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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
Izraz “dividende”, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz delnic, "jouissance" delnic ali pravic, rudniških delnic, ustanoviteljskih delnic ali drugih pravic do udeležbe v dobičku, ki niso terjatve, in tudi dohodek iz drugih korporacijskih pravic, ki se davčno obravnava enako kot dohodek iz delnic po zakonodaji države, katere rezident je družba, ki dividende deli.
The term »dividends« as used in this Article means income from shares, »jouissance« shares or »jouissance« rights, mining shares, founders' shares or other rights, not being debt claims, participating in profits, as well as income from other corporate rights which is subjected to the same taxation treatment as income from shares by the laws of the State of which the company making the distribution is a resident.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
Pri pretvorbi analogne postaje v postajo DVB-T ali omrežje SFN naj bo identifikacijska koda postaje DVB-T ali ene od postaj omrežja SFN enaka, kot je izvirna analogna identifikacijska koda.
In the case of conversion from an analogue station into a DVB-T station or SFN, the identification code of the DVB-T station or one of the stations of the SFN should be the same as the original analogue identification code.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
a) izraza “država pogodbenica” in “druga država pogodbenica” pomenita, kot zahteva sobesedilo, Kraljevino Nizozemsko (Nizozemsko) ali Republiko Slovenijo (Slovenijo);
a) the terms »a Contracting State« and »the other Contracting State« means the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands) or the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia), as the context requires;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
Izraz “licenčnine in avtorski honorarji”, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni plačila vsake vrste, prejeta kot povračilo za uporabo ali pravico do uporabe kakršnih koli avtorskih pravic za literarno, umetniško ali znanstveno delo, vključno s kinematografskimi filmi, katerega koli patenta, blagovne znamke, vzorca ali modela, načrta, tajne formule ali postopka ali za informacije o industrijskih, komercialnih ali znanstvenih izkušnjah.
The term »royalties« as used in this Article means payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of literary, artistic or scientific work including cinematograph films, any patent, trade mark, design or model, plan, secret formula or process, or for information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience.
5 Objavljeno
To omogočajo fluorescenčna barvila kot so tioflavin T, pironin Y, akridin oranž, etidium bromid, tiazol oranž ali auramin oranž.
These can be accomplished by using thioflavin T, pyronin Y, acridine orange, ethidium bromide, thiazole orange or auramine orange.
6 Objavljeno
Kljub temu, da je zdravstveni dom kot javni zavod t. i. neprofitna negospodarska organizacija, se srečuje s podobnimi problemi gospodarjenja kot gospodarske organizacije.
Although as a public institution Health Centre is a so called non-profit organization, it is neverthelees facing similair problems of managing as economic organizations.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
Izraz “obresti”, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
The term »interest« as used in this Article means income from debt claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
e) izraz “družba” pomeni katero koli korporacijo ali kateri koli subjekt, ki se za davčne namene obravnava kot korporacija;
e) the term »company« means any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes;
9 Objavljeno
Ugotovili so, da del molekule CD4 deluje kot receptor, ki omogoči vstop HIV v limfocite T pomagalke, najpomembnejše tarčne celice za HIV.
Part of this molecule is known to act as the receptor for entry of HIV into the helper T lymphocytes.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
To so nizkotlačna enostopenjska centrifugalna puhala ali kompresorji (t. j. 0,2 MPa) za kroženje vodikovega sulfida (t. j. plina z več kot 70% H2S), posebej konstruirani ali izdelani za pridobivanje težke vode z izmenjevalnim postopkom voda vodikov sulfid.
