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biti v priporu
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Taki predpisi morajo biti v kar največjem obsegu usklajeni s standardi in priporočeno prakso v letalstvu.
Such regulations must be coordinated to the maximum possible extent with standards and recommended practice in aviation.
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Ob priporu, najkasneje pa v 24 urah po njem, mora biti priprtemu vročena pisna, obrazložena odločba.
Upon detention, but not later than twenty-four hours thereafter, the person detained must be handed the written court order with a statement of reasons.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
V poročilu bi morali biti za vsako priporočilo točno navedeni tudi vprašanja glede postopka in politike ter odgovor agencije SAPARD.
The report should set out for each recommendation, the procedure and policy questions requiring attention and the reply of the SAPARD Agency.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-79
V prošnji za začasen pripor mora biti navedeno, da obstaja eden od dokumentov, omenjenih v 2.a) odstavku 12. člena in da se namerava poslati prošnja za izročitev.
The request for provisional arrest shall state that one of the documents mentioned in Article 12, paragraph 2 (a), exists and that it is intended to send a request for extradition.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
V ta namen Konferenca na svojem prvem zasedanju odobri priporočilo Pripravljalne komisije, katerih 40 postaj iz preglednice 2-A Priloge 1 k Protokolu mora biti sposobnih nadzirati žlahtne pline.
For this purpose the Conference, at its initial session, shall approve a recommendation by the Preparatory Commission as to which 40 stations from Table 2-A of Annex 1 to this Protocol shall be capable of noble gas monitoring.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Delo službe za notranjo revizijo se izvaja v skladu z mednarodno sprejetimi revizijskimi standardi, evidentira se v delovnih dokumentih in mora biti razvidno iz poročil in priporočil, naslovljenih na vodstvo agencije.
The internal audit service's work shall be performed according to internationally accepted auditing standards, shall be recorded in working papers and shall result in reports and recommendations addressed to the Agency's top management.
7 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Načrtovani leti med stalnimi točkami vstopa in točkami vstopa ter med točkami izstopa in stalnimi točkami izstopa morajo biti izvedeni v skladu s standardi in priporočili ICAO ter nacionalnimi predpisi.
Planned flights between entry fixes and points of entry and between points of exit and exit fixes shall be conducted in accordance with published ICAO standards and recommended practices and national regulations.
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
7.2 Začasni ukrepi so lahko v obliki začasnih carin ali priporočljivo, v obliki varščine v gotovini ali s kavcijo, ki je enaka znesku protidumpinške carine, ki se okvirno določi, ne sme pa biti višja od začasno ugotovljene stopnje dumpinga.
7.2 Provisional measures may take the form of a provisional duty or, preferably, a security by cash deposit or bond equal to the amount of the anti dumping duty provisionally estimated, being not greater than the provisionally estimated margin of dumping.
9 Objavljeno
Nadzorni sveti družb s kapitalskimi naložbami države morajo biti sestavljeni skladno s kriteriji, ki so navedeni v tem kodeksu, priporočilih dobre prakse in po kriterijih, ki jih oblikuje akreditacijska komisija agencije.
Supervisory Boards of Companies with State Capital Investments must be composed in compliance with the criteria indicated in this Code, recommendations of good practice and following the criteria formulated by the Accreditation Committee of the Agency.
10 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-20-0066-2010-1
Ta zahteva je bila pozneje preoblikovana na in sicer:sledeč način »Z vsakim novo prispelim zapornikom mora zdravnik takoj ko je mogoče opraviti ustrezen pogovor in da ga fizično pregledati. Razen ob v izjemnih okoliščinah, bi moral biti tak pregled/razgovor opravljen še isti dan po sprejemu zapornika v ustanovo, še posebej, če gre za pripornika.
