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celotna ocena
1 Prevajalska redakcija
Celotna ocena Sharp- Genant Ocena erozij Ocena zožitve sklepne špranje MTX - metotreksat TCZ - tocilizumab
- Placebo - Methotrexate - Tocilizumab - Joint space narrowing
2 Objavljeno
Varnost v podjetju se ocenjuje le v primerjavi s povprečjem stanja varnosti v celotni panogi.
Occuptional safety in companies can be assessed with regard to the general safety in a certain industrial branch.
3 Objavljeno
Pri ocenjevanju bi bilo potrebno skrbno preiskati tako delo celotnega odbora kot tudi učinkovitost in prispevek posameznih članov odbora.
The evaluation should scrutinise both the overall board performance and could also include the effectiveness and contribution of individual board members.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Proti koncu izvedbenega roka za prispevek se lahko pogodbenici skupaj odločita o celotni oceni ciljev, doseženih s slovensko-švicarskim programom sodelovanja.
Towards the end of the implementation period of the Swiss Contribution, both Parties may jointly decide on a global evaluation of the results achieved by the Slovenian - Swiss Cooperation Programme.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Če je ocena pregleda pozitivna, lahko Španija podaljša sodelovanje za nadaljnje triletno obdobje ob upoštevanju ustreznega cikla pregleda in lahko še naprej sodeluje v celotnem obdobju trajanja projekta.
Following a positive review, Spain may extend its participation for a further three year period, subject to the corresponding review cycle, and may continue to participate for the whole duration of the project.
6 Objavljeno
Podatki o umrlih so eden najzanesljivejših podatkov zdravstvene statistike in v Sloveniji tudi eni pomembnejših podatkov, na podlagi katerih se lahko grobo oceni zdravstveno stanje celotnega prebivalstva in njegovih podskupin.
Mortality data are one of the most reliable health statistical data and in Slovenia one of the most important data on the base of which the health state of the entire population and its subgroups can also be roughly estimated.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Za celotno obdobje veljavnosti resolucije o nacionalnem programu je oceno okvirnih sredstev za izvajanje posebnih ukrepov mogoče opredeliti na osnovi že predvidenih sredstev, s katerimi se izvajajo oziroma se bodo izvajali določeni programi in ukrepi na posameznih področjih.
An indicative estimation of the resources to be allocated, for the entire period of the validity of the resolution on the national program, for the implementation of the special measures may be made on the basis of the resources already allocated for the implementation of particular programmes in their respective areas.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Nacionalni koordinacijski organ je pristojen za celotno usmerjanje slovensko-švicarskega programa sodelovanja in opredelitev, načrtovanje, izvajanje, finančno poslovanje, nadziranje in ocenjevanje projektov kakor tudi za uporabo sredstev na podlagi prispevka v skladu z okvirnim sporazumom.
The NCU is responsible for the overall Slovenian - Swiss Cooperation Programme orientation and for the identification, planning, implementation, financial management, controlling and evaluation of Projects, as well as for the use of funds under the Contribution in accordance with the Framework Agreement.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
5.5.3 Po oceni obsega, v katerem so izpolnjene operativne zahteve, mora inšpektor za varnost plovbe uporabiti strokovno presojo, da ugotovi, ali je operativna sposobnost celotne posadke dovolj velika, da lahko ladja pluje brez nevarnosti za ladjo ali osebe na njej, ali pomeni nepotrebno grožnjo za morsko okolje.
5.5.3 Having assessed the extent to which operational requirements are complied with, the port State control officer then has to exercise professional judgement to determine whether the operational proficiency of the crew as a whole is of a sufficient level to allow the ship to sail without danger to the ship or persons on board, or presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
Če je ustrezno in če to ni bilo storjeno že s prejšnjim uradnim obvestilom, se hkrati pošlje celotno besedilo temeljnih zakonskih ali podzakonskih določb, ki so v osnovi in neposredno povezane z osnutkom, v izvirnem jeziku, in sicer če je poznavanje takega besedila potrebno za ocenitev učinkov osnutka tehničnega predpisa, poslanega z uradnim obvestilom.
Where appropriate, and unless it has already been sent with a prior communication, a full text in the original language of the basic legislative or regulatory provisions principally and directly concerned shall also be simultaneously communicated, should knowledge of such text be necessary in order to assess the implications of the draft technical regulation notified.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Pogodbenika pripisujeta velik pomen spremljanju, ocenjevanju in reviziji projektov ter celotnega programa slovensko-švicarskega sodelovanja, kakor je določeno v prilogi 2. Švica ali katera koli tretja stranka, pooblaščena za delovanje v njenem imenu, ima pravico obiskati, spremljati, pregledovati, revidirati in ocenjevati vse dejavnosti in postopke, povezane z izvajanjem projektov, financiranih s prispevkom, kakor se Švici zdi primerno.
The Parties attach high importance to the monitoring, the evaluation and the audit of Projects and of the Slovenian-Swiss Cooperation Programme as stipulated in Annex 2. Switzerland, or any mandated third party acting on its behalf, is entitled to visit, monitor, review, audit and evaluate all activities and procedures related to the implementation of the Projects financed by the Contribution, as deemed appropriate by Switzerland.
12 Končna redakcija
1. ocenjeno celotno vrednost sklenjenih pogodb,
1. the estimated total value of concluded contracts,
13 Končna redakcija
pri tem pa celotna ocenjena vrednost ne sme presegati 25% zneska glavnega naročila.
b) when the construction or services are indispensable for further phases of execution, although the contractors could have awarded them separately from the execution of the initial contract, and where the total estimated value shall not exceed 25% of the total amount of the principal contract,
14 Končna redakcija
5. opis in oceno obremenitev ter spremenjenega stanja okolja, ki so posledica vplivov projekta, vključno z oceno potencialne celotne in integralne obremenitve okolja,
5. a description and assessment of environmental strains on and changes in the state of the environment which are the result of the impact of the project, including an assessment of the potential total and integral environmental strain;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0869
Najkasneje 30. junija naslednje leto države članice v znanstvene namene posredujejo Komisije točne ocene za celotno leto ali, če to ni možno, predhodne ocene."
No later than 30 June of the following year the Member States shall transmit to the Commission, for scientific purposes, the definite estimates for the entire year or, where this is not possible, preliminary estimates."
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Izračun ocenjene vrednosti javnega naročila mora temeljiti na celotnem plačljivem znesku brez DDV, kakor ga ocenil naročnik.
The calculation of the estimated value of a public contract shall be based on the total amount payable, net of VAT, as estimated by the contracting authority.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983R2807
Dopustno odstopanje v oceni količin rib izraženih v kilogramih, ki so na krovu, in za katere velja celotni dopustni ulov, znaša 20 %.
The permitted margin of tolerance in estimates of the quantities, in kilograms, of fish subject to a TAC that are retained on board shall be 20 %.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Področja, ki se lahko ocenjujejo in jih je zato treba upoštevati, pokrivajo celotno področje schengenskega pravnega reda, še posebej pa:
The following areas, extending across the whole of the Schengen acquis, may undergo evaluation and therefore have to be taken into account:
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
pri javnih naročilih za določeno obdobje, če je to obdobje 12 mesecev ali manj, celotna ocenjena vrednost za čas trajanja naročila ali, če je obdobje daljše od 12 mesecev, celotna vrednost, vključno z ocenjeno preostalo vrednostjo;
in the case of fixed-term public contracts, if that term is less than or equal to 12 months, the total estimated value for the term of the contract or, if the term of the contract is greater than 12 months, the total value including the estimated residual value;
20 Končna redakcija
Po ocenah obsega vsota tega oglaševanja 8 do 10 odstotkov celotnega oglaševalskega denarja (za leto 2002 bi bilo to približno 40-50 milijonov ecujev).
While the amount of this sum is difficult to estimate, most experts agree that it accounts for 8 to 10 percent of the aggregate advertising spending (approximately eur 500 million in 2002).
21 Končna redakcija
2. na podlagi ocenjene celotne vrednosti v dvanajstih mesecih po prvi dobavi ali za čas trajanja pogodbe, kadar je trajanje daljše od dvanajstih mesecev.
2. the estimated aggregate value during the 12 months following the first delivery or during the term of the contract, where this is longer than 12 months.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Države članice posredujejo Komisiji (Eurostat) mesečne statistične podatke, ki zajemajo njihovo celotno menjavo blaga, če je potrebno, v obliki ocene.
Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with monthly results which cover their total trade in goods by using estimates, where necessary.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
kakršno koli heterogenost v sredini stekleničke je treba utemeljiti v celotni oceni nezanesljivosti referenčne snovi (overall estimated RM uncertainity).
any possible between-bottle heterogeneity must be accounted for in the overall estimated RM uncertainty.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Priglašeni organ oceni število kosov opreme za vzorčenje in ali je treba opraviti ali naročiti izvedbo celotnega ali dela končnega ugotavljanja vzorcev opreme.
The notified body assesses the number of items of equipment to sample and whether it is necessary to perform, or have performed, all or part of the final assessment of the equipment samples.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Če lahko iz predlagane gradnje ali nakupa storitev izhaja naročilo, ki se oddaja istočasno v ločenih sklopih, se upošteva celotna ocenjena vrednost vseh teh sklopov.
Where a proposed work or purchase of services may result in contracts being awarded at the same time in the form of separate lots, account shall be taken of the total estimated value of all such lots.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
ali na podlagi celotne ocenjene vrednosti naročil, ki sosi sledila in ki so bila oddana v 12 mesecih po prvi dobavi ali med finančnim letom, če ni daljše od 12 mesecev.
or the total estimated value of the successive contracts awarded during the 12 months following the first delivery, or during the financial year if that is longer than 12 months.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Za okvirne sporazume in dinamične nakupovalne sisteme je ocenjena vrednost, ki jo je treba upoštevati, najvišja ocenjena vrednost brez DDV vseh naročil, predvidenih za celotno trajanje okvirnega sporazuma ali dinamičnega nakupovalnega sistema.
With regard to framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems, the estimated value to be taken into consideration shall be the maximum estimated value net of VAT of all the contracts envisaged for the total term of the agreement or system.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Dodeli se prispevek Skupnosti do 100 % celotnega stroška pomoči iz člena 9(5) (ocena predlogov), člena 12 (tehnična pomoč) in člena 14 (vrednotenje programa Skupnosti)
A Community contribution of up to 100 % of the total cost of the assistance referred to in Article 9(5) (assessment of proposals), Article 12 (technical assistance) and Article 14 (evaluation of the Community programme) shall be allocated.
29 Končna redakcija
Kadar se za različne dele svežnja predlagajo različni kupci, bo Komisija ocenila, ali je sprejemljiv vsak posamezni predlagani kupec in ali celotni sveženj rešuje težave glede konkurence.
Where different purchasers are being proposed for different parts of the package, the Commission will assess whether each individual proposed purchaser is acceptable and that the total package solves the competition problem.
30 Končna redakcija
Upoštevajoč vse ocenjene izgube, do katerih je prihajalo zlasti v starejših obdobjih, pa bi lahko znašala celotna proizvodnja živega srebra kar 147.000 ton (Mlakar, 1974; Miklavčič, 1999).
By taking into account losses during mining and inefficient smelting, the total volume of mined mercury is estimated to be at least 147.000 tons (Mlakar, 1974; Miklavčič, 1999).
31 Končna redakcija
(3) Če bi predlagani obseg istovrstnih nabav lahko pripeljal do naročil, ki bi bila lahko podeljena v ločenih delih (sklopih), je treba za osnovo vzeti ocenjeno vrednost celotne vsote naročila.
(3) If a proposed procurement of supplies of the same type may lead to contracts being awarded at the same time in separate parts, the estimated value of the total sum of these parts shall be taken as the basis.
32 Končna redakcija
Zahtevnost posameznih prehodov in zahtevnost celotnega modela postopka lahko pomagata pri ocenjevanju potrebnega truda za projekte, ki bodo potekali po korakih, predvidenih v izbranem modelu postopka.
The complexity of separate transitions and the complexity of the process model as a whole can be used for the evaluation of the effort needed for projects which are performed according to the process model.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Pri ocenitvi položaja iz prvega pododstavka Komisija svetuje državam članicam, ki jih zadeva možna začasna prekinitev ribolova kot posledica izkoristka določila o celotnem dovoljenem ulovu (TAC).
