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Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije
1 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
S sodno odločbo so po tem zakonu mišljeni sodba oziroma arbitražna odločba, sklep ter plačilni oziroma drug nalog sodišča ali arbitraže ali nalog Računskega sodišča Republike Slovenije za odpravo nezakonitih dejanj, s sodno poravnavo pa poravnava, sklenjena pred sodiščem ali arbitražo.
For the purposes of the present Law, a court decision shall be a judgement, an arbitration award, a court decree, a payment order, any other court order or order issued by an arbitration tribunal, or an order issued by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Slovenia which orders the rectification of unlawful acts. A court settlement shall be a settlement concluded before a court or an arbitration tribunal.
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Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije