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Račun za telekomunikacije
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(h) metode za boj proti mednarodnemu organiziranemu kriminalu, pri katerem se uporabljajo računalniki, telekomunikacijska omrežja ali druge oblike sodobne tehnologije;
(h) Methods used in combating transnational organized crime committed through the use of computers, telecommunications networks or other forms of modern technology; and
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Če niso sklenjeni posebni sporazumi med državami članicami, se za določanje obračunskih stopenj za mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve in za odpiranje mednarodnih računov kot denarna enota uporablja:
In the absence of special arrangements concluded between Member States, the monetary unit to be used in the composition of accounting rates for international telecommunication services and in the establishment of international accounts shall be:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Vsaka pogodbenica prouči sprejetje takih zakonskih in drugih morebitnih ukrepov, da lahko uporabi posebne preiskovalne metode za lažje prepoznavanje premoženjske koristi in njeno sledenje ter zbiranje dokazov v zvezi s tem, kot so opazovanje, prestrezanje telekomunikacij, dostop do računalniških sistemov in nalog za izdelavo posebnih listin.
3 Each Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to enable it to use special investigative techniques facilitating the identification and tracing of proceeds and the gathering of evidence related thereto, such as observation, interception of telecommunications, access to computer systems and order to produce specific documents.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
glede na Priporočila Odbora ministrov o izvajanju Evropske konvencije o medsebojni pomoči v kazenskih zadevah z upoštevanjem pisnih zaprosil za prestrezanje telekomunikacij, št. R (85) 10, o piratstvu na področju avtorske pravice in sorodnih pravic, št. R (88) 2, o uporabi osebnih podatkov za namene policije, št. R (87) 15, o varstvu osebnih podatkov na področju telekomunikacijskih storitev, še posebej v zvezi s telefonskimi storitvami, št. R (95) 4, kot tudi o zagotavljanju smernic o kaznivih dejanjih, povezanih z računalništvom za notranje zakonodaje glede opredelitve posameznih računalniških kaznivih dejanj, št. R (89) 9 in št. R (95) 13, ki obravnava problematiko kazenskega procesnega prava pri kaznivih dejanjih, povezanih z informacijsko tehnologijo;
Recalling Committee of Ministers Recommendations No. R (85) 10 concerning the practical application of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters in respect of letters rogatory for the interception of telecommunications, No. R (88) 2 on piracy in the field of copyright and neighbouring rights, No. R (87) 15 regulating the use of personal data in the police sector, No. R (95) 4 on the protection of personal data in the area of telecommunication services, with particular reference to telephone services, as well as No. R (89) 9 on computer-related crime providing guidelines for national legislatures concerning the definition of certain computer crimes and No. R (95) 13 concerning problems of criminal procedural law connected with information technology;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
.3 sisteme, kot so sistemi za distribucijo elektrike, radijski in telekomunikacijski sistemi, računalniški sistemi in mreže;
3 systems such as electrical distribution systems, radio and telecommunication systems and computer systems and networks;.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
.5 ukrepe za zaščito radijske in telekomunikacijske opreme, pristaniških in komunalnih storitev, vključno z računalniškimi sistemi in mrežami;
5 measures to protect radio and telecommunication equipment, port services and utilities, including computer systems and networks;.
7 Pravna redakcija
(i) strokovnjaki ponudnika finančnih storitev za računalniške storitve, telekomunikacijske storitve in račune; in
(i) specialists in computer services, telecommunication services and accounts of the financial service supplier; and
8 Pravna redakcija
To je naprava, ki jo je mogoče vgraditi v računalnik ali telekomunikacijsko opremo za pridobitev komunikacijskega dostopa.
It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access.
9 Pravna redakcija
Glede nadzornega statusa "digitalnih računalnikov" in sorodne opreme za telekomunikacijsko opremo glej Kategorijo 5, del 1 (Telekomunikacije)
For the control status of "digital computers"-or related equipment for telecommunications equipment, see Category 5, Part I (Telecommunications).
10 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Storitve popravila, vzdrževanja in pripadajoče storitve za osebne računalnike, pisarniško opremo, telekomunikacije in avdio-vizualno opremo
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio - visual equipment
11 Pravna redakcija
ter da zlasti pri ponudniku telekomunikacijskih storitev poskrbijo za ločeno finančno računovodstvo v zvezi z zagotavljanjem vsakega omrežja in njegovimi dejavnostmi.
and in particular to ensure the separation of financial accounts as concerns the provision of each network and its activity as provider of telecommunication services.
