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1 Objavljeno
Serumske vzorce, ki niso imeli protiteles proti virusu BVD, smo testirali z metodo RT-PCR.
For RT-PCR assay negative serum samples on BVD antibodies were chosen.
2 Objavljeno
Z metodo izolacije v celični kulturi, DIF in PCR smo skupno testirali 41 kužnin uretre, cerviksa in urina.
Overall, 41 samples from the urethra, cervix and urine were tested with cell culture, DIF and PCR methods.
3 Objavljeno
Z molekularno metodo verižne rakcije s polimerazo (PCR, polymerase chain reaction) smo želeli dokazati DNA Chlamydia trachomatis v vzorcih bolnikov z urogenitalnimi okužbami. Pri tem smo primerjali komercialni test za izvedbo PCR, Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis Test, z metodo izolacije C. trachomatis v celični kulturi in z metodo neposredne imunofluorescence (DIF).
The commercially available polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay, Amplicor Chlamydia Trachomatis Test, for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis DNA in patients with urogenital infections was compared with cell culture of Clamydia trachomatis and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) assay.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Nekatere izvedbe metode so specifične zgolj za pestiviruse in zahtevajo za dokazovanje virusa klasične prašičje kuge nadaljnje potrditvene teste, na primer določanje nukleotidnega zaporedja DNK, namnožene med PCR.
Some methods are pestivirus rather than classical swine fever specific, requiring further confirmatory tests, such as sequencing of the PCR product.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Kot referenčna metoda se izolacija virusa uporablja za potrditev pozitivnih rezultatov predhodno opravljenih testov - bodisi testa ELISA za dokazovanje virusnega antigena, metode PCR, metode FAT ali posrednih metod s peroksidaznim barvanjem.
It must be used as reference test for the confirmation of positive results of prior antigen ELISA, PCR or FAT, indirect peroxidase-staining methods respectively.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Ker ta test ugotavlja zgolj genomsko sekvenco (zaporedje nukleotidov) virusa, je lahko rezultat PCR pozitiven kljub temu, da v vzorcu ni kužnega virusa (npr. pri vzorcih razpadajočih tkivih ali vzorcih, pridobljenih od okrevajočih prašičev).
Since this test detects only a genome sequence of the virus, the PCR may be positive, even when there is no infectious virus present (e.g. in autolysed tissues or samples from convalescent pigs).
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Kot pozitivne na klasično prašičjo kugo lahko ovrednotimo rezultate tistih testov za dokazovanje virusnega genoma ali antigena, ki uporabljajo protitelesa ali PCR primerje (začetna zaporedja nukleotidov), specifične za virus klasične prašičje kuge.
A positive result for classical swine fever to a genome or antigen detection test requires that the test in question has been performed using classical swine fever virus-specific antibodies or primers.
8 Pravna redakcija
Test PCR
PCR test
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0057
Materiali za test PCR
Materials for the PCR test
10 Pravna redakcija
test PCR (oddelek III.4).
PCR test (section III.4).
11 Pravna redakcija
Interpretacija rezultatov testa PCR:
Interpretation of the PCR test result:
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0859
Najprimernejša testa za to sta izolacija virusa in PCR.
Virus isolation and the PCR are the most suitable tests for that purpose.
13 Pravna redakcija
Zato direktnega testa PCR ni mogoče uporabiti kot edini presejalni test.
For these reasons the direct PCR cannot be used as a sole screening test.
14 Pravna redakcija
Pripravimo alikvote za IF-test (ta oddelek, 2.), test ELISA (ta oddelek, 3.) in/ali test PCR (ta oddelek, 4.)
Aliquot for the IF test (this section, 2.), the ELISA test (this section, 3.) and/or the PCR test (this section, 4.).
15 Pravna redakcija
Drugi ustrezni presejalni testi so IF-test (oddelek III.2), test ELISA (oddelek III.3) in test PCR (oddelek III.4).
Other appropriate screening tests are the IF test (section III.2), the ELISA test (section III.3) and the PCR test (section III.4).
