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Odbor za ugotavljanje skladnosti
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
Če in dokler skupni odbor ne sklene drugače, se priglasitev organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti in priznanje njegove usposobljenosti za ugotavljanje skladnosti z zahtevami zakonodaje EGP ali slovenskega notranjega prava, navedenimi v prilogah, na dan, ko pogodbenici obvestita predsedujočega skupnega odbora o nesoglasju, delno ali v celoti začasno prekliče.
Unless and until decided otherwise by the Joint Committee, the notification of the body and the recognition of its competence to assess conformity in relation to the requirements of EEA legislation or Slovenian national law specified in the annexes shall be suspended in part or totally from the date on which the disagreement of the Parties has been notified to the Chair of the Joint Committee.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
Pogodbenici soglašata, da sporazumi o ugotavljanju skladnosti, ki jih je katera koli pogodbenica sklenila z državo, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma, za drugo pogodbenico ne pomenijo obveznosti, da sprejme rezultate postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki se izvajajo v tej tretji državi, če ni v skupnem odboru dosežen izrecni dogovor med pogodbenicama.
The Parties agree that agreements on conformity assessment concluded by any Party with a country which is not a party to this Agreement shall not entail an obligation upon the other Parties to accept the results of conformity assessment procedures carried out in that third country, unless there is an explicit agreement between the Parties in the Joint Committee.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0637
Ukrepi, predvideni s to odločbo, so v skladu z mnenjem Odbora za ugotavljanje skladnosti telekomunikacij in tržni nadzor -
The measures set out in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee,
4 Pravna redakcija
Odbor za standarde, tehnične predpise in ugotavljanje skladnosti
Committee on Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
5 Pravna redakcija
Registracija izpodbijanega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti je preklicana, dokler Skupni odbor ne sklene, da bo odpravil preklic imenovanja organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
The registration of the contested conformity assessment body shall remain suspended until the Joint Committee decides to lift the suspension of the registration of the conformity assessment body.
6 Pravna redakcija
Ustanovi se Odbor za vzajemno priznavanje ugotavljanja skladnosti (v nadaljevanju “Odbor”).
A Committee on mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"), is hereby established.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0128
ker mora odbor sprejeti sklep o izdelavi seznama organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, priznanih v okviru Sporazuma,
Whereas the Committee is to take a decision on the establishment of the list of conformity assessment bodies recognised under the Agreement,
8 Pravna redakcija
Skupni odbor sprejme sklep o registraciji predlaganega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v 90 dneh od prejema predloga;
The Joint Committee shall take a decision whether to register the proposed conformity assessment body within 90 days of the receipt of the proposal;
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0116
ker mora Odbor sprejeti sklep o sprejetju organa ali organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti v sektorsko poglavje Priloge I k Sporazumu,
Whereas the Committee is to take a decision to list a Conformity Assessment Body or Bodies under a Sectoral Chapter of Annex I of the Agreement,
10 Pravna redakcija
Predlogi za prenehanje veljavnosti registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se naslovijo na Skupni odbor in drugo pogodbenico.
Proposals for terminating the registration of that conformity assessment body shall be made to the Joint Committee and the other party.
11 Pravna redakcija
Odbor odloča o vključitvi organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v Prilogo 1 in o njegovi izključitvi iz Priloge 1 v skladu z naslednjim postopkom:
The Committee shall decide to include a conformity assessment body in Annex 1 or to remove it from Annex 1 in accordance with the following procedure:
12 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici ustanovita Posebni odbor za tehnične predpise, standarde in ugotavljanje skladnosti, da se uresničijo cilji, določeni v tem oddelku.
The Parties hereby establish a Special Committee on Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment in order to achieve the objectives set out in this section.
