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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41996D0409
PLV je natisnjena na varnostnem papirju, brez optičnih belil (približno 90 g/m2), s standardnim vodnim žigom "CHAIN WIRES", zakonsko zaščitenim za proizvajalca dokumenta, z dvema nevidnima vlaknoma (modrim in rumenim, SSI/05), fluorescentnima v ultravijolični svetlobi, in z reagenti, ki onemogočajo kemični izbris.
ETDs shall be printed on security paper, free of optical brighteners (approximately 90 g/m²), using a standard 'CHAIN WIRES` watermark legally protected for the manufacturer of the document, with two invisible fibres (blue and yellow, SSI/05) fluorescent under ultraviolet light and reagents against chemical erasure.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
4 Pravna redakcija
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Člen 6, ki navaja člen 14 SSIU, določa pravila za izračun koristi za nekatere vrste subvencij.
Article 6, which reproduces Article 14 of the ASCM, establishes rules for calculation of the benefit for certain types of subsidies.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Višina subvencije je izračunana na osnovi ugotovljene koristi v obdobju preiskave (člen 14 SSIU).
The amount of the subsidy is calculated in terms of benefit found to exist in the investigation period (Article 14 ASCM).
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Poleg tega se je sklicevalo na opombo 5 k členu 3(1)(a) SSIU, po kateri ukrepi, ki v skladu s Prilogo I SSIU niso izvozne subvencije, niso prepovedani niti v okviru te niti v okviru katere koli druge določbe navedenega sporazuma.
Furthermore it is argued that footnote 5 to Article 3(l)(a) of the ASCM states that measures referred to in Annex I as not constituting export subsidies should not be prohibited under this or any other provision of the ASCM.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Glede člena 8 TERCL je bilo ugotovljeno, da Koreja o tej določbi STO ni uradno obvestila v skladu s členom 8(3) SSIU.
In regard to Article 8 of TERCL, it has been noted that Korea has not notified this provision to the WTO under Article 8(3) of the ASCM.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Korejska vlada je tudi trdila, da je merilo naložb v tujini objektivno in nevtralno merilo v smislu člena 2(1)(b) SSIU.
The GOK also claimed that the criterion of overseas investment is an objective and neutral criterion within the meaning of Article 2(l)(b) of the ASCM.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Poleg trditve KV, da so določbe tega člena nespecifične, je KV trdila tudi, da gre pri tem členu za neizpodbojno subvencijo za raziskave in razvoj (R&R) v smislu člena 8(2)(a) SSIU (ta odstavek SSIU je prepisan v členu 4(2) Osnovne uredbe).
In addition to the GOK's claim regarding the non-specificity of the provisions of this Article, the GOK claimed that this Article is a non-actionable research and development (R&D) subsidy within the meaning of Article 8(2)(a) of the ASCM (this paragraph of the ASCM is reproduced in Article 4(2) of the Basic Regulation).
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Člen 19(4) SSIU ne predpisuje, da bi se morala subvencija izračunavati na podlagi stroškov, ki jih ima s posojilom vlada.
Article 19(4) of the ASCM does not create a requirement for calculation of a subsidy on the basis of the cost to the government.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Člen VI3 GATT 1994, ki je naveden v členu 19(4) SSIU, določa samo, da dajatve ne smejo biti višje od višine subvencije.
Article VI3 GATT 1994, which is reproduced in Article 19(4) of the ASCM, only states that duties must not be levied in excess of the amount of the subsidy.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Zagovarja se stališče, da to merilo ni nevtralno v smislu navedenega člena SSIU niti v smislu člena 3(2)(b) osnovne uredbe.
It is considered that this criterion is not neutral within the sense of that Article of the ASCM nor within the sense of Article 3(2)(b) of the basic Regulation.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Zagovarja se stališče, da to merilo ni nevtralno v smislu navedenega člena SSIU niti v smislu člena 3(2)(b) Osnovne uredbe.
