Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Končna redakcija
Pr tlak porušitve jeklenke, izmerjen med preskusom porušitve, v barih;
Pr = cylinder bursting pressure measured during the bursting test, in bars;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sodnik posameznik opravlja zadeve pr avne pomoči iz pristojnosti okrožnega sodišča.
Matters relating to provision of legal aid within the circuit court jurisdiction shall be dealt with by a single judge.
3 Objavljeno
Raziskava je pokazala, da je mikroalbuminurija pogosta pr ivarovancih z diabetesom in periferno arterijsko okluzivno boleznijo.
Our study has demonstrated that microalbuminuria is frequently present in diabetes mellitus and peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
4 Objavljeno
Za štetje eritrocitov na Lericontu II smo določali optimalne prage; pr govedu priporočamo prag 3.8, pri ovci 2,2, pri konju in prašiču 2.6 ter pri psu in mački 3.6.
The tresholds for counting erytrocytes in several kinds of domestic animals were determined on Lericont II. Optimum tresholds for counting erythrocytes by means of Lericont II were being determined: 3.8 is recomandable forcattle, 2.2 for sheep, 2.6 for horse, 2.6 for pig, 3.6 for dog and 3.6 for cat.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Organ na kopnem, ki prejme prvo obvestilo o položaju (01/PR), mora obvestiti pomorski organ namembnega pristanišča ladje ter vse druge vmesne organe na kopnem, če ti obstajajo.
The shore based Authority which receives the first report (01/PR) shall inform the maritime Authority of the ship's destination and the other shore based authorities in between, if any.
6 Objavljeno
Delež neodvisnih članov in stopnja potrebne neodvisnosti ( n. pr. od menedžmenta ali glavnega lastnika) bo odvisna od tipa komisije, občutljivosti zadeve na navzkrižja interesov in od sektorja, v katerem družba posluje.
The proportion of independent members as well as the type of independence required (e.g. from management or from the main owner) will depend on the type of committee, the sensitivity of the issue to conflicts of interests, and the SOE sector.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
»Kot kršitev tega člena se ne šteje odvzem življenja, če je posledica uporabe nujno potrebne sile: a) pri obrambi katerekoli osebe pred nezakonitim nasiljem, b) pri zakonitem odvzemu pr ostosti ali pri preprečitvi bega osebi, ki ji je zakonito odvzeta prostost, c) pri zakonitem dejanju, ki ima namen zadušiti upor ali vstajo.«
"Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary: (a) in defence of any person from unlawful violence; (b) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained; (c) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection."
8 Končna redakcija
Drgač je pa pr kanalizacij; in učas tud prime za kašn deu - zarad kundicje - in pr tem kar duober zašuž.
His proper trade's a navvy; and he works at it sometimes too - for exercise - and earns good money at it.
9 Končna redakcija
Izmerjeni tlak porušitve (Pr) mora biti višji od vrednosti, dane z enačbo:
The measured bursting pressure (Pr) shall be greater than the value given by:
10 Končna redakcija
Seveda, založnik potem zahteva od novinarja, da napiše plačano pr sporočilo.
Of course, it is journalists who are asked to write such article-advertisements.
11 Končna redakcija
Izmerjeni tlak porušitve (Pr) nikakor ne sme biti nižji od 9/4 preskusnega tlaka (Ph).
The measured bursting pressure (Pr) must not under any circumstances be less than 9/4 of the test pressure (Ph).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0777
da je prepovedan prevoz vode v drugaeni embalaži kakor tisti, v kateri se daje v pr omet.
the transport of natural mineral water in containers other than those authorized for distribution to the ultimate consumer is prohibited.
13 Končna redakcija
Ana muoja prjatlca ma francoske štrukcije pr enmo ta praumo Francoz po osemnajst penijev na uro.
A lady friend of mine gets French lessons for eighteenpence an hour from a real French gentleman.
14 Končna redakcija
V teh okoljih mediji pogosto delujejo kot servis za promocijo poslovnih in političnih interesov lastnikov in tudi za t. i. črni pr zoper poslovne ali politične nasprotnike.
Needless to say, media operating in such environments are frequently exploited for the promotion of commercial or political goals of their owners, or for negative pr aimed at their business competitors or political opponents.