13 Pravna redakcija
Preklic registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se odpravi, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
The suspension of the registration of that conformity assessment body shall be lifted from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
14 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor sklene, da bo opravil skupno preverjanje, takšno preverjanje pravočasno opravita pogodbenici v sodelovanju z organom za imenovanje, ki je imenoval izpodbijani organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, in s predhodnim soglasjem zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
Where the Joint Committee decides to conduct a joint verification, it will be conducted in a timely manner by the parties with the participation of the designating authority that designated the contested conformity assessment body and with the prior consent of the conformity assessment body.
15 Pravna redakcija
Odbor, ustanovljen po členu 10 tega sporazuma v skladu s postopkom iz člena 11 Sporazuma sestavlja in posodablja seznam organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
The Committee established under Article 10 of this Agreement shall draw up and keep up to date, according to the procedure described in Article 11 of the Agreement, a list of the conformity assessment bodies.
16 Pravna redakcija
Registracija zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti je preklicana od trenutka, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be suspended from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0128
odbora, ustanovljenega s Sporazumom med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o vzajemnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti, o seznamu organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, priznanih v okviru Sporazuma
of the Committee established under the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Mutual Recognition in relation to Conformity Assessment on the establishment of the list of conformity assessment bodies recognised under the Agreement
18 Pravna redakcija
Ko pogodbenici Odboru predložita svoje predloge za vključitev organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti v Priloge, v zvezi z vsakim organom zagotovita naslednje podrobnosti:
When the Parties submit their proposals to the Committee on the inclusion of conformity assessment bodies in the Annexes, they shall provide the following details in respect of each body:
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0116
Odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o medsebojnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti o sprejetju organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v sektorsko poglavje Igrače
of the Committee established under the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Mutual Recognition in relation to Conformity Assessment on the listing of a Conformity Assessment Body under the Sectoral Chapter for Toys
20 Pravna redakcija
Če se Odbor odloči izključiti organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti iz Priloge 1, pogodbenici priznavata poročila, potrdila, dovoljenja in znake skladnosti, ki jih je ta organ izdal do datuma začetka veljavnosti odločitve.
If the Committee decides to remove a body from Annex 1, the Parties shall recognise the reports, certificates, authorisations and conformity marks issued by that body until the date on which that decision takes effect.
21 Pravna redakcija
Če se Odbor odloči vključiti organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti v Prilogo 1, pogodbenici priznavata poročila, potrdila, dovoljenja in znake skladnosti, ki jih izda ta organ, od dne, ko je začela veljati odločitev o vključitvi.
If the Committee decides to include a conformity assessment body in Annex 1, the Parties shall recognise the reports, certificates, authorisations and conformity marks issued by that body with effect from the date of entry into force of the decision.
22 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici v Skupnem odboru občasno preverita ali njuni organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti še naprej izpolnjujejo to zahtevo in ali so interesi pogodbenic ustrezno zaščiteni.
The Parties, through the Joint Committee, shall from time to time consider whether their respective conformity assessment bodies continue to meet that requirement and whether the interests of the Parties are adequately protected.
23 Pravna redakcija
Registracija izpodbijanega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se prekliče 15 dni po datumu obvestila oziroma na dan sprejetja sklepa Skupnega odbora o preklicu, če je ta zgodnejši.
The registration of the contested conformity assessment body shall be suspended 15 days after the date on which the notification is made or on the date on which the Joint Committee decides to suspend the registration, whichever is the sooner.
24 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor ne sklene drugače, se spornemu organu za ugotavljanje skladnosti prekliče imenovanje, ki ga je izdal organ za imenovanje, in sicer od takrat, ko je Skupni odbor potrdil nestrinjanje o statusu navedenega organa.
Unless decided otherwise by the Joint Committee, the contested conformity assessment body will be suspended by the competent designating authority from the time that a disagreement over the status of that body has been confirmed in the Joint Committee.
25 Pravna redakcija
Veljavnost registracije tega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti preneha, ko prejme predlog sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru, razen če Skupni odbor določi drugače.
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be terminated on receipt of the proposal by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee, unless otherwise determined by the Joint Committee.
