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cena brez davka
1 Končna redakcija
cena brez davka
price net of tax
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0377
Cena brez davka se ugotovi neposredno iz cenikov ali pogodb.
The price excluding all taxes is the direct result of the application of tariffs or contracts.
3 Končna redakcija
Cene se določijo v fazi trgovine na debelo brez davkov.
They shall be fixed at the wholesale marketing stage exclusive of taxes.
4 Končna redakcija
Cene se nanašajo na standardno kakovost in se določijo za fazo trgovine na debelo brez davkov.
They shall relate to a standard quality and shall be fixed at the wholesale marketing stage exclusive of taxes.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Osnovno ceno lahko izračuna proizvajalec s pribitkom subvencij in brez davkov (razen DDV) na proizvode.
The basic price can be obtained from the producer price by adding subsidies less taxes (other than VAT) on products.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
ceno v evrih, ponujeno za 100 kilogramov, brez davkov in dajatev, z dobavo na nakladalno rampo hladilnice;
the price in euro tendered per 100 kilograms, not including national taxes and charges, delivered to the loading-bay of the cold store;
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
predlagano ceno za 100 kilogramov masla brez državnih davkov in dajatev, dostavljenega na nakladalno rampo hladilnice, izraženo v evrih na največ dve decimalni mesti;
the proposed price per 100 kilograms of butter, exclusive of national taxes and charges, delivered to the loading bay of the cold store, expressed in euro to no more than two decimal places;
8 Končna redakcija
Vsaka država članica določi najnižjo skupno trošarino (specifična trošarina skupaj z ad valorem trošarino, brez DDV), ki znaša 57 % drobnoprodajne cene (vključno z vsemi davki) in ni nižja od 60 EUR za 1000 cigaret za cigarete cenovnega razreda, po katerem je največje povpraševanje.
Each Member State shall apply an overall minimum excise duty (specific duty plus ad valorem duty excluding VAT), the incidence of which shall be set at 57 % of the retail selling price (inclusive of all taxes) and which shall not be less than EUR 60 per 1 000 cigarettes for cigarettes of the price category most in demand.
9 Pravna redakcija
Kot prodajne cene iz člena 3 in 4 veljajo neto prodajne cene brez davka.
The sale prices referred to in Articles 3 and 4 are net of tax.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Osnovno ceno lahko izračuna proizvajalec s pribitkom subvencij in brez davkov (razen DDV) na proizvode.
The basic price can be obtained from the producer price by adding subsidies less taxes (other than VAT) on products.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
(c) ceno v evrih, ponujeno za 100 kilogramov, brez davkov in dajatev, z dobavo na nakladalno rampo hladilnice;
(c) the price in euro tendered per 100 kilograms, not including national taxes and charges, delivered to the loading-bay of the cold store;
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0604
4.1 Najvišja cena za kilogram, dogovorjena s pogodbami o pridelovanju, v ustrezni valuti brez davkov in drugih dajatev.
4.1 Maximum price per kilogram agreed in the cultivation contracts, in relevant currency excluding taxes and other levies.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0604
4.2 Najnižja cena za kilogram, dogovorjena s pogodbami o pridelovanju, v ustrezni valuti brez davkov in drugih dajatev.
4.2 Minimum price per kilogram agreed in the cultivation contracts, in relevant currency excluding taxes and other levies.
14 Pravna redakcija
predlagano ceno za vsak ukrep, brez davkov, izraženo v ekujih, z razčlenitvijo po postavkah in ustreznim načrtom financiranja;
the price exclusive of taxes offered for each measure, expressed in ecus, with a breakdown of this amount by item together with the corresponding financing plan;
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
(b) vsakega pol leta cene celotnega uvoza premoga za pridobivanje koksa za plavže, združene na ravni Skupnosti, brez dajatev in davkov;
(b) each semester, the prices aggregated at Community level, of all coal imports intended for the production of coke for blast furnaces, excluding duties and taxes;
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0384
Povprečna cena (na kg), utežena (2) z dobavljenimi količinami, brez davkov in drugih dajatev, ki jo plačajo podjetja za prvo predelavo
Average price (per kg), weighted (2) by the quantities delivered, excluding taxes and other levies, paid by the first processing enterprises
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Ker je proizvodnja vrednotena v osnovnih cenah, vmesna potrošnja pa v kupčevih cenah, neto dodana vrednost vključuje subvencije na proizvode, brez davkov na proizvode.
