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Ponudnik iskanja
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
V roku iz drugega pododstavka mora uprava ciljne družbe pred vsakim ukrepanjem, razen pri iskanju alternativnih ponudb, pridobiti za ta namen predhodno odobritev skupščine delničarjev za ukrep, ki bi lahko onemogočal ponudbo, in še zlasti pred izdajo katerihkoli delnic, ki lahko trajno ovira pridobitev kontrole ponudnika nad ciljno družbo.
2.During the period referred to in the second subparagraph, the board of the offeree company shall obtain the prior authorisation of the general meeting of shareholders given for this purpose before taking any action, other than seeking alternative bids, which may result in the frustration of the bid and in particular before issuing any shares which may result in a lasting impediment to the offeror's acquiring control of the offeree company.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
V roku iz drugega pododstavka mora uprava ciljne družbe pred vsakim ukrepanjem, razen pri iskanju alternativnih ponudb, pridobiti za ta namen predhodno odobritev skupščine delničarjev za ukrep, ki bi lahko onemogočal ponudbo, in še zlasti pred izdajo katerihkoli delnic, ki lahko trajno ovira pridobitev kontrole ponudnika nad ciljno družbo.
2.During the period referred to in the second subparagraph, the board of the offeree company shall obtain the prior authorisation of the general meeting of shareholders given for this purpose before taking any action, other than seeking alternative bids, which may result in the frustration of the bid and in particular before issuing any shares which may result in a lasting impediment to the offeror's acquiring control of the offeree company.
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Ponudnik iskanja