This requirement has subsequently been reformulated as follows: every newly-arrived prisoner should be properly interviewed and physically examined by a medical doctor as soon as posible after his admission; save for in exceptional circumstances, that interview/examination should be carried out on the day of admission, especially insofar as remand establishments are concerned.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Splošna vsebina tega dnevnega reda mora biti določena od štiri do šest let vnaprej, končni dnevni red pa določi Svet po možnosti dve leti pred konferenco ob soglasju večine držav članic in v skladu z določbami št. 47 te konvencije.Ti dve različici dnevnega reda se pripravita na temelju priporočil svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah v skladu s št. 126 te konvencije.
The general scope of this agenda should be established fourto six years in advance, and the final agenda shall be established by the Council preferably two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention. These two versions of the agenda shall be established on the basis of the recommendations of the world radiocommunication conference, in accordance with No. 126 of this Convention.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Splošna vsebina tega dnevnega reda mora biti določena od štiri do šest let vnaprej, končni dnevni red pa določi Svet po možnosti dve leti pred konferenco ob soglasju večine držav članic in v skladu z določbami št. 47 te konvencije.Ti dve različici dnevnega reda se pripravita na temelju priporočil svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah v skladu s št. 126 te konvencije.
The general scope of this agenda should be established four to six years in advance, and the final agenda shall be established by the Council preferably two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention. These two versions of the agenda shall be established on the basis of the recommendations of the world radiocommunication conference, in accordance with No. 126 of this Convention.
13 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Priporočljivo je, da bi bila uvedba dovoljena na ozemljih vseh članic, da bi bila carina nižja od celotne višine subvencije, če bi taka nižja carina zadoščala za odpravo škode domači industriji, in da bi bili postopki taki, da omogočajo oblastem, da lahko upoštevajo predstavitve domačih zainteresiranih subjektov,(50) katerih interesi utegnejo biti v nasprotju z uvedbo izravnalne carine.
It is desirable that the imposition should be permissive in the territory of all Members, that the duty should be less than the total amount of the subsidy if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry, and that procedures should be established which would allow the authorities concerned to take due account of representations made by domestic interested parties[121] whose interests might be adversely affected by the imposition of a countervailing duty.
14 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
Članice smejo uvajati ali ohranjati sanitarne ali fitosanitarne ukrepe, ki pomenijo večjo raven sanitarne ali fitosanitarne zaščite, kot bi bila dosežena z ukrepi, ki temeljijo na ustreznih mednarodnih standardih, smernicah in priporočilih, če je to znanstveno utemeljeno ali kot posledica ravni sanitarne ali fitosanitarne zaščite, ki jo članica določa kot ustrezno v skladu z ustreznimi določbami od prvega do osmega odstavka 5. člena.(2) Ne glede na omenjeno pa vsi ukrepi, ki imajo za posledico tako raven sanitarne ali fitosanitarne zaščite, ki je drugačna od tiste, ki bi bila dosežena z ukrepi, ki temeljijo na mednarodnih standardih, smernicah ali priporočilih, ne smejo biti v nasprotju s katerokoli drugo določbo tega sporazuma.
Members may introduce or maintain sanitary or phytosanitary measures which result in a higher level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection than would be achieved by measures based on the relevant international standards, guidelines or recommendations, if there is a scientific justification, or as a consequence of the level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection a Member determines to be appropriate in accordance with the relevant provisions of paragraphs 1 through 8 of Article 5.[15] Notwithstanding the above, all measures which result in a level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection different from that which would be achieved by measures based on international standards, guidelines or recommendations shall not be inconsistent with any other provision of this Agreement.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
Po vložitvi pridržka glede Evropske konvencije o izročitvi iz leta 1957 v tem smislu, da se ne dovoli izročitev oseb, ki se zahtevajo zaradi kaznivega dejanja, za katero je zgrožena kazen dosmrtni zapor ali priporni nalog, Portugalska izjavlja, da bo v primeru, ko se zahteva izročitev zaradi kaznivega dejanja, za katerega je zagrožena kazen dosmrtni zapor ali varnostni ukrep, v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Ustave Republike Portugalske, kot jih tolmači njeno Ustavno sodišče, izročitev dovolila le, če bo štela, da so podana zadostna zagotovila države članice, ki vlaga zahtevo, da bo v skladu s svojo zakonodajo in prakso v zvezi z izvrševanjem kazni spodbudila uporabo katerih koli ukrepov pomilostitve, do katerih bi zahtevana oseba utegnila biti upravičena.
