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Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov Sveta
1 Končna redakcija
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov Sveta in Komisije razen priporočil ali mnenj.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts of the Council and the Commission other than recommendations or opinions.
2 Končna redakcija
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov Sveta in Komisije razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts of the Council and of the Commission, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-a-vis third parties.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11992M
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov Sveta in Komisije razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts of the Council and of the Commission, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-á-vis third parties.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Sodišče Evropske unije nadzira zakonitost evropskih zakonov in okvirnih zakonov, aktov Sveta, Komisije in Evropske centralne banke razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta in Evropskega sveta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice of the European Union shall review the legality of European laws and framework laws, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the European Central Bank, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament and of the European Council intended to produce legal effects vis-a-vis third parties.
5 Končna redakcija
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov, ki jih skupaj sprejemata Evropski parlament in Svet, ter aktov Sveta, Komisije in ECB razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the ECB, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-á-vis third parties.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11992M
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov, ki jih skupaj sprejemata Evropski parlament in Svet, ter aktov Sveta, Komisije in ECB razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the ECB, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-á-vis third parties.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11997D
Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov, ki jih skupaj sprejemata Evropski parlament in Svet, ter aktov Sveta, Komisije in ECB razen priporočil in mnenj, pa tudi zakonitost aktov Evropskega parlamenta s pravnim učinkom do tretjih oseb.
The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the ECB, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-ŕ-vis third parties.
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Sodišče nadzira zakonitost aktov Sveta