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EGS-pregled tipa
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Vendar bodo certifikati EGS o odobritvi vzorca za jeklenke, izdani po Direktivah 84/525/EGS, 84/526/EGS in 84/527/EGS, priznani kot enakovredni certifikatom ES o pregledu tipa, predvidenim v tej direktivi.
However, EEC pattern approval certificates for cylinders, issued pursuant to Directives 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC and 84/527/EEC shall be recognised as equivalent to the EC type-examination certificates provided for in this Directive.
2 Končna redakcija
Prva overitev EGS pomeni pregled novega ali obnovljenega merila, s katerim se potrdi, da je v skladu z odobrenim tipom in/ali z zahtevami ustrezne posebne direktive;
The EEC initial verification constitutes the inspection of a new or reconditioned instrument to confirm that it conforms to the approved pattern and/or to the requirements of the relevant separate directive;
3 Končna redakcija
Če so rezultati pregleda, opisanega v 2. točki Priloge I, zadovoljivi, sestavi država članica, ki je tak pregled izvedla, certifikat o odobritvi tipa EGS in ga pošlje vložniku.
If the results of the examination described in item 2 of Annex I are satisfactory, the Member State which has carried out this examination shall draw up an EEC pattern approval certificate and forward it to the applicant.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0527
ker Direktiva Sveta 76/767/EGS z dne 27. julija 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s skupnimi določbami za tlačne posode in metode pregledovanja le-teh določa zlasti postopke odobritve in verifikacije EGS za vzorec in ker naj ta direktiva določa tehnične zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varjene plinske jeklenke tipa EGS iz nelegiranega jekla s prostornino od 0,5 do 150 litrov, tako da se po pregledu z ustrezno oznako in simbolom dajejo v promet, tržijo in prosto uporabljajo,
Whereas Council Directive 76/767/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to common provisions for pressure vessels and methods of inspecting them (4), lays down in particular the procedures of EEC pattern approval and verification for these vessels; whereas according to this Directive it is advisable to lay down the technical requirements to be complied with by EEC-type welded unalloyed steel gas cylinders with a capacity of 0,5 to 150 litres in order to be put into circulation, commercialized and used without restraint after having undergone inspection and bearing accordingly a mark and a symbol,
5 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi konstrukcije ali pregleda jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive nobena država članica ne sme zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti prodaje in uporabe jeklenk tipa EGS.
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive, refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market and putting into service of an EEC-type cylinder.
6 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi konstrukcije ali pregleda jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive nobena država članica ne sme zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti prodaje in uporabe jeklenke tipa EGS.
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive, refuse, prohibit or restrict the marketing and placing in service of an EEC-type cylinder.
7 Pravna redakcija
Nobena država članica ne sme zaradi razlogov, ki so povezani z izdelavo ali pregledovanjem jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti dajanja v promet in začetka uporabe jeklenk tipa EGS.
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market and putting into service of an EEC-type cylinder.
8 Pravna redakcija
ker naj ta direktiva določa tehnične zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati jeklene plinske jeklenke iz celega tipa EGS s kapaciteto od 0,5 do 150 litrov, tako da jih je po opravljenem pregledu, ustrezno opremljene z oznako in simbolom, mogoče prosto uvažati, tržiti in uporabljati,
whereas, according to that Directive, it is advisable to lay down the technical requirements to be complied with by EEC-type seamless, steel gas cylinders with a capacity of 0,5 to 150 litres in order to be importable, commercialized and used without restraint after having undergone inspection and bearing accordingly a mark and a symbol,
9 Pravna redakcija
ker je v skladu s to direktivo treba določiti tehnične zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati plinske jeklenke iz nelegiranega aluminija in aluminijeve zlitine iz celega tipa EGS s kapaciteto od 0,5 do 150 litrov, tako da jih je po opravljenem pregledu, ustrezno opremljene z oznako in simbolom, mogoče prosto uvažati, tržiti in uporabljati,
whereas, in accordance with that Directive, it is necessary to lay down the technical requirements to be complied with by EEC-type seamless, unalloyed aluminium and aluminium alloy gas cylinders with a capacity of 0,5 to 150 litres in order to be imported, marketed and used without restraint after undergoing the inspections and having affixed to them marks and signs laid down,
10 Pravna redakcija
