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Pridružitveni odbor
1 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor
Association Committee
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
Pridružitveni odbor na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Slovenije pregleda v evrih izražene zneske.
The amounts expressed in euro shall be reviewed by the Association Committee at the request of the Community or of Slovenia.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
Pridružitveni odbor pri tem upošteva zaželeno ohranjanje realnih učinkov teh vrednostnih omejitev.
When carrying out this review, the Association Committee shall consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje, pod katerimi je treba med seboj razlikovati take enakozvočne označbe, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions under which the homonymous designations in question are to be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to avoid misleading the consumer.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje uporabe, s katerimi omogoči razlikovanje med enakozvočnimi označbami ali izrazi iz petega in šestega odstavka, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions of use to enable a distinction to be drawn between the homonymous indications or expressions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, bearing in mind the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to ensure that consumers are not misled.
6 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor odloča o:
The Cooperation Committee shall decide on:
7 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor določi svoj poslovnik.
The Association Committee shall establish its Rules of Procedure.
8 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko določi drugačen časovni razpored.
The Association Committee may decide on a different timetable.
9 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se sestane v 30 dneh of vročitve predloga.
The Association Committee shall convene within 30 days of delivery of the request.
10 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor si prizadeva spor nemudoma rešiti s sklepom.
The Association Committee shall endeavour to resolve the dispute promptly by means of a decision.
11 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor sprejme potrebne ukrepe za izvajanje odstavka 1.
The Association Council shall take the steps necessary to implement paragraph 1.
12 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor je odgovoren za splošno izvajanje tega sporazuma.
The Association Committee shall be responsible for the general implementation of this Agreement.
13 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko odloči, da spremeni določbe tega protokola.
The Association Committee may decide to amend the provisions of this Protocol.
14 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se navadno sestaja izmenično v Skupnosti in Maroku.
The Association Committee shall normally meet alternately in the Community and in Morocco.
15 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor oblikuje svoje sklepe s soglasjem med pogodbenicama.
The Association Committee shall draw up its decisions by agreement between the Parties.
16 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko sklene, da bo spremenil določbe iz te priloge.
The Association Committee may decide to amend the provisions of this Annex.
17 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor redno preverja, ali je potrebna sprememba te določbe.
The Association Committee shall assess the need to review this provision regularly.
18 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se obvesti o ukrepih, sprejetih za izvajanje tega cilja.
The Association Committee shall be informed about the measures adopted to implement this objective.
19 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor bo obveščen o ukrepih, sprejetih za izvajanje tega cilja.
The Association Committee will be informed about the measures adopted to implement this objective.
20 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko sprejme kakršen koli sklep, potreben za odpravo težav.
The Association Committee may take any decision needed to put an end to the difficulties.
21 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da seznam vedno in v vsakem trenutku vsebuje 15 posameznikov.
The Association Committee shall ensure that the list always contains 15 individuals at any point in time.
22 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor zagotovi, da seznam vedno in v vsakem trenutku vsebuje pet posameznikov.
The Association Committee shall ensure that the list always contains five individuals at any point in time.
23 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev v primerih, predvidenih s tem sporazumom, ali če mu takšno pooblastilo podeli Pridružitveni svet.
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions in the cases provided for in this Agreement or where such power has been delegated to it by the Association Council.
24 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev za upravljanje tega sporazuma kot tudi na področjih, kjer mu takšno pooblastilo podeli Pridružitveni svet.
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in those areas in which the Council has delegated its powers to it.
25 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se na predlog druge pogodbenice sestane, da se interesi druge ustrezno upoštevajo.
At the request of the other Party, the Association Committee shall meet to take due account of the interests of the other Party.
26 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor v rednih časovnih presledkih in vsaj enkrat na tri leta pregleda izvajanje tega člena.
The Association Committee shall periodically, and at least once every three years, review the implementation of this Article.
27 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko, ko se mu to zdi potrebno, s sklepom spremeni vzorčni poslovnik in etični kodeks, določen v Prilogi XVI.
The Association Committee may, whenever it considers necessary, amend the Model Rules of Procedure and the Code of Conduct set out in Annex XVI, by means of a decision.
28 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor pregleda delovanje tega poglavja vsake tri leta po pregledu iz odstavka 1 in Pridružitvenemu svetu predloži ustrezne predloge.
