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študija učinkov
1 Končna redakcija
študija učinkov
impact study
2 Prevajalska redakcija
Študija učinkov anagrelida in hidroksisečnine na incidenco bolezni, povezanih s trombotičnimi in hemoragičnimi dogodki.
To investigate the effects of anagrelide and hydroxyurea on incidence of disease related thrombotic and haemorrhagic events.
3 Objavljeno
Klindamicin je učinkovit antibiotik, ki so ga proučevali v številnih kliničnih študijah in z uspehom uporabljali v klinični praksi.
Clindamycin is an effective antibiotic that has been studied in many clinical trials and used extensively in clinical practice with success.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
se zavedajo, da so potrebni dodatni in učinkovitejši ukrepi za nadzor in zmanjševanje emisij določenih težkih kovin in da so lahko na primer študije učinkov podlaga za nadaljnje ukrepe,
Aware that further and more effective action to control and reduce emissions of certain heavy metals may be needed and that, for example, effects-based studies may provide a basis for further action,
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
d) vzpostavitev učinkovite preventivne politike proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju in trgovini z ljudmi, vključno s študijo sredstev boja proti kriminalnim mrežam in organizacijam, ki tihotapijo ljudi in z njimi trgujejo, ter zaščita žrtev takega trgovanja;
(d) the establishment of an effective and preventive policy against illegal immigration, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings including the issue of how to combat networks of smugglers and traffickers and how to protect the victims of such trafficking;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
izvajati študije za svetovanje glede delovanja največjega praktičnega števila radijskih kanalov v tistih delih spektra, kjer bi se lahko pojavilo škodljivo motenje, ter glede enakopravne, učinkovite in gospodarne izrabe orbit geostacionarnih in drugih satelitov, upoštevaje pri tem potrebe držav članic, ki zahtevajo pomoč, posebne potrebe držav v razvoju kot tudi poseben geografski položaj nekaterih držav;
carry out studies to furnish advice with a view to the operation of the maximum practicable number of radio channels in those portions of the spectrum where harmful interference may occur, and with a view to the equitable, effective and economical use of the geostationary-satelliteand other satellite orbits, taking into account the needs of Member States requiring assistance, the specific needs of developing countries, as well as the special geographical situation of particular countries;
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0074
To poročilo se sestavi tudi na podlagi študije družbeno-gospodarskih posledic sistemov in njihovih učinkov na gospodarske partnerje Skupnosti.
That report shall also be drawn up on the basis of a study of the socio-economic implications of the various systems and their effects on the Community's economic partners.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R0101
študijo narave, geografske razporeditve, obsega in financiranja teh ukrepov, skupaj z njihovo učinkovitostjo v odnosu do ciljev skupne ribiške politike in dolgoročno verjetnimi trgi za ribiške proizvode;
a study on the nature, geographical distribution, scope and financing of these measures, together with their effectiveness in relation to the objectives of the common fisheries policy and the probable outlets for fishery products in the long term;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Podporne in pripravljalne aktivnosti prispevajo k solidnemu in učinkovitemu upravljanju programa, pri čemer se na primer nanašajo na reden nadzor in ocenjevanje iz točke 4, študije ali povezovanje sorodnih projektov, ki se financirajo v okviru tega programa.
Support and preparatory actions are those appropriate to the sound and effective management of the programme, such as the periodic monitoring and assessment referred to in point 4, studies or the networking of related projects funded under the programme.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Če se vloži vloga za novo indikacijo dobro uveljavljene učinkovine poleg določb iz odstavka 1 velja za ekskluzivnost podatkov nekumulativno obdobje enega leta, pod pogojem, da so bile opravljene pomembne predklinične ali klinične študije v zvezi z novo indikacijo.
In addition to the provisions laid down in paragraph 1, where an application is made for a new indication for a well-established substance, a non-cumulative period of one year of data exclusivity shall be granted, provided that significant pre-clinical or clinical studies were carried out in relation to the new indication.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
“generično zdravilo” pomeni zdravilo, ki ima enako kakovostno in količinski sestavi zdravilnih učinkovin in enako farmacevtsko obliko kot referenčno zdravilo, in katerega bioekvivalenca z referenčnim zdravilom je bila dokazana z ustreznimi študijami biološke uporabnosti.
'generic medicinal product' shall mean a medicinal product which has the same qualitative and quantitative composition in active substances and the same pharmaceutical form as the reference medicinal product, and whose bioequivalence with the reference medicinal product has been demonstrated by appropriate bioavailability studies.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
"generično zdravilo"; pomeni zdravilo, ki ima enako kakovostno in količinsko sestavo zdravilnih učinkovin ter enako farmacevtsko obliko kot referenčno zdravilo in katerega bioekvivalenca z referenčnim zdravilom je dokazana z ustreznimi študijami biološke uporabnosti.