Given that output is valued at basic prices and intermediate consumption is valued at purchaser prices, net value added contains subsidies on products less taxes on products.
18 Pravna redakcija
davčna osnova po stopnjah ali oprostitev, cena na enoto brez davka in kakršnikoli popusti ali znižanja, če niso vključeni v ceno na enoto;
the taxable amount per rate or exemption, the unit price exclusive of tax and any discounts or rebates if they are not included in the unit price;
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
(c) predlagano ceno za 100 kilogramov masla brez državnih davkov in dajatev, dostavljenega na nakladalno rampo hladilnice, izraženo v evrih na največ dve decimalni mesti;
(c) the proposed price per 100 kilograms of butter, exclusive of national taxes and charges, delivered to the loading bay of the cold store, expressed in euro to no more than two decimal places;
20 Pravna redakcija
upočasnitev inflacije, tako da se letna stopnja rasti cen zniža na 15 % ob koncu leta 1986 in pod 10 % do sredine leta 1987 brez upoštevanja učinkov uvedbe davka na dodano vrednost s 1. januarjem 1987;
a slowdown of inflation, so that the annual rate of price increase is brought down to 15 % at the end of 1986 and to under 10 % by mid-1987, excluding the effects of the introduction of value added tax from 1 January 1987;
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
(a) vsakega pol leta cene celotnega uvoza premoga, namenjenega proizvodnji električne energije in sočasni proizvodnji toplotne in električne energije, združene na ravni Skupnosti, brez dajatev in davkov;
(a) each semester, the prices aggregated at Community level, of all coal imports intended for the production of electricity or for combined heat and power generation, excluding duties and taxes;
22 Pravna redakcija
Tržna cena, določena na podlagi lestvice Skupnosti za razvrščanje klavnih trupov ovc iz člena 7(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2137/92, je cena ob vstopu v klavnico brez davka na dodano vrednost, ki se plača dobavitelju jagnječjega mesa, ki izvira iz Skupnosti.
The market price to be established on the basis of the Community scale for the classification of carcases of ovine animals referred to in Article 7 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2137/92 shall be the price at entry to the slaughterhouse, net of value-added tax paid to the supplier for lamb of Community origin.
23 Pravna redakcija
Če potrdilo o prodaji ne ustreza računu ali dokumentu, ki ga nadomešča, kot je navedeno v členu 22(3) šeste Direktive Sveta 77/388/EEC ( 1 ), država članica sprejme potrebne določbe, da zagotovi, da se podatki o ceni brez davkov za dostavo blaga kupcu ujemajo s podatki na računu.
Where a sales note does not correspond to the invoice or to a document replacing it, as referred to in Article 22(3) of the sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC (1), the Member State shall adopt the necessary provisions to ensure that the information on the price excluding tax for deliveries of goods to the purchaser is identical to that indicated on the invoice.
24 Pravna redakcija
Kadar so uvoženi materiali, ki jih bremenijo uvozne dajatve in davki, predmet proizvodnje ali obdelave (ali v nekaterih okoliščinah popravila) in se nato izvozijo, so mnogokrat lahko ponujeni naprodaj na tujih trgih po bolj konkurenčnih cenah, če so ob izvozu povrnjene uvozne carine in dajatve.
When imported materials which have borne import duties and taxes are subjected to manufacturing or processing (or, in certain circumstances, repair) and are then exported, they can often be offered for sale in foreign markets at more competitive prices if the import duties and taxes are refunded at exportation.
25 Pravna redakcija
Dejansko prva izbira ni možna brez druge, saj navadno ni mogoče poznati stolpcev davkov na proizvode, subvencij na proizvode ter trgovskih in prevoznih marž, razporejenih po proizvodih v tabeli ponudbe, preden ni znana razporeditev med porabami posameznih proizvodov iz tabele porabe v kupčevih cenah (tabela 9.6).