16 Pravna redakcija
Verjetno je še bolj pomembno to, da se s tem tudi razredčijo možni inhibitorji testa ELISA ali PCR.
More important perhaps, it also dilutes potential inhibitors of the ELISA or PCR test.
17 Pravna redakcija
Bakterijo Ralstonia solanacearum v obogatitvenem bujonu je tako mogoče odkriti s testi IF, ELISA in PCR.
Ralstonia solanacearum in enrichment broth can thus be detected by IF, ELISA and PCR.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0828
opravili test izolacije virusa bolezni modrikastega jezika ali test polimerazne verižne reakcije (PCR) na krvnih vzorcih, odvzetih na začetku in na koncu odvzema ter najmanj vsakih sedem dni (test osamitve virusa) ali najmanj vsakih 28 dni (test PCR) med odvzemom semena za to pošiljko, pri čemer morajo biti rezultati negativni.
subjected to a virus isolation test or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on blood samples collected at commencement and conclusion of, and at least every seven days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (PCR test) during, semen collection for this consignment, with negative results.
19 Pravna redakcija
Test PCR je negativen, če ne odkrijemo značilnega fragmenta 288 bp in odkrijemo fragment za sev bakterije Ralstonia solanacearum pozitivne kontrole.
The PCR test is negative if the characteristic 288 bp fragment is not detected and the fragment is detected for the positive control strain of Ralstonia solanacearum.
20 Pravna redakcija
Test PCR je pozitiven, če odkrijemo fragment 288 bp in če je analiza REA namnoženega fragmenta enaka sevu bakterije Ralstonia solanacearum pozitivne kontrole.
The PCR test is positive if the 288 bp fragment is detected and REA-analysis of the amplified fragment is identical with the positive control strain of Ralstonia solanacearum.
21 Pravna redakcija
Test PCR nudi možnosti za zelo občutljivo detekcijo, čeprav ga hitro inhibirajo sestavine ekstraktov rastlin ali gomoljev, zaradi česar je rezultat lažno negativen.
PCR has the potential for very sensitive detection although the test is readily inhibited by plant or tuber extract components resulting in false negatives.
22 Pravna redakcija
Pri direktnem testu PCR je priporočljivo dodati 5 % polivinilpirolidona-40.000 MWT (PVP-40), da se zmanjša pojavnost inhibicije pomnoževanja z aromatskimi molekulami v ekstraktu.
The addition of 5% polyvinylpyrrolidone-40000 MWT (PVP-40) is recommended when performing the direct PCR test to reduce the incidence of amplification inhibition by aromatic molecules in the extract.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
1. Za dokazovanje virusnega genoma v vzorcih krvi, seruma, tkiv ali organov se uporablja metoda verižne reakcije s polimerazo (PCR). Majhni odseki virusne DNK se s PCR namnožijo do količin, ki jih je mogoče ugotoviti. Z uporabo začetnih oligonukleotidov z visoko ohranjenih regij genoma je mogoče določiti mnoge različne izolate, ki pripadajo vsem znanim genotipom virusa, vključno z ne-hemoadsorpcijskimi virusi in izolati z nizko virulenco. Ker ta test ugotavlja zgolj zaporedje nukleotidov virusa, je lahko rezultat PCR pozitiven kljub temu, da v vzorcu ni kužnega virusa (npr. pri vzorcih razpadajočih tkivih ali vzorcih, pridobljenih od prašičev, ki so APK preboleli).
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is applied to detect the virus genome in blood, serum, tissues or organ samples. Small fragments of viral DNA are amplified by PCR to detectable quantities. A wide range of isolates belonging to all the known virus genotypes, including both non-haemadsorbing viruses and isolates of low virulence, can be detected by using primers from a highly conserved region of the genome. Since this test detects only a genome sequence of the virus, the PCR may be positive, even when no infectious virus is detected by virus isolation (e.g. in autolysed tissues or samples from convalescent pigs or from pigs which have recovered and become clinically normal).