'generic medicinal product' shall mean a medicinal product which has the same qualitative and quantitative composition in active substances and the same pharmaceutical form as the reference medicinal product, and whose bioequivalence with the reference medicinal product has been demonstrated by appropriate bioavailability studies.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
zagotavljanje pristojnim organom vseh drugih podatkov, potrebnoh za oceno tveganj in koristi veterinarskega zdravila, še posebej podatkov, ki zadevajo študije varnosti, opravljene po pridobitvi dovoljenja za promet, vključno s podatki, ki zadevajo veljavnost karenčne dobe, učinkovitost, manjšo od pričakovane, ali možne okoljske težave.
providing the competent authorities with any other information relevant to the evaluation of the risks and benefits of a veterinary medicinal product, particularly information concerning post-authorisation safety studies, including information regarding the validity of the withdrawal period or lack of expected efficacy or potential environmental problems.
14 Končna redakcija
študijo, ki proučuje naravo, geografsko porazdelitev, obseg in financiranje teh ukrepov, ki se upoštevajo v smislu strukturnih politik držav članic, in ki proučuje tudi učinkovitost takih ukrepov v zvezi s cilji skupne kmetijske politike in dolgoročnimi možnimi trgi, ki se v običajnih okoliščinah lahko pričakujejo za kmetijske proizvode;
a study examining the nature, geographical distribution, scope and financing of these measures, considered in the context of the structural policies of Member States, and examining also the effectiveness of such measures in relation to the objectives of the common agricultural policy and to the long-term potential outlets normally to be anticipated for agricultural products;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Kadar zdravilo ne sodi v opredelitev generičnega zdravila iz odstavka 2(b) ali če bioekvivalence ni mogoče dokazati s študijami biološke uporabnosti ali v primeru sprememb zdravilnih učinkovin, terapevtskih indikacij, jakosti, farmacevtske oblike ali poti uporabe zdravila glede na referenčno zdravilo je treba predložiti rezultate ustreznih predkliničnih preskusov ali kliničnih preskušanj.
In cases where the medicinal product does not fall within the definition of a generic medicinal product as provided in paragraph 2(b) or where the bioequivalence cannot be demonstrated through bioavailability studies or in case of changes in the active substance(s), therapeutic indications, strength, pharmaceutical form or route of administration, vis-à-vis the reference medicinal product, the results of the appropriate pre-clinical tests or clinical trials shall be provided.
16 Končna redakcija
Avtorica študije Biopolitika teles v ženskih revijah majda hrženjak zagovarja na podlagi pregleda kozmetičnih oglasov v reviji Glamur, letnik 2001, tezo, da so v sodobni družbi ženske revije učinkoviti medij, ki s sklicevanjem na (predvsem naravoslovni) znanstveni diskurz in v službi kapitala deluje v funkciji discipliniranja ženskega telesa in s tem subjektivacije sodobne ženske kot subjekta potrošnje, zunanje podobe in »skrbi zase«.
majda hrženjak's study The Bio-politics of the Body in Women's Magazines is based on a survey of cosmetics advertisements published in Glamur in 2001. The author argues that in modern society women's magazines are effective vehicles for the disciplining of the female body and subjectification of the modern woman, who is seen as a consumer concerned with her image and herself. In fulfilling this task, women's magazines rely on scientific discourses (particularly those of natural sciences) while serving the interests of capital.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Če zdravilo za uporabo v veterinarski medicini ne sodi v definicijo generičnega zdravila iz odstavka 2(b) ali kadar bioekvivalence ni mogoče dokazati s študijami biološke uporabnosti ali v primeru sprememb zdravilne učinkovine ali učinkovin, terapevtskih indikacij, jakosti, farmacevtske oblike ali načina dajanja glede na referenčno zdravilo, je treba predložiti rezultate ustreznih preskusov varnosti in zaostankov ter predkliničnih preskusov ali kliničnih preskušanj.
In cases where the veterinary medicinal product does not fall under the definition of a generic medicinal product set out in paragraph 2(b) or where bio-equivalence cannot be demonstrated through bioavailability studies or in the case of changes to the active substance(s), therapeutic indications, strength, pharmaceutical form or route of administration vis-à-vis the reference medicinal product, the results of the appropriate safety and residue tests and pre-clinical tests or clinical trials shall be provided.
18 Pravna redakcija
Študije učinkov na reprodukcijo
Study of the effects on reproduction
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Farmakološke študije in študije učinkovitosti pri ljudeh
Human pharmacology and efficacy studies
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Poročila o študijah učinkovitosti in varnosti
Reports of efficacy and safety studies
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
- Poročila o študijah učinkovitosti in varnosti
- Reports of Efficacy and Safety Studies
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Ta vključuje rezultate biofarmacevtskih študij, kliničnih farmakoloških študij in kliničnih študij o učinkovitosti in varnosti.
