cepivo. Dojenčke in majhne otroke pomaga ščititi pred gastroenteritisom (driska in bruhanje), ki ga povzročajo rotavirusi.
RotaTeq is an oral vaccine that helps protect infants and young children against gastroenteritis (diarrhoea and vomiting) caused by rotavirus infection.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Cepivo ne more ščititi pred meningitisom, ki ga povzročijo druge bakterije ali virusi, vključno z drugimi tipi bakterije Haemophilus influenzae in skupinami bakterij Neisseria meningitidis.
It cannot protect against meningitis caused by other bacteria or viruses, including other types and groups of Haemophilus or Neisseria bacteria.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Če je okužba z genotipoma 16 ali 18 humanih virusov papiloma v času cepljenja že prisotna, cepivo Cervarix ne more ščititi pred boleznimi, ki so posledica okužbe z genotipoma 16 ali 18 HPV.
Cervarix does not protect people from diseases caused by infection with HPV types 16 or 18 if they are already infected with Human Papillomavirus type 16 or 18 at the time of vaccination.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1733
ker je gospodarske subjekte treba nenehno ščititi pred takšnimi zahtevki in preprečiti, da bi Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (Srbija in Črna gora) dobila nadomestilo za negativne učinke embarga,
Whereas it is necessary to protect operators permanently against such claims and to prevent the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) from obtaining compensation for the negative effects of the embargo,
25 Prevajalska redakcija
V delu I obvestila so predstavljeni pravni okvir in podrobnosti, kako namerava Komisija preprečiti nepotrebno podvajanje postopkov in hkrati ščititi pravice podjetij in uporabnikov v okviru pravil konkurence.
Part I of the notice sets out the legal framework and details how the Commission intends to avoid unnecessary duplication of procedures while safeguarding the rights of undertakings and users under the competition rules.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
Namen člena 234 je ščititi samo pravico tretjih držav in ni namenjen ovekovečenju pridobljenih mednarodnih pogodbenih pravic držav članic na škodo ciljev iz Pogodbe o ustanovitvi EGS ali interesa Skupnosti.
The purpose of Article 234 is to protect the right of third countries only and it is not intended to crystallize the acquired international treaty rights of Member States to the detriment of the EEC Treaty's objectives or of the Community interest.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Cepivo Rotarix je virusno cepivo, ki vsebuje žive, oslabljene človeške rotaviruse. Cepivo vašega otroka, starejšega od 6 tednov, pomaga ščititi pred gastroenteritisom (drisko in bruhanjem), ki ga povzročajo rotavirusi.
Rotarix is a viral vaccine, containing live, attenuated human rotavirus, that helps to protect your child, from the age of 6 weeks, against gastro-enteritis (diarrhoea and vomiting) caused by rotavirus infection.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
V prihodnosti bo imunski sistem ob ponovni izpostavitvi bakteriji kolere sposoben hitreje tvoriti protitelesa. Ta protitelesa bodo pomagala ščititi osebo pred kolero tako, da bodo preprečevala vezanje bakterij in toksinov na steno črevesja in njihov vstop v celice telesa.
These antibodies will help to protect against cholera by preventing the bacteria and the toxins from attaching to the walls of the gut and entering the body’ s cells.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0103
Lokacija, sestava, zvočna izolacija, izolacijska sredstva in ureditev bivalnih in drugih prostorov za delavce, kjer taki prostori so, ter dostopi do njih morajo primerno ščititi pred vremenom in morjem, vibracijami, hrupom in neprijetnimi vonji iz drugih delov ladje, ki delavce lahko motijo med počitkom.
The location, structure, soundproofing, means of insulation and layout of the workers' living quarters and facilities, where these exist, and means of access thereto should be such as to provide adequate protection against weather and sea, vibration, noise and unpleasant odours from other parts of the vessel likely to disturb the workers during their period of rest.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0404
seznanjen sem s pravili, ukrepi in postopki, določenimi v sklepu Sveta Evropske unije z dne 27. aprila 1998 (ki se nanašajo na postopke, s katerimi se uradnikom in uslužbencem generalnega sekretariata Sveta lahko dovoli dostop do zaupnih informacij Sveta) in v sklepu št. 24/95 generalnega sekretarja Sveta o ukrepih za varovanje zaupnih informacij, ki veljajo za generalni sekretariat Sveta in katerih namen je varovati in (za)ščititi zaupne informacije EU.
I am familiar with the rules, measures and procedures set forth in the Decision of the Council of the European Union of 27 April 1998 (relating to the procedures whereby officials and employees of the General Secretariat of the Council may be allowed access to classified information held by the Council) and in Decision No 24/95 of the Secretary-General of the Council on measures for the protection of classified information applicable to the General Secretariat of the Council, the purpose of which is to safeguard and protect EU classified information.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0357
Za nekatere na novo prijavljene snovi v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 2232/96 in Priporočilom Komisije 98/282/ES z dne 21. aprila 1998 o načinih, s katerimi bi države članice in države podpisnice Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru morale ščititi intelektualno lastnino v zvezi z razvojem in izdelavo aromatičnih snovi, navedenih v Uredbi (ES) št. 2232/96 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta [7], so države članice prijaviteljice zahtevale označitev na tak način, da se zaščitijo pravice intelektualne lastnine njihovega izdelovalca.Te snovi je zato treba uvrstiti na seznam v delu B Priloge k Odločbi 1999/217/ES.
For some newly notified substances, in application of Regulation (EC) No 2232/96 and Commission Recommendation 98/282/EC of 21 April 1998 on the ways in which the Member States and signatory States to the Agreement on the European Economic Area should protect intellectual property in connection with the development and manufacture of flavouring substances referred to in Regulation (EC) No 2232/96 of the European Parliament and of the Council(7), the notifying Member State requested designation in such a way as to protect the intellectual property rights of their manufacturer. Those substances should therefore be listed in part B of the Annex to Decision 1999/217/EC.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1209
Komisija in Računsko sodišče lahko, prek svojih uradnikov ali zastopnikov, opravljata vse preglede in nadzore, potrebne za zagotavljanje ustreznega upravljanja sredstev Skupnosti in ščitita finančne interese Skupnosti pred goljufijami ali nepravilnostmi.
The Commission and the Court of Auditors may, through their officials or agents, carry out all the checks and inspections needed to ensure proper management of the Community funds and protect the financial interests of the Community against any fraud or irregularity.
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