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
4. Izolacija virusa in določitev s HAD se priporočata kot referenčni metodi za potrditev pozitivnih rezultatov predhodno opravljenih testov ELISA, metode PCR ali DIFT. Priporočata se tudi, kadar je bila APK že dokazana z drugimi metodami, še posebej v primeru primarnega izbruha ali primera APK.
Virus isolation and identification by HAD are recommended as a reference test for the confirmation of positive results of a prior ELISA, PCR or DIFT. They are also recommended when ASF has already been confirmed by other methods, particularly in case of a primary outbreak or case of ASF.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Izolacija virusa in HAD veljata za referenčni virološki preiskavi in se po potrebi uporabljata kot potrditvena testa. Njuna uporaba se zlasti priporoča v primeru, ko pozitivni rezultati testov DIF ali PCR niso povezani z ugotovitvijo ustreznih kliničnih znakov ali sprememb, značilnih za bolezen, kakor tudi v vseh drugih dvomljivih primerih.
Virus isolation and HAD must be considered as the reference virological tests and must be used as confirmatory tests when necessary. Their use is particularly recommended where positive DIF or PCR results are not associated with the detection of clinical signs or lesions of disease and in any other doubtful cases.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
2. Metoda HAD se priporoča za določanje virusa APK zaradi visoke občutljivosti in specifičnosti. HAD temelji na sposobnosti virusa APK, da se namnoži v makrofagih prašiča in izzove hemadsorpcijo v prisotnosti eritrocitov prašiča. Okrog okuženih makrofagov se tvorijo značilne "rozete" eritrocitov. Vendar pa majhno število divjih sevov virusa APK ne more povzročiti hemadsorpcije, ampak povzročijo citopatski efekt. Te seve je mogoče dokazati z DIF testom sedimentov celičnih kultur ali s PCR.
The HAD technique is recommended for the identification of ASF virus isolates due to its high sensitivity and specificity. HAD is based on the capability of the ASF virus to replicate in pig macrophages and induce haemadsorption in the presence of pig erythrocytes. A characteristic `rosette` of erythrocytes develops around the infected macrophages. However, a small number of field ASF virus strains may not induce haemadsorption, but they produce a cytopathic effect. These strains may be specifically identified using the DIF test on the sediments of the cell cultures or by PCR.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
% bolnikov, ki so HBV DNA negativni glede na test PCR
% Patients HBV DNA negative by PCR
28 Prevajalska redakcija
bolniki z ovrednoteno histološko sliko v izhodišču (stopnja vnetja in nekroze po Knodell- u v izhodišču ≥ 2) b primarni opazovani dogodek c Roche Cobas Amplicor PCR test (LLOQ = 300 kopij/ ml)
patients with evaluable baseline histology (baseline Knodell Necroinflammatory Score ≥ 2) b a primary endpoint c Roche Cobas Amplicor PCR assay (LLOQ = 300 copies/ ml)
29 Prevajalska redakcija
bolniki z ovrednoteno histološko sliko v izhodišču (stopnja vnetja in nekroze po Knodell- u v izhodišču ≥ 2) b primarni opazovani dogodek. c Roche Cobas Amplicor PCR test (LLOQ = 300 kopij/ ml)
patients with evaluable baseline histology (baseline Knodell Necroinflammatory Score ≥ 2) b a primary endpoint. c Roche Cobas Amplicor PCR assay (LLOQ = 300 copies/ ml)
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
PCR je bila razvita za zvečanje občutljivosti diagnostičnih testov.
Techniques using the PCR have been developed to improve the sensitivity of diagnosis.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Te seve je mogoče dokazati z DIF testom sedimentov celičnih kultur ali s PCR.
These strains may be specifically identified using the DIF test on the sediments of the cell cultures or by PCR.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
SEM: standardna napaka ocene srednje vrednosti 2 Roche COBAS Amplicor® PCR test (spodnja meja določanja ≤ 300 kopij/ ml) 3 HBeAg- pozitivni n = 443 za telbivudin in n = 444 za lamivudin, HBeAg- negativni n = 219 za telbivudin in n = 219 za lamivudin.