15 Končna redakcija
V ta namen mora država članica, v kateri se opravi plačilo, redno posredovati državi članici, v kateri se izvede zakol, povzetek potrdila o zakolu (ali podatke namesto tega) po klavnicah, ki ga prejme od pr e jšnje države članice.
To that end the Member State where payment is made shall forward regularly to the Member State where slaughter takes place a summary, grouped by slaughterhouse, of the slaughter certificates (or information in place thereof] received from the latter Member State.
16 Končna redakcija
Več možnosti primerjav nudijo thanetijske bentične foraminifere (kot n.pr. Periloculina slovenica, Kathina aff. selveri, rotaliidae) iz profilov vzhodnega kot tudi atlantskega dela severnih Pirenejev (ibidem, P e y b e r n ‚ s et al., 2000).
More possibilities for comparison are offered by Thanetian benthic foraminifers Periloculina slovenica, Kathina aff. selveri from profiles of east as well as Atlantic part of northern Pyrenees (ibidem; P e y b e r n ‚ s et al., 2000).
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Pogoji, našteti v tej prilogi, sestavljajo seznam vseh možnih pogojev, ki se lahko navezujejo na splošne odobritve (Del A), pravice uporabe radijskih frekvenc (Del B) in pr avice uporabe številk (Del C), kot je navedeno v elenu 6(1) in elenu 11(1)(a).
The conditions listed in this Annex provide the maximum list of conditions which may be attached to general authorisations (Part A), rights to use radio frequencies (Part B) and rights to use numbers (Part C) as referred to in Article 6(1) and Article 11(1)(a).
18 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31990L0434
družbe po belgijski zakono daji: 'société anonyme' / 'naamloze vennootschap', 'société en commandite par actions' / 'commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen', 'société privée a responsabilité limitée' / 'besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid' in tista telesa javnega pr ava, ki delujejo po zasebnem pravu;
(a) companies under Belgian law known as 'société anonyme' / 'naamloze vennootschap', 'société en commandit e par actions' / 'commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen', 'société privée ŕ responsabilité limitée' / 'besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid' and those public law bodies that operate under private law;
19 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: PP-aa00005
Naroènik je v èlenu 3 §2 in §3 Zakona št. 263/1999 Z. z. o javnih naroèilih s spremembami opredeljen kot pravni subjekt, ki v okviru svoje dejavnosti celinske plovbe vzdržuje plovno pot in ustanavlja ter vzdržuje javna pristanišèa in zmogljivosti na vodni poti (Zakon št. 338/2000 Z. z. - npr. Prístav Bratislava, Prístav Kom įrno, Pr ístav Štúrovo).
The procuring entity is defined in Article 3 §2 and §3 of Act No. 263/1999 Z. z. on Public Procurement, as amended, as a legal entity which deals in inland navigation by maintaining the waterways and by establishing and maintaining public ports and waterway facilities (Act No. 338/2000 Z. z.- e.g. Prístav Bratislava, Prístav Kom įrno, Pr ístav Štúrovo)."
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Analiza postopka prodaje-nakupa v tem primeru pokaže, da uvozniki in trgovci, preden oddajo naročilo izvozniku proizvajalcu v Indiji, specificirajo značilnosti izdelka (dizajn, barvo, kakovost, velikost itd.) za dobavo, in tako primerjajo ponudbe različnih proizvajalcev predvsem na podlagi cene, saj so vsi ostali elementi vnaprej določeni v pozivu za zbiranje ponudb, ali pa jih določi sam uvoznik v primerjavi s podobnim blagom (n.pr. strategija blagovne znamke).
It appears from the analysis of the selling-buying process in this case that the importers and traders, before passing an order to an exporting producer in India, specify all the characteristics of the product (design, colour, quality, sizes, etc.) to be delivered, and thus compare the different producers' offers mainly on the basis of price as all other differentiating elements are predetermined in the call for offers, or subsequently result from the importer's own efforts in respect of similar goods (e.g. branding).