Having entered a reservation in respect of the European Convention on Extradition of 1957 to the effect that it will not grant extradition of persons wanted for an offence punishable by a life sentence or detention order, Portugal states that where extradition is sought for an offence punishable by a life sentence or detention order, it will grant extradition, in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, as interpreted by its Constitutional Court, only if it regards as sufficient the assurances given by the requesting Member State that it will encourage, in accordance with its law and practice regarding the carrying out of sentences, the application of any measures of clemency to which the person whose extradition is requested might be entitled.
16 Končna redakcija
Rezultate mora biti mogoče vrednotiti po priporočenih metodah, ki se določijo v skladu s postopkom iz odstavka 3.
It must be possible to evaluate the results of the examinations using reference methods established in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 3.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0029
ker je priporočeno določiti načelo, da morajo biti surovine, uporabljane v prehrani živali, zdrave, pristne in prodajne kakovosti;
Whereas it is advisable to establish the principle that raw materials used in animal nutrition must be sound, genuine and of merchantable quality;
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0648
Pet direktiv in Priporočilo Komisije, ki so navedeni v uvodni izjavi (1) in ki jih ta uredba nadomesti, bi moralo biti razveljavljenih
The five Directives and the Commission Recommendation mentioned in recital (1) which are replaced by this Regulation should be repealed,
19 Končna redakcija
Ocenjevanje radiografskih posnetkov mora temeljiti na originalnih filmih in biti opravljeno v skladu s postopkom, priporočenimo v členu 6 standarda ISO 2504-1973.
Assessment of the weld radiographs must be based on the original films in accordance with the practice recommended in ISO standard 2504 - 1973, paragraph 6.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
V teh opozorilih morajo biti navedene odgovornosti voznika, navodila za druge osebe v vozilu ter priporočilo, da se vozilo zapusti šele po odstranitvi ključa iz kontaktne ključavnice,
This information should indicate the responsibilities of the driver, including instructions for other occupants and the recommendation to leave the vehicle only if the key is removed from the ignition lock,
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Če je merilnik motnosti opremljen s sistemom za splakovanje z zrakom, ki preprečuje osajenje optike merila, mora biti tudi ta sistem aktiviran in naravnan v skladu s priporočili proizvajalca.
If the opacimeter is equipped with a purge air system to prevent sooting of the instrument optics, this system should also be activated and adjusted according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Če je merilnik motnosti opremljen s sistemom za splakovanje z zrakom za preprečevanje nanašanja saj na optiko merila, mora biti tudi ta sistem vklopljen in naravnan v skladu s priporočili proizvajalca.
If the opacimeter is equipped with a purge air system to prevent sooting of the meter optics, this system shall also be activated and adjusted according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
23 Končna redakcija
Komisija izda priporočila v zvezi z načinom in časovnim razporedom, po katerem se mora izvesti prilagoditev, pri čemer se razume, da morata biti način in časovni razpored enaka za Kraljevino Španijo in sedanje države članice.
The Commission shall make recommendations as to the manner in which and the timetable according to which the adjustment must be carried out, it being understood that the manner and timetable must be the same for the Kingdom of Spain and the present Member States.
24 Končna redakcija
Komisija izda priporočila v zvezi z načinom in časovnim razporedom, po katerem se mora izvesti prilagoditev iz prvega odstavka, pri čemer se razume, da morata biti način in časovni razpored enaka za Portugalsko republiko in sedanje države članice.
The Commission shall make recommendations as to the manner in which and the timetable according to which the adjustment provided for in the first paragraph must be carried out, it being understood that the manner and timetable must be the same for the Portuguese Republic and the present Member States.