When an assessment of this situation as referred to in the first subparagraph is made, the Commission shall advise the Member States concerned of the prospects of fishing being halted as a result of a TAC being exhausted.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Preiskava je potrdila, da je bila celotna ocenjena teoretična proizvodna zmogljivost ves čas stabilna med obdobjem preiskav, zabeleženo je bilo le eno majhno povečanje (za 2 %) med 1998/99 in 1999/2000.
The investigation confirmed that overall estimated theoretical production capacity remained stable throughout the period of the investigation with only one small increase (of 2 %) recorded between 1998/99 and 1999/2000.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Glede vknjižb nedokončane proizvodnje bi se morala uporabljena cena oceniti z upoštevanjem deleža celotnih proizvodnih stroškov, nastalih do konca obdobja, in osnovne cene podobnega dokončanega proizvoda.
As regards entries of work in progress, the price used should be estimated by applying the fraction of the total production cost incurred by the end of the period to the basic price of a similar finished product.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0869
Do 30. junija vsako leto države članice posredujejo v znanstvene namene izvršilnemu sekretariatu ICCAT v elektronski obliki končne ocene za celotno prejšnje leto ali, če se teh ne da poslati, predhodne ocene podatkov o ulovu, vključno z izpustitvijo, in o iztovarjanju bele in sinje jadrovnice."
By 30 June each year Member States shall transmit in electronic form to the Commission, for scientific purposes, final estimates for the entire previous year, or if these cannot be sent, preliminary estimates, of the data on catches, including releases, and landings of white marlin and blue marlin."
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Če je treba naročilo oddati na podlagi ekonomsko najugodnejše ponudbe, se mora povabilu dodati izid celotnega ocenjevanja zadevne ponudbe, ki je opravljeno v skladu s tehtanjem iz prvega pododstavka člena 53(2).
When the contract is to be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender, the invitation shall be accompanied by the outcome of a full evaluation of the relevant tenderer, carried out in accordance with the weighting provided for in the first subparagraph of Article 53(2).
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
V zvezi z javnimi naročili gradenj mora izračun ocenjene vrednosti gradenj upoštevati stroške gradnje in celotno ocenjeno vrednost blaga, potrebnega za izvedbo gradenj, ki so ga naročniki dali na voljo izvajalci gradenj.
With regard to public works contracts, calculation of the estimated value shall take account of both the cost of the works and the total estimated value of the supplies necessary for executing the works and placed at the contractor's disposal by the contracting authorities.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
.2 dolžnosti, odgovornosti in zahteve glede usposabljanja za celotno osebje pristanišča, ki ima vlogo na področju zaščite, in ukrepe glede učinkovitosti, ki so potrebni za ocenjevanje njihove individualne učinkovitosti;
2 the duties, responsibilities and training requirements of all port facility personnel with a security role and the performance measures needed to allow their individual effectiveness to be assessed;.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0423
Raven celotnega dovoljenega ulova se določi v skladu s členom 6, kadar STEFC oceni, da so količine odraslih trsk glede na najnovejše poročilo ICES-a, enake ali višje od najnižjih ravni, določenih v naslednji preglednici:
A TAC shall be set in accordance with Article 6 where the quantities of mature cod have been estimated by the STECF, in the light of the most recent report of ICES, to be equal to or above the minimum levels specified in the following table:
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Že ob povabilu k oddaji ponudb za prvi projekt morajo naročniki objaviti morebitno uporabo tega postopka, pri čemer morajo upoštevati celotne ocenjene stroške kasnejših gradenj ali storitev, če uporabljajo določbe člena 7.
As soon as the first project is put up for tender, the possible use of this procedure shall be disclosed and the total estimated cost of subsequent works or services shall be taken into consideration by the contracting authorities when they apply the provisions of Article 7.
