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carinski nadzorni ukrepi
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0433
V sklopu izpolnjevanja formalnosti, povezanih z uvozom izdelkov, ki so predmet notranjih nadzornih ukrepov in splošnih ukrepov zaščite znotraj Skupnosti, lahko ustrezni organi države članice uvoznice od uvoznika zahtevajo, da na carinski deklaraciji ali na vlogi za uvozni dokument navede poreklo izdelkov.
As part of completion of formalities in connection with the import of products which are subject to intra-Community surveillance measures or protective measures, the relevant authorities of the importing Member State may ask the importer to state the origin of the products on the customs declaration or on the application for an import document.
2 Pravna redakcija
Če se izdelek uvaža v tako povečanih količinah in pod takšnimi pogoji, ki povzročajo ali grozijo, da bodo povzročili resno poslabšanje gospodarskih razmer v eni ali več drugih članicah Južnoafriške carinske unije, lahko Južna Afrika na zahtevo države oziroma držav in potem, ko preuči alternativne možnosti, izjemoma sprejme nadzorne ali zaščitne ukrepe v skladu s postopki iz člena 26.
Where any product is being imported in such quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious deterioration in the economic situation of one or more of the other Members of the Southern African Customs Union, South Africa, at the request of the country or countries concerned, and after having examined alternative solutions, may exceptionally take surveillance or safeguard measures in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 26.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Carinski organi lahko odobrijo to olajšavo pod pogojem, da izvoznik vodi ustrezno komercialno knjigovodstvo in da se lahko izvajajo potrebni nadzorni ukrepi.
The customs authorities may grant this facility subject to the conditions that the exporter keeps proper commercial records and that the necessary control measures can be taken.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Carinski organi lahko pogojujejo tako olajšavo s tem, da uvoznik vodi ustrezno trgovinsko evidenco (npr. s pomočjo računalnikov) in da se lahko izvajajo potrebni nadzorni ukrepi.
The customs authorities may make the facility subject to the condition that the importer keeps proper commercial records (e.g., by means of computers) and that the necessary control measures can be taken.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
Če potrebuje imetnik dovoljenje za ponovni uvoz zaostalih pošiljk pridobljenih izdelkov, vzpostavi stik s pristojnimi organi, ki ustrezno ukrepajo in o tem obvestijo nadzorni carinski urad.
If the holder needs the authorization for outstanding reimports of compensating products, he shall contact the competent authorities who will take the appropriate measures and inform the customs supervising office.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Poleg tega, če je carinski urad, ki odobri sprostitev, v neposredni bližini klavnice, lahko carinski organi nadomestijo zalivke s svojimi nadzornimi ukrepi in tako zagotovijo, da so konji neposredno prepeljani v klavnico in jih tam prevzame organ iz člena 308(1).
Moreover, when the customs office where release was granted is in the immediate vicinity of the slaughterhouse, the customs authorities, instead of using seals, may take appropriate supervisory measures to ensure that the horses are transferred directly to the slaughterhouse and are taken into the charge of the authority referred to in Article 308 (1).
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če se deklaracija za sprostitev v prosti promet nanaša na proizvode ali blago iz člena 610 (2) in se morajo ukrepi trgovinske politike uporabiti v državi članici, v kateri je bil postopek odobren, carinski organi, odgovorni za sprejetje deklaracije za sprostitev v prosti promet, z listom INF 1, ki so ga potrdili, zahtevajo od nadzornega urada, da navede, ali so bili veljavni ukrepi trgovinske politike za blago, dano v postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja, uporabljeni.
Where the declaration for release for free circulation relates to products or goods referred to in Article 610 (2) and the commercial policy measures are to be applied in the Member State where use of the procedure was authorized, the customs authorities responsible for accepting the said declaration, using the INF 1 sheet endorsed by them, shall ask the supervising office to indicate whether the commercial policy measures in force for goods entered for the inward processing procedure have in fact been applied.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če se zahtevek za povračilo ali odpust nanaša na primer, za katerega je treba pridobiti dodatne podatke ali opraviti pregled blaga, predvsem zato, da se zagotovi izpolnjevanje pogojev, predvidenih v zakoniku in v tem naslovu glede upravičenosti do povračila ali odpusta, sprejme carinski organ odločanja vse potrebne ukrepe za ta namen in po potrebi nadzornemu carinskemu uradu pošlje zahtevek z natančno navedbo vrste podatkov, ki jih je treba pridobiti, ali pregledov, ki jih je treba opraviti.
Where an application for repayment or remission relates to a case where supplementary information must be obtained or where the goods must be examined in order to ensure that the conditions for repayment or remission laid down in the Code and in this Title are satisfied, the decision-making customs authority shall adopt the measures necessary to that end, if necessary by requesting the assistance of the supervising customs office, specifying the nature of the information to be obtained or of the checks to be carried out.
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carinski nadzorni ukrepi