12 Pravna redakcija
V okviru postopka s potrdilom LT se lahko računi, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz tega člena, sestavijo in/ali pošiljajo z uporabo telekomunikacij ali metod za elektronsko obdelavo podatkov.
In the framework of the LT certificate procedure, invoices which satisfy the conditions of this Article may be made out and/or transmitted using telecommunications or electronic data-processing methods.
13 Pravna redakcija
Če so " digitalni računalniki", računalniška ali programska oprema bistveni za delovanje in podporo telekomunikacijske opreme iz te kategorije, veljajo za posebej izdelane komponente pod pogojem, da gre za standardne modele, ki jih dobavlja proizvajalec.
"Digital computers", related equipment or "software", when essential for the operation and support of telecommunications equipment described in this Category, are regarded as specially designed components, provided they are the standard models customarily supplied by the manufacturer.
14 Pravna redakcija
Visoke tarife, ki iz tega izhajajo in jih zaračunavajo telekomunikacijske organizacije za osnovno infrastrukturo, ki jo zagotavljajo te organizacije in po kateri tretje osebe lahko ponujajo liberalizirane storitve, ter pomanjkanje te infrastrukture so povzročili zamude pri obsežnem razvoju hitrih podjetniških omrežij, daljinskem dostopu podjetij in fizičnih oseb do podatkovnih baz in pri uporabi inovativnih storitev, kakor so daljinsko bančništvo, učenje na daljavo, računalniško podprto trženje itd. (glej sporočilo Komisije Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu z dne 25. oktobra 1994 "Zelena knjiga o liberalizaciji telekomunikacijske infrastrukture in omrežij kabelske televizije:
The resulting high tariffs charged by the telecommunications organizations for, and the shortage of, the basic infrastructure provided by these organizations over which liberalized services might be offered by third parties have delayed widespread development of high-speed corporate networks, remote accessing of databases by both business and residential users and the deployment of innovative services such as telebanking, distance learning, computer-aided marketing, etc. (See communication to the European Parliament and the Council of 25 October 1994 'Green Paper on the liberalization of telecommunications infrastructure and cable television networks:
15 Pravna redakcija
Če ima operater izključno pravico do zagotavljanja infrastrukture omrežja kabelske televizije na določenem območju, države članice zagotovijo tudi, da zadevni operater vodi ločeno finančno računovodstvo za svojo dejavnost ponudnika omrežne zmogljivosti za namene telekomunikacij, ko na trgu za druge telekomunikacijske storitve, razen razdeljevanja (distribucije) radijskih in radiodifuzijskih storitev na zadevnem geografskem območju, preseže njegov skupni promet 50 milijonov ECU.
Where an operator has an exclusive right to provide cable television network infrastructure in a given area Member States shall also ensure that the operator concerned keeps separate financial accounts regarding its activity as network capacity provider for telecommunications purposes as soon as it achieves a turnover of more than ECU 50 million in the market for telecommunications services other than the distribution of radio and broadcasting services in the relevant geographic area.
16 Pravna redakcija
Kadar obstaja dvom o verodostojnosti dovoljenja, izpiska iz dovoljenja, kakršnih koli informacij ali podpisov v predloženih dokumentih ali statusa dobaviteljev, ki izpolnjujejo formalnosti za sprostitev v prosti promet ali za čigar račun se te formalnosti izpolnjujejo, ter v primeru suma o nepravilnostih, carinski uradi, katerim so bili dokumenti predloženi, o tem prek telekomunikacij nemudoma obvestijo pristojne organe v svoji državi članici, kakor je navedeno v odstavku 1.
Where there is doubt as to the authenticity of the licence, the extract, or any information in or signatures on the documents presented, or as to the status of the operators completing the formalities for relase into free circulation or for the account of whom those formalities are completed, and where irregularities are suspected, the customs offices at which those documents were presented shall immediately inform the competent authorities of their Member State, as referred to in paragraph 1, thereof by telecommunication.