SEM: Standard error of mean 2 Roche COBAS Amplicor® PCR Assay (lower limit of quantification ≤ 300 copies/ ml). 3 HBeAg-positive n = 443 and 444, HBeAg-negative n = 219 and 219, for both telbivudine and lamivudine groups, respectively.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
V ti raziskavi so vključili bolnike s kroničnim hepatitisom C, potrjenim s pozitivno polimerazno verižno reakcijo (PCR test) na HCV- RNK (> 30 i. e. / ml), izvid jetrne biopsije pa je bil v skladu s histološko diagnozo kroničnega hepatitisa brez ugotovljenih drugih vzrokov za to bolezen in z nenormalnimi vrednostmi serumske ALT.
Eligible patients for these trials had chronic hepatitis C confirmed by a positive HCV-RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (> 30 IU/ml), a liver biopsy consistent with a histological diagnosis of chronic hepatitis with no other cause for the chronic hepatitis, and abnormal serum ALT.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0046
Testiranje poteka z radioaktivno ali neradioaktivno označenimi cDNA ali RNA-sondami, povratno-PAGE (z barvanjem s srebrom) ali RT-PCR.
Testing shall be by radioactive or non-radioactive labeled cDNA or RNA-probes, return-PAGE (with silver staining) or RT-PCR.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
Dokaz antigena ali genoma virusa vezikularne bolezni prašičev s testoma ELISA in PCR ima enako diagnostično vrednost kot izolacija virusa.
The detection of antigens or genome of swine vesicular disease virus by means of ELISA and PCR has the same diagnostic value as virus isolation.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
Opredeljeno kot vrednost HCV- RNA pod mejo detekcije z uporabo raziskovalnega testa RT- PCR ob koncu zdravljenja in v obdobju spremljanja bolnikov.
Defined as HCV-RNA below limit of detection using a research based R T-PCR assay at end of treatment and during follow-up period
37 Prevajalska redakcija
Opredeljeno kot vrednost HCV- RNA pod mejo detekcije z uporabo raziskovalnega testa RT- PCR ob koncu zdravljenja in v obdobju spremljanja bolnikov. up
Defined as HCV-RNA below limit of detection using a research based period RT-PCR assay at end of treatment and during follow-up
38 Prevajalska redakcija
terapevtski negativen test HBeAg normalizacija virološki odziv PCR za serokonverzija ALT preboj * n/ N (%) HBV DNA n/ N (%) n/ N (%) n/ N (%) n/ N (%)
Outcome for key efficacy end points at 104 weeks based on week 24 results Therapeutic PCR-negative HBeAg ALT Virological response HBV DNA seroconversion normalisation breakthrough* n/ N (%) n/ N (%) n/ N (%) n/ N (%) n/ N (%)
39 Prevajalska redakcija
Od teh kožnih izpuščajev, podobnih izpuščaju 12 pri noricah, je bilo odvzetih 10 vzorcev, ki so bili primerni in so zadostovali za testiranje s PCR.
Of these varicella-like rashes, 10 had specimens that were available and adequate for PCR testing.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Od teh 53 kožnih izpuščajev, podobnih izpuščaju pri herpesu zostru, je bilo odvzetih 41 vzorcev, ki so bili primerni in so zadostovali za testiranje s PCR.
Of these 53 zosteriform rashes, 41 had specimens that were available and adequate for PCR testing.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Izolacija virusa in določitev s HAD se priporočata kot referenčni metodi za potrditev pozitivnih rezultatov predhodno opravljenih testov ELISA, metode PCR ali DIFT.
Virus isolation and identification by HAD are recommended as a reference test for the confirmation of positive results of a prior ELISA, PCR or DIFT.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
Vendar mora izolacija virusa veljati za referenčni test in jo je treba uporabiti kot potrditveni test, kadar je to potrebno, zlasti če pozitivnega rezultata testa ELISA ali PCR ni mogoče povezati z:
However, virus isolation must be considered as the reference test and must be used as confirmatory test when necessary, in particular if a positive ELISA or PCR result is not associated with:
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Njuna uporaba se zlasti priporoča v primeru, ko pozitivni rezultati testov DIF ali PCR niso povezani z ugotovitvijo ustreznih kliničnih znakov ali sprememb, značilnih za bolezen, kakor tudi v vseh drugih dvomljivih primerih.