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Eno podjetje, na primer obratovalec kabelskega omrežja, lahko ponudi elektronsko komunikacijsko storitev, na primer prenos televizijskih signalov, in storitve, ki niso zajete v to direktivo, na primer komercializacijo ponudbe storitev zvoenih ali televizijskih radiodifuzijskih vsebin, zato se lahko temu podjetju naložijo dodatne obveznosti v zvezi z njegovo dejavnostjo ponudnika ali distributerja vsebin v skladu z drugimi doloebami, ne z doloebami iz te direktive, ne da bi to posegalo v seznam pogojev iz pr iloge k tej direktivi.
The same undertaking, for example a cable operator, can offer both an electronic communications service, such as the conveyance of television signals, and services not covered under this Directive, such as the commercialisation of an offer of sound or television broadcasting content services, and therefore additional obligations can be imposed on this undertaking in relation to its activity as a content provider or distributor, according to provisions other than those of this Directive, without prejudice to the list of conditions laid in the Annex to this Directive.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0597
(PR) Portoriko
(PR) Puerto Rico
23 Pravna redakcija
GA 030 - iz drugih plemenitih kovin, n.pr. srebra
GA 030 ex 711290 - Other precious metals, e.g. silver
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0316
Qualitätswein mit Pradikat/Q.b.A.m.Pr ali Prädikatswein
Qualitätswein mit Pradikat/Q.b.A.m.Pr or Prädikatswein
25 Pravna redakcija
Rezultat, izražen v odstotkih, je značilnost za dano hitrost vozila (pr EN 50 317).
The result, given in %, is a characteristic for a given speed of the vehicle (prEN 50317).
26 Pravna redakcija
Pr ab ab = ab ab tlak porušitve jeklenke, izmerjen med preskusom porušitve, v barih;
Pr = cylinder bursting pressure measured during the bursting test, in bars,
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0527
Izmerjeni tlak porušitve (Pr) nikakor ne sme biti nižji od 9/4 preskusnega tlaka (Ph).
The measured bursting pressure (Pr) must not under any circumstances be less than 9/4 of the test pressure (Pj,).
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Nesmiselno bi bilo izbrati samo en element (n.pr. dohodek DEPB) in ga izločiti iz izračuna.
It would be unreasonable to select one element (e.g. the DEPB income) and then set this aside from the calculation.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
V tem primeru je ocena, ki jo dobi kandidat, ki je ocenil določeno lastnost, na primer pri nizu "pregreto-plesnivo" (Pr), enaka kvadratu razlike med točnim mestom kozarca v nizu in mestom, na katero ga je kandidat uvrstil, n.pr.:
In this case, the grading awarded a candidate who has assessed a set stimulus (concentration), for instance in the 'atrojado` - fusty series (Fy), shall be equal to the square of the difference between the exact number of the glass in the order of the series and the position in which the candidate has replaced it. That is to say
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Poleg tega naj bi bili RVP-Pr in RVP-NPr med seboj zamenljivi v zelo omejenem obsegu, če sploh, in ta zamenljivost naj bi bila omejena samo na določene tipe vlaken, prvotno predvidene za RVP-Pr, ki se lahko uporabijo tudi kot RVP-NPr.
Furthermore, it was alleged that interchangeability, if any, between PSF-Sp and PSF-NW was very limited and only concerned certain types of fibres originally intended for PSF-Sp which might be used as PSF-NW.
31 Pravna redakcija
Drugi nožarski izdelki (n. pr. vrtnarske škarje, škarje za lase, mesarski sekači, noži za papir), razen ročnih škarij in njihovih delov
Other articles of cutlery (for example secateurs, hair clippers, butchers' cleavers, paper knives), excluding hand-operated clippers and parts thereof
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Glede na to, da bo ta postopek izvajal vsak kandidat s štirimi koncentracijami vsake lastnosti, je delna ocena za lastnost (na primer Pr) naslednja:
Since this operation will be conducted by each candidate on four stimuli (concentrations) of each attribute, the partial grading for the attribute (e.g.Fy) would be:
33 Pravna redakcija
prevajanje toka preko zračne reže med kontaktno gibljivo vezjo in kontaktnim vodnikom, ki ga običajno spremlja sproščanje močne svetlobe (pr EN 50 317).
the flow of current through an air gap between a contact strip and a contact wire usually indicated by the emission of intense light (pr EN 50 317).