In fact, the first alternative is not possible without the second, since it is usually not possible to know the columns of taxes on products, subsidies on products and trade and transport margins broken down by products in the supply table unless the distribution among uses of the individual products is known from the use table at purchaser's prices (table 9. 6).
26 Pravna redakcija
da se lahko blago, dobave in drugo premoženje, ki se zagotovi ali uporablja v zvezi s Centrom in njegovimi projekti in dejavnostmi, v Ukrajino uvozijo, iz nje izvozijo ali v njej uporabljajo brez kakršnih koli pristojbin, carin, carinskih dajatev, uvoznih dajatev in drugih podobnih davkov ali drugih dajatev, ki bi jih naložila Ukrajina.
commodities, supplies, and other property provided or utilised in connection with the Centre and its projects and activities may be imported into, exported from, or used in Ukraine free from any tariffs, dues, customs duties, import taxes, and other similar taxes or charges imposed by Ukraine.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Neto dodana vrednost v stroških faktorjev (opredeljena kot neto dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah, brez drugih davkov na proizvodnjo in skupaj z drugimi subvencijami na proizvodnjo) meri nadomestila za vse proizvodne dejavnike (zemljišče, kapital, delo) in se lahko poimenuje "faktorski dohodki", saj predstavlja celotno vrednost, ki jo ustvari enota, ki se ukvarja s proizvodno dejavnostjo.
Net value added at factor cost (defined as net value added at basic prices less other taxes on production plus other subsidies on production) measures the remuneration of all factors of production (land, capital, labour) and can be termed 'factor income', as it represents all the value generated by a unit engaged in a production activity.
28 Jezikovna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
Za vsako od njih je Komisija primerjala ponderirane povprečne cene proizvajalcev izvoznikov, brez vseh rabatov in davkov, z ustreznimi cenami pritožnih proizvajalcev Skupnosti, izračunanih na podlagi prodaje prvemu neodvisnemu odjemalcu.
For each of these types, the Commission compared the exporting producers' and the complaining Community producers' weighted average selling prices free of all rebates and taxes, calculated on the basis of sales to the first unrelated customer.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
Davčna osnova in cena brez davka v smislu člena 22(3)(b) glede te storitve je marža potovalnega agenta, kar pomeni razliko med celotnim zneskom, ki ga plača potnik brez davka na dodano vrednost, in dejanskimi stroški potovalnega agenta za dobave in storitve, ki jih opravijo drugi davčni zavezanci, če so te transakcije v neposredno korist potnika.
The taxable amount and the price exclusive of tax, within the meaning of Article 22 (3) (b), in respect of this service shall be the travel agent's margin, that is to say, the difference between the total amount to be paid by the traveller, exclusive of value added tax, and the actual cost to the travel agent of supplies and services provided by other taxable persons where these transactions are for the direct benefit of the traveller.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0084
Kot prodajne cene iz člena 3 in 4 veljajo neto prodajne cene brez davka.
this rate may not be lower than 4 %. Article 5 Calculation basis The sale prices referred to in Articles 3 and 4 are net of tax.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0680
Pavšalni odstotki iz odstavka 3 se uporabijo na cene brez davka:
The flat-rate percentages provided for in paragraph 3 shall be applied to the prices, exclusive of tax, of:
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0315
Cene se izračunajo na podlagi tržnih cen brez davka na dodano vrednost.
The prices shall be calculated on the basis of market prices, ex value added tax.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0566
cene za naftne derivate brez davkov in dajatev, ki veljajo vsak ponedeljek.
Prices of petroleum products net of duties and taxes in force each Monday.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0377
Cena brez povračljivega DDV vključuje, kjer se plačuje, tudi druge posebne davke.
