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celovit pregled
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
c) Pred sprejetjem ukrepa iz tega člena ali v primerih iz odstavka 8, zadevna pogodbenica čim prej predloži Odboru SGP vse potrebne informacije za celovit pregled položaja, da se poišče rešitev, sprejemljiva za pogodbenici.
(c) Before taking a measure provided for in this Article or, in the cases referred to in paragraph 8, as soon as possible, the Party concerned shall communicate to the EPA Committee all information which can be used for a full examination of the situation with a view to finding an acceptable solution for the Parties;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
- obstoječ informacijski sistem ni zadosten za celovito spremljanje dojenja in zdravstveno vzgojnih aktivnosti ob preventivnih pregledih;
- the existing information system is not sufficient for overall monitoring of breast feeding and of health and education activities during preventive health examinations;
3 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
7.6 Vlagatelj mora predložiti celovito zdravstveno anamnezo in rezultate pregledov, laboratorijskih preiskav in slikanj, ki se nanašajo na vlogo.
7.6 The application must include a comprehensive medical history and the results of all examinations, laboratory investigations and imaging studies relevant to the application.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Odbor prouči predlog ter prilagodljivo in pregledno uporabi v Prilogi D opisana merila za pregled kemikalij, ob tem pa celovito in uravnoteženo upošteva vse predložene informacije.
The Committee shall examine the proposal and apply the screening criteria specified in Annex D in a flexible and transparent way, taking all information provided into account in an integrative and balanced manner.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Revizorji so pooblaščeni za pregled vseh poslovnih knjig in računov Evropske centralne banke in nacionalnih centralnih bank ter za pridobivanje celovitih informacij o njihovem poslovanju.
The auditors shall have full power to examine all books and accounts of the European Central Bank and national central banks and obtain full information about their transactions.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
26.1 Odbor pregleduje nove in celovite notifikacije, ki se predložijo v smislu prvega odstavka XVI. člena GATT 1994 in prvega odstavka 25. člena tega sporazuma na posebnih zasedanjih, ki se sklicujejo vsako tretje leto.
26.1 The Committee shall examine new and full notifications submitted under paragraph 1 of Article XVI of GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of Article 25 of this Agreement at special sessions held every third year.
7 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-20-0066-2010-1
CPT namerava tudi v kratkem pregledati in dopolniti poglavja, ki se nanašajo na policijsko prijetje in pridržanje in zapor (ki so bila večinoma napisana l. 1992), tako da bodo celovito odsevala norme, ki jih je Odbor v zadnjih desetih letih razvil na tem področju.
The CPT also intends in due course to update the police custody and imprisonment sections (drawn up in the main in 1992), in order to fully reflect the standards developed by the Committee in these areas during the last ten years.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
ob ugotavljanju, da deklaracija države tudi spodbuja, da nujno ponovno pregledajo področje uporabe obstoječih mednarodnih pravnih določb o preprečevanju, zatiranju in odpravi vseh pojavnih oblik terorizma, da se zagotovi celovit pravni okvir za vse vidike problematike,
Noting that the Declaration also encouraged States to review urgently the scope of the existing international legal provisions on the prevention, repression and elimination of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, with the aim of ensuring that there is a comprehensive legal framework covering all aspects of the matter,
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
V okviru celovitega in splošnega pregleda, ki bo zajel vse vidike porabe, vključno s SKP, in pregleda virov sredstev EU, vključno s popravkom Združenega kraljestva, o katerem bo poročala v obdobju 2008/2009, Komisija začne splošni pregled sistema virov lastnih sredstev.
In the framework of the full, wide-ranging review covering all aspects of EU spending, including the CAP, and of resources, including the United Kingdom rebate, on which it shall report in 2008/2009, the Commission shall undertake a general review of the own resources system.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
(16) Svet je 11. aprila 2006 odobril načelo o financiranju mirovne pomoči za Afriko iz notranjih sredstev držav AKP v znesku do višine 300 milijonov EUR za začetno obdobje 2008-2010. Tekom tretjega leta bo opravljena celovita ocena, v kateri bodo pregledani načini in možnosti glede drugih virov financiranja v prihodnosti, vključno s financiranjem SZVP.
