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certificirano osnovno seme
1 Končna redakcija
Za osnovno seme in certificirano seme:
For basic seed and certified seed:
2 Končna redakcija
3 pri certificiranem semenu prve generacije po osnovnem semenu;
3 for certified seed of the first generation after basic seed;
3 Končna redakcija
3 pri certificiranem semenu naslednjih generacij po osnovnem semenu.
3 for certified seed of subsequent generations after basic seed.
4 Končna redakcija
Barva etikete za osnovno seme bela in za certificirano seme je modra.
The colour of the label shall be white for basic seed and blue for certified seed.
5 Končna redakcija
A.Predpisani podatki: (a) Pri osnovnem semenu in certificiranem semenu:
Required information (a) For basic seed and certified seed: 1.
6 Končna redakcija
Uradna etiketa (osnovno seme in certificirano seme razen majhnih pakiranj)
A. Official label (basic seed and certified seed, excluding small packages)
7 Končna redakcija
etikete so naslednjih barv: bela za osnovno seme, modra za certificirano seme in za certificirano seme prve množitve ter rdeča za certificirano seme druge množitve;
the colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed and certified seed of the first generation and red for certified seed of the second generation;
8 Končna redakcija
ki neposredno izvira iz osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena dane sorte;
which is of direct descent from basic seed or certified seed of a given variety;
9 Končna redakcija
v členu 2(1)(G) se besedilo "osnovno seme" vstavi pred besedilom "certificirano seme";
in Article 2(1)(G), the words 'basic seed,` shall be inserted before the words 'certified seed`;
10 Končna redakcija
"1. Države članice določijo, da se seme žit ne sme dajati na trg, če ni uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme", "certificirano seme", "certificirano seme, prva množitev" ali "certificirano seme, druga množitev".";
'1. Member States shall provide that cereal seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed", "certified seed", "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation".`;
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
katerih seme je lahko potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme« ali je lahko preverjeno kot »standardno seme« in
whose seed may be certified as either "basic seed" or "certified seed", or may be verified as "standard seed", and
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
13 Končna redakcija
Barva etikete je za osnovno seme bela, za certificirano seme prve množitve po osnovnem semenu modra, rdeča za certificirano seme naslednjih množitev in rjava za trgovsko seme.
The colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed of the first generation after basic seed, red for certified seed of subsequent generations and brown for commercial seed.
14 Končna redakcija
ki je neposredni potomec osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve določene sorte;
which is of direct descent from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation of a given variety;
15 Končna redakcija
barva etikete je bela za osnovno seme, modra za certificirano seme prve generacije po osnovnem semenu, rdeča za certificirano seme naknadnih generacij po osnovnem semenu in temno rumena za trgovsko seme;
the colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed of the first generation after basic seed, red for certified seed of subsequent generations after basic seed and dark yellow for commercial seed;
16 Končna redakcija
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vsa pakiranja osnovnega semena in certificiranega semena vseh vrst: (a)
The Member States shall require that packages of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds:
17 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se da na trg le seme pese, ki je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
Member States shall provide that beet seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
18 Končna redakcija
Države članice določijo, da se seme žit ne sme tržiti, če ni bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme", "certificirano seme", "certificirano seme prve množitve" ali "certificirano seme druge množitve" in če ne izpolnjuje pogojev, predpisanih v Prilogi II.
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed", "certified seed", "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation" and unless it satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
19 Končna redakcija
"Države članice določijo, da se seme pese ne sme dajati na trg, če ni uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".";
'Member States shall provide that beet seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".`;
20 Končna redakcija
Za certificirano seme druge generacije in naknadne generacije po osnovnem semenu: šštevilo generacij po osnovnem semenu
For certified seed of the second generation and subsequent generations after basic seed: number of generations after basic seed
21 Končna redakcija
ker izbira strokovnih izrazov "osnovno seme " in "certificirano seme" temelji na že obstoječi mednarodni terminologiji;
whereas the choice of the technical terms "basic seed" and "certified seed" is based on already existing international terminology;
22 Končna redakcija
Izbira strokovnih izrazov »osnovno seme« in »certificirano seme« temelji na že obstoječi mednarodni terminologiji.
The choice of the technical terms "basic seed" and "certified seed" is based on already existing international terminology.
23 Končna redakcija
da se omeji trženje certificiranega semena krmnih rastlin na tistega iz prve generacije po osnovnem semenu;
restrict the marketing of certified fodder plant seed to that of the first generation after basic seed;
24 Končna redakcija
lahko daje na trg samo, če je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme" in, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz Priloge II.
may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed" and unless it satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
25 Končna redakcija
Države članice za namen potrjevanja in trženja določijo največjo vsebnost vlage v osnovnem semenu in certificiranem semenu vseh vrst.
The Member States shall, for the purposes of certification and marketing, fix the maximum moisture content of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds.
26 Končna redakcija
v členu 11a(1)(a) in (b) se besedilo "nalepka je modra" nadomesti z besedilom "nalepka je bela za osnovno seme in modra za certificirano seme";
in Article 11a(1)(a) and (b), the words 'the label shall be blue in colour` shall be replaced by the words 'the label shall be white in colour for basic seed and blue in colour for certified seed`;
27 Končna redakcija
čče v primeru 4(a) osnovno seme ali certificirano seme ne izpolnjuje pogojev glede kalivosti, določenih v Prilogi II, se to dejstvo navede na etiketi.
if, as envisaged in Article 4 (a), the basic seed or certified seed does not satisfy the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination, this fact shall be stated on the label;
28 Končna redakcija
Uvedejo se poljski preskusi Skupnosti za vsakoletno naknadno kontrolo osnovnega semena in vseh vrst certificiranega semena, odvzetega med kontrolnim vzorčenjem;
Community test fields shall be established within the Community for the annual post-control of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds taken during check sampling;
29 Končna redakcija
ker se pomoè lahko podeli samo za proizvodnjo osnovnih ali certificiranih semen in ker je treba te proizvode jasno opredeliti;
Whereas the aid may be granted only for the production of basic seed or certified seed and whereas these products should be clearly defined;
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Države članice določijo, da se seme vrst oljnic in predivnic, razen tistih, ki so uvrščene na seznam v odstavku 1, ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme« ali je trgovsko seme.