The price excluding recoverable VAT includes any other specific taxes.(2)
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
nakupno ceno, skladno z razredom kakovosti, brez premije, stroškov storitev in davkov;
the purchase price according to quality grade, excluding the premium, any service charges and taxes;
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2799
ponudbena cena v evrih za 100 kilogramov, brez nacionalnih davkov in dajatev, franko skladišče;
the price in euro tendered per 100 kilograms, not including national taxes and charges, ex-warehouse;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0280
vsak teden porabniške cene za naftne derivate brez dajatev in davkov, ki veljajo vsak ponedeljek.
each week, the consumer prices of petroleum products net of duties and taxes charged on Monday.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0315
Cene, zabeležene na trgu, temeljijo na cenah trupov brez davka na dodano vrednost vendar brez odštevanja drugih dajatev.
The prices recorded on the market shall be based on the prices, excluding value added tax, of carcasses, but with no deductions authorised in respect of other charges.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0566
Podatki za tedenske cene brez dajatev in davkov ne bodo objavljeni, če so službe Komisije zaprte.
The information concerning the weekly prices net of duties and taxes will not be published if the Commission departments are closed.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
ceno v evrih, ponujeno za 100 kilogramov, brez davkov in dajatev, z dobavo na nakladalno rampo hladilnice;
the price in euro tendered per 100 kilograms, not including national taxes and charges, delivered to the loading-bay of the cold store;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0566
Cene brez dajatev in davkov, ki jih države članice uradno sporočajo, so cene, ki se najpogosteje zaračunavajo na osnovi tehtanega povprečja.
The prices net of duties and taxes communicated by the Member States are the prices most frequently charged, based on a weighted average.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
Račun mora jasno izkazovati ceno brez davka in pripadajoči davek po posameznih stopnjah pa tudi kakršne koli oprostitve.
The invoice shall state clearly the price exclusive of tax and the corresponding tax at each rate as well as any exemptions.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0680
Račun mora jasno izkazovati ceno brez davka in pripadajoči davek po posameznih stopnjah kot tudi kakršne koli oprostitve.
The invoice shall state clearly the price exclusive of tax and the relevant tax at each rate as well as any exemptions.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1670
Nabavljeno blago se vrednoti po nakupni ceni brez odbitnega DDV in drugih odbitnih davkov, neposredno povezanih s prihodkom.
Purchased goods are valued at the purchase price excluding deductible VAT and other deductible taxes directly linked to turnover.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
Nove cene, brez premije, kakršnih koli stroškov storitev in davkov morajo biti najmanj 10 % višje od cen, navedenih v pogodbi.
The new prices, excluding the premium, any service charges and taxes, must be at least 10 % higher than the prices indicated in the contract.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0566
porabniške cene za naftne derivate vključno z dajatvami in davki ter brez dajatev in davkov, ki veljajo petnajstega dne v mesecu;
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes and net of duties and taxes in force on the 15th of each month;
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
vsakega pol leta cene celotnega uvoza premoga za pridobivanje koksa za plavže, združene na ravni Skupnosti, brez dajatev in davkov;
each semester, the prices aggregated at Community level, of all coal imports intended for the production of coke for blast furnaces, excluding duties and taxes;
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0280
ker so davki za naftne derivate sestavni del prodajne cene in je zaradi preglednosti cen teh proizvodov in primerjav cen v Skupnosti treba prikazati porabniške cene za naftne derivate brez dajatev in davkov kakor tudi cene z vsemi davki;
Whereas the taxes charged on petroleum products are a component of the selling price, and it is therefore necessary, in order to ensure the transparency of the prices of those products and make a comparison of the prices charged in the Community, to indicate the consumer prices of petroleum products net of duties and taxes and inclusive of all taxes;
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1670
Nakupljeno blago in storitve se vrednotijo po nakupni ceni brez odbitnega DDV in drugih odbitnih davkov, neposredno povezanih s prihodkom.
Purchased goods and services are valued at the purchase price excluding deductible VAT and other deductible taxes directly linked to turnover.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
Nabave blaga in storitev se vrednotijo po nakupni ceni brez odbitnega DDV in drugih odbitnih davkov, neposredno povezanih s prihodkom od prodaje.
Purchases of goods and services are valued at the purchase price excluding deductible VAT and other deductible taxes linked directly to turnover.
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cena brez davka