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agregatna bilanca stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
Skupna agregatna bilanca stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij se izračuna v skladu s statističnim okvirom, ki se uporablja v Evropski skupnosti v času izračuna;
The total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions shall be calculated in accordance with the statistical framework applying in the European Community at the time of the calculation;
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
Deležem v skupnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah in v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij se dodeli ponderje 5/6 oziroma 1/6.
The shares in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices and in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions shall be assigned weights of 5/6 and 1/6, respectively.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
velikost deleža države članice njihove NCB (i) v skupnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah (v nadaljnjem besedilu BDP tc) držav članic, ki so uvedle evro; in (ii) v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij (v nadaljnjem besedilu SABS-MFI) držav članic, ki so uvedle evro.
the size of the share of their NCB's Member State (i) in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices (hereinafter GDP mp) of the Member States which have adopted the euro; and (ii) in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions (hereinafter TABS-MFIs) of the Member States which have adopted the euro.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
od dneva, ko število guvernerjev preseže 15 in dokler ne doseže števila 22, so guvernerji razdeljeni v dve skupini glede na razvrstitev velikosti deleža države članice njihove nacionalne centralne banke v skupnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah in v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij držav članic, ki so uvedle evro.
as from the date on which the number of governors exceeds 15, until it reaches 22, the governors shall be allocated to two groups, according to a ranking of the size of the share of their national central bank's Member State in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices and in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions of the Member States which have adopted the euro.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
in (ii) v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij (v nadaljnjem besedilu SABS-MFI) držav članic, ki so uvedle evro.
and (ii) in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions (hereinafter TABS-MFIs) of the Member States which have adopted the euro.
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agregatna bilanca stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij