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avtonomna ureditev
1 Končna redakcija
Do prenehanja nadzornega sistema iz člena 292 Portugalska republika odloži uporabo preferencialnih ureditev, pogodbenih ali avtonomnih, ki jih uporablja Skupnost glede tretjih držav v sektorju oljčnega olja, oljnih semen in plodov ter proizvodov iz njih.
The Portuguese Republic shall postpone, until the control mechanism referred to in Article 292 expires, the application of preferential arrangements, be they contractual or autonomous, applied by the Community with regard to third countries in the olive oil sector, the oil seeds and oil fruits sector and in that of products derived therefrom.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2825
ker mora do sklenitve Sporazuma in začetka njegove veljavnosti Skupnost avtonomno uvesti to ureditev,
Whereas, pending the Agreement's conclusion and entry into force, the Community should introduce these arrangements autonomously,
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1059
ker mora do začetka veljavnosti Protokola Skupnost ob upoštevanju določb tega protokola avtonomno določiti ureditev, ki bo veljala za trgovanje Grčije s Turčijo;
Whereas, pending the entry into force of the Protocol, the Community should, in the light thereof, lay down autonomously the arrangements applicable to Greece's trade with Turkey;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3603
ker Protokol o Portugalski določa, da "se Portugalski dovoli ohraniti možnost, dano avtonomnima regijama Azori in Madeira, da dobita brezobrestni kredit pri Banco de Portugal pod pogoji, določenimi z veljavno portugalsko zakonodajo" in da "se Portugalska zavezuje, da si bo na vso moč prizadevala odpraviti to ureditev v kar najkrajšem času";
Whereas the Protocol on Portugal lays down that 'Portugal is hereby authorized to maintain the facility afforded to the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira to benefit from an interest-free credit facility with the Banco de Portugal under the terms established by existing Portuguese law'; and that 'Portugal commits itself to pursue its best endeavours in order to put an end to the abovementioned facility as soon as possible';
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avtonomna ureditev