(16) On 11 April 2006, the Council approved the principle to fund the African Peace Facility from the intra-ACP funds for an amount of up to EUR 300 million covering the initial period 2008-2010. A comprehensive evaluation will take place during the third year, reviewing its modalities as well as the possibilities of alternative future funding sources, including CFSP funding,
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
Vsaka članica ob upoštevanju notranje zakonodaje, pogojev in prakse ter po posvetu z najreprezentativnejšimi organizacijami delodajalcev in delojemalcev ter drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi, ki jih to lahko prizadene, oblikuje, izvaja in v rednih presledkih pregleduje celovito politiko države glede varovanja delavcev, prebivalstva in okolja pred tveganjem večjih nesreč.
In the light of national laws and regulations, conditions and practices, and in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers and with other interested parties who may be affected, each Member shall formulate, implement and periodically review a coherent national policy concerning the protection of workers, the public and the environment against the risk of major accidents.
12 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
raven 3. Raven/stopnja 3 zdravstvene oskrbe vključuje dodatne zmogljivosti, vključno s specialističnimi diagnostičnimi sredstvi, specialističnimi kirurškimi in zdravstvenimi zmogljivostmi, preventivno medicino in inšpekcijskimi pregledi živil, zobozdravstveno oskrbo in skupinami za zdravljenje stresa zaradi operacije, kadar to ni zagotovljeno na ravni 2. Sprejemna zmogljivost objekta na ravni 3 naj zadostuje za diagnozo, zdravljenje in bolnišnično oskrbo tistih bolnikov, ki so lahko deležni celovitega zdravljenja in se lahko vrnejo na dolžnost na podlagi navodil za evakuacijo, ki jih predpiše vojaški kirurg na območju operacije.
Role 3. Role/Echelon 3 medical support includes additional capabilities, including specialist diagnostic resources, specialist surgical and medical capabilities, preventative medicine, food inspection, dentistry, and operational stress management teams when not provided at level 2. The holding capacity of a level 3 facility will be sufficient to allow diagnosis, treatment, and holding of those patients who can receive total treatment and be returned to duty within the evacuation policy laid down by the Force Surgeon for the Theatre.
13 Končna redakcija
Modul H2 (celovito zagotavljanje kakovosti s pregledom projektiranja)
Module H2(6) (full quality assurance with design examination)
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Modul SH2 (celovito zagotavljanje kakovosti s pregledom načrtovanja)
Module SH2(20) (full quality assurance with design examination)
15 Končna redakcija
Pregled naj zajema celovito delovanje merila pod normalnimi pogoji uporabe.
The examination shall cover the entire performance of the instrument under normal conditions of use.
16 Končna redakcija
Pred koncem tretjega leta Svet na podlagi poročila Komisije izvede celovit pregled razvoja transakcij Sklada kot celote, narave izdatkov iz sklada, pogojev za ugotavljanje upravičenosti teh izdatkov, razdelitev prihodkov Sklada in napredek pri izvajanju skupne kmetijske politike, zlasti pri usmerjanju kmetijske proizvodnje v državah članicah, usklajevanju cen in razvoju trgovine v Skupnosti.
Before the end of the third year, the Council shall, on the basis of a report from the Commission, carry out a comprehensive examination of the development of the transactions of the Fund as a whole, the nature of expenditure from the Fund, the conditions governing the eligibility of that expenditure, the apportionment of the revenue of the Fund, and the progress made in implementing the common agricultural policy, and in particular the guidance of agricultural production in Member States, price harmonisation, and the development of intra-Community trade.
17 Končna redakcija
Za glavnega pogodbenika mora sistem kakovosti omogočati celovito skladnost podsistema s tipom, kakor je opisan v certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in celovito skladnost podsistema z zahtevami TSI.
For the main contractor the quality system must ensure overall compliance of the subsystem with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and overall compliance of the subsystem with the requirements of the TSI.