34 Pravna redakcija
spodbujala in podpirala sodelovanje na subregionalni ravni, kot n.pr. znotraj Arabsko-magrebške unije, v okviru, ki omogoča prehod na širše regionalno sodelovanje,
encourage and support subregional cooperation, such as within the Arab Maghreb Union, within a framework leading to wider regional cooperation,
35 Pravna redakcija
V vrstici "CN Kitajska (PR)" se opomba "3" za besedo "Shandong" in za črko "B" ter pripadajoča opomba "3, Uvoz, začasno ustavljen od 1. avgusta 1996" na dnu strani izbrišejo.
In the line "CN China (PR)" the footnote "3" after the word "Shandong" and after the letter "B" and the corresponding footnote "3, Importation suspended as from 1 August 1996" at the bottom of the page are deleted.
36 Pravna redakcija
GC 020 elektronski odpadki (n.pr. tiskana vezja, elektronske komponente, žica ipd.) in pridobljene elektronske komponente, primerne za ponovno izrabo osnovnih in plemenitih kovin
GC 020 Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc.) and reclaimed electronic components suitable for base and precious metal recovery
37 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
- resne ali kronične okvare centralnega ali perifernega živčnega sistema, povzročene na kakršenkoli način, kakor n.pr. bolezni možganov, miopatije in paraliz perifernega tipa;
- serious or chronic affection of the central or autonomic nervous system, however caused, such as diseases of the brain, myopathy and autonomic paralysis;
38 Pravna redakcija
39 Pravna redakcija
Napetostni pretvornik C-MOS tehnologije, sposobno pretvarjanja nivoja vhodne napetosti, ki ne presega 5 V pri vhodnem toku, ki ne presega 0,1Δ›A v izhodno napetost, ki ne presega 15 V pr
V oltage converter of C-MOS technology, capable of transforming an input voltage level not exceeding 5 V at an input current not exceeding 0, 1 Δ›A into an output voltage not exceeding 15V at an ouput current not exceeding 1 mA, in the form of a monoli
40 Pravna redakcija
Tekstilne tkanine in klobučevina, nepretrgane ali z elementi za spajanje, ki se uporabljajo pri strojih za proizvodnjo papirja ali pri podobnih strojih, n. pr. za celulozo ali azbest cement, mase < 650 g /m2
Woven fabrics and felts, continuous or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used for paper-making or similar machines, e.g. for the manufacture of paper pulp or asbestos cement, with a weight of < 650 g per m2
41 Pravna redakcija
Tekstilne tkanine in klobučevina, nepretrgane ali z elementi za spajanje, ki se uporabljajo pri strojih za proizvodnjo papirja ali pri podobnih strojih, n. pr. za celulozo ali azbest cement, mase >= 650 g /m2
Woven fabrics and felts, continuous or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used for paper-making or similar machines, e.g. for the manufacture of paper pulp or asbestos cement, with a weight of > =650 g per m2
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(213) Vse zahtevke za uporabo teh stopenj izravnalnih dajatev za posamezne družbe (n.pr. po spremembi naziva subjekta ali po ustanovitvi novih proizvodnih ali prodajnih subjektov) se nemudoma naslovi na Komisijo, skupaj z vsemi relevantnimi podatki, zlasti glede spremembe proizvodne dejavnosti družbe, prodaje doma ali na tujem, ki je povezana n. pr. s to spremembo naziva ali spremembo proizvodnih ali prodajnih subjektov.
(213) Any claim requesting the application of these individual company countervailing duty rates (e.g. following a change in the name of the entity or following the setting up of new production or sales entities) should be addressed to the Commission forthwith with all relevant information, in particular any modification in the company's activities linked to production, domestic and export sales associated with e.g. that name change or that change in the production and sales entities.
43 Pravna redakcija
subjekti, ki prevažajo plin na podlagi prečiščenega besedila zakonov Leggi sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province approvato con Regio Decreto n. 2578 z dne 15. oktobra 1925 in na podlagi Decreto del PR n. 902 z dne 4. oktobra 1986
Entities distributing gas pursuant to the Consolidated Text of Leggi sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province approvato con Regio Decreto n. 2578 of 15 October 1925 and to Decreto del PR n. 902 of 4 October 1986
44 Pravna redakcija
Kemično inertna filtracijska sredstva in sredstva za pospeševanje sedimentacije (na pr. perlit, diatomejska zemlja, celuloza, netopni poliamidi, polivinilpolipirolidon, polistiren), ki ustrezajo zahtevam Direktive Skupnosti o snoveh in predmetih, namenjenih za stik z živili.
