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Stalni odbor za mednarodni nadzor
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
(ii) Če se nesoglasja ne da rešiti s posvetovanjem, izvršilni sekretar na zahtevo države pogodbenice zadevo napoti na posebno sejo Stalnega odbora za mednarodni nadzor (SOMN).
(ii) If the disagreement remains unresolved following the consultations, at the request of a Contracting Party the Executive Secretary shall refer the disagreement to a special meeting of the Standing Committee on International Control (Stactic).
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1956
(ii) Če po posvetovanju nesoglaje ostaja nerazrešeno, izvršilni sekretar, na zahtevo pogodbene stranke, zadevo predloži v obravnavo na posebno sejo Stalnega odbora za mednarodni nadzor (SOMN).
(ii) If the disagreement remains unresolved following the consultations, at the request of a contracting party the Executive Secretary shall refer the disagreement to a special meeting of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC).
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Če se nesoglasja ne da rešiti s posvetovanjem, izvršilni sekretar na zahtevo države pogodbenice zadevo napoti na posebno sejo Stalnega odbora za mednarodni nadzor (SOMN).
If the disagreement remains unresolved following the consultations, at the request of a Contracting Party the Executive Secretary shall refer the disagreement to a special meeting of the Standing Committee on International Control (Stactic).
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Stalni odbor za mednarodni nadzor