Single stage, low head (i.e., 0.2 MPa or 30 psi) centrifugal blowers or compressors for hydrogen-sulphide gas circulation (i.e., gas containing more than 70% H2S) especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the water-hydrogen sulphide exchange process.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
v primerih iz 4. t očke 394. člena tega zakona, če se je postopka kot tožnik ali kot toženec udeležil nekdo, ki ne more biti stranka v postopku, od dneva, ko je bila temu vročena odločba;
in cases referred in clause 4 of Article 394 of the present Act, if a person incapable to sue has participated in the proceedings as a plaintiff or defendant, or if as a party to the proceedings a legal person has not been represented by a person authorised to represent it under the statute, or if a person incapable to litigate has not been represented by a statutory representative or if the latter has not been in possession of a permit necessary for litigation or a particular act of procedure, or if a party has not been represented by an attorney in accordance with the provisions of the present Act or if the attorney has not been in possession of power to start litigation or perform a particular act of procedure, on the day when a party learns of the ground for reopening of the proceedings;
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Sporazum o kmetijstvu
(i) nanaša na podporo, dano med temeljnim obdobjem (t.j. ` osnovna celotna AMS` ), in največjo podporo, ki je dovoljena med katerimkoli letom v obdobju izvajanja ali pozneje (t.j. ` letne in končne vezane ravni` ), kot je določena v IV. delu liste članice; in
(i) with respect to support provided during the base period (i.e. the "Base Total AMS") and the maximum support permitted to be provided during any year of the implementation period or thereafter (i.e. the "Annual and Final Bound Commitment Levels"), as specified in Part IV of a Member's Schedule; and
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
Prav tako se razume, da “bestuurder” ali “commissaris” nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
It is further understood that “bestuurder” or “commissaris” of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
14 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
4.2 Če se domača industrija razlaga, kot da se nanaša na proizvajalce določenega območja, t.j. trga, kot je definiran v prvem (ii) odstavku, tedaj se odmerijo protidumpinške carine(12) samo za določene proizvode, ki so namenjeni končni porabi na tem območju.
4.2 When the domestic industry has been interpreted as referring to the producers in a certain area, i.e. a market as defined in paragraph 1(ii), anti dumping duties shall be levied[40] only on the products in question consigned for final consumption to that area.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
Če je uprava, s katero potekajo posvetovanja, odgovorna za T-DAB, kot je to določeno v Wiesbadenskem posebnem sporazumu iz leta 1995, se ustrezne določbe tega posebnega sporazuma uporabijo z zaščitnimi merili iz razdelka 4.5 priloge 1.
If the administration consulted is responsible for T-DAB as defined in the Wiesbaden Special Arrangement 1995, the relevant provisions of that Special Arrangement shall be applied with the protection criteria defined in Annex 1, Section 4.5.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Člen 41 temelji na obstoju Unije kot skupnosti, ki upošteva načela pravne države, katere značilnosti so se razvile v okviru sodne prakse, ki je med drugim utemeljila dobro upravljanje kot splošno pravno načelo (glej med drugim sodbo Sodišča z dne 31. marca 1992 v zadevi C-255/90 P, Burban [1992] PSES I-2253, in sodbe Sodišča prve stopnje z dne 18. septembra 1995 v zadevi T-167/94 Nölle [1995] PSES II-2589, in z dne 9. julija 1999 v zadevi T-231/97 New Europe Consulting in drugi [1999] PSES II-2403).
Article 41 is based on the existence of the Union as subject to the rule of law whose characteristics were developed in the case law which enshrined inter alia good administration as a general principle of law (see inter alia Court of Justice judgment of 31 March 1992 in Case C-255/90 P, Burban [1992] ECR I-2253, and Court of First Instance judgments of 18 September 1995 in Case T-167/94 Nölle [1995] ECR II-2589, and 9 July 1999 in Case T-231/97 New Europe Consulting and others [1999] ECR II-2403).
17 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
Določbe o prožnosti, t.j. zamenjava, podaljšanje in prenos, ki se uporabljajo pri vseh omejitvah, ki se ohranjajo na podlagi tega člena, so enake kot tiste, ki jih vsebujejo dvostranski sporazumi MFA za 12 mesecev pred začetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO.
Flexibility provisions, i.e. swing, carryover and carry forward, applicable to all restrictions maintained pursuant to this Article, shall be the same as those provided for in MFA bilateral agreements for the 12-month period prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
ki so se julija 1997 sestali v Chestru na zasedanju o tehničnih merilih, načelih usklajevanja in postopkih za DVB-T, sklicanem po določilih člena S6 Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah zveze ITU in v skladu z odločitvami odbora ERC, so s podpisom tega večstranskega usklajevalnega sporazuma sprejeli naslednje določbe v zvezi z radiodifuzijskimi storitvami (DVB-T) v pasovih od 174 do 230 MHz in od 470 do 862 MHz na območju načrtovanja, kot je določeno v 1. členu tega večstranskega usklajevalnega sporazuma.
meeting in Chester, July 1997, for a DVB-T Technical Criteria, Coordination Principles and Procedures Meeting convened under the terms of Article S6 of the ITU Radio Regulations and in accordance with decisions of the ERC, have, in signing this Multilateral Coordination Agreement, adopted the following provisions concerning the broadcasting service (DVB-T) in the bands 174 to 230 MHz and 470 to 862 MHz in the Planning Area as defined in Article 1 of this Multilateral Coordination Agreement.