It is considered that this criterion is not neutral within the sense of that Article of the ASCM nor within the sense of Article 3(2)(b) of the Basic Regulation.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Indija je ena od držav na seznamu v Prilogi VII k SSIU in torej izvozne subvencije, ki jih je dodelila IV, ne bi bile prepovedane.
India is one of the countries listed in Annex VII to the ASCM, and therefore the export subsidies granted by the GOI would not be prohibited.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Zagovarja se stališče, da to merilo ni niti nevtralno v smislu navedenega člena SSIU niti v smislu točke (b) člena 3(2) Osnovne uredbe.
It is considered that this criterion is not neutral within the sense of that Article of the ASCM nor within the sense of Article 3(2) point (b) of the Basic Regulation.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
KV je trdila, da lahko določbe teh členov v praksi uporabljajo številne zelo različne industrijske /družbe, tako da niso specifične v smislu člena 2(1)(a), (b) in (c) SSIU ter posledično niso izpodbojne (ti odstavki SSIU so prepisani v členu 3(2)(a), (b) in (c) Osnovne uredbe).
The GOK claimed that since the provisions of these Articles are, in practice, available to a significantly wide variety of industries/businesses, they are not specific within the meaning of Article 2(1 )(a), (b) and (c) of the ASCM and are accordingly not countervailable (these paragraphs of the ASCM are reproduced in Article 3(2)(a), (b) and (c) of the Basic Regulation).
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
V skladu s členom 19(4) SSIU izravnalna dajatev ne sme biti višja, kot je ugotovljena višina subvencije, izračunana na podlagi podeljene koristi.
Article 19(4) of the ASCM establishes that no countervailing duty is levied in excess of the amount of the subsidy found to exist calculated on the basis of the benefit conferred.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Proizvajalci izvozniki so trdili, da se predpostavka v členu 2(3) SSIU, zaradi katere so subvencije, odvisne od ustvarjenega izvoza, specifične, ne uporablja ipso facto, ker člen 27(2) SSIU zagotavlja, da se prepoved subvencij, odvisnih od ustvarjenega izvoza, ne uporablja za države v razvoju.
The exporting producers submitted that the presumption in Article 2(3) of the ASCM rendering subsidies contingent upon export performance specific will not ipso facto apply, since Article 27(2) of the ASCM provides that the prohibition of subsidies contingent upon export performance shall not apply to developing countries.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Člen 6(1)(a) SSIU, ki se nanaša na to, kdaj se v določenih okoliščinah lahko sklepa o resni škodi, se v postopkih izravnalnih dajatev ne uporablja.
Article 6(l)(a) of the ASCM concerns a oresumotion of serious prejudice in certain circum stances, which is not applicable to countervailing duty proceedings.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Poleg trditve korejske vlade, da so določbe tega člena nespecifične, je korejska vlada trdila tudi, da gre pri tem členu za subvencijo za raziskave in razvoj (R&R), proti kateri se ne more uvesti izravnalni ukrep, v smislu člena 8(2)(a) SSIU (ta odstavek SSIU je prepisan v členu 4(2) osnovne uredbe).
In addition to the GOK's claim regarding the non-specificity of the provisions of this Article, the GOK claimed that this Article is a non-actionable research and development (R&D) subsidy within the meaning of Article 8(2)(a) of the ASCM (this paragraph of the ASCM is reproduced in Article 4(2) of the basic Regulation).
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Korejski sistem pavšalnega vračila dajatve spada bolj pod splošno opredelitev subvencije v skladu s členom 2 Osnovne uredbe, ki vključuje člen 1 SSIU.
In fact, the Korean fixed amount refund system falls under the general definition of a subsidy according to Article 2 of the Basic Regulation which incorporated Article 1 of the ASCM.
23 Pravna redakcija
diplome, ki jih podelijo zvezni inštituti za tehnologijo (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschulen, Ecoles polytechniques fĂ©dĂ©rales, Politecnici federali:
the diplomas awarded by the federal institutes of technology (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschulen, Ecoles polytechniques fédérales, Politecnici federali:
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Dejansko spada korejski sistem vračila pavšalnega zneska bolj pod splošno opredelitev subvencije v skladu s členom 2 osnovne uredbe, ki vključuje člen 1 SSIU.
