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celotna napaka
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-73
Reševalec ni upravičen do celotnega ali delnega plačila po tej konvenciji, če je reševanje postalo potrebno ali oteženo zaradi njegove napake ali malomarnosti ali je zakrivil goljufijo ali drugo nepošteno ravnanje.
A salvor may be deprived of the whole or part of the payment due under this Convention to the extent that the salvage operations have become necessary or more difficult because of fault or neglect on his part or if the salvor has been guilty of fraud or other dishonest conduct.
2 Objavljeno
Izgraditi sistem kakovosti kot integralno sestavino celotnega procesa upravljanja v organizaciji zahteva nekaj let in veliko strpnost poslovodstva in razumevanje zaposlenih, saj pomeni kakovost stalno spreminjanje in prilagajanje poslovanja potrebam in pričakovanju uporabnikov - bolnikov - kot neskončen proces izboljŠevanja in odpravljanja napak.
To build up a quality as an integral component of the entire management process in an organization takes some years and the understanding of the employed. Quality means a constant changing and adaptation of management to the needs and expectations of consumers - patients - which is an endless process of improvement and correction of mistakes.
3 Končna redakcija
Por v tem razredu mora biti dobre kakovosti, sme pa imeti rahle površinske napake, če te ne kvarijo celotnega videza, kakovosti, sposobnosti za shranjevanje ali predstavitev proizvoda.
Leeks in this class must be of good quality. However, they may have slight superficial defects, provided that these do not impair the general appearance, quality, keeping qualities or presentation of the produce.
4 Končna redakcija
“varnostni element” pomeni vsak osnovni element, sklop elementov, podsklop ali celotni sklop opreme in vsako enoto, ki je vgrajena v žičniško napravo za zagotovitev varnostne funkcije in je bila identificirana z varnostno analizo, katere napaka ogroža varnost ali zdravje oseb, bodisi uporabnikov, obratovalnega osebja ali tretjih oseb,
"safety component" shall mean any basic component, set of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment and any device incorporated in the installation for the purpose of ensuring a safety function and identified by the safety analysis, the failure of which endangers the safety or health of persons, be they users, operating personnel or third parties,
5 Pravna redakcija
površinske napake, če celotna površina ne presega 1 cm 2,
superficial skin defects, provided that the total area affected does not exceed 1 cm2;
6 Pravna redakcija
To polje omogoča odkrivanje napak pri zajemanju celotne ŠTP.
This field allows to detect an error when capturing the whole MRN.
7 Pravna redakcija
Države članice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za omejitev napak pri poročanju, in če je potrebno, za ocenitev učinkov na celotnem zemljišču, zasajenem s sadnim drevjem vsake od sort.
Member States shall take appropriate measures to limit mistakes of reporting and, if necessary, to estimate their effect on the whole of the area planted with fruit trees of each species.
8 Pravna redakcija
merilci pospeška s pragom 0,05 g ali manj ali napako linearnosti v mejah 0,25 % celotne skale ali oboje, ki so izdelani za uporabo v inertnih navigacijskih sistemih ali sistemih za vodenje;
Accelerometers with a threshold of 0,05 g or less, or a linearity error within 0,25% of full scale output, or both, which are designed for use in inertial navigation systems or in guidance systems;
9 Pravna redakcija
Vsa vozila morajo biti opremljena s sistemom OBD, ki je načrtovan, izdelan in nameščen v vozilo tako, da omogoča identifikacijo vrst poslabšanj in napak v celotni življenjski dobi vozila.
All vehicles must be equipped with an OBD system so designed, constructed and installed in a vehicle as to enable it to identify types of deterioration or malfunction over the entire life of the vehicle.
10 Pravna redakcija
Če nadzor površin iz člena 18(1)(i) kaže neskladje med navedeno površino in tisto, ki je bila dejansko ugotovljena na ravni celotne nadzorovane površine, se pomoč, ki jo prejme organizacija proizvajalcev, zmanjša, razen če je razlika nedvomno posledica napake:
If the area checks referred to in Article 18(l)(i) show a discrepancy between the area declared and that actually determined, at the level of the total area checked, the aid payable to the producer organisation shall be reduced, unless the difference is clearly due to error:
11 Pravna redakcija
Če pregledi površin iz člena 19(1)(a) pokažejo razliko med navedeno površino in dejansko ugotovljeno površino na ravni celotne pregledane površine, se pomoč, ki se lahko izplača organizaciji proizvajalcev, zniža, razen če ni ta razlika jasna posledica napake:
If the area checks referred to in Article 19(1) (a) show a discrepancy between the area declared and that actually determined, at the level of the total area checked, the aid payable to the producer organisation shall be reduced, unless the discrepancy is clearly due to error:
12 Pravna redakcija
Makroskopski pregled celotnega prečnega prereza zvara mora pokazati popolno zlitje na površini, obdelani s katero koli kislino za pripravo za makroskopijo, in ne sme pokazati kakršne koli napake v obliki kopičenja materiala ali pomembnejših vključkov ali drugih napak.
The macroscopic examination of a full transverse section of the weld must show a complete fusion on the surface treated with any acid from the macro-preparation and must not show any assembly fault or a significant inclusion or other defects.
13 Pravna redakcija
Kar zadeva rezultate raziskovanj, opravljenih z naključnim vzorčenjem, države članice sprejmejo vse ukrepe, da zagotovijo, da pri 68% stopnji zaupnosti napaka vzorčenja ne bo presegla več kot 3% za celotno nacionalno zemljišče, zasajeno s sadnim drevjem vsake od različnih vrst.