26 Pravna redakcija
Ob preklicu imenovanja registriranega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti pogodbenica, katere organ za imenovanje je preklical imenovanje, o tem takoj uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico in Skupni odbor.
In case of suspension of the designation of a registered conformity assessment body, the party whose designating authority has suspended the designation shall immediately notify the other party and the Joint Committee to that effect.
27 Pravna redakcija
Če se Odbor ne odloči drugače, pristojni organ za uradno imenovanje začasno prekliče imenovanje spornega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, in sicer od ugotovitve nestrinjanja do dogovora Odbora.
Unless otherwise decided by the Committee, the disputed body shall be suspended by the competent designating authority from the time disagreement has been established until agreement has been reached in the Committee.
28 Pravna redakcija
Ob odpravi preklica imenovanja registriranega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti pogodbenica, katere organ za imenovanje je odpravil preklic imenovanja, o tem takoj uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico in Skupni odbor.
In case of lifting of the suspension of the designation of a registered conformity assessment body, the party whose designating authority has lifted the suspension of the designation shall immediately notify the other party and the Joint Committee to that effect.
29 Pravna redakcija
Imenovanje, preklic ali umik organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti v okviru te priloge se izvaja v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi skupni odbor, ustanovljen v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o medsebojnem priznavanju.
Designation, suspension or withdrawal of conformity assessment bodies under this Annex shall be in conformance with procedures determined by the Joint Committee established under the Framework Mutual Recognition Agreement.
30 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi Skupni odbor, ustanovljen na podlagi člena 8, izmenjujeta informacije o načinih, vključno s sistemi akreditacije, ki se uporabljajo za imenovanje organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti in za zagotavljanje, da registrirani organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti izpolnjujejo merila za imenovanje, ter informacije o načinih za zagotavljanje, da potrjene ustanove izpolnjujejo merila za potrditev.
The parties shall, in accordance with the procedures to be determined by the Joint Committee to be established pursuant to Article 8, exchange information on methods, including accreditation systems, used to designate the conformity assessment bodies and to ensure that the registered conformity assessment bodies fulfil the criteria for designation and on methods to ensure that the confirmed facilities fulfil the criteria for confirmation.
31 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenica, ki želi vključiti organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti v Prilogo 1 ali ga iz nje izključiti svoj predlog sporoči predsedniku Odbora in drugi pogodbenici, pri čemer svojemu zahtevku priloži ustrezne informacije.
A Party wishing to add to or remove from Annex 1 any conformity assessment body shall notify the Chairman of the Committee and the other Party of the proposal for a decision to that effect, adding the appropriate information to its request.
32 Pravna redakcija
Certifikat skladnosti ali druga dokumentacija za proizvod, ki jo je izdal organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ga Skupni odbor ali organ za imenovanje kasneje umakne, ostane veljavno, razen če ustrezni zakonodajni organ na osnovi zdravstvenih in varnostnih pomislekov o tem sprejme posebno odločitev o umiku proizvoda s tržišča.
A certificate of conformity or other documentation for a product issued by a conformity assessment body, that is subsequently removed by the Joint Committee or designating authority, shall remain valid unless there is a specific decision by the appropriate regulatory authority based on health and safety considerations for the removal of the product from the market.
33 Pravna redakcija
če Skupni odbor ne more sprejeti sklepa o registraciji predlaganega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, se lahko Skupni odbor odloči, da bo opravil skupno preverjanje ali pogodbenico predlagateljico zaprosil, da opravi overjanje zadevnega organa, s predhodnim soglasjem takšnega organa.
in the event that the Joint Committee cannot decide to register the proposed conformity assessment body, the Joint Committee may decide to conduct a joint verification or to request the proposing party to conduct a verification of the proposed body with the prior consent of such body.
34 Pravna redakcija
Če se pogodbenici ne strinjata in njuno nestrinjanje potrdi tudi Odbor, preverjanje strokovne usposobljenosti zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v skladu z zahtevami izvajata obe pogodbenici skupaj ob sodelovanju zadevnih usposobljenih organov.
In the event of a disagreement between the Parties, confirmed in the Committee, a verification of the technical competence of the conformity assessment body in question shall be undertaken in accordance with requirements jointly by the Parties, with the participation of the competent authorities concerned.
35 Pravna redakcija
vsaka pogodbenica predlaga, da se njen organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ga je imenoval njen organ za imenovanje, registrira na podlagi tega sporazuma, tako da svoj predlog v pisni obliki, skupaj s potrebno dokumentacijo, predstavi drugi pogodbenici in Skupnemu odboru;
each party shall make a proposal that a conformity assessment body of that party designated by its designating authority be registered under this Agreement, by presenting its proposal in writing, supported by necessary documents, to the other party and the Joint Committee;
36 Pravna redakcija
Če pogodbenica uvede nove ali dodatne postopke za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki vplivajo na področje, ki ga pokriva področna priloga, Skupni odbor takšne postopke uvrsti v obseg delovanja tega sporazuma in ustreznih prilog, če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
Where a Party introduces new or additional conformity assessment procedures affecting a sector covered by a Sectoral Annex, the Joint Committee shall, unless the Parties agree otherwise, bring such procedures within the scope of this Agreement and the relevant Annex.
37 Pravna redakcija
Skupni odbor, ustanovljen v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o medsebojnem priznavanju, lahko imenuje skupno skupino za telekomunikacije, ki se sestaja po potrebi in razpravlja o tehničnih in tehnoloških zadevah ter zadevah ugotavljanja skladnosti, povezanih s to prilogo.
The Joint Committee established under the Framework Mutual Recognition Agreement may appoint a Joint Telecommunications Group which shall meet as required to discuss technical, conformity assessment and technology issues relating to this Annex.
38 Pravna redakcija
Če organ za uradno imenovanje začasno prekliče imenovanje ali umakne začasni preklic imenovanja organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, navedenega v Prilogi 1, ki je v njegovi pristojnosti, mora zadevna pogodbenica o tem nemudoma obvestiti drugo pogodbenico in predsednika Odbora.
In the event of the suspension or withdrawal of the suspension by a designating authority of a conformity assessment body listed in Annex 1 under its jurisdiction, the Party concerned shall immediately notify the other Party and the Chairman of the Committee.
39 Pravna redakcija
če druga pogodbenica dvomi o tehnični usposobljenosti ali spoštovanju pogojev predlaganega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v navedenem 60-dnevnem roku, lahko Skupni odbor zaprosi, da pogodbenica predlagateljica opravi overjanje zadevnega organa, ki lahko vključuje presojo, v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
in the event that the other Party challenges the technical competence or compliance of a proposed conformity assessment body within the said 60-day period, the Joint Committee may request the proposing Party to carry out a verification, which may include an audit, of the body concerned, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
40 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor na lastno pobudo ali na priporočilo ustrezne področne skupine sklene, da se zahteva overjanje tehnične usposobljenosti ali izpolnjevanja pogojev organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki deluje na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic, pogodbenica, na katere ozemlju je zadevni organ, ali obe skupaj, če se tako dogovorita, pravočasno opravi takšno preverjanje.
Where the Joint Committee, either on its own initiative or on a recommendation from the relevant sectoral group, comes to the conclusion that verification of technical competence or compliance of a conformity assessment body operating in the territory of one of the Parties is required, it will be carried out in a timely manner by the Party in whose territory the body in question is located, or by the Parties jointly if they agree.