42 Končna redakcija
b) ko so gradnje ali storitve nujno potrebne za nadaljnje faze izvedbe, čeprav bi jih lahko naročnik oddal ločeno od izvedbe prvotnega naročila, pri tem pa celotna ocenjena vrednost ne sme presegati 25% zneska glavnega naročila,
b) when works or services, although separable from the execution of the original contract, are strictly necessary to its later stages, whereby the total estimated value may not exceed 25% of the amount of the main contract;
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
v primeru okvirnega sporazuma navesti tudi načrtovano trajanje okvirnega sporazuma, ocenjeno skupno vrednost blaga za celotno trajanje okvirnega sporazuma ter, če je to mogoče, vrednost in pogostnost naročil, ki jih je treba oddati.
in the event of a framework agreement, indication also of the planned duration of the framework agreement, the estimated total value of the supplies for the entire duration of the framework agreement and, as far as possible, the value and the frequency of the contracts to be awarded.
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
v primeru okvirnega sporazuma navesti tudi načrtovano trajanje okvirnega sporazuma, ocenjeno skupno vrednost gradenj za celotno trajanje okvirnega sporazuma ter, če je to mogoče, vrednost in pogostnost naročil, ki jih je treba oddati.
in the event of a framework agreement, indication also of the planned duration of the framework agreement, the estimated total value of the works for the entire duration of the framework agreement and, as far as possible, the value and the frequency of the contracts to be awarded.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
v primeru okvirnega sporazuma navesti tudi načrtovano trajanje okvirnega sporazuma, ocenjeno skupno vrednost storitev za celotno trajanje okvirnega sporazuma ter, če je to mogoče, vrednost in pogostnost naročil, ki jih je treba oddati,
in the event of a framework agreement, indication also of the planned duration of the framework agreement, the estimated total value of the services for the entire duration of the framework agreement and, as far as possible, the value and the frequency of the contracts to be awarded,
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Za okvirne sporazume in dinamične nabavne sisteme mora biti vrednost, ki jo je treba upoštevati, maksimalna ocenjena vrednost (brez DDV) vseh naročil, predvidenih za celotno obdobje okvirnega sporazuma ali dinamičnega nabavnega sistema.
With regard to framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems, the value to be taken into consideration shall be the maximum estimated value net of VAT of all the contracts envisaged for the total term of the framework agreement or the dynamic purchasing system.
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
V primerih iz (b) se prag nanaša na celotni znesek nagrad in plačil, vključno z ocenjeno vrednostjo javnih naročil storitev brez DDV, ki se lahko pozneje oddajo po členu 31(3), če naročnik v javnem razpisu za natečaj ne izključi take oddaje.
In the cases referred to in (b), the threshold refers to the total amount of the prizes and payments, including the estimated value net of VAT of the public services contract which might subsequently be concluded under Article 31(3) if the contracting authority does not exclude such an award in the contest notice.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Plačilna agencija pa lahko na podlagi ocene pristojnega nadzornega organa v poročilu o kontroli v skladu s členom 48(l)(c) sklene, da bo znižala odstotek na ne manj kakor 15 % ali, kadar je to primerno, povečala znesek do 100 % celotnega zneska.
However, the Paying Agency may, on the basis of the assessment provided by the competent control authority in the control report in accordance with Article 48(1)(c), decide to reduce that percentage to no less than 15 % or, where appropriate, to increase that percentage to up to 100 % of that overall amount.
49 Končna redakcija
1. v primeru naročil za storitve: ocenjeno celotno vrednost naročila za storitve v vsaki kategoriji storitev iz priloge I A, ki jih naročnik namerava oddati v naslednjih dvanajstih mesecih in je takšna ocenjena skupna vrednost najmanj 750.000 EURO.
2. in the case of service contracts: the estimated total value of the service contracts in each category of services listed in Annex I A which the contractor intends to award over the following 12 months where such total estimated value is not less than EURO 750,000.
50 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Ker je bilo uporabljeno vzorčenje za industrijo Skupnosti, je bila škoda ocenjena po eni strani na podlagi podatkov, zbranih na ravni celotne industrije Skupnosti, kar zadeva trend proizvodnje, produktivnosti, prodaje, tržnega deleža, zaposlovanja in rasti.
In view of the fact that sampling had been used with regard to the Community industry, injury has been assessed on the one hand on the basis of information collected at the level of the entire Community industry, for trends concerning production, productivity, sales, market share, employment and growth.
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celotna ocena