In fact, the Korean fixed amount refund system falls under the general definition of a subsidy according to Article 2 of the basic Regulation which incorporated Article 1 of the ASCM.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
so v členu 11 SSIU (člen 10 Osnovne uredbe) navedene informacije, ki jih mora pritožba vsebovati, kamor spadajo tudi dokazi o obstoju, višini in vrsti zadevne subvencije;
Article 11 of the ASCM (Article 10 of the Basic Regulation) lists the information to be contained in a complaint, including evidence of the existence of subsidies and the amount and nature of the subsidy in question;
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Korejska vlada je trdila, da lahko določbe teh členov v praksi uporabljajo številne zelo različne gospodarske panoge/podjetja, tako da niso specifične v smislu člena 2(1)(a), (b) in (c) SSIU ter zato ne pomenijo določb, proti katerim se lahko uvede izravnalni ukrep (ti odstavki SSIU so prepisani v členu 3(2)(a), (b) in (c) osnovne uredbe).
The GOK claimed that since the provisions of these Articles are, in practice, available to a significantly wide variety of industries/businesses, they are not specific within the meaning of Article 2(l)(a), (b) and (c) of the ASCM and are accordingly not countervailable (these paragraphs of the ASCM are reproduced in Article 3(2)(a), (b) and (c) of the basic Regulation).
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
so v členu 11 SSIU (člen 10 osnovne uredbe) navedene informacije, ki jih mora pritožba vsebovati, med katere spadajo tudi dokazi o obstoju, višini in značilnostih zadevne subvencije;
Article 11 of the ASCM (Article 10 of the basic Regulation) lists the information to be contained in a complaint, including evidence of the existence of subsidies and the amount and nature of the subsidy in question;
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Korejska vlada je trdila, da ti programi zagotavljajo podporo raziskovalnim dejavnostim v skladu s členom 8(2)(a) SSIU ter so zato takšni, da se izravnalni ukrep proti njim ne more uvesti.
The GOK claimed that these programmes provide assistance for research activities in accordance with Article 8(2)(a) of the ASCM and are therefore non-actionable and non-countervailable.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
trdila tudi, da posojilo EXIM-FIC ni specifično, ker je na voljo številnim različnim gospodarskim panogam in ker je merilo tujih naložb objektivno in nevtralno v smislu člena 2(1)(b) SSIU.
The GOK also states that because EXIM-FIC is available to a wide variety of industries and since the criterion of foreign investment is objective and neutral within the meaning of Article 2(l)(b) of the ASCM, EXIM-FIC is not specific.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Zagovarja se stališče, da je ta argument nepomemben, saj se odstavek 2 Priloge II(II) k SSIU nanaša na sheme povračila dajatve, kamor pa, kot je razloženo zgoraj, zadevni program ne spada.
It is considered that this argument is irrelevant since paragraph 2 of Annex 11(11) to the ASCM relates to a duty drawback scheme which, as explained above, the programme under consideration is not.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Točka (k) Priloge I k SSIU, ki je prepisana v Prilogi I k Osnovni uredbi, predvideva posebna pravila za izvozne kredite, ki so izjeme od splošnih pravil za izračun subvencij v primeru posojil.
Item (k) of Annex I to the ASCM which is reproduced in Annex I to the Basic Regulation provides for special rules for export credits which are exceptions to the general rules for the calculation of subsidies in the case of loans.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Ta določba je bila upoštevana, saj se je ravnalo po izrecnih pravilih za izračun subvencije v primeru posojil, to je po členu 5 in členu 6(b) osnovne uredbe, ki vključujeta člen 14(b) SSIU.
