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Skupni odbor za Sporazum o urah
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-75
Po prejemu zadnjega uradnega obvestila, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti, slovenska pogodbenica o tem uradno obvesti Skupni odbor za ponovni sprejem iz 18. člena sporazuma.
Following the receipt of the last notification of the completion of internal legal procedures required for its entry into force, the Slovenian contracting Party shall notify the Readmission Committee referred to in Article 18 of the Agreement.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
Skupni odbor za sodelovanje se o učinkovitem izvajanju sporazuma in delovanju centra SECI posvetuje z drugimi ustreznimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, kot so Gospodarska komisija Združenih narodov za Evropo (UNECE), Urad Združenih narodov za nadzor nad drogami in preprečevanje kriminala (UNODCCP), Svetovna carinska organizacija (WCO), Interpol in Europol.
The Joint Cooperation Committee shall consult with other relevant international agencies, such as the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODCCP), WCO, Interpol and Europol on the effective functioning of the Agreement and of the SECI Centre.
3 Pravna redakcija
Komisija uradno obvesti Svet za sodelovanje in Skupni odbor, kot je določeno v členu 38 Sporazuma o sodelovanju in členu 25 Začasnega sporazuma.
The Commission shall notify the Cooperation Council and the Joint Commission as laid down in Article 38 of the Cooperation Agreement and Article 25 of the Interim Agreement.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1658
Komisija uradno obvesti Svet za sodelovanje in Skupni odbor, kot je določeno v členu 35 Sporazuma o sodelovanju in členu 27 Začasnega sporazuma.
The Commission shall notify the Cooperation Council and the Joint Committee as laid down in Article 35 of the Cooperation Agreement and Article 27 of the Interim Agreement.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1663
Člen 5 Komisija uradno obvesti Svet za sodelovanje in Skupni odbor, kot je določeno v členu 36 Sporazuma o sodelovanju in členu 28 Začasnega sporazuma.
Article 5 The Commission shall notify the Cooperation Council and the Joint Committee as laid down in Article 36 of the Cooperation Agreement and Article 28 of the Interim Agreement.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
Za namene tega sporazuma so pristojni organi: v Argentini Državna komisija za atomsko energijo in Državni odbor za jedrsko regulacijo ter v Skupnosti Evropska komisija ali drugi podobni organ, o čemer lahko pogodbenica kadarkoli uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico.
For the purposes of this Agreement, the appropriate authorities will be, in the case of Argentina, the National Commission for Atomic Energy and the National Board of Nuclear Regulation and, in the case of the Community, the European Commission, or such other authority as the Party concerned may at any time notify to the other Party.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0621
na predlog vodje urada v skladu s sporazumom o enotnih načelih skupne politike izbiranja in kadrovanja ter načelih za upravljanje z rezervnimi seznami, skupaj z ustreznimi določbami kadrovskih predpisov, ki naj ga sklenejo generalni sekretarji Evropskega parlamenta, Sveta in Komisije, sodni tajnik Sodišča, generalni sekretarji Računskega sodišča, Ekonomsko-ekonomskega odbora in Odbora regij ter predstavnik Evropskega varuha človekovih pravic, s kvalificirano večino odobri načela, ki urejajo politiko izbiranja, po kateri naj bi se ravnal urad;
acting by a qualified majority on proposals from the Head of the Office, in compliance with the Agreement to be concluded between the Secretaries-General of the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Registrar of the Court of Justice, the Secretaries-General of the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the representative of the European Ombudsman on the common principles for a shared selection and recruitment policy and the principles for managing reserve lists, together with the relevant provisions of the Staff Regulations, approve the principles governing the selection policy to be followed by the Office;
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Skupni odbor za Sporazum o urah