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1 Končna redakcija
Lahke sestavljene lesene grede in stebri (vključno s T-gredo, t.j. zveza grede in plošče):
Light composite wood-based beams and columns (including T-beams, i.e. beam/slab combinations):
2 Končna redakcija
Ja, pravijo (pivci, op. T. K.), naj gredo dol z vso prtljago in ostanejo doma, kaj pa bi radi še tukaj, kot 'izbeglice' dočakali tretje tisočletje.
Well, say (the bar flies, T. K.) let them go down there with all their baggage and let them stay there, what are they still looking for here, do they want to begin the third millennium as refugees?
3 Končna redakcija
Vodilni teolog obsodi ZLSD, da zganja klerikalizem, ker je na svojem predvolilnem plakatu uporabila črno barvo, nakar to izjavo na Radiu Slovenija 1 (24. 9. 2000.) komentirajo, da si je verjetno prav isti teolog sposodil od ZLSD geslo, naj volivci 'volijo modro', ker je na plakatu te stranke tudi modra barva; hkrati se sprašujejo, 'zakaj se za nagovarjanje volivcev, naj gredo na volitve, čutijo poklicani tisti, ki sicer ne kandidirajo' (t. j. duhovščina).
A leading theologian charged the ZLSD with clericalism because it used the color black in its election poster. This statement was later commented on Radio Slovenia 1 (24 September 2000), when it was said that this same theologian probably borrowed from the ZLSD the double-meaning slogan 'voli modro', because the same poster featured the color blue as well; in the same broadcast there was expressed wonder why 'those who are not candidates feel chosen to appeal to the voters to cast their ballots' (i.e. the clergy).
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