25 Končna redakcija
Komisija pripravi priporočila glede načina in časovnega razporeda, po katerem je treba izvesti prilagoditev, predvideno v prvem pododstavku zgoraj, pri čemer morata biti način in časovni razpored enaka za Helensko republiko in sedanje države članice.
The Commission shall make recommendations as to the manner in which and the timetable according to which the adjustment provided for in the first sub-paragraph above must be carried out, it being understood that the manner and timetable must be the same for the Hellenic Republic and the present Member States.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Varnostna analiza je predmet varnostnega poročila, ki priporoča ukrepe, predvidene za ravnanje ob katerem koli takem tveganju, in vključuje seznam varnostnih elementov in podsistemov, ki morajo biti zajeti v določbe poglavja II ali III, odvisno od primera.
The safety analysis shall be the subject of a safety report recommending the measures envisaged to deal with any such risks and including a list of the safety components and subsystems which must be covered by the provisions of Chapter II or III, as the case may be.
27 Končna redakcija
Gorivo za dizelske motorje mora biti takšno kot je določeno v Prilogi V k Direktivi Sveta 72/306/EGS z dne 21.avgusta 1972 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o ukrepih, ki jih je treba sprejeti proti emisiji okolju škodljivih snovi iz dizelskih motorjev vozilih, ki se mu po potrebi doda komercialno tekoče ali plinasto gorivo po priporočilu proizvajalca.
In the case of diesel engines, the fuel used must be as specified in Annex V to Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 21 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in engines (1), with the addition, if necessary, of a commercial liquid or gaseous fuel recommended by the manufacturer.
28 Pravna redakcija
Uporabljajo se lahko samo maziva, ki jih priporoča proizvajalec vozila; maziva morajo biti navedena v poročilu o preskusu.
All lubricants must be those recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle and must be indicated on the test report.
29 Pravna redakcija
Spremembe k priporočilom za sklepe morajo biti generalnemu sekretarju predložene v pisni obliki najpozneje tretji delovni dan pred začetkom seje predsedstva in morajo biti na voljo v elektronski obliki, takoj ko so prevedene.
Amendments to recommendations for decisions must be submitted in writing to the Secretary-General not later than the third working day before the opening of the Bureau meeting and shall be electronically retrievable as soon as they have been translated.
30 Pravna redakcija
V slednjem primeru se vlagatelja obvesti tudi o razlogih za namen priporočila zavrnitve ter o dejstvu, da se lahko vloži dodatno zaprosilo, ki potrjuje prejšnjega, v roku, ki ne sme biti daljši od 45 dni.
In the latter case, the applicant shall likewise be informed of the reasons for the intention to recommend rejection and the fact that a further request confirming the first may be submitted within not more than 45 days.
31 Pravna redakcija
Če se v predlaganem navodilu za uporabo priporoča uporaba pripravka kot mešanice skupaj z drugimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi ali dodatki, mora biti mešanica skladna z načeli, navedenimi v točkah 2.2.1 do 2.2.6.
Where proposed label claims include requirements for use of the preparation with other plant protection products or adjuvants, as a tank mix, the mixture must comply with the principles referred to in points 2. 2. 1 to 2. 2. 6.
32 Pravna redakcija
Ker mora biti tako financiranje umeščeno v širši okvir, Posvetovalni odbor EGP priporoča državam EGP /Efte, da na tem področju predlagajo konkretne predloge, pri čemer upoštevajo svoje prednostne naloge.
As such funding must be part of a broader picture, the EEA- CC urges the EEA/EFTA States to make concrete proposals in this field, taking active account of their own priorities.
33 Pravna redakcija
Če se v predlaganem navodilu za uporabo priporoča uporaba pripravka kot mešanice skupaj z drugimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi ali dodatki, mora mešanica doseči želeni učinek in biti v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v točkah 2.1.1 do 2.1.4.
Where proposed label claims include requirements for use of the preparation with other specified plant protection products or adjuvants as a tank mix, the mixture must achieve the desired effect and comply with the principles referred to in points 2. 1. 1 to 2. 1. 4.
34 Pravna redakcija
Poročilo mora biti izdelano na obrazcu, vključno z elektronskim obrazcem, ki ustreza smernici fn, državam članicam, z upoštevanjem izvajanja priporočil Komisije v zvezi z usklajenimi programi spremljanja Skupnosti.
The report should be produced in a format, including the electronic format, conforming to the guidance fn to the Member States with regard to implementation of Commission recommendations concerning coordinated Community monitoring programmes.
35 Pravna redakcija
"Stopnja signalnega podatka" (5) je stopnja, kakor je določena v Priporočilu ITU 53-36, upoštevajoč dejstvo, da pri binarni modulaciji baud (enota za hitrost prenosa informacij) in bit (enota za vsebino informacij) nista enaka.
"Data signalling rate" (5) means the rate, as defined in ITU Recommendation 53-36, taking into account that, for non-binary modulation, baud and bit per second are not equal.
36 Pravna redakcija
Informacije, ki jih priskrbi pogodbenica, ali ki izhajajo iz poizvedbe, opredeljene v drugem odstavku tega člena, morajo biti prikazane na naslednji konferenci pogodbenic, ki lahko oblikuje morebitna priporočila, ki se ji zdijo primerna.
The information provided by the party or resulting from any inquiry as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be reviewed by the next conference of the parties which may make whatever recommendations it deems appropriate.
37 Pravna redakcija
Votli priključki na trupu, zasnovani tako, da vodi omogočajo pot v trup ali iz trupa pod vodno črto, ki ustreza največji obremenitvi, ki jo priporoča proizvajalec skladno z oddelkom 3.6., morajo biti opremljeni z dostopno nameščenimi sredstvi zapiranja.
Through hull fittings designed to allow water passage into the hull or out of the hull, below the waterline corresponding to the manufacturer's maximum recommended load according to section 3.6, shall be fitted with shutoff means which shall be readily accessible.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1984
V skladu s priporočili ICCAT iz leta 2001 mora biti mečaricam, uvoženim na ozemlje pogodbenice ali ob njihovem prvem vstopu na območje regionalne gospodarske organizacije, od 1. januarja 2003 naprej priložen statistični dokument ICCAT za mečarice (SWD).
Pursuant to the 2001 ICCAT Recommendation, swordfish imported into the territory of a Contracting Party or upon first entry into a regional economic organisation must be accompanied by an ICCAT Swordfish Statistical Document (SWD) beginning 1 January 2003.
39 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo biti zaradi poenostavitve sistema dovoljene tiste minimalne lastnosti in tolerance za predelani proizvod, ki so vključeni v standard ZN/EKE, ki ga je priporočila Delovna skupina za standardizacijo pokvarljivega blaga in razvoja kakovosti v okviru Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo;
whereas, as regards the processed product, for the sake of simplification, the minimum characteristics and tolerances allowed should be those contained in the UN/ECE standard recommended by the Working Party on standardisation of perishable produce and quality development of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;
40 Pravna redakcija
Dodatne podatke, ki jih Komisija zahteva, da bi bile priglasitve popolne v skladu s členom 4(2) in (4) ali zaradi dopolnitve priglasitev v skladu s členom 5(2), mora Komisija prejeti na prej navedeni naslov ali pa morajo biti poslani s priporočeno pošto pred iztekom roka, določenega za vsak posamezni primer.
Additional information requested to complete notifications pursuant to Article 4(2) and (4) or to supplement notifications pursuant to Article 5(2) must reach the Commission at the aforesaid address or have been dispatched by registered letter before the expiry of the time limit fixed in each case.
41 Pravna redakcija
Traktor mora biti opremljen s fiksno vtičnico s sedmimi kontakti v skladu s priporočilom ISO R/1724, prva izdaja, april 1970, ki upošteva 12-voltno napajanje z električno energijo svetlobnih in svetlobno-signalnih naprav na orodjih, strojih in priklopnih vozilih, namenjenih kmetijski ali gozdarski uporabi.
