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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
Reforma šolskega sistema in krepitev administrativnih zmogljivosti Ministrstva za šolstvo in šport ter Zavoda za šolstvo.
Reform of the education system and strengthening of administrative capacities of the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Education Institute.
2 Končna redakcija
Eno eksplicitnejših mest iz ustvarjalnega opusa M. S. pravi, da 'naš šolski minister črpa šopke balkanskih idej, ki sodijo pač na Balkan, ne pa v Slovenijo.
During one of the more explicit moments in his creative process, M. S. says that 'our education minister plucks bundles of ideas from the Balkans, but they belong in the Balkans, not in Slovenia.
3 Končna redakcija
Denimo, kot smo že nakazali, če 'naš šolski minister' kaj ušpiči, mu takoj prileti pivski očitek, da 'minister črpa šopke balkanskih idej, ki sodijo pač na Balkan, ne pa v Slovenijo'.
For example, as we have already seen, if 'our minister of education' does something naughty, he is sure to be ticked off by the bar flies, who say that 'the minister plucks bundles of ideas from the Balkans, but they in fact belong in the Balkans and not in Slovenia'.
4 Končna redakcija
šola, šolsko ministrstvo in drugi organi v skoraj letu dni po posilstvu petošolke v šolskih sanitarijah niso poskrbeli za zaščito žrtve pred vsakodnevnim srečevanjem s storilcem v šoli.
It has been almost one year since the girl was raped, but the school, the Ministry of Education and other bodies did not do anything to protect the victim from confronting the offender on a daily basis.
5 Končna redakcija
Ker ni bilo mogoče izvesti klasičnega kazenskega postopka zaradi osumljenčeve starosti, ni še namreč dopolnil 14 let, je takratni šolski minister določil štiri izvedence, dva pravnika, psihologa in pediatra, vse ugledne znanstvenike in praktike
Since the suspect was younger than 14 and could not be prosecuted in court, the Minister of Education appointed two lawyers, one psychologist and one pediatrician, all renowned scientists and practising professionals, to give their opinion.
6 Končna redakcija
Problematika javnega šolstva je že dlje časa medijsko navzoča, Bajukova vlada jo je z nekaterimi potezami šolskega ministrstva še bolj poudarila, kar je odmevalo tudi v predvolilnih soočenjih - z rahlo, a opazno izjemo vprašanja verskih vsebin v šoli.
The problematic issues pertaining to public schools have long been present in the media, Bajuk's government even emphasized problems through some moves of the Ministry of Education, which was reflected in election confrontations - yet the only exception, slight but conspicuous, was precisely the issue of religion.
7 Končna redakcija
Glavni razlogi: nedokončana reforma javnega šolstva, ki jo že od vsega začetka spremljajo burne polemike; konceptualno vprašanje uvajanja devetletke in vprašanje evalvacije tega eksperimenta; tradicionalno odklonilno stališče Cerkve do javnega šolstva; kritike nekaterih novejših potez Bajukove vlade na šolskem področju, ki so jih na ministrstvo naslavljali tako strokovna javnost kot sindikat vzgoje, izobraževanja in znanosti (Sviz) in društvo ravnateljev.
The main reasons were: the unfinished reform of the public schools that has instigated vehement polemics ever since its outset; the conceptual questions pertaining to the introduction of the nine-year elementary schools and the question of how to evaluate this experiment; the traditionally negative attitude of the Church towards the public education system/schools; the criticism of certain recent moves by Bajuk's government relating to schools that was expressed by the Education and Science Union (SVIZ) and the Association of School Masters, and addressed to the Ministry of Education.
8 Pravna redakcija
Ministrstvo za šolski tisk
Ministry of Education Press
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
uporabe neodvisnega revizijskega dela sistema kakovosti, pod pogojem da ministrstvo vodi neodvisni šolski inšpektorat, ki revidira organizacijo za usposabljanje iz vzdrževanja tako pogosto, kot zahteva ta Del.
having recourse to the independent audit part of a quality system subject to the department operating an independent schools inspectorate to audit the maintenance training organisation at the frequency required by this Part.
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