The Association Committee shall examine the operation of this Chapter every three years after the review undertaken under paragraph 1 and shall submit appropriate proposals to the Association Council.
29 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev glede upravljanja Sporazuma ter glede vseh tistih področjih, za katera ga Svet pooblasti.
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in the areas in which the Council has delegated its powers to it.
30 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se v najširšem možnem obsegu obvešča o ukrepih, sprejetih na podlagi odstavkov 1(b) in (c) in o prenehanju njihove veljavnosti.
The Association Committee shall be informed to the fullest extent possible of measures taken under paragraphs 1(b) and (c) and of their termination.
31 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Jordanije pregleda v ekujih izražene zneske in njihovo protivrednost v domačih valutah držav članic ES in Jordanije.
The amounts expressed in ECU and their equivalents in the national currencies of the EC Member States and Jordan shall be reviewed by the Association Committee at the request of the Community or Jordan.
32 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor vsaki dve leti pregleda izvajanje tega naslova, razen če se pogodbenici odločita drugače; preuči vsa vprašanja, ki izhajajo iz njega, in ustrezno ukrepa pri izvajanju svojih nalog.
The Association Committee shall review the implementation of this Title every two years, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties; it shall consider any issue arising from it, and take appropriate action in the exercise of its functions.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Pridružitveni odbor obravnava splošne razvojne usmeritve, napredek in težave pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog Partnerstva za pristop, kakor tudi bolj določena področja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting the Accession Partnership` s priorities as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
34 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor se na splošno sestaja enkrat letno zaradi celovitega pregleda izvajanja tega sporazuma, eno leto v Bruslju in naslednje v Čilu, datum in dnevni red pa pogodbenici sporazumno določita vnaprej.
The Association Committee shall generally meet once a year for an overall review of the implementation of this Agreement, on a date and with an agenda agreed in advance by the Parties, in Brussels one year and in Chile the next.
35 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor ob tem pregledu zagotovi, da se zneski, ki jih je treba uporabljati, ne bodo znižali v nobeni domači valuti in bo nadalje upošteval zaželeno ohranjanje realnih učinkov teh vrednostnih omejitev.
When carrying out this review, the Association Committee shall ensure that there will be no decrease in the amounts to be used in any national currency and shall furthermore consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
Pridružitveni odbor je zadolžen za obravnavanje splošnih razvojnih usmeritev ter za napredek in težave pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog in vmesnih ciljev, kakor tudi za bolj specifična vprašanja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting its priorities and intermediate objectives as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0083
Pridružitveni odbor je zadolžen za obravnavanje splošnih razvojnih usmeritev ter za napredek in obravnavanje težav pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog in vmesnih ciljev, kakor tudi za bolj specifična vprašanja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting the Partnership's priorities and intermediate objectives as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
38 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj 15 posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti arbitri, katerih tretjina ne smejo biti državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so lahko imenovani za predsednika arbitražnega senata.
The Association Committee shall, no later than six months after the entry into force of this Agreement, establish a list of at least 15 individuals who are willing and able to serve as arbitrators, a third of whom must not be national of either Party and are identified as chairperson of arbitration panels.
39 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj 15 posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti enološki arbitri, katerih tretjina ne smejo biti državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so lahko imenovani za predsedujočega razsodišč.
The Association Committee shall, no later than six months after the entry into force of this Agreement, establish a list of at least 15 individuals who are willing and able to serve as oenological arbitrators, a third of whom must not be nationals of either Party and be identified as chairperson of arbitration panels.
40 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor lahko v primeru hujših težav v zvezi z določenim izdelkom sporazumno ponovno preuči zadevne časovne razporede v skladu z odstavki 2, 3 in 4 pod pogojem, da se časovni razpored, za katerega se zahteva ponovna preučitev, za izdelek ne more podaljšati preko maksimalnega prehodnega obdobja 12 let.
In the event of serious difficulties for a given product, the relevant timetables in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 may be reviewed by the Association Committee by common accord on the understanding that the timetable for which the review has been requested may not be extended in respect of the product concerned beyond the maximum transitional period of 12 years.
41 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni odbor z odstopanjem od četrtega pododstavka odstavka 1 zaradi upoštevanja težav, povezanih z vzpostavljanjem nove industrije in kadar se nekateri sektorji prestrukturirajo ali so v resnih težavah, izjemoma lahko odobri, da Jordanija ohrani na podlagi odstavka 1 sprejete ukrepe največ še tri leta po izteku 12- letnega prehodnega obdobja.