The tractor must be equipped with a fixed socket with seven contacts in accordance with recommendation ISO R/1724, first edition, April 1970, allowing for a 12-volt power supply to the lighting and light-signalling devices on tools, machinery or trailers intended for agricultural or forestry use.
42 Pravna redakcija
Če se v predlaganem navodilu za uporabo zahteva ali priporoča uporaba fitofarmacevtskega sredstva v mešanici z drugimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi ali dodatki in/ali kadar predlagana navodila za uporabo vsebujejo oznake o združljivosti pripravka z drugimi fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi v mešanici, morajo biti ta fitofarmacevtska sredstva ali dodatki fizikalno in kemijsko združljivi.
Where the proposed label claims include requirements or recommendations for use of the preparation with other plant protection products or adjuvants as a tank mix and/or where the proposed label includes indications on the compatibility of the preparation with other plant protection products as a tank mix, those products or adjuvants must be physically and chemically compatible in the tank mix.
43 Pravna redakcija
V primeru, da veterinar uporabi določila člena 10, mora hraniti ustrezne evidence o datumu pregleda živali, o lastniku, o številu zdravljenih živali, o diagnozi, o predpisanih zdravilih, o odmerkih danih zdravil, o trajanju zdravljenja ter o priporočeni karenci. Ti podatki morajo biti na razpolago inšpektorjem pristojnih organov najmanj tri leta.
When a veterinarian has recourse to the provisions of Article 10, he shall keep adequate records of the date of examination of the animals, details of the owner, the number of animals treated, the diagnosis, the medicinal products prescribed, the dosages administered, the duration of treatment and the withdrawal periods recommended, and make these records available for inspection by the competent authorities for a period of at least three years.
44 Pravna redakcija
Da se ugotovi, ali bi ti pogoji lahko bili izpolnjeni, je priporočljivo, da se pred predložitvijo izjave za pridobitev takšnega potrdila skrbno preuči vsebina določb, na katere se bo potrdilo sklicevalo, in da se, če je treba, pri carinskih organih, ki so pooblaščeni za dajanje informacij o teh zadevah, pridobijo potrebne informacije, zlasti glede blaga, ki ni v carinskem skladišču in ki mora biti izvoženo v enakem stanju.
To determine whether these conditions might be met, it is advisable, before making a declaration with a view to obtaining such a certificate, to examine carefully the contents of the provisions to which reference will be made and, where necessary, to contact the Customs authorities authorized to provide any information on this matter, particularly as regards goods not situated in a customs warehouse and which have to be re-exported in the same state.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Test ELISA za uporabo v serološki diagnostiki APK mora prepoznati vse referenčne serume, pridobljene od prebolelih prašičev. Vsi rezultati testa, ki se nanašajo na referenčne serume, morajo biti ponovljivi. Priporočljivo je, da ugotovi vse pozitivne referenčne serume iz zgodnjega stadija bolezni. Rezultati, ki se nanašajo na referenčne serume, pridobljene od prašičev v zgodnjem stadiju okužbe, so pokazatelj občutljivosti testa ELISA.
The ELISA to be used for the serological diagnosis of ASF must detect all reference sera from the convalescent pigs. All results obtained with the reference sera must be reproducible. It is recommended all positive sera from the early phase are also detected. The results obtained with the reference sera from pigs in the early phase of infection give an indication of the sensitivity of the ELISA.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
4. Priporoča se, da delovanje biološko-varne enote za delo z virusom APK podpirajo druge enote s prostori, v katerih ne potekajo postopki z virusom APK. Ti prostori morajo biti na voljo za pripravo steklovine in gojišč, za vzdrževanje in pripravo neokuženih celičnih kultur, obdelavo serumov in serološke preiskave (razen za metode, pri katerih se uporablja živ virus APK), in za zagotavljanje upravne in pisarniške dejavnosti.
It is recommended that the biosecurity unit for ASF virus work should be supported by areas where the ASF virus is not manipulated. These other areas should be available for the preparation of glassware and media, the maintenance and preparation of non-infected cell cultures, the processing of sera and serological testing (other than methods using live ASF virus), and the provision of administrative and clerical support.