18 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi rezultatov celovitega pregleda iz člena 4 Svet sprejme potrebne sklepe po postopku glasovanja iz člena 43 Pogodbe.
In the light of the results of the comprehensive examination provided for in Article 4, the necessary decision shall be taken by the Council according to the voting procedure laid down in Article 43 of the Treaty.
19 Končna redakcija
Revizorji so pooblaščeni za pregled vseh poslovnih knjig in računov EMI ter za pridobivanje celovitih informacij o njegovih transakcijah.
The auditors shall have full power to examine all books and accounts of the EMI and to obtain full information about its transactions.
20 Končna redakcija
S prevzemom nalog se Komisija loti raziskav in vzpostavi stike, ki so potrebni za izdelavo celovitega pregleda gospodarskih razmer v Skupnosti.
Upon taking up its duties, the Commission shall undertake the studies and arrange the contacts needed for making an overall survey of the economic situation of the Community.
21 Končna redakcija
V tej zvezi se ZEU obvezuje, da bo celovito opravljala svojo vlogo in pri tem spoštovala popolno preglednost in komplementarnost obeh organizacij.
In this context, WEU undertakes to perform its role to the full, respecting the full transparency and complementarity between the two Organisations.
22 Končna redakcija
Revizorji so pooblaščeni za pregled vseh poslovnih knjig in računov ECB in nacionalnih centralnih bank ter za pridobivanje celovitih informacij o njihovem poslovanju.
The auditors shall have full power to examine all books and accounts of the ECB and national central banks and obtain full information about their transactions.
23 Končna redakcija
S prevzemom nalog se Komisija loti raziskav in vzpostavi stike z državami članicami, podjetji, delavci in uporabniki, ki so potrebni za izdelavo celovitega pregleda stanja jedrske industrije v Skupnosti.
Upon taking up its duties, the Commission shall undertake the studies and arrange the contacts with Member States, undertakings, workers and consumers needed for making an overall survey of the situation of nuclear industries in the Community.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Te zadeve zahtevajo celovit režim preglednosti, ki se uporablja za vse transakcije delnic, ne glede na njihovo izvedbo s strani investicijskega podjetja na dvostranski podlagi ali prek reguliranih trgov ali MTF.
These considerations require a comprehensive transparency regime applicable to all transactions in shares irrespective of their execution by an investment firm on a bilateral basis or through regulated markets or MTFs.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Sistem integriranih ekonomskih računov bi moral zagotavljati celovit, sistematičen, primerljiv in kar najbolj popoln pregled gospodarskih dejavnosti in bi služil kot osnova za analize, napovedi ter politične ukrepe.
A system of integrated economic accounts should provide an overview of economic activities which is systematic, comparable and as complete as possible, to serve as a basis for analyses, forecasts and political measures.
26 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
zahteva, da se sekretariat poveže z uradom Ramsarske konvencije v prizadevanjih, da zagotovi prihodnja zasedanja pogodbenic AEWE po konferenci pogodbenic Ramsarske konvencije, s čimer se AEWI omogoči pregled ocene populacij vodnih ptic in se dodatno spodbuja usklajen celovit in učinkovit postopek za pregled teh ocen;
Requests the Secretariat to liaise with the Ramsar Convention Bureau to endeavour to ensure that in future the timing of the AEWA Meeting of the Parties follows the Ramsar Conference of the Parties, thus facilitating the review of waterbird population estimates by AEWA and further encouraging a globally coordinated and effective process for the review of waterbird population estimates;
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Sporočanje ter izmenjava in shranjevanje informacij se izvedejo tako, da se zagotovi varovanje celovitosti podatkov ter zaupnosti ponudb in prijav za sodelovanje, in da naročnik pregleda vsebino ponudb in prijav za sodelovanje šele po izteku roka za njihovo oddajo.