ker Direktiva Sveta 76/767/EGS z dne 27. julija 1976 o približevanju zakonov držav članic v zvezi s skupnmi določbami za tlačne posode in metode pregledovanja le-teh(4) določa zlasti postopke odobritve in verifikacije EGS za vzorec in ker naj ta direktiva določa tehnične zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati varjene plinske jeklenke tipa EGS iz nelegiranega jekla s prostornino od 0,5 do 150 litrov, tako da se po pregledu z ustrezno oznako in simbolom dajejo v promet, tržijo in prosto uporabljajo,
Whereas Council Directive 767767/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to common provisions for pressure vessels and methods of inspecting them (4), lays down in particular the procedures of EEC pattern approval and verification for these vessels, whereas according to this Directive it is advisable to lay down the technical requirements to be complied with by EEC-type welded unalloyed steel gas cylinders with a capacity of 0,5 to 150 litres in order to be put into circulation, commercialized and used without restraint after having undergone inspection and bearing accordingly a mark and a symbol,
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0665
ker več direktiv Skupnosti navaja splošne določbe, ki zlasti zadevajo postopke za odobritev EGS, tipski pregled EGS, overitev EGS in druge certifikacije EGS;
Whereas several Community Directives set out general provisions which concern in particular procedures for EEC approval, EEC type examination, EEC verification and other EEC certifications;
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0146
Pri pregledu za prvo overitev EGS se dolžinsko merilo vizualno pregleda, da bi ugotovili njegovo skladnost z odobrenim tipom;
The EEC initial verification checks shall consist of a visual inspection of the measure of length to ensure its conformity with the approved pattern;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
Če je instrument uspešno opravil pregled za odobritev tipa, predpisan s to direktivo in s posebnimi direktivami, ki se nanj nanašajo, sestavi država članica, ki je tak pregled izvedla, certifikat odobritve tipa EGS in ga posreduje vložniku.
When an instrument has successfully completed the EEC pattern approval examination laid down in this Directive and in the separate directives relating to it, the Member State which carried out that examination shall draw up an EEC pattern approval certificate and forward it to the applicant.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0488
ker za primer odsotnosti usklajenih standardov Direktiva 87/404/EGS zahteva ES-pregled tipa navedenih posod in ker ti standardi ne bodo dosegljivi do datuma začetka uporabe direktive;
Whereas in the absence of harmonized standards Directive 87/404/EEC requires EC-type examination of the vessels in question; whereas those standards will not be available by the date of application of the Directive;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0665
ker je v kontekstu postopkov za odobritve EGS in tipski pregled EGS poskrbljeno za recipročen sistem obveščanja med državami članicami in/ali pooblaščenimi organi kakor tudi za obveščanje Komisije o podeljenih certifikatih;
Whereas in the context of the procedures for EEC approval and EEC type examination, a reciprocal system of information between Member States and/or authorized bodies as well as notification to the Commission of the certificates granted are provided for;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
Prva overitev EGS pomeni pregled novega ali obnovljenega merilnega instrumenta in potrditev njegove skladnosti z odobrenim tipom oziroma z zahtevami te direktive in posebnih direktiv, ki se nanašajo na instrument;
EEC initial verification constitutes the examination of a new or reconditioned instrument and the confirmation of its conformity to the approved pattern and/or to the requirements of this Directive and the separate directives relating to the instrument in question;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0762
ker pomeni namestitev oznake EGS-homologacije sestavnega dela na vse žaromete za meglo, ki so izdelani skladno s homologiranim tipom, da v drugih državah članicah ni treba opravljati tehničnih pregledov žarometov za meglo;
whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all front fog lamps manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on these front fog lamps in the other Member States:
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0764
ker namestitev EGS-homologacijske oznake za tip vozniškega sedeža na vse sedeže za voznika, ki so izdelani v skladu s homologiranim tipom, pomeni, da niso potrebni tehnični pregledi teh sedežev v drugih državah članicah,
whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all driver's seats manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on those driver's seats in the other Member States,
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0536
ker namestitev znaka o EGS-homologaciji sestavnega dela na vseh varnostnih konstrukcijah, izdelanih v skladu s homologiranimi tipi, preprečuje kakršno koli potrebo po tehničnih pregledih teh konstrukcij v drugih državah članicah;
whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all structures manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on those structures in the other Member States;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0301
Večja konkurenca na trgu terminalske opreme zahteva uvedbo preglednih tehničnih specifikacij in postopkov odobritve tipa, ki izpolnjujejo bistvene zahteve iz Direktive Sveta 86/361/EGS 1 in omogočajo prost pretok terminalske opreme.