19 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
2.1 Za namene tega sporazuma velja, da je proizvod predmet dumpinga, t.j., da se vnaša v gospodarstvo druge države po nižji vrednosti, kot je normalna, če je izvozna cena proizvoda pri izvozu iz ene v drugo državo nižja od primerljive cene v redni trgovini za enak proizvod, ki je namenjen porabi v državi izvoza.
2.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, a product is to be considered as being dumped, i.e. introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value, if the export price of the product exported from one country to another is less than the comparable price, in the ordinary course of trade, for the like product when destined for consumption in the exporting country.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
DVB-T (prizemna digitalna videoradiodifuzija): sistem prizemnih radiodifuzijskih storitev, kot ga opredeljuje Evropski inštitut za telekomunikacijske standarde (ETSI) v standardu ETS 300-744 Digitalni radiodifuzijski sistemi za televizijske, zvokovne in podatkovne storitve; struktura okvirov, kodiranje kanalov in modulacija.
DVB-T (Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting): A system in the terrestrial Broadcasting Service as specified in the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) Standard ETS 300-744 ` Digital broadcasting systems for television, sound and data services; framing structure, channel coding and modulation` .
21 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
Za namen spremembe ali umika koncesije se šteje, da ima članica z najvišjim razmerjem izvoza, na katerega vpliva koncesija (t.j. izvoza proizvoda na trg članice, ki spreminja ali umika koncesijo), glede na svoj celotni izvoz glavni dobaviteljski interes, če nima že prednostne pogajalske pravice ali glavnega dobaviteljskega interesa, kot je določen s prvim odstavkom XXVIII. člena.
For the purposes of modification or withdrawal of a concession, the Member which has the highest ratio of exports affected by the concession (i.e. exports of the product to the market of the Member modifying or withdrawing the concession) to its total exports shall be deemed to have a principal supplying interest if it does not already have an initial negotiating right or a principal supplying interest as provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XXVIII.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0181
Temperatura po Celziju t je definirana kot razlika t = T - T0 med dvema termodinamičnima temperaturama T in T0, kjer je T0 = 273,15 kelvinov.
Celsius temperature t is defined as the difference t = T - T0 between the two thermodynamic temperatures T and T0 where T0 = 273 715 kelvins.
23 Končna redakcija
sklicevanje na “Pravilnik št. 48” se razume kot sklicevanje na “Direktivo 76/756/EGS”,
Where reference is made to "Regulation No 48", this shall be understood as "Directive 76/756/EEC".
24 Končna redakcija
Pri sklicevanju na “Pravilnik R 37” je to treba razumeti kot “Priloga VII k Direktivi 76/761/EGS”.
Where reference is made to "Regulation No 37", this shall be understood as "Annex VII to Directive 76/761/EEC".
25 Končna redakcija
Na severni strani Pirenejev nastopa foraminifera Bangiana hanseni v profilu La Cassino (C a v a g n e t t o & T a m b a r e a u, 1998, 239) v danijskih plasteh in v podobnih sedimentacijskih pogojih kot v profilu Čebulovica.
In the north part of Pyrenees occurs foraminifera Bangiana hanseni in profile La Cassino (C a v a g n e t t o & T a m b a r e a u, 1998, 239) in Danian beds and in similar depositional conditions as in the Čebulovica profile.
26 Končna redakcija
Takšne države članice se v tej pogodbi navajajo kot “države članice z odstopanjem”.
Such Member States shall in this Treaty be referred to as 'Member States with a derogation'.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Če zapis manjka, je treba celotne podrobnosti o tem zapisu dodati poročilu 1 (t.j. kot dodatni zapis).
If a record is missing, then the entire record details should be added to Report 1 (i.e. as an additional record).
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0103
V poglavju I se besedilo pod preglednico pri točki 1.1.1 nadomesti z naslednjim besedilom: 'Temperatura po Celziju t je definirana kot razlika t = T - T0 med dvema termodinamičnima temperaturama T in T0, pri čemer znaša T0 = 273,15 K. Interval ali razliko v temperaturi je mogoče izraziti bodisi v kelvinih bodisi v stopinjah Celzija.