Chemically inert filtration adjuvant and precipitation agents (e. g. perlite, washed diatomite, cellulose, insoluble polyamide, polyvinylpolypyrolidon, polystyrene), which comply with the Community Directives on materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1428
V skladu z raziskavami z radioaktivnim ogljikom je bil Phaseolus coccineus ( multiflorus ) udomačen v Mehiki okoli 2000 pr. n. št. Fižol naj bi v Evropo prinesli sredi šestnajstega stoletja, najprej v Anglijo in Španijo, ob koncu navedenega stoletja pa je prišel v Grčijo.
According to radioactive carbon studies Phaseolus coccineus ( multiflorus ) was domesticated in Mexico around 2000 B.C. It is believed that beans were brought to Europe in the middle of the sixteenth century, first to England and Spain, and reached Greece at the end of that century.
46 Pravna redakcija
subjekti, ki proizvajajo ali razdeljujejo vodo na podlagi prečiščenega besedila zakonov Leggi sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province approvato con Regio Decreto n. 2578 z dne 15. oktobra 1925 in na podlagi Decreto del PR n. 902 z dne 4. oktobra 1986
Entities producing or distributing water pursuant to the Consolidated Text of Leggi sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province approvato con Regio Decreto n. 2578 of 15 October 1925 and Decreto del P.R. n. 902 of 4 October 1986
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1255
Napetostni pretvornik C-MOS tehnologije, sposobno pretvarjanja nivoja vhodne napetosti, ki ne presega 5 V pri vhodnem toku, ki ne presega 0,1μA v izhodno napetost, ki ne presega 15 V pr i izhodnem toku, ki ne presega 1mA, v obliki monolitnega integriranega analognega vezja, vsebovanega v ohišju, ki ima:
V oltage converter of C-MOS technology, capable of transforming an input voltage level not exceeding 5 V at an input current not exceeding 0, 1 μA into an output voltage not exceeding 15V at an ouput current not exceeding 1 mA, in the form of a monoli thic integrated analogue circuit contained in a housing bearing:
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Nekatere zainteresirane stranke so nadalje dokazovale, da bi bilo zaradi razlik v osnovnih fizikalnih lastnostih, ki pogojujejo končno uporabo izdelka, v vsakem primeru treba razločevati med tipi RVP za predenje (imenovanimi tudi tkani, v nadaljnjem besedilu ''RVP-Pr'') in RVP za druge namene kot predenje (imenovanimi tudi netkani ali ''fibrefill'', v nadaljnjem besedilu ''RVP-NPr'').
Some interested parties also argued that, in any event, a differentiation should be made between PSF types used for spinning applications (also called woven, hereafter referred to as PSF-Sp) and PSF used for non-spinning applications (also called non-woven or fibrefill, hereafter referred to as PSF-NW) because of different specific basic physical characteristics, determining the end-use of the product.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Analiza postopka prodaje-nakupa v tem primeru pokaže, da uvozniki in trgovci, preden oddajo naročilo izvozniku proizvajalcu v Indiji, specificirajo značilnosti izdelka (dizajn, barvo, kakovost, velikost itd.) za dobavo, in tako primerjajo ponudbe različnih proizvajalcev predvsem na podlagi cene, saj so vsi ostali elementi vnaprej določeni v pozivu za zbiranje ponudb, ali pa jih določi sam uvoznik v primerjavi s podobnim blagom (n.pr. strategija blagovne znamke).
It appears from the analysis of the selling-buying process in this case that the importers and traders, before passing an order to an exporting producer in India, specify all the characteristics of the product (design, colour, quality, sizes, etc.) to be delivered, and thus compare the different producers' offers mainly on the basis of price as all other differentiating elements are predetermined in the call for offers, or subsequently result from the importer's own efforts in respect of similar goods (e.g. branding).
50 Prevajalska redakcija
pr Lot
LOT du
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