Communication and the exchange and storage of information shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure that the integrity of data and the confidentiality of tenders and requests to participate are preserved, and that the contracting entities examine the content of tenders and requests to participate only after the time limit set for submitting them has expired.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Sporočanje ter izmenjava in shranjevanje informacij se morajo izvesti tako, da se zagotovi varovanje celovitosti podatkov ter zaupnosti ponudb in prijav za sodelovanje, in da naročnik pregleda vsebino ponudb in prijav za sodelovanje šele po izteku roka za njihovo oddajo.
Communication and the exchange and storage of information shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure that the integrity of data and the confidentiality of tenders and requests to participate are preserved, and that the contracting authorities examine the content of tenders and requests to participate only after the time limit set for submitting them has expired.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Sporočanje, izmenjava in shranjevanje informacij se izvedejo tako, da se zagotovi varovanje celovitosti podatkov ter zaupnosti vseh informacij, ki jih sporočijo udeleženci natečaja, in da lahko žirija pregleda načrte in projekte šele po izteku roka za njihovo predložitev.
Communications, exchanges and the storage of information shall be such as to ensure that the integrity and the confidentiality of all information communicated by the participants in a contest are preserved and that the jury ascertains the contents of plans and projects only after the expiry of the time-limit for their submission.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Sporočanje, izmenjava in shranjevanje informacij se mora izvesti tako, da se zagotovi varovanje celovitosti podatkov ter zaupnosti vseh informacij, ki jih sporočijo udeleženci natečaja, in da lahko žirija pregleda načrte in projekte šele po izteku roka za njihovo predložitev.
Communications, exchanges and the storage of information shall be such as to ensure that the integrity and the confidentiality of all information communicated by the participants in a contest are preserved and that the jury ascertains the contents of plans and projects only after the expiry of the time limit for their submission.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Razvoj celovitega računalniškega veterinarskega sistema Traces, ki ga uvaja Odločba Komisije 2003/623/ES [3], vključuje standardizacijo dokumentov v zvezi z deklaracijo in pregledi, tako da se omogoči primerno vodenje in obdelava zbranih podatkov za boljše zdravstveno varnost v Skupnosti.
The development of the integrated computerised veterinary system Traces, provided for by Commission Decision 2003/623/EC(3), involves the standardisation of documents relating to the declaration and checks so that the data gathered can be properly managed and processed in order to improve health safety in the Community.
32 Končna redakcija
Pred koncem tretjega leta in ob upoštevanju rezultatov celovitega pregleda iz člena 4 Svet po postopku iz člena 200(3) Pogodbe in s ciljem zagotoviti postopno napredovanje k enotnemu tržnemu sistemu pripravi pravila o prihodkih Sklada, ki veljajo od 1. julija 1965 do konca prehodnega obdobja.
Before the end of the third year and in the light of the results of the comprehensive examination provided for in Article 4, the Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 200 (3) of the Treaty, and with the aim of ensuring that progressive advance is made towards a single market system, shall draw up rules concerning the revenue of the Fund which shall be valid from 1 July 1965 until the end of the transitional period.
33 Končna redakcija
Naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora vložiti vlogo za ES-verifikacijo podsistema (na podlagi celovitega zagotavljanja kakovosti s pregledom projektiranja), vključno z usklajevanjem nadzora sistemov kakovosti, kakor je določeno pod točkama 4.4 in 4.5, pri priglašenem organu, ki ga izbere sam.
The adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community must lodge an application for EC verification of the subsystem (through full quality assurance with design examination), including coordination of surveillance of the quality systems as under points 4.4 and 4.5, with a notified body of its choice.
34 Pravna redakcija
Obe stranki soglašata, da je treba imeti čim bolj celovit pregled nad dejstvi, da bi tako zmanjšali nevarnost nastajanja problemov v prihodnosti in povečali možnost rešitve problemov s posvetovanji.
Both sides agree on the necessity to have as complete as possible a view of the facts, both to reduce the risk of problems arising in the future and to increase the possibility of resolving problems through consultations.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0100
SCAN je 20. februarja 2003 sprejel mnenje o nezaželenih snoveh v krmi, dopolnjeno 25. aprila 2003. To mnenje omogoča celovit pregled morebitnih tveganj za javno zdravstvo in zdravstveno varstvo živali zaradi prisotnosti različnih nezaželenih snovi v živalski krmi.