In Chapter I, the text under the table in point 1.1.1 shall be replaced by the following: "Celsius temperature t is defined as the difference t = T - T0 between the two thermodynamic temperatures T and T0 where T0 = 273,15 K. An interval or difference of temperature may be expressed either in kelvins or in degrees Celsius.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0028
Metoda, uporabljena za zbiranje ciljnih spremenljivk o dohodku v zahtevani obliki (t. j. kot bruto vrednosti)
The method used for obtaining income target variables in the required form (i.e. as gross values)
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0028
Metoda, uporabljena za zbiranje ciljnih spremenljivk o dohodku v zahtevani obliki (t. j. kot bruto vrednosti)
The method used for obtaining the income target variables in the required form (i.e. as gross values)
31 Končna redakcija
na področjih, kjer optimalna storitev zahteva določene oblike sodelovanja, kot so t.i. "enostopenjske" ureditve, t.j. možnost pridobitve vseevropskih storitev na enem prodajnem mestu.
in areas where optimum service will require certain features of cooperation, such as so-called 'one-stop shopping` arrangements, i.e. the possibility of acquiring Europe-wide services at a single sales point.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Če tuja podružnica manjka, je treba celotne podrobnosti o tem zapisu dodati poročilu 2 (t.j. kot dodatni zapis).
If a foreign branch is missing, then the entire record details should be added to Report 2 (i.e. as an additional record).
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Če tuja podružnica manjka, je treba celotne podrobnosti o tem zapisu dodati poročilu 3 (t.j. kot dodatni zapis).
If a foreign branch is missing, then the entire record details should be added to Report 3 (i.e. as an additional record).
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0275
Imetnik vozniškega dovoljenja razreda B' in 'BE' lahko vozi naslednja vozila: C+E 79 (>12 t, toda z ne več kot skupno tremi osmi).
The holder of a "Klasse B" and "BE" licence is also entitled to drive the following vehicle: CE 79 (> 12 t, but not more than three axles in total).
35 Končna redakcija
Nadaljuje se z dasikladacejami istih rodov in vrst kot na profilu v Čebulovici v conah SBZ 1 - SBZ 2 (ibidem,1998, tab.10). Med foraminiferami so prepoznavne velike miliolide iz rodu Kayseriella Sirel, navedene kot Paraspirolina sp. (cf. P i g n a t t i, v ibidem, tab.11).
Younger sediments, identified in the Čebulovica section as SBZ 1 and SBZ 2, contain same species of dasyladacean algae (ibidem, Pl.10), same miliolids (genus Kayseriella Sirel is determined in Cephalonia sections as Paraspirolina sp., ibidem, cf. P i g n a t t i, ibidem, Pl.11).
36 Končna redakcija
Imetnik vozniškega dovoljenja razreda 4' ima tudi pravico, voziti naslednja vozila: C+E 79 (>12 t, toda z ne več kot skupno tremi osmi).
The holder of a "Klasse 4" licence is also entitled to drive the following vehicle: CE 79 (> 12 t, but not more than three axles in total).
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0275
Imetnik vozniškega dovoljenja 'razreda 3' ima tudi pravico, da vozi naslednja vozila: C 79 (>12 t, toda z ne več kot skupno tremi osmi).
The holder of a "Klasse 3" licence is also entitled to drive the following vehicle: C 79 (> 12 t, but not more than three axles in total).
38 Končna redakcija
Če so mediji enako podrejeni ekonomski in politični sferi, »zakaj bi potem medijem morali vladati zakoni ekonomije in ne politike, kot je značilno za t. i. komercialne komunikacijske sisteme, ali politike in ne ekonomije, kot je značilno za t. i. paternalistične sisteme?
If media are equally subject to economic and political forces "why, then, should the media be governed by the laws of economy rather than of politics, as is typical of commercial communication systems, or by the laws of politics rather than economy, as is typical of paternalistic systems?
39 Končna redakcija
Na Tržaškem krasu so ekvivalentne plasti poimenovali kot člen Opčine (Opicina member, v C u c c h i et al., 1989, tab.1, 2), na Soškem krasu pa numulitno-alveolinski apnenec (Calcari a nummuliti e alveoline, T e n t o r et al., 1994).
