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Ekonomsko-finančni odbor
1 Končna redakcija
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor ima naslednje naloge:
The Economic and Financial Committee shall have the following tasks:
2 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor (odbor) izvaja naloge, opisane v odstavkih 2 in 4 člena 114 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti.
The Economic and Financial Committee (Committee) shall carry out the tasks described in paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article 114 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0476
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor mora učinkovito delovati tudi po širitvi.
The Economic and Financial Committee should continue to work effectively after the enlargement.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0580
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor se obvešča o napredku pri aktivnostih iz odstavkov 2 in 3.
The Economic and Financial Committee shall be kept informed of developments in the operations referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0332
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor je redno obveščen o stanju poslov iz prvega pododstavka odstavka 2.
The Economic and Financial Committee shall be kept informed of developments in the operations referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2.
6 Končna redakcija
Ekonomsko-finančni odbor:
Economic and Financial Committee:
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(4) Ekonomsko-finančni odbor, ustanovljen po III-192. členu Ustave, pripravi mnenje o poročilu Komisije.
The Economic and Financial Committee set up under Article III-192 shall formulate an opinion on the Commission's report.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Za čim bolj učinkovito usklajevanje politik držav članic, ki je nujno za delovanje notranjega trga, se ustanovi Ekonomsko-finančni odbor.
In order to promote coordination of the policies of Member States to the full extent needed for the functioning of the internal market, an Economic and Financial Committee is hereby set up.
9 Končna redakcija
Na začetku tretje faze se ustanovi Ekonomsko-finančni odbor.
At the start of the third stage, an Economic and Financial Committee shall be set up.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(3) Svet na predlog Komisije sprejme evropski sklep, s katerim opredeli podrobnosti glede sestave Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora.
The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a European decision laying down detailed provisions concerning the composition of the Economic and Financial Committee.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(3) Svet, na priporočilo Komisije in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-finančnim odborom, lahko sprejme evropski sklep, s katerim določi, da zadevna država članica spremeni, odloži ali odpravi zaščitne ukrepe iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
The Council, acting on a recommendation from the Commission and after consulting the Economic and Financial Committee may adopt a European decision stipulating that the Member State concerned shall amend, suspend or abolish the protective measures referred to in paragraph 1.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom, Evropsko centralno banko ter Ekonomsko-finančnim odborom iz III-192. člena Ustave soglasno sprejme ustrezne določbe, s katerimi podrobno opredeli konvergenčna merila iz III-198. člena Ustave, ki nato nadomestijo ta protokol.
The Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, and the Economic and Financial Committee referred to in Article III-192 of the Constitution, adopt appropriate provisions to lay down the details of the convergence criteria referred to in Article III-198 of the Constitution, which shall then replace this Protocol.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Če se izkaže, da ukrepi, ki jih je sprejela država članica s posebno ureditvijo, in ukrepi, ki jih je predlagala Komisija, ne zadoščajo za premagovanje nastalih ali grozečih težav, Komisija po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-finančnim odborom priporoči Svetu odobritev medsebojne pomoči in ustreznih metod.
If the action taken by a Member State with a derogation and the measures suggested by the Commission do not prove sufficient to overcome the difficulties which have arisen or which threaten, the Commission shall, after consulting the Economic and Financial Committee, recommend to the Council the granting of mutual assistance and appropriate methods.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0098
Zaželeno je, da odbor in organi Skupnosti, odgovorni za usklajevanje ekonomskih politik, zlasti Ekonomsko-finančni odbor in Odbor za ekonomsko politiko, tesno sodelujejo.
it is desirable that the Committee and the Community bodies involved in the coordination of economic policies, in particular the Economic and Financial Committee and the Economic Policy Committee, should work closely together;
15 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
(5) Ekonomsko-finančni odbor mora učinkovito delovati tudi po širitvi.
(5) The Economic and Financial Committee should continue to work effectively after the enlargement.
16 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z ECB in odborom iz tega člena s kvalificirano večino podrobno določi sestavo Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora.
The Council shall, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the ECB and the Committee referred to in this Article, lay down detailed provisions concerning the composition of the Economic and Financial Committee.
17 Končna redakcija
Kadar obravnava vprašanja, pomembna za celoten gospodarski razvoj in gospodarske politike, se poročila delovne skupine brez poseganja v vlogo Odbora stalnih predstavnikov posredujejo tudi Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru in/ali Odboru za ekonomsko politiko, z namenom pridobitve morebitnega mnenja.
When dealing with issues of relevance to overall economic developments and economic policies, reports of the working party should, without prejudice to the role of the Committee of Permanent Represenstatives, be also transmitted to the Economic and Financial Committee and/or to the Economic Policy Committee with a view to a possible opinion.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0180
Odbor za sankcije Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov je 16., 20. in 26. januarja 2004 sklenil spremeniti seznam oseb, skupin in entitet, za katere naj velja zamrznitev finančnih sredstev in ekonomskih virov.
On 16, 20 and 26 January 2004, the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council decided to amend the list of persons, groups and entities to whom the freezing of funds and economic resources should apply.