47 Pravna redakcija
Šteje se torej, da je bila vročitev naslovljencu izvršena s priporočeno pošto desetega dne po vložitvi priporočenega pisma na poštnem uradu kraja, kjer ima Sodišče svoj sedež, razen če potrdilo o prejemu kaže, da je bilo pismo prejeto na drug dan ali če naslovljenec obvesti sodnega tajnika v roku treh tednov potem, ko je bil obveščen s telefaksom ali kakšnim drugim tehničnim sredstvom sporočanja, da ga dokument, ki bi mu moral biti vročen, ni dosegel."
Service shall then be deemed to have been effected on the addressee by registered post on the tenth day following the lodging of the registered letter at the post office of the place where the Court has its seat, unless it is shown by the acknowledgement of receipt that the letter was received on a different date or the addressee informs the Registrar, within three weeks of being advised by telefax or other technical means of communication, that the document to be served has not reached him."
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
Virusni antigeni se dokazujejo tudi z uporabo različnih izvedb testa ELISA, ki pa se priporoča le pri akutnih oblikah bolezni zaradi nizke občutljivosti ob prisotnosti kompleksov antigen-protitelo. Občutljivost testa ELISA za dokazovanje antigena mora biti vsaj tolikšna, da zagotavlja pozitiven rezultat pri živalih, ki kažejo klinične znake APK. V vsakem primeru pa je priporočljivo uporabljati ta test le kot "čredni" test in skupaj z drugimi virološkimi preiskavami.
Viral antigens can be also detected using ELISA techniques, but it is only recommended for acute forms of the disease because of its low sensitivity when antigen-antibody complexes are present. The sensitivity of the antigen ELISA should be high enough to score a positive result from animals showing clinical signs of acute ASF. In any case it is recommended to use this test only as a `herd` test and in conjunction with other virological tests.
49 Pravna redakcija
Šteje se torej, da je bila vročitev naslovljencu izvršena s priporočeno pošto desetega dne po vložitvi priporočenega pisma na poštnem uradu kraja, kjer ima Sodišče prve stopnje svoj sedež, razen če potrdilo o prejemu kaže, da je bilo pismo prejeto na drugi dan, ali če naslovljenec obvesti sodnega tajnika v roku treh tednov potem, ko je bil obveščen s telefaksom ali kakšnim drugim tehničnim sredstvom komunikacije, da ga dokument, ki bi mu moral biti vročen, ni dosegel."
Service shall then be deemed to have been effected on the addressee by registered post on the tenth day following the lodging of the registered letter at the post office of the place where the Court of First Instance has its seat, unless it is shown by the acknowledgement of receipt that the letter was received on a different date or the addressee informs the Registrar, within three weeks of being advised by telefax or other technical means of communication, that the document to be served has not reached him."
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0863
(4) S Sklepom Komisije 2003/833/ES fn o odobritvi, v imenu Evropske skupnosti, sprememb prilog k Sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike o sanitarnih ukrepih za varovanje javnega zdravja in zdravja živali v trgovini z živimi živalmi in živalskimi proizvodi so bila odobrena priporočila Skupnega upravnega odbora, ustanovljenega v skladu s Sporazumom, v zvezi z enakovrednostjo standardov Združenih držav za želatino in kolagen in standardov Skupnosti ter bi morala biti uresničena; v skladu s tem bi bilo treba uvesti vzorčna spričevala za uvoz želatine in kolagena iz Združenih držav v Skupnost, ki zagotavljajo ustrezna jamstva.
(4) By Commission Decision 2003/833/EC fn approving on behalf of the European Community amendments to the Annexes to the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in trade in live animals and animal products, the recommendations made by the Joint Management Committee established under the Agreement concerning the equivalence of the United States standards for gelatine and collagen with Community standards have been approved and should be implemented; model certificates for the importation of gelatine and collagen from the United States into the Community providing the corresponding guarantees should be established accordingly.
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