This shall include the results of all bio-pharmaceutics studies, of clinical pharmacology studies, and of clinical efficacy and safety studies.
23 Pravna redakcija
Študije embriotoksičnih/fetotoksičnih učinkov vključno s teratogenostjo
Study of embryotoxic/fetotoxic effects including teratogenecity
24 Pravna redakcija
Tovrstne študije so pri več živali lahko bolj učinkovite ter na splošno lahko dajo več informacij kot klasične študije titracije odmerkov.
Such studies can be more efficient in number of animals and generally provide more information than classical dose titration studies.
25 Pravna redakcija
Države članice opravijo študije po scenariju in simulacijske vaje, da se zagotovi učinkovitost načrtov.
Member States shall carry out scenario studies and stimulation exercises in order to ensure the effectiveness of the plans.
26 Pravna redakcija
ker je za zagotovitev učinkovitosti načrtov treba opraviti študije predvidenega poteka in simulacijske vaje;
Whereas in order to ensure the plans' effectiveness it is necessary to carry out scenarios studies and simulation exercises;
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
opis strupenih učinkov in pri glavni študiji tudi, ali je bila opažena očitna s snovjo povezana strupenost;
a description of the toxic effects and, for the main study, whether compound-related evident toxicity was observed;
28 Pravna redakcija
farmakognozija (študij sestave in učinkov aktivnih principov naravnih snovi rastlinskega in živalskega izvora).
pharmacognosy (study of the composition and effects of the active principles of natural substances of plant and animal origin).
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Ti preskusi vključujejo študije učinkov na sposobnost razmnoževanja odraslega samca ali samice, študije toksičnih in teratogenih učinkov na vseh stopnjah razvoja od spočetja do spolne zrelosti ter latentnih učinkov, ko je preiskovano zdravilo prejela samica v času brejosti.
These tests comprise studies of effect on adult male or female reproductive function, studies of the toxic and teratogenic effects at all stages of development from conception to sexual maturity as well as latent effects, when the medicinal product under investigation has been administered to the female during pregnancy.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Predložijo se poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah in študijah začetnega prenašanja pri zdravih udeležencih preskušanja in pri bolnikih, poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah za presojo učinkov intrinzičnih in ekstrinzičnih faktorjev, ter poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah na skupini ljudi.
Reports of pharmaco-kinetic and initial tolerability studies in healthy subjects and in patients, reports of pharmaco-kinetic studies to assess effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and reports of population pharmaco-kinetic studies shall be provided.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0102
(8) Države članice izvedejo študije scenarijev in simulacijske vaje, da zagotovijo učinkovito izvajanje načrtov.
(8) Member States shall carry out scenario studies and simulation exercises in order to ensure the effectiveness of the plans.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
redložijo poročila o študiji vezave na beljakovine plazme, študijah jetrne presnove in interakcijah zdravilnih učinkovin ter študijah, ki uporabljajo druge človeške biološke materiale.
In this respect, reports of plasma protein binding studies, hepatic metabolism and active substance interaction studies and studies using human bio-materials shall be provided.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Farmakokinetika vključuje študijo obnašanja zdravilne učinkovine in njenih presnovkov v organizmu in vključuje študijo absorpcije, porazdelitve, presnove (biotransformacije) in izločanja teh snovi.
Pharmaco-kinetics means the study of the fate of the active substance, and its metabolites, within the organism, and covers the study of the absorption, distribution, metabolism (bio-transformation) and excretion of these substances.
34 Pravna redakcija
Naslednji podatki so pridobljeni iz mednarodne študije o učinkovitosti metode, ki je opravljena po mednarodno priznanih postopkih.
The following data were obtained from an international method performance study carried out to internationally agreed procedures.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Kadar se potencial pripisuje sestavinam, ki niso zdravilne učinkovine, se študija lahko nadomesti z validacijo njihove odstranitve.
Where constituents other than the active substance(s) are incriminated, validation of their removal may replace the study.
36 Pravna redakcija
Naslednji podatki izvirajo iz mednarodne študije o učinkovitosti metode, ki je opravljena po mednarodno priznanih postopkih [1] [2].
The following data were obtained from an international method performance study carried out to internationally agreed procedures [1] [2].
37 Pravna redakcija
zagotoviti, da osebje zagotavljanja kakovosti pravočasno prejme kopijo načrta študije in vseh dopolnil ter med izvajanjem študije učinkovito komunicirati z osebjem za zagotavljanje kakovosti, glede na potrebe,
ensure that the quality assurance personnel have a copy of the study plan and any amendments in a timely manner and communicate effectively with the quality assurance personnel as required during the conduct of the study,
38 Pravna redakcija
oceni učinkovitost sprejetih ukrepov, predvsem na podlagi poročil Pogodbenic in rezultatov merilnih programov in študij ekosistema Rena;
evaluate the effectiveness of the actions decided upon, notably on the basis of the reports of the Contracting Parties and the results of the measuring programmes and studies of the Rhine ecosystem;
39 Pravna redakcija
Za spremljanje učinkov raziskovalne faze priobalne dejavnosti se pred in po raziskovanju opravijo vsaj študije, navedene v pododstavku (d).