Their use is particularly recommended where positive DIF or PCR results are not associated with the detection of clinical signs or lesions of disease and in any other doubtful cases.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Ker ta test ugotavlja zgolj zaporedje nukleotidov virusa, je lahko rezultat PCR pozitiven kljub temu, da v vzorcu ni kužnega virusa (npr. pri vzorcih razpadajočih tkivih ali vzorcih, pridobljenih od prašičev, ki so APK preboleli).
Since this test detects only a genome sequence of the virus, the PCR may be positive, even when no infectious virus is detected by virus isolation (e.g. in autolysed tissues or samples from convalescent pigs or from pigs which have recovered and become clinically normal).
45 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri HBeAg- negativnih bolnikih so bile razlike v terapevtskem odzivu (78 % v primerjavi s 66 %) in v glavnih sekundarnih ciljih študije (povprečno zmanjšanje log10 HBV DNA: - 5, 00 v primerjavi z - 4, 17 in negativen izid testa PCR:
Among HBeAg-negative patients, differences in therapeutic response (78 % vs 66 %) and key secondary endpoints (mean log10 HBV DNA reduction: -5.00 vs -4.17, and PCR negativity:
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
Tehnika PCR je hitra (rezultati so običajno na voljo v 24 urah), dokaže vse genotipe virusa vezikularne bolezni prašičev in je dovolj občutljiva za testiranje vzorcev, odvzetih prašičem, pri katerih obstaja sum na klinično obliko bolezni.
The PCR technique is rapid (the results are usually available within 24 hours), detects all genotypes of swine vesicular disease virus, and is sufficiently sensitive for use on samples collected from cases of suspect clinical disease.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Od 17 primerov pojava kožnega izpuščaja, podobnega izpuščaju pri herpesu zostru ali noricah, ki se je pojavil na mestih, kamor cepivo ni bilo aplicirano, je bilo odvzetih 10 vzorcev, ki so bili primerni in so zadostovali za testiranje s PCR.
Of the 17 reported noninjection-site zosteriform and varicella-like rashes, 10 specimens were available and adequate for PCR testing.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
Bolniki, ki so prejemali telbivudin in so po 24 tednih dosegli negativnost testa PCR, so po 104 tednih dosegli najvišja deleža negativnosti in HBeAg serokonverzije (pri HBeAg- pozitivnih bolnikih) ter najnižji skupni delež virološkega preboja.
Telbivudine-treated patients who achieved PCR negativity by week 24 had the highest rates of PCR negativity and HBeAg seroconversion (in HBeAg-positive patients), and the lowest overall rates of virological breakthrough at week 104.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
Bolniki, primerni za vključitev v te raziskave, so imeli kronični ie hepatitis C, ki je bil potrjen s pozitivnim izvidom testa polimerazne verižne reakcije za HCV- RNA (PCR) (> 100 kopij/ ml), izvidom jetrne biopsije, ki je histološko potrdil diagnozo kroničnega hepatitisa brez
Eligible patients for these trials had chronic hepatitis C confirmed by a positive HCV-RNA polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) (> 100 copies/ ml), a liver biopsy consistent with
50 Prevajalska redakcija
hepatitis C, ki je bil potrjen s pozitivnim izvidom testa polimerazne verižne reakcije za HCV- RNA (PCR) (> 100 kopij/ ml), izvidom jetrne biopsije, ki je histološko potrdil diagnozo kroničnega hepatitisa brez drugega vzroka za kronični hepatitis, ter nenormalno serumsko vrednostjo ALT. uk
Eligible patients for these trials had chronic hepatitis C confirmed by a positive HCV-RNA polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) (> 100 copies/ ml), a liver biopsy consistent with a histologic diagnosis of chronic hepatitis with no other cause for the chronic hepatitis, and abnormal serum ALT. lp
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