19 Končna redakcija
"Od 1. januarja 2007 odloča Svet na predlog Komisije po pridobitvi privolitve Evropskega parlamenta ter po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Odborom regij s kvalificirano večino, če sta bila do tega datuma sprejeta večletni finančni načrt, ki se uporablja od 1. januarja 2007, in pripadajoči medinstitucionalni sporazum.
"From 1 January 2007, the Council shall act by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission after obtaining the assent of the European Parliament and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions if, by that date, the multiannual financial perspective applicable from 1 January 2007 and the Interinstitutional Agreement relating thereto have been adopted.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Tudi Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta z dne 5. februarja 2002 o izvajanju zakonodaje v zvezi s finančnimi storitvami je podprla poročilo Odbora modrecev na podlagi slovesne izjave, ki jo je Komisija istega dne dala pred Parlamentom, in pisma z dne 2. oktobra 2001, ki ga je Komisar za notranji trg naslovil na predsednika Odbora Parlamenta za ekonomske in monetarne zadeve, v zvezi z varovanjem vloge Evropskega parlamenta v tem procesu.
The Resolution of the European Parliament of 5 February 2002 on the implementation of financial services legislation also endorsed the Committee of Wise Men's report, on the basis of the solemn declaration made before Parliament the same day by the Commission and the letter of 2 October 2001 addressed by the Internal Market Commissioner to the chairman of Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs with regard to the safeguards for the European Parliament's role in this process.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0501
V poročilu Monetarnega odbora o potrebah po informacijah, ki ga je 18. januarja 1999 potrdil Ekonomsko-finančni svet, je poudarjeno, da je za ustrezno delovanje ekonomske in monetarne unije ter enotnega trga velikega pomena učinkovit nadzor in koordinacija ekonomskih politik in da je za to potreben celovit sistem statističnih informacij, ki zagotavlja oblikovalcem politike potrebne podatke, na podlagi katerih sprejemajo svoje odločitve.
The report by the Monetary Committee on information requirements, endorsed by the ECOFIN Council on 18 January 1999, underlined that, for the proper functioning of Economic and Monetary Union and the single market, effective surveillance and coordination of economic policies are of major importance and that this requires a comprehensive statistical information system providing policy-makers with the necessary data on which to base their decisions.
22 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
(1) V skladu s členom 114(2) Pogodbe je bil dne 1. januarja 1999 ustanovljen Ekonomsko-finančni odbor.
(1) In accordance with Article 114(2) of the Treaty an Economic and Financial Committee was set up on 1 January 1999.
23 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
24 Pravna redakcija
V dveh tednih od dneva, ko Komisija sprejme poročilo v skladu s členom 104c(3), pripravi Ekonomsko-finančni odbor mnenje v skladu s členom 104c(4).
Within two weeks of the adoption by the Commission of a report issued in accordance with Article 104c (3), the Economic and Financial Committee shall formulate an opinion in accordance with Article 104c (4).
25 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0475
Odbor zagotavlja okvir, v katerem poteka makroekonomski dialog na tehnični ravni, ki vključuje predstavnike odbora (vključno z Evropsko centralno banko), Ekonomsko-finančni odbor, Odbor za zaposlovanje, Komisijo in socialne partnerje.
The Committee shall provide the framework within which the macroeconomic dialogue involving representatives of the Committee (including the European Central Bank), the Economic and Financial Committee, the Employment Committee, the Commission and social partners shall take place at technical level.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0165
odbor ima enega predsednika in enega podpredsednika, ki jih imenuje med predstavniki držav članic; predsednik in podpredsednik sta imenovana za dve leti; prvega predsednika imenuje Ekonomsko-finančni odbor,
the Committee shall have one Chair and one Vice-Chair which it shall appoint from among the representatives of the Member States; the Chair and the Vice-Chair shall serve for two years; the first Chair shall be appointed by the Economic and Financial Committee,
27 Pravna redakcija
Italija je upravičena do sklenitve sporazuma v imenu Skupnosti, razen če Komisija ali ECB ali Ekonomsko-finančni odbor meni, da bi bilo treba sporazum predložiti Svetu.
Italy shall be entitled to conclude the agreement on behalf of the Community unless the Commission or the ECB or the Economic and Financial Committee are of the opinion that the agreement should be submitted to the Council.
28 Pravna redakcija
Francija je upravičena do sklenitve sporazuma v imenu Skupnosti, razen če Komisija ali ECB ali Ekonomsko-finančni odbor meni, da bi bilo treba sporazum predložiti Svetu.
France shall be entitled to conclude the agreement on behalf of the Community unless the Commission or the ECB or the Economic and Financial Committee are of the opinion that the agreement should be submitted to the Council.
29 Pravna redakcija
Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee
30 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
o reviziji Statuta Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora
on a revision of the Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee
31 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
(9) Statut Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora je zato treba revidirati -
(9) The Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee should therefore be revised,
32 Pravna redakcija
Italija predloži osnutek sporazuma v presojo Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru.
Italy shall submit the draft agreement to the Economic and Financial Committee for opinion.