41 Pravna redakcija
ker je zaželeno, da se ustanovi odbor, ki bo združil stranke, ki so neposredno udeležene v izvajanju predpisov za radijsko opremo in telekomunikacijsko terminalsko opremo, zlasti nacionalne organe za ugotavljanje skladnosti in nacionalne organe, ki so odgovorni za nadzor trga, da bi Komisiji pomagali doseči usklajeno in sorazmerno uporabo določb in tako zadovoljili potrebe trga in široke javnosti na splošno;
Whereas it is desirable to establish a committee bringing together parties directly involved in the implementation of regulation of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment, in particular the national conformity assessment bodies and national bodies responsible for market surveillance, in order to assist the Commission in achieving a harmonised and proportionate application of the provisions so as to meet the needs of the market and the public at large;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
spreminjanje sektorskih prilog za uveljavitev odločitve organa za imenovanje, da imenuje posamezen odbor za ugotavljanje skladnosti;
amending the Sectoral Annexes to give effect to the decision by a designating authority to designate a particular conformity assessment body;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Če je imenovani organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti odstranjen iz sektorske priloge, ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ga izvede navedeni organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti pred začetkom veljavnosti preklica, ostane veljavno, razen če Skupni odbor ne presodi drugače.
In the event that a designated conformity assessment body is withdrawn from a Sectoral Annex, conformity assessment carried out by that conformity assessment body before the date of effect of its withdrawal shall remain valid unless otherwise determined by the Joint Committee.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Ko organ za imenovanje obvešča predstavnika pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru, ustanovljenem po tem sporazumu, o organih za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki se vključijo v sektorske priloge, za vsak organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti navede naslednje podatke:
When advising their Party's representative on the Joint Committee established under this Agreement, of the conformity assessment bodies to be included in the Sectoral Annexes, the designating authority shall provide the following details in respect of each conformity assessment body:
45 Prevajalska redakcija
spreminjanje sektorskih prilog za uveljavitev odločitve organa za imenovanje, da prekliče imenovanje posameznega odbora za ugotavljanje skladnosti;
amending the Sectoral Annexes to give effect to the decision by a designating authority to withdraw designation of a particular conformity assessment body;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
Imenovanje, začasna odložitev ali preklic imenovanja organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti poteka skladno z določbami tega sporazuma in poslovnika Skupnega odbora.
Designation, suspension or withdrawal of designation of conformity assessment bodies shall take place in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Organi za imenovanje obvestijo predstavnike pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru, ustanovljenem skladno s členom 12 tega sporazuma, kateri organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti se vključijo ali odstranijo iz oddelka II sektorskih prilog.
Designating authorities shall inform their Party's representatives on the Joint Committee, established under Article 12 of this Agreement, of the conformity assessment bodies to be included in or withdrawn from Section II of the Sectoral Annexes.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
če po členu 8 druga pogodbenica v navedenem 60-dnevnem obdobju spodbija strokovno usposobljenost ali ustreznost organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, lahko Skupni odbor sklene, da bo zadevni organ overil skladno z navedenim členom.
in the event that, under Article 8, the other Party contests the technical competence or compliance of a conformity assessment body within the aforementioned 60-day period, the Joint Committee may decide to carry out a verification of the body concerned, in accordance with that Article.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
Če pogodbenica uvede nov ali dodaten postopek za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki vpliva na področje, za katerega velja sektorska priloga, Skupni odbor, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, vključi te postopke med izvedbene rešitve vzajemnega priznavanja, ki jih določa ta sporazum.
Where a Party introduces new or additional conformity assessment procedures affecting a sector covered by a Sectoral Annex, the Joint Committee shall, unless the Parties agree otherwise, bring such procedures within the mutual recognition implementing arrangements established by this Agreement.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
Če je sporni organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti vključen v oddelku II sektorske priloge, ga pristojni organ za imenovanje, razen, če Skupni odbor ne odloči drugače, začasno odstavi, od tedaj, ko je v Skupnem odboru ugotovljeno nesoglasje, do tedaj, ko je v Skupnem odboru doseženo soglasje glede statusa navedenega organa.
Except when decided otherwise by the Joint Committee, the contested conformity assessment body, where it is included in Section II of a Sectoral Annex, shall be suspended by the competent designating authority from the time disagreement has been established in the Joint Committee until agreement has been reached in the Joint Committee on the status of that body.
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Odbor za ugotavljanje skladnosti