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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Oblikovanje in koordinacija vseevropskega omrežja gospodarstev tipa "Arc farms - Noetova barka", reševalnih postaj in parkov za domače živali za ogrožene evropske domače živalske pasme.
Establishment and coordination of a European-wide network of "Ark farms", rescue-stations and farm animal parks for endangered European farm animal breed.
2 Končna redakcija
ker naj bodo iz takih ukrepov izvzeta plovila, ki zato, ker obratujejo izključno na zaprtih domačih ali na mednarodnih trgih, nikakor ne prispevajo k presežku zmogljivosti v omrežju povezanih celinskih plovnih poti;
whereas it is therefore important that the measures to be adopted should be generally applicable and cover all cargo vessels and pusher craft;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
programe v mednarodnih okvirih, kot so Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (ECP/GR), evropski regionalni center (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali, Evropski program varovanja gozdnih genskih virov (Euforgen) in Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (CGIAR).
programmes implemented under international frameworks such as the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the European regional focal point (ERFP) of national coordinators for the management of farm animal genetic resources, European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Kar se tiče živalskih genskih virov, ki se vzdržujejo na kmetijah, bi se morali napori osredotočiti na vzpostavitev evropskega omrežja nacionalnih popisov z upravnega stališča (poreklo in stanje financiranja, stanje pasem in njihova ogroženost, lokacija rodovniških knjig itd.), ki naj bo upravljan v skladu z DAD-IS, informacijskim sistemom globalne strategije za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (AnGR).
For animal genetic resources maintained on farms, efforts should concentrate on a European network of national inventories of administrative aspects (origin and status of funding, state of breeds and their endangerment, location of herdbooks, etc.) which should be managed in conformity with DAD-IS, the information system for the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR).
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Široka paleta dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (organi v javnem sektorju ali fizične ali pravne osebe) in različne mednarodne organizacije in programi, kot so FAO, Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za kmetijske raziskave (Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), regionalne in podregionalne organizacije Kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (Agricultural Research for Development (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna središčna točka (European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources), Evropski program gozdnih genskih virov (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) in s tem povezane obveze stalne Ministrske konference o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), katere podpisnica je Skupnost, zahteva učinkovito izmenjavo informacij in tesno sodelovanje med glavnimi akterji v Skupnosti in z zadevnimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, karakterizacije, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da se poveča njihov pozitiven učinek na kmetijstvo.
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE) to which the Community is signatory call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
6 Pravna redakcija
Uskladitev operativnih predpisov o obratovanju omrežja ter usposobljenost strojevodij in vlakovnega osebja in osebja v dispečerskih centrih morata zagotavljati varno obratovanje, pri čemer se upoštevajo različne zahteve v čezmejnem in domačem prometu.
Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers and on-board staff and of the staff in the control centres must be such as to ensure safe operation, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.
7 Pravna redakcija
Evropsko univerzitetno omrežje bo sestavljeno iz tistih univerz, ki so v okviru programa Erasmus sklenile sporazume in organizirale programe za zagotavljanje izmenjave študentov in učiteljev z univerzami drugih držav članic in zagotavljajo polno priznavanje obdobij študija, opravljenih izven domače univerze.
The European University Network will be composed of those universities which, in the framework of the Erasmus programme, have concluded agreements and organize programmes providing for exchanges of students and teachers with universities of other Member States and ensuring full recognition of study periods thus accomplished outside the home university.
8 Pravna redakcija
Uskladitev operativnih predpisov o obratovanju omrežja ter usposobljenost strojevodij, vlakovnega osebja in osebja za upravljanje prometa morajo zagotavljati učinkovitost delovanja vseevropskega železniškega sistema za konvencionalne hitrosti, pri čemer se upoštevajo različne zahteve v čezmejnem in domačem prometu.
Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers, on-board staff and traffic managers must be such as to ensure operating efficiency on the trans-European conventional rail system, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.