33 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0475
Odbor podpira Ekonomsko-finančni odbor, zlasti na področju spremljanja kratkoročnega in srednjeročnega makroekonomskega razvoja v državah članicah in Skupnosti z zagotavljanjem analiz in mnenj, ki se nanašajo predvsem na metodološka vprašanja v zvezi z medsebojnim vplivom strukturnih in makroekonomskih politik ter na razvoj plač v državah članicah in Skupnosti.
The Committee shall support the Economic and Financial Committee, in particular in keeping under review the short and medium-term macroeconomic developments in the Member States and the Community by providing analysis and opinions mainly on methodological questions relating to the interaction between structural and macroeconomic policies and on wage developments in the Member States and the Community.
34 Pravna redakcija
Francija predloži osnutek sporazuma v presojo Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru.
France shall submit the draft agreement to the Economic and Financial Committee for opinion.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0244
Komisija se je pred vložitvijo svojega predloga posvetovala z Ekonomsko-finančnim odborom.
The Commission consulted the Economic and Financial Committee before submitting its proposal.
36 Pravna redakcija
ker je primerno, da Italija predloži osnutek sporazuma v presojo Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru;
whereas it is appropriate that Italy submits the draft agreement to the Economic and Financial Committee for its opinion;
37 Pravna redakcija
ker je primerno, da Francija predloži osnutek sporazuma v presojo Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru;
whereas it is appropriate that France submits the draft agreement to the Economic and Financial Committee for its opinion;
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0165
odbor poroča Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru z namenom pripraviti nasvete za Svet (Ekonomsko-finančni), ob upoštevanju uveljavljene vloge COREPER,
the Committee shall report to the Economic and Financial Committee in order to prepare advice to the Council (Ecofin), taking into account the established role of Coreper,
39 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0475
Odbor pri izvajanju svojih nalog tesno sodeluje z Ekonomsko-finančnim odborom, kadar poroča Svetu.
In the fulfilment of its tasks the Committee shall work in close relation with the Economic and Financial Committee when reporting to the Council.
40 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0475
Odbor oblikuje mnenja na zahtevo Sveta, Komisije, Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora ali na lastno pobudo.
The Committee shall deliver opinions at the request of the Council, the Commission or the Economic and Financial Committee or on its own initiative.
41 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
(2) Svet je dne 21. decembra 1998 sprejel Sklep 98/743/ES o sestavi Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora fn.
(2) The Council adopted on 21 December 1998 Decision 98/743/EC on the composition of the Economic and Financial Committee(2).
42 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
(3) Svet je dne 31. decembra 1998 sprejel Sklep 1999/8/ES o statutu Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora fn;
(3) The Council adopted on 31 December 1998 Decision 1999/8/EC on the Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee(3);
43 Pravna redakcija
SKLEP SVETA z dne 31. decembra 1998 o sprejetju Statuta Ekonomskega in finančnega odbora (1999/8/ES)
Council Decision of 31 December 1998 adopting the Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee
44 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0475
Kadar odbor pomaga pripravljati širše smernice gospodarskih politik, poroča Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru.
In contributing to the preparation of the broad economic policy guidelines, the Committee will report to the Economic and Financial Committee.
45 Pravna redakcija
SKLEP SVETA z dne 21. decembra 1998 o podrobnih določbah glede sestave Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora (98/743/ES)
Council Decision of 21 December 1998 on the detailed provisions concerning the composition of the Economic and Financial Committee
46 Pravna redakcija
ker bo moral biti osnutek sporazuma predložen Svetu, če bo po mnenju Komisije ali ECB ali Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora to potrebno;
whereas the draft agreement will have to be submitted to the Council in the case that the Commission or the ECB or the Economic and Financial Committee are of the opinion that this is necessary,
47 Pravna redakcija
ker bo osnutek sporazuma moral biti predložen Svetu, če bo po mnenju Komisije ali ECB ali Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora to potrebno;
whereas the draft agreement will have to be submitted to the Council in the case that the Commission or the ECB or the Economic and Financial Committee are of the opinion that this is necessary;
48 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003D0476
Statut Ekonomsko-finančnega odbora, kakor je določen v Prilogi k Sklepu 1999/8/ES, se nadomesti z besedilom v Prilogi k temu sklepu.
The Statutes of the Economic and Financial Committee, as set out in the Annex to Decision 1999/8/EC, shall be replaced by the text set out in the Annex hereto.
49 Pravna redakcija
ECB se v celoti vključi v pogajanja na področju svoje pristojnosti. Francija predloži osnutek sporazuma v presojo Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru.
France shall conduct the negotiations with the Principality of Monaco on the matters referred to in Articles 3 to 6 on behalf of the Community. The Commission shall be fully associated with the negotiations.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0165
predsednik odbora je na voljo za redno izmenjavo mnenj o strateškem razvoju dogodkov, povezanih s finančnimi trgi, z Odborom za ekonomske in monetarne zadeve Evropskega parlamenta,
the Chairman of the Committee shall be available for a regular exchange of views on strategic developments related to financial markets with the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament,
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Ekonomsko-finančni odbor