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brezobrestni kredit
1 Končna redakcija
brezobrestni kredit
free credit
2 Končna redakcija
Portugalski se dovoli ohraniti možnost, dano avtonomnima regijama Azori in Madeira, da dobita brezobrestni kredit pri Banco de Portugal pod pogoji, določenimi z veljavno portugalsko zakonodajo.
Portugal is hereby authorized to maintain the facility afforded to the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira to benefit from an interest-free credit facility with the Banco de Portugal under the terms established by existing Portuguese law.
3 Pravna redakcija
ker je posest kovancev s strani centralne banke, ki jih je izdal javni sektor in so mu bili knjiženi v dobro njegovega računa, brezobrestna oblika kreditiranja javnega sektorja;
Whereas the holding by the central banks of coins issued by the public sector and credited to the public sector constitutes an interest-free form of credit for the public sector;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Na primer podjetje lahko omogoči kupcu brezobrestni kredit ali od njega dobi za nadomestilo prodanega blaga menico, ki prinaša manj kot po tržni obrestni meri.
For example, an enterprise may provide interest free credit to the buyer or accept a note receivable bearing a below-market interest rate from the buyer as consideration for the sale of goods.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3603
ker Protokol o Portugalski določa, da "se Portugalski dovoli ohraniti možnost, dano avtonomnima regijama Azori in Madeira, da dobita brezobrestni kredit pri Banco de Portugal pod pogoji, določenimi z veljavno portugalsko zakonodajo" in da "se Portugalska zavezuje, da si bo na vso moč prizadevala odpraviti to ureditev v kar najkrajšem času";
Whereas the Protocol on Portugal lays down that 'Portugal is hereby authorized to maintain the facility afforded to the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira to benefit from an interest-free credit facility with the Banco de Portugal under the terms established by existing Portuguese law'; and that 'Portugal commits itself to pursue its best endeavours in order to put an end to the abovementioned facility as soon as possible';
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Včasih pri njih sploh ni treba plačati nobene cene, na primer pri brezplačni zagotovitvi storitev za ravnateljstvo ali podaljšanju brezobrestnega kreditiranja.
Sometimes, no price is charged - as in the examples of the free provision of management services and the extension of free credit on a debt.
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brezobrestni kredit