This provision was observed since the explicit rules for the calculation of the subsidy in the case of loans, i.e. Article 5 and Article 6(b) of the basic Regulation which incorporate Article 14(b) of the ASCM, were followed.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Točka (k) Priloge I k SSIU, ki je prepisana v Prilogi I k osnovni uredbi, predvideva posebna pravila za izvozne kredite, ki so izjeme k splošnim pravilom za izračun subvencij v primeru posojil.
Point (k) of Annex I to the ASCM which is reproduced in Annex I to the basic Regulation provides for special rules for export credits which are exceptions to the general rules for the calculation of subsidies in the case of loans.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Zagovarja se stališče, da je ta argument nepomemben, saj se odstavek 2 Priloge II(II) k SSIU nanaša na sheme povračila dajatev, med katere pa, kot je razloženo zgoraj, zadevni program ne spada.
It is considered that this argument is irrelevant since paragraph 2 of Annex II(II) of the ASCM relates to a duty drawback scheme which, as explained above, the programme under consideration is not.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Ta določba je bila upoštevana, saj se je sledilo izrecnim pravilom za izračun subvencije v primeru posojil, to je členu 5 in točki (b) člena 6 Osnovne uredbe, ki vključujeta člen 14(b) SSIU.
This provision was observed since the explicit rules for the calculation of the subsidy in the case of loans, i.e. Articles 5 and 6 point (b) of the Basic Regulation which incorporate Article 14(b) of the ASCM, were followed.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Trdila je tudi, da posojilo EXIM-FIC ni specifično, ker je na voljo številnim različnim gospodarskim panogam in ker je merilo naložb v tujini objektivno in nevtralno v smislu člena 2(1)(b) SSIU.
The GOK also states that, because EXIM-FIC is available to a wide variety of industries and since the criterion of foreign investment is objective and neutral within the meaning of Article 2(l)(b) of the ASCM, EXIM-FIC is not specific.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Korejska vlada je dokazovala, da posojilo EXIM-FIC v smislu člena 3(1) SSIU ni odvisno niti od ustvarjenega izvoza niti od tega, da ima uporaba domačega blaga prednost pred uporabo uvoženega blaga.
The GOK argued that EXIM-FIC is contingent neither upon export performance nor upon the use of domestic over imported goods within the meaning of Article 3(1) of the ASCM.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Korejska vlada je dokazovala, da posojilo EXIM-FIC v smislu člena 3(1) SSIU ni odvisno niti od ustvarjenega izvoza niti od tega, da ima uporaba domačega blaga prednost pred uporabo uvoženega blaga.
The GOK argued that EXIM-FIC is contingent neither on export performance nor upon the use of domestic over imported goods within the meaning of Article 3(1) of the ASCM.
39 Pravna redakcija
'Eidgenössisch diplomierter Arzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de médecin/titolare di diploma federale di medico' (diploma doktorja medicine), ki jo izda Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.";
"Eidgenössisch diplomierter Arzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de médecin/titolare di diploma federale di medico" (diploma of doctor of medicine) awarded by the Federal Department of Home Affairs.`;
40 Pravna redakcija
'eidgenössisch diplomierter Apotheker/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de pharmacien/titolare di diploma federale di farmacista' (diploma iz farmacije), ki jo izda Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve."
"eidgenössisch diplomierter Apotheker/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de pharmacien/titolare di diploma federale di farmacista" (diploma in pharmacy) issued by the Federal Department of Home Affairs.`.
41 Pravna redakcija
'eidgenössisch diplomierter Tierarzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de vétérinaire/ titolare di diploma federale di veterinario' (diploma veterine), ki jo izda Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve."
"eidgenössisch diplomierter Tierarzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de vétérinaire/ titolare di diploma federale di veterinario" (diploma in veterinary medicine) issued by the Federal Department of Home Affairs.`
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
se v skladu s členom 12(1) SSIU (člen 11 Osnovne uredbe) zainteresirane članice in vse zainteresirane stranke v okviru preiskave v zvezi z izravnalnimi dajatvami obvesti o tem, katere informacije organi potrebujejo;
Article 12(1) of the ASCM (Article 11 of the Basic Regulation) states that interested Members and all interested parties in a countervailing duty investigation shall be given notice of the information which the authorities require;
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Pri tem je treba opomniti, da proti subvencijam za R&R, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve člena 8(2)(a) SSIU in o katerih je STO uradno obveščena v skladu s členom 8(3) navedenega sporazuma, preiskava niti ne more biti uvedena.