9 Pravna redakcija
na nekaterih zelo nerazvitih geografskih območij za nižje trošarinske stopnje za domače gorivo in UNP, ki se uporabita za gretje in razpošiljata po omrežjih teh območij, pod pogojem, da so stopnje v skladu z obveznostmi iz Direktive 92/82/EGS in zlasti z najnižjimi trošarinskimi stopnjami iz členov 5 in 7 Direktive;
in certain particularly disadvantaged geographical areas, for reduced rates of excise duty on domestic fuel and LPG used for heating and distributed through the networks of such areas, provided that the rates are in accordance with the obligations laid down in Directive 92/82/EEC, and in particular the minimum rates of excise duty provided for in Articles 5 and 7 thereof;
10 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0096
- v nekaterih posebej prikrajšanih geografskih območjih za znižane stopnje trošarine za domače gorivo in utekočinjeni naftni plin, ki se uporablja za ogrevanje in ki se distribuira prek distribucijskega omrežja navedenih območij, pod pogojem, da so stopnje v skladu z obveznostmi, določenimi s to direktivo, zlasti z najnižjimi stopnjami trošarine;
- in certain particularly disadvantaged geographical areas, for reduced rates of excise duty on domestic fuel and LPG used for heating and distributed through the networks of such areas, provided that the rates are in accordance with the obligations laid down in this Directive, and in particular the minimum rates of excise duty;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Domači trg za storitve mednarodnega sledenja v javnih mobilnih telefonskih omrežjih.
The national market for international roaming services on public mobile telephone networks.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Oblikovanje in koordinacija vseevropskega omrežja gospodarstev tipa "Arc farms - Noetova barka", reševalnih postaj in parkov za domače živali za ogrožene evropske domače živalske pasme.
Establishment and coordination of a European-wide network of "Ark farms", rescue-stations and farm animal parks for endangered European farm animal breed.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Vzdrževanje med obratovanjem in manjši popravki, potrebni za zagotovitev varnega povratnega prevoza, se lahko izvedejo na vseh delih omrežja, oddaljenih od domače postaje vozila, tudi kadar je vlak postavljen na stranski tir na tujem omrežju.
In-service maintenance and minor repairs necessary to ensure a safe return journey shall be able to be carried out on parts of the network distant from the vehicles' home base, including whilst stabled on a foreign network.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
programe v mednarodnih okvirih, kot so Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (ECP/GR), evropski regionalni center (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali, Evropski program varovanja gozdnih genskih virov (Euforgen) in Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (CGIAR).
programmes implemented under international frameworks such as the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the European regional focal point (ERFP) of national coordinators for the management of farm animal genetic resources, European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0096
v nekaterih posebej prikrajšanih geografskih območjih za znižane stopnje trošarine za domače gorivo in utekočinjeni naftni plin, ki se uporablja za ogrevanje in ki se distribuira prek distribucijskega omrežja navedenih območij, pod pogojem, da so stopnje v skladu z obveznostmi, določenimi s to direktivo, zlasti z najnižjimi stopnjami trošarine;
in certain particularly disadvantaged geographical areas, for reduced rates of excise duty on domestic fuel and LPG used for heating and distributed through the networks of such areas, provided that the rates are in accordance with the obligations laid down in this Directive, and in particular the minimum rates of excise duty;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Kar se tiče živalskih genskih virov, ki se vzdržujejo na kmetijah, bi se morali napori osredotočiti na vzpostavitev evropskega omrežja nacionalnih popisov z upravnega stališča (poreklo in stanje financiranja, stanje pasem in njihova ogroženost, lokacija rodovniških knjig itd.), ki naj bo upravljan v skladu z DAD-IS, informacijskim sistemom globalne strategije za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (AnGR).
For animal genetic resources maintained on farms, efforts should concentrate on a European network of national inventories of administrative aspects (origin and status of funding, state of breeds and their endangerment, location of herdbooks, etc.) which should be managed in conformity with DAD-IS, the information system for the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR).
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Široka paleta dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (organi v javnem sektorju ali fizične ali pravne osebe) in različne mednarodne organizacije in programi, kot so FAO, Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za kmetijske raziskave (Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), regionalne in podregionalne organizacije Kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (Agricultural Research for Development (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna središčna točka (European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources), Evropski program gozdnih genskih virov (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) in s tem povezane obveze stalne Ministrske konference o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), katere podpisnica je Skupnost, zahteva učinkovito izmenjavo informacij in tesno sodelovanje med glavnimi akterji v Skupnosti in z zadevnimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, karakterizacije, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da se poveča njihov pozitiven učinek na kmetijstvo.
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE) to which the Community is signatory call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
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