By way of derogation from the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 1, the Association Committee may exceptionally, in order to take account of the difficulties involved in setting up a new industry and when certain sectors are undergoing restructuring or facing serious difficulties, authorise Jordan to maintain the measures already taken pursuant to paragraph 1 for a maximum period of three years beyond the 12-year transitional period.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Pridružitveni odbor obravnava splošne razvojne usmeritve, napredek in težave pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog Partnerstva za pristop, kakor tudi bolj določena področja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting the Accession Partnership's priorities as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
43 Prevod
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev glede upravljanja Sporazuma ter glede vseh tistih področjih, za katera ga Svet pooblasti.
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in those areas in which the Association Council has delegated its powers to it.
44 Prevod
Pridružitveni odbor največ šest mesecev po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma določi seznam vsaj petih posameznikov, ki niso državljani nobene od pogodbenic, in ki so pripravljeni in sposobni biti razsodniki in biti imenovani za predsedujoče arbitražnih svetov pri finančnih storitvah.
the Association Committee shall, no later than six months after the entry into force of this Agreement, establish a list of at least five individuals who are not nationals of either Party, and who are willing and able to serve as arbitrators and be identified as chairperson of arbitration panels in financial services.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
ob upoštevanju smernic Odbora OECD za razvojno pomoč, sodelovanja Evropske unije in držav, vključenih v pridružitveni in stabilizacijski proces,
Taking into consideration the guidelines of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), the cooperative relationship of the European Union and the states which are included in the Association and Stabilisation process,
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
(a) na podlagi sklepa Pridružitvenega odbora sestavita in spremenita sezname iz 5. člena in protokol tega sporazuma zaradi upoštevanja vseh sprememb zakonov in predpisov pogodbenic;
(a) establish and amend by decision of the Association Committee the lists referred to in Article 5 and the Protocol to this Agreement to take account of any amendments to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties;
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
(a) na podlagi sklepa Pridružitvenega odbora sestavita in spremenita sezname iz 5. člena in protokol tega sporazuma zaradi upoštevanja vseh sprememb zakonov in predpisov pogodbenic;
(a) establish and amend by decision of the Association Committee the lists referred to in Article 5 and the Protocol to this Agreement, to take account of any amendments to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties;
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
Pogodbenici lahko na skupni odbor naslovita vse spore zaradi uporabe ali razlage tolmačenja tega sporazuma, ki niso bili rešeni v skladu s členom 22. V tem členu kot skupni odbor nastopa pridružitveni svet, ustanovljen s Pridružitvenim sporazumom.
Either Contracting Party may refer to the Joint Committee any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of this Agreement, having not been resolved in accordance with Article 22. For the purposes of this Article, the Association Council established under the Association Agreement shall act as Joint Committee.
49 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
Če pride do sporov v zvezi s postopki preverjanja iz 32. člena, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti med carinskimi organi, ki zahtevajo preverjanje, in carinskimi organi, odgovornimi za izvedbo tega preverjanja, ali če se pojavi vprašanje glede razlage tega protokola, jih je treba predložiti Pridružitvenemu odboru.
Where disputes arise in relation to the verification procedures of Article 32 which cannot be settled between the customs authorities requesting a verification and the customs authorities responsible for carrying out this verification or where they raise a question as to the interpretation of this Protocol, they shall be submitted to the Association Committee.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
Da bi zaščitile imena in označbe, predvidene v 5. členu Priloge II (Sporazum o vinu) in Priloge III (Sporazum o alkoholnih pijačah) Protokola, si bodo pogodbenice čim bolj prizadevale, da bodo Pridružitvenemu odboru omogočile čimprejšnje sprejetje sklepov, predvidenih v točki (a) drugega odstavka 14. člena zgoraj omenjenih sporazumov, če bo to mogoče, pa v šestih mesecih po sprejetju stališča Skupnosti do te zadeve
In order to implement the protection of the names and designations provided for in Article 5 of Annex II (Wine Agreement) and of Annex III (Spirits Agreement) to the Protocol, the Contracting Parties will use their best endeavours to permit the adoption by the Association Committee of the decisions provided for in Article 14(2)(a) of the abovementioned Agreements at the earliest opportunity, and if possible within a period of six months from the adoption of the Community position on this matter.
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Pridružitveni odbor