In the Trieste Karst, the equivalent strata were termed the Opicina member (C u c c h i et al., 1989, Pl.1,2), and nummulitic-alveolinal limestone in the Soča Karst (Calcari a nummuliti e alveoline, Te n t o r et al., 1994).
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Sicer se živina vključi v zaloge kot nedokončana proizvodnja, dokler ne odraste in ni tudi sama uporabljena kot sredstvo za proizvodnjo (t. j. kot molznica, za razplod ali druge proizvodne namene, npr. proizvodnja volne).
Otherwise, animals are included in stocks as work in progress until they become mature and are used themselves as factors of production (e.g. as dairy cows, for breeding or other productive purposes such as wool production).
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0028
Za prvi val vzdolžne komponente EU-SILC bo predložena metoda pridobivanja spremenljivk o dohodku v zahtevani obliki (t. j. kot bruto vrednosti).
For the first wave of the EU-SILC longitudinal component, the method used for obtaining the income target variables in the required form (i.e. as gross values) will be provided.
42 Končna redakcija
ker naj se potem, ko razmerje doseže ničlo, ta regulativni mehanizem, imenovan pravilo “staro za novo”, ohrani kot rezervni mehanizem;
whereas this regulatory mechanism designated the "old-for-new" rule should be maintained as a standby mechanism once the ratio reaches zero;
43 Končna redakcija
Ja, pravijo (pivci, op. T. K.), naj gredo dol z vso prtljago in ostanejo doma, kaj pa bi radi še tukaj, kot 'izbeglice' dočakali tretje tisočletje.
Well, say (the bar flies, T. K.) let them go down there with all their baggage and let them stay there, what are they still looking for here, do they want to begin the third millennium as refugees?
44 Končna redakcija
To pa je seveda nekaj, kar možje za šanki presojajo kot zlo, saj, 'kar pomnijo starejši, so nas (južnjaki, op. T. K.) nategnili, da je bilo milina'.
This, of course, is something that men gathering in bars see as bad, because 'as the older people will surely remember, they (those from the south, T. K.) duped us as much they could'.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
Potem ko izpolnita predpogoje za uveljavitev Konvencije, se sprejme sklep za državi, ki sta pristopili h Konvenciji, kot drugi t.j. za Italijo in Grčijo.
A decision shall be adopted at a later date for the other States which have acceded to the Convention, namely Italy and Greece, as soon as they have satisfied the preconditions for the Convention to be brought into force.
46 Končna redakcija
ker je za dosledno razlago izraza “izvoz iz Skupnosti” treba določiti, da se proizvod šteje kot izvožen, ko zapusti carinsko območje Skupnosti;
Whereas, in order that the concept of "exportation from the Community" may be interpreted consistently, it should be specified that a product is to be regarded as having been exported when it leaves the customs territory of the Community;
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Ker DFRC pokriva samo vložke v skladu s SION, bi bilo ustrezno, da se ugodnost določi z uporabo enake metodologije kot za DEPB, t. j., da se ugodnost izračuna kot odstotek od vrednosti izvoženih končnih izdelkov.
Since the DFRC only covers the inputs given in the SION, it would have been appropriate to establish the benefit using the same methodology as under the DEPB, i.e. calculating the benefit as a percentage of the value of the exported finished products.
48 Končna redakcija
V teh okoljih mediji pogosto delujejo kot servis za promocijo poslovnih in političnih interesov lastnikov in tudi za t. i. črni pr zoper poslovne ali politične nasprotnike.
Needless to say, media operating in such environments are frequently exploited for the promotion of commercial or political goals of their owners, or for negative pr aimed at their business competitors or political opponents.
49 Končna redakcija
"proizvodi, namenjeni za krmo za živali” pomeni posamična krmila, premikse, dodatke, krmo in vse druge proizvode, namenjene za uporabo ali uporabljene kot živalska krma;
"products intended for animal feed" shall mean feed materials, premixtures, additives, feedingstuffs and all other products intended for use or used in animal feed;
50 Končna redakcija
zato, ker 'ko je njej (državi, op. T. K.) prav tako, je tako, kjer pa narod reče svojo besedo, je pač tako, kot pravi država oziroma vlada, oziroma nekakšno ustavno sodišče'.
because 'if it's o.k. for it (the state), then that's how it is, but where the people have a say, it is as the state or the government says, or some constitutional court.'
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