So far as the results of the surveys carried out by random sampling are concerned, Member States shall take every measure to ensure that sampling errors at the 68 % confidence level shall, at the most, be of the order of 3 % for the whole of the national area planted with fruit trees of each species.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1535
Če pregled površin iz člena 31(1)(a) in (e) za paradižnike pokaže, da je navedena površina večja od tiste, ki je bila dejansko ugotovljena na ravni celotne pregledane površine, se pomoč, ki jo prejme organizacija proizvajalcev, zniža, razen če je razlika nedvomno posledica napake:
In the case of tomatoes, if the area checks referred to in Article 31(1)(a) and (e) reveal that the area declared is larger than that actually determined, at the level of the total area checked, the aid payable to the producer organisation shall be reduced, unless the difference is clearly due to error:
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Če je napaka ali škoda taka, da je naročnika bistveno prikrajšala pri izkoriščanju gradbenih del v celoti ali njihovega dela, naročnik ima, brez poseganja v druga pravna sredstva, pravico do vračila celotnega zneska, plačanega za dele zadevnih gradbenih del skupaj s stroški demontaže teh delov in čiščenja kraja.
If the defect or damage is such that the contracting authority has been deprived substantially of the whole or a part of the benefit of the works, the contracting authority shall, without prejudice to any other remedy, be entitled to recover all sums paid in respect of the parts of the works concerned together with the cost of dismantling such parts and clearing the site.
16 Pravna redakcija
Glede rezultatov vmesnih/začasnih raziskovanjih, ki so izvedena z naključnim vzorčenjem, zadevne države članice sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovijo, da pri 68% stopnji zaupnosti napaka vzorčenja ne bo presegla več kot 3% za celotno površino gojenih vinogradov, ki so v zadevnih geografskih enotah običajno namenjeni pridelavi grozdja za vino.
As regards the results of the intermediate surveys carried out by random sampling, the Member States concerned shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the sampling error at the 68% confidence level shall be of the order of 3% at most for the whole of the cultivated area under vines normally intended for the production of wine grapes in the geographical units concerned.
17 Pravna redakcija
Če je po sprostitvi celotne ali dela varščine, navedene v členu 5, ugotovljeno, da predpisana uporaba in/ali namen proizvodov nista bila v celoti pravilna, pristojni organ v državi članici, kjer je bila varščina sproščena, zahteva v skladu s členom 8(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70, da zadevno podjetje plača znesek, enak znesku varščine, ki bi bila zasežena, če bi bila napaka upoštevana pred sprostitvijo varščine.
Where, after the release in whole or in part of the security referred to in Article 5, it is established that the products in whole or in part did not reach the prescribed use and/or destination the competent authority of the Member State where the security has been released shall require, in accordance with Article 8 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70, the operator concerned to pay an amount equal to the amount of the security which would have been forfeited if the failure would have been taken into account before the release of the security.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0410
površinske napake, če celotna površina ne presega 1 cm2,
superficial skin defects, provided that the total area affected does not exceed 1 cm2,
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2787
To polje omogoča ugotavljanje napak v celotni referenčni številki gibanja.
This field allows for detection of an error when capturing the whole MRN.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1168
napake na kožici, katerih skupna površina ne sme presegati ene ��etrtine celotne površine.
skin defects of which the total area affected must not exceed one quarter of the whole surface.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
pri opremi, na kateri so opravljeni porušitveni in neporušitveni preskusi, s katerimi je dokazano, da celotna serija varov ne kaže nobenih pomembnih napak:
for equipment subject to destructive and non-destructive tests which confirm that the whole series of joints show no significant defects:
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0625
Celotni merilni čas na vzorec je vsaj 2 × 100 minut, pri čemer se posamezni vzorci merijo v delnih stopnjah 100 minut, tako da se lahko zaznajo kakršni koli zdrsi opreme ali druge napake.
Total measuring time per sample is at least 2 × 100 minutes, with the individual samples being measured in part stages of 100 minutes so that any equipment drift or other defect can be detected.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0374
Vsaka država članica lahko določi, da se celotna odgovornost proizvajalca za škodo zaradi smrti ali telesne poškodbe, ki so jo povzročili enaki predmeti z isto napako, omeji na znesek, ki ne sme biti manjši od 70 milijonov ECU.
Any Member State may provide that a producer's total liability for damage resulting from a death or personal injury and caused by identical items with the same defect shall be limited to an amount which may not be less than 70 million ECU.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0046
Čeprav se motnje drugih sestavin v oceni točnosti predlagane metode lahko opredeli kot sistematične napake, pa je treba predložiti obrazložitev za vse motnje, ki povzročajo več kot ± 3 % odstopanje od celotne določene količine.
While interferences due to other components may be identified as systematic errors in the assessment of the accuracy of methods proposed, an explanation must be provided for any interference occurring which contribute more than ± 3 % to the total quantity determined.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0449
Če nadzor površin iz člena 18(1)(i) kaže neskladje med navedeno površino in tisto, ki je bila dejansko ugotovljena na ravni celotne nadzorovane površine, se pomoč, ki jo prejme organizacija proizvajalcev, zmanjša, razen če je razlika nedvomno posledica napake:
If the area checks referred to in Article 18(1)(i) show a discrepancy between the area declared and that actually determined, at the level of the total area checked, the aid payable to the producer organisation shall be reduced, unless the difference is clearly due to error:
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0046
Čeprav se motnje drugih sestavin v oceni točnosti predlagane metode za določitev čiste aktivne snovi v tehnični aktivni snovi lahko opredeli kot sistematične napake, pa je treba predložiti obrazložitev za vse motnje, ki povzročajo več kot ± 3 % odstopanje od celotne določene količine.
While interferences due to other components may be identified as systematic errors in the assessment of the accuracy of methods proposed for the determination of pure active substance in the active substance as manufactured, an explanation must be provided for any interference occurring which contributes more than ± 3 % to the total quantity determined.
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celotna napaka