It is noted that, if R&D subsidies fulfilling the requirements of Article 8(2)(a) of the ASCM are notified to the WTO under the provisions of Article 8(3) of that Agreement, an investigation cannot even be opened against such subsidies.
44 Pravna redakcija
“Signali morajo biti dani v standardnih enotah, ki temeljijo na zahtevah iz točke 6.5.3. Dejanski signali morajo biti jasno opredeljeni ločeno od privzetih vrednosti ali signalov, ki javljajo zasilne postopke.”
The signals must be provided in standard units based on the specifications given in 6.5.3. Actual signals must be clearly identified separately from default value or limp-home signals.'
45 Pravna redakcija
'eidgenössisch diplomierter Zahnarzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de médecin-dentiste/titolare di diploma federale di medico-dentista' (diploma zobozdravnika), ki jo izda Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.";
"eidgenössisch diplomierter Zahnarzt/titulaire du diplôme fédéral de médecin-dentiste/titolare di diploma federale di medico-dentista" (diploma of doctor of dentistry) issued by the Federal Department of Home Affairs.`;
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
je v skladu s členom 12(1) SSIU (člen 11 osnovne uredbe) treba zainteresirane članice in vse zainteresirane stranke v okviru preiskave v zvezi z izravnalnimi dajatvami obvestiti o tem, katere informacije organi potrebujejo;
Article 12(1) of the ASCM (Article 11 of the basic Regulation) states that interested Members and all interested parties in a countervailing duty investigation shall be given notice of the information which the authorities require;
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Poleg splošne trditve korejske vlade, da so določbe tega člena nespecifične, je korejska vlada trdila tudi, da je merilo razvoja tehnologije in človeških virov objektivno in nevtralno merilo v smislu člena 2(1)(b) SSIU.
In addition to the GOK's general claim regarding the non-specificity of the provisions of this Article, the GOK claimed that the criterion of technology and manpower development is an objective and neutral criterion within the meaning of Article 2(l)(b) of the ASCM.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Trdila je, da bi 'Smernice o porabi vložkov v proizvodnem procesu' v Prilogi II SSIU omogočile sheme posrednega davka-rabata kumulativnih posrednih davkov, predhodno obračunanih na uvoz, ki se porablja v proizvodnji izvoženih izdelkov.
It was argued that the 'Guidelines on consumption of inputs in the production process' in Annex II of the ASCM would permit indirect tax-rebate schemes of prior stage cumulative indirect taxes levied on imports that are consumed in the production of exported products.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Trdili so, da je bilo dodajanje obresti neupravičeno, neskladno s Sporazumom o subvencijah in izravnalnih ukrepih (SSIU) in prepovedano po členu VI. odstavka 3 GATT 1994. Smernice Komisije za izračun bi bile v zvezi s tem nične in neveljavne.
It was claimed that the addition of interest was unwarranted, beyond the terms of the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (ASCM) and prohibited under Article VI paragraph 3 GATT 1994. The Calculation Guidelines of the Commission would be null and void in this respect.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
KV je opozorila, da določbe tega člena ne veljajo od januarja 1998. Trdila je tudi, da so določbe tega člena dostopne številnim različnim industrijam ter da je merilo čezmorskih naložb objektivno in nevtralno merilo v smislu člena 2(1)(b) SSIU.
The GOK noted that the provisions of this Article have not been effective since January 1998. The GOK claimed also that the provisions of this Article are available to a wide variety of industries and also that the criterion of overseas investment is an objective and neutral criterion within the meaning of Article 2(l)(b) of the ASCM.
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