Stronger competition in the terminal equipment market requires the introduction of transparent technical specifications and type-approval procedures which meet the essential requirements mentioned in Council Directive 86/361/EEC (1) and allow the free movement of terminal equipment.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
Vsaka država članica mora obvestiti druge države članice in Komisijo o službah, organih in ustanovah, ki so ustrezno pooblaščeni za izvajanje pregledov, navedenih v tej direktivi in v posebnih direktivah, za izdajanje certifikatov odobritve tipa EGS in za pritrditev znakov prve overitve EGS."
Each Member State shall notify the other Member States and the Commission of the services, agencies and institutes which are duly authorized to carry out the examinations specified in this Directive and in the separate directives, to issue the EEC pattern approval certificates and to affix the EEC initial verification marks."
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
Država članica ne sme zaradi razlogov, ki so povezani z izdelavo ali pregledovanjem posode, v skladu s to in posebno direktivo, ki to posodo ureja, zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti trženja in vključevanja v obratovanje tlačne posode tipa EGS, ki ustreza zahtevam te in posebne direktive, ki to posodo ureja.
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a vessel within the meaning of this Directive and the separate Directive relating to it, refuse, prohibit or restrict the marketing and placing into service of an EEC-type pressure vessel which complies with the requirements of this Directive and the separate Directive relating to it.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0758
ker namestitev oznake o EGS-homologaciji sestavnega dela na vse prednje pozicijske svetilke, zadnje pozicijske svetilke in zavorne svetilke, izdelane skladno s homologiranim tipom, odpravlja potrebo po tehničnih pregledih teh prednjih pozicijskih svetilk, zadnjih pozicijskih svetilk in zavornih svetilk v drugih državah članicah;
whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all lamps manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on these front position (side) lamps, rear position (side) lamps and stop lamps in the other Member States;
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0336
Skladnost aparata, zajetega v členu 2(2) Direktive 86/361/EGS, z določbami te direktive se potrdi v skladu s postopkom iz odstavka 1, potem ko je eden od priglašenih organov, opisanih v odstavku 6 tega člena, proizvajalcu ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku s sedežem v Skupnosti izdal certifikat o ES-pregledu tipa za ta aparat.
Conformity of apparatus covered by Article 2 (2) of Directive 86/361/EEC with the provisions of this Directive shall be certified in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1 once the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community has obtained an EC type-examination certificate concerning this apparatus issued by one of the notified bodies referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
Države članice predpostavljajo, da igrače, pri katerih izdelovalec ni upošteval standardov iz odstavka 1 ali jih je upošteval le delno ali za katere taki standardi ne obstajajo, izpolnjujejo temeljne zahteve iz člena 3, če je bila po prejemu certifikata o tipskem pregledu EGS njihova skladnost z odobrenim modelom potrjena z znakom ES.
Member States shall presume that toys in respect of which the manufacturer has not applied the standards referred to in paragraph 1, or has applied them only in part, or for which no such standards exist, satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3 where, after receipt of an EEC type-examination certificate, their conformity with the approved model has been certified by the affixation of the EC mark.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0622
ker usklajen postopek homologacije sestavnega dela za varnostno konstrukcijo pri prevrnitvi in njeno pritrditev na traktor omogoča vsaki državi članici, da preveri izpolnjevanje skupnih zahtev za konstrukcijo in preskušanje ter da obvesti druge države članice o svojih ugotovitvah, tako da jim pošlje izvode certifikata o homologaciji sestavnega dela, izpolnjenega za vsak tip varnostne konstrukcije pri prevrnitvi in njene pritrditve na traktor, in ker zaradi namestitve oznake o EGS-homologaciji sestavnega dela na vse konstrukcije, izdelane v skladu s homologiranim tipom, niso potrebni tehnični pregledi teh konstrukcij v drugih državah članicah;
Whereas a harmonized component type-approval procedure for roll-over protection structures and their attachment to the tractor makes it possible for each Member State to check compliance with the common construction and testing requirements and to inform the other Member States of its findings by sending them copies of the component type-approval certificate completed for each type of roll-over protection structure and its attachment to the tractor; whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all structures manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on those structures in the other Member States;
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EGS-pregled tipa