17 Pravna redakcija
Ta stolpec vključuje izdelavo izolirane žice in kablov, električnih motorjev, električnih generatorjev, transformatorjev, stikal, stikalnih mehanizmov in drugih osnovnih električnih naprav, izdelavo električnih aparatov in naprav za industrijsko uporabo, baterij in akumulatorjev, telekomunikacijske opreme, elektronske opreme in aparatov (razen elektronskih računalnikov), gramofonov, plošč in predhodno posnetih magnetofonskih trakov, izdelavo gospodinjskih elektronskih aparatov, električnih svetilk in druge električne opreme za osvetlitev.
This column includes the manufacture of insulated wires and cables, of electric motors, electricity generators, transformers, switches, switchgear and other basic electrical plant, the manufacture of electrical apparatus and appliances for industrial use, of batteries and accumulators, of telecommunications equipment, electronic, measuring and recording equipment, and electro-medical equipment, the manufacture of radio and television receiving sets, sound reproducing and recording equipment and of electronic equipment and apparatus (except electronic computers), of gramophones, records and prerecorded magnetic tape, the manufacture of domestic type electronic appliances, of electric lamps and other electric lighting equipment.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
strokovnjakom izvajalca finančnih storitev za računalniške storitve, telekomunikacijske storitve in račune;
specialists in computer services, telecommunication services and accounts of the financial service supplier;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
.3 sisteme, kot so sistemi za distribucijo elektrike, radijski in telekomunikacijski sistemi, računalniški sistemi in mreže;
3 systems such as electrical distribution systems, radio and telecommunication systems and computer systems and networks;.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
Glede nadzornega statusa "digitalnih računalnikov" in sorodne opreme za telekomunikacijsko opremo glej Skupino 5, del 1 (Telekomunikacije).
For the control status of "digital computers" or related equipment for telecommunications equipment, see Category 5, Part 1 (Telecommunications).
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
.5 ukrepe za zaščito radijske in telekomunikacijske opreme, pristaniških in komunalnih storitev, vključno z računalniškimi sistemi in mrežami;
5 measures to protect radio and telecommunication equipment, port services and utilities, including computer systems and networks;.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
Glede na izkušnje in ob upoštevanju razvojnih dosežkov v računalniško telekomunikacijski in/ali elektronski tehnologiji Komisija predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu poročilo skupaj z morebitnimi predlogi za spremembo.
In the light of experience and taking into account developments in computer telecommunication and/or electronic technology, the Commission shall make a report to the European Parliament and to the Council together with any proposal for revision, which it may consider appropriate.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
Za dvig javne zavesti o okoljskih zadevah in za izboljševanje varstva okolja bi morali organi oblasti na primeren način zagotavljati in razširjati informacije o okolju, ki so pomembne za njihove naloge, zlasti prek računalniške telekomunikacijske in/ali elektronske tehnologije, kolikor je na voljo.
In order to increase public awareness in environmental matters and to improve environmental protection, public authorities should, as appropriate, make available and disseminate information on the environment which is relevant to their functions, in particular by means of computer telecommunication and/or electronic technology, where available.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
Za namene tega odstavka si organi oblasti ustrezno prizadevajo, da bi imeli informacije o okolju, ki jih hranijo ali se hranijo zanje, v oblikah ali formatih, ki se jih da zlahka reproducirati in so dostopne z računalniško telekomunikacijskimi ali drugimi elektronskimi sredstvi.
For the purposes of this paragraph, public authorities shall make all reasonable efforts to maintain environmental information held by or for them in forms or formats that are readily reproducible and accessible by computer telecommunications or by other electronic means.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
Države članice sprejmejo potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovijo, da organi oblasti organizirajo informacije o okolju, ki so pomembne za njihove naloge in ki jih hranijo ali se hranijo zanje, zaradi njihovega aktivnega in sistematičnega razširjanja javnosti, zlasti z računalniško telekomunikacijsko in/ali elektronsko tehnologijo, kolikor je na voljo.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that public authorities organise the environmental information which is relevant to their functions and which is held by or for them, with a view to its active and systematic dissemination to the public, in particular by means of computer telecommunication and/or electronic technology, where available.
26 Prevod
strokovnjaki ponudnika finančnih storitev za računalniške storitve, telekomunikacijske storitve in račune; in
specialists in computer services, telecommunication services and accounts of the financial service supplier; and
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Račun za telekomunikacije