In order to monitor the consequent effects of the exploration phase of the offshore activity studies, at least those referred to in subparagraph (d), shall be carried out before and after the operation.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Če je tako zdravilo predvideno za kronično dajanje ljudem, bo za odkritje zgodnjih tumorogenih učinkov morda potrebna dolgotrajna študija.
If such a medicinal product is intended to be administered chronically to humans a chronic study may be necessary to detect early tumorigenic effects.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0010
(b) zagotoviti, da osebje za zagotavljanje kakovosti pravočasno prejme kopijo načrta študije in vseh sprememb, ter med izvajanjem študije učinkovito komunicirati z osebjem za zagotavljanje kakovosti, glede na potrebe;
(b) ensure that the quality assurance personnel have a copy of the study plan and any amendments in a timely manner and communicate effectively with the quality assurance personnel as required during the conduct of the study;
42 Pravna redakcija
Pri ciljnih živalskih vrstah so farmakokinetične študije po pravilu potrebne zato, da bi uporabljali zdravila kar najbolj učinkovito in varno.
In target species, pharmacokinetic studies are, as a rule, necessary in order to employ drugs with the greatest possible efficacy and safety.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Pri vseh raziskavah strupenih učinkov je treba temperaturo in vlažnost zraka spremljati, zapisovati in vključiti v končno poročilo o študiji.
In all investigations of toxic effects, the temperature and humidity should be monitored, recorded, and included in the final report of the study.
44 Pravna redakcija
vse ustrezne informacije o fitofarmacevtskem sredstvu, kot je določeno v Prilogi III, skupaj s toksikološkimi študijami in podatki o učinkovitosti.
all relevant information on the plant protection product as provided for in Annex III, including toxicological studies and efficacy data.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0665
(b) izvaja primerjalne študije za zagotovitev, da se preskušanje varnosti in učinkovitosti v vsaki državi članici izvaja s primerjalno metodologijo;
(b) carrying out comparative studies to ensure that safety and potency testing in each Member State is carried out by comparable methodology;
46 Pravna redakcija
Posebna pozornost je namenjena študiju učinkov nizkih doz, sanaciji kontaminiranih območij, izpostavljenosti v industriji in medicini ter ravnanju po nesrečah.
Particular attention shall be paid to the study of low-dose effects and of remedying contaminated areas, to industrial and medical exposure and post-accident management.
47 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega je treba pri trdnih farmacevtskih oblikah za peroralno uporabo izvede in vitro študije o sproščanju in hitrosti raztapljanja zdravilne(ih) učinkovin(e);
Furthermore, solid pharmaceutical forms having to be administered orally shall be subjected to in vitro studies on the liberation and dissolution rate of the active substance or substances;
48 Pravna redakcija
Izvajanje ukrepov, sprejetih po členu 11(h) na podlagi rezultatov študij izvedljivosti, omogoči posredovanje podatkov za prvo četrtletje 2007, pod pogojem, da rezultati študij izvedljivosti omogočajo strokovno učinkovito pripravo dovolj kakovostnih podatkov.
The implementation of measures adopted under Article 11(h) pursuant to the results of the feasibility studies shall make possible the transmission of data for the first quarter of 2007, provided that the results of the feasibility studies allow for the cost-effective production of data of sufficient quality.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
(b) Dokumentacija, ki jo vlagatelj predloži, naj vključuje vse vidike ocene varnosti in/ali učinkovitosti in mora vključevati ali se sklicevati na pregled ustrezne literature, ob upoštevanju študij pred začetkom in po začetku trženja ter objavljene znanstvene literature o izkušnjah v obliki epidemioloških študij in zlasti primerjalnih epidemioloških študij.
b) The documentation submitted by the applicant should cover all aspects of the safety and/or efficacy assessment and must include or refer to a review of the relevant literature, taking into account pre- and post-marketing studies and published scientific literature concerning experience in the form of epidemiological studies and in particular of comparative epidemiological studies.
50 Pravna redakcija
V nekaterih primerih lahko ocenjevalci za učinkovito presojo študije potrebujejo pomoč drugih strokovnjakov, na primer, kadar je treba pregledati dele tkiva pod mikroskopom.
In some cases, inspectors may need assistance from other experts in order to conduct an effective study audit, for example, where there is a need to examine tissue sections under the microscope.
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študija učinkov