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Sodišče zaseda na plenarnih sejah
1 Končna redakcija
Sodišče zaseda na plenarnih sejah.
The Court of Justice shall sit in plenary session.
2 Končna redakcija
Pri razsojanju zadev, ki so nerešene na dan 1. januarja 1986 in za katere se je ustni postopek začel pred tem datumom, sodišče na plenarnih sejah ali senati zasedajo v enaki sestavi kakor pred pristopom in uporabljajo poslovnik, ki je veljal 31. decembra 1985.
In order to try cases pending before the Court on 1 January 1986 in respect of which oral proceedings have started before that date, the full Court or the Chambers shall be composed as before the accession and shall apply the rules of procedure in force on 31 December 1985.
3 Pravna redakcija
(2) Člena 221 Pogodbe ES in 137 Pogodbe ESAE, z vsemi spremembami, določata, da Sodišče zaseda v senatih, v velikem senatu ali, če je to primerno, na plenarnih sejah, člen 16 novega Protokola o statutu Sodišča pa določa sestavo senatov in velikega senata; treba je upoštevati navedene nove sestave v poslovniku, zato je treba določiti podrobna pravila za dodelitev zadev sestavam in njihovo sestavo za vsako zadevo.
(2) Articles 221 of the EC Treaty and 137 of the EAEC Treaty, as amended, provide that the Court is to sit in chambers, in a Grand Chamber or, where appropriate, as a full Court, and Article 16 of the new Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice lays down the composition of the chambers and of the Grand Chamber; account must be taken of those new formations in the Rules of Procedure and certain detailed rules must be laid down for the assignment of cases to the formations and for their composition for each case.
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Sodišče zaseda na plenarnih sejah