SCAN adopted an opinion on undesirable substances in feed on 20 February 2003, which was updated on 25 April 2003. That opinion provides a comprehensive overview of the possible risks for animal and public health as the consequence of the presence of different undesirable substances in animal feed.
36 Pravna redakcija
37 Pravna redakcija
38 Pravna redakcija
Modul SH2 (Celovito zagotavljanje kakovosti s pregledom načrtovanja)
Module SH2 (Full quality assurance with design examination)
39 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba opredeliti celovite splošne določbe za preglede, ki se bodo izvajali ob uvozu;
Whereas the general rules applicable to the checks to be carried out on importation must be defined within an overall context;
40 Pravna redakcija
Načrt spremljanja mora navajati, kako pogosto se podatke pregleduje in o njih razpravlja v celoviti analizi.
The monitoring plan should indicate how often the data is reviewed and discussed in an overall analysis.
41 Pravna redakcija
celovitim zagotavljanjem kakovosti s postopkom pregleda načrtovanja (modul SH2), navedenim v Prilogi A(A.6) k tej TSI.
the full quality assurance with design examination procedure (module SH2) indicated in Annex A(A. 6) to this TSI.
42 Pravna redakcija
celovitim zagotavljanjem kakovosti s postopkom pregleda načrtovanja (modul SH2), navedenim v Prilogi III(III.6) k tej TSI.
the full quality assurance with design examination procedure (module SH2) indicated in Annex III (III.6) to this TSI.
43 Pravna redakcija
celovitim zagotavljanjem kakovosti s postopkom pregleda načrtovanja (modul H2), navedenim v Prilogi A(A.4) k tej TSI, za vse faze.
the full quality assurance with design examination procedure (module H2) indicated in Annex A(A. 4) to this TSI for all phases.
44 Pravna redakcija
Verzije programske opreme v uporabi je treba pregledovati v rednih presledkih, da se zagotovi njihova celovitost in pravilno delovanje.
The software versions in use should be verified at regular intervals to ensure their integrity and correct functioning.
45 Pravna redakcija
celovitim zagotavljanjem kakovosti s postopkom pregleda načrtovanja (modul SH2), navedenim v Prilogi III (III.6) k tej TSI, za vse faze.
the full quality assurance with design examination procedure (module SH2) indicated in Annex III (III.6) to this TSI, for all phases.
46 Pravna redakcija
ker naj bi Komisiji za zagotavljanje celovitega pregleda na učinke programa zasebnega skladiščenja države članice posredovale potrebne informacije;
Whereas, to give the Commission an overall view of the effect of the private storage scheme, the Member States should supply it with the necessary information;
47 Pravna redakcija
»okoljski pregled« pomeni začetno celovito analizo okoljskih vprašanj, vplivov in uspešnosti, povezanih z dejavnostmi organizacije (Priloga VII);
'environmental review' shall mean an initial comprehensive analysis of the environmental issues, impact and performance related to activities of an organisation, (Annex VII);
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0051
Pregled je uravnotežena in celovita analiza razvoja in uspešnosti poslovanja družbe ter njenega položaja, skladno z velikostjo in zapletenostjo poslovanja;
The review shall be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the development and performance of the company's business and of its position, consistent with the size and complexity of the business;
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1726
Komisija predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu vmesni pregled najkasneje do 31. oktobra 2003 ter celovito ovrednotenje programa pred potekom veljavnosti te uredbe.
The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a mid-term review by 31 October 2003 at the latest and an overall evaluation of the programme prior to the expiry of this Regulation.
50 Pravna redakcija
ker je pomembno opredeliti, da je treba pošiljke izdelkov podrediti celovitemu obsegu veterinarskih pregledov, predpisanih po zaključku najdaljšega predvidenega obdobja;
Whereas it is important to specify that the consignments of products must be submitted to the full range of veterinary checks laid down after the end of the maximum period envisaged;
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celovit pregled