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absolutna višina
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Preverjanje ni dalo razlogov, da se zaradi absolutne višine svojih proizvodnih stroškov katero koli podjetje izključi iz izračuna stopenj nelojalnega nižanja cen.
As a result, no reasons were found to exclude any company from the underselling calculation on the basis of the absolute level of its cost of production.
2 Pravna redakcija
sta višina in intenzivnost take pomoči strogo omejeni na tisto, kar je absolutno potrebno za obnovitev takšne sposobnosti preživetja, ter se postopoma zmanjšujeta,
the amount and intensity of such aid are strictly limited to what is absolutely necessary in order to restore such viability and are progressively reduced,
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1695
Uvoz zadevnega izdelka se je povečal v absolutnih vrednostih od leta 1997 do leta 2001, pri čemer se je prvo povečanje v višini 60.000 ton pojavilo med leti 1997 in 1998, naslednje povečanje v višini 60.000 ton pa med leti 1998 in 2001. Podobno je opaziti znatna povečanja v zvezi s celotno proizvodnjo in prodano proizvodnjo.
Imports of the product concerned rose in absolute terms from 1997 to 2001, with the first increase of 60 000 tonnes taking place between 1997 and 1998, and a further increase of 60 000 tonnes between 1998 and 2001. Likewise, significant increases can be observed in relation to the total production and in relation to production sold.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Glede domnevne škode je bilo v obvestilu o začetku postopka navedeno, da "je pritožnik predložil dokaze, da se je uvoz zadevnega izdelka iz Indije, Indonezije, Republike Koreje, Malezije, Tajvana in Tajske na splošno povečal tako v absolutnem pogledu kot glede na tržni delež" in da "se domneva, da uvožene količine in cene zadevnega izdelka med drugim negativno vplivajo na tržni delež in višino cen proizvajalcev Skupnosti, kar zelo škodljivo učinkuje na splošno uspešnost in finančni položaj industrije Skupnosti".
As regards the allegation of injury, it was stated in the notice of initiation that The complainant has provided evidence that imports of the product concerned from India, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand have increased overall in absolute terms and in terms of market share' and furthermore that 'It is alleged that the volumes and the prices of the imported product concerned have, among other consequences, had a negative impact on the market share and the level of prices charged by the Community producers, resulting in substantial adverse effect on the overall performance and the financial situation of the Community industry'.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0042
Spuščanje pod absolutno/relativno višino odločitve ali najmanjšo absolutno/relativno višino spusta brez potrebnega vizualnega stika.
Descent below decision height/altitude or minimum descent height/altitude without the required visual reference.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1695
Uvoz zadevnega izdelka se je povečal v absolutnih vrednostih od leta 1997 do leta 2001, pri čemer se je prvo povečanje v višini 60000 ton pojavilo med leti 1997 in 1998, naslednje povečanje v višini 60000 ton pa med leti 1998 in 2001.
Imports of the product concerned rose in absolute terms from 1997 to 2001, with the first increase of 60000 tonnes taking place between 1997 and 1998, and a further increase of 60000 tonnes between 1998 and 2001.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Glede domnevne škode je bilo v obvestilu o začetku postopka navedeno, da "je pritožnik predložil dokaze, da se je uvoz zadevnega izdelka iz Indije, Indonezije, Republike Koreje, Malezije, Tajvana in Tajske na splošno povečal tako v absolutnem pogledu kot glede na tržni delež" in da "se domneva, da uvožene količine in cene zadevnega izdelka med drugim negativno vplivajo na tržni delež in višino cen proizvajalcev Skupnosti, kar zelo škodljivo učinkuje na splošno uspešnost in finančni položaj industrije Skupnosti".
As regards the allegation of injury, it was stated in the notice of initiation that "The complainant has provided evidence that imports of the product concerned from India, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand have increased overall in absolute terms and in terms of market share" and furthermore that "It is alleged that the volumes and the prices of the imported product concerned have, among other consequences, had a negative impact on the market share and the level of prices charged by the Community producers, resulting in substantial adverse effect on the overall performance and the financial situation of the Community industry".
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absolutna višina