Member States shall provide that seed of oil and fibre plant species other than those listed in paragraph 1 may not be placed on the market unless the seed has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is commercial seed.
31 Končna redakcija
Večinoma bi moralo biti trženje semena pese dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili za potrjevanje kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, beet seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
32 Končna redakcija
ker bi bilo treba predvideti tudi možnost spodbujanja proizvodnje osnovnega in certificiranega riževega semena z dodeljevanjem pomoči;
Whereas provision should also be made for the possibility of encouraging, by granting the aid provided for, the production of basic and certified rice seed;
33 Končna redakcija
Pod nekaterimi pogoji je seme, razmnoženo v drugi državi iz osnovnega semena, certificiranega v državi članici, potrjeno kot seme, razmnoženo v navedeni državi članici.
Subject to certain conditions, seed multiplied in another country from basic seed certified in a Member State should be certified as seed multiplied in that Member State.
34 Končna redakcija
Države članice zahtevajo, da se za pakiranja osnovnega semena, certificiranega semena vseh kategorij in trgovsko seme upošteva naslednje:
Member States shall require that packages of basic seed, certified seed of all categories and commercial seed:
35 Končna redakcija
Države članice predpišejo, da se pakiranja osnovnega semena, certificiranega semena in trgovskega semena (a) na zunanji strani opremijo z uradno etiketo v enem od uradnih jezikov Skupnosti skladno s Prilogo IV;
The Member States shall require that packages of basic seed, certified seed and commercial seed (a) be labelled on the outside with an official label in one of the official languages of the Community conforming to the specification in Annex IV;
36 Končna redakcija
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena zelenjadnic treba dovoliti le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, vegetable seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
37 Končna redakcija
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vsako kemično tretiranje osnovnega semena, certificiranega semena ali trgovskega semena označi ali na uradni etiketi ali na etiketi dobavitelja in na zabojniku ali znotraj zabojnika.
The Member States shall require that any chemical treatment of basic seed, certified seed or commercial seed be noted either on the official label or on the supplier's label and on the container or inside it.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vsaka kemična obdelava osnovnega semena, certificiranega semena vseh kategorij ali trgovskega semena zaznamuje na uradni etiketi ali na dobaviteljevi etiketi in na paketu ali znotraj njega.
Member States shall require that any chemical treatment of basic seed, certified seed of all categories or commercial seed be noted either on the official label or on the supplier's label on on the package or inside it.
39 Končna redakcija
Vendar se lahko po postopku iz člena 46(2) določi, da se po navedenih datumih seme nekaterih vrst zelenjadnic ne sme dati trg, razen če je uradno certificirano kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
It may, however, under the procedure referred to in Article 46(2) be provided that after specified dates seed of certain vegetable species may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Države članice zahtevajo, da se osnovno seme, certificirano seme in standardno seme trži le v dovolj homogenih partijah in zapečatenih pakiranjih, ki imajo, kot predpisujeta člena 27 in 28, sistem pečatenja in označbe.
Member States shall require that basic seed, certified seed and standard seed be marketed only in sufficiently homogeneous lots and in sealed packages bearing, as prescribed in Articles 27 and 28, a sealing device and markings.
41 Končna redakcija
Države članice določijo, da se seme drugih vrst rastlin ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme« ali je standardno seme.
Member States shall provided that seed of other vegetable species may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is standard seed.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena oljnic in predivnic lahko dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, seed of oil and fibre plants should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
43 Končna redakcija
Države članice določijo, da se seme cikorije ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
Member States shall provide that seed of industrial chicory may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
44 Končna redakcija
ker bi moralo biti praviloma določeno, da se dovoli trženje semena žit le, če je bilo skladno s pravili za potrjevanje uradno pregledano in potrjeno kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme;
Whereas, as a general rule, cereal seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed;
45 Končna redakcija
Države članice predpišejo, da so pakiranja osnovnega semena, certificiranega semena in trgovskega semena uradno zapečatijo tako, da zabojnika ni mogoče odpreti, ne da se pri tem uniči oznaka, ki je ni mogoče ponovno uporabiti.
The Member States shall require that packages of basic seed, certified seed and commercial seed be officially sealed in such a manner that when the container is opened the seal is damaged and cannot be reattached.
46 Končna redakcija
Države članice predpišejo, da se osnovno seme, certificirano seme in trgovsko seme tržijo samo v dovolj homogenih pošiljkah in v zapečatenih zabojnikih, ki imajo, kakor določajo členi 9 in 10, sistem pečatenja in označevanja.
The Member States shall require that basic seed, certified seed and commercial seed be marketed only in sufficiently homogeneous consignments and in sealed containers bearing, as prescribed in Articles 9 and 10, a sealing device and markings.
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Primerjalni poskusi Skupnosti se izvedejo v okviru Skupnosti za naknadno kontrolo vzorcev osnovnega semena, z izjemo semena hibridnih in sintetičnih sort, ter certificiranega ali standardnega semena zelenjadnic, odvzetega med vzorčenjem.
Community comparative tests shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control examination of samples of basic seed, with the exception to that of hybrid and synthetic varieties, and of certified or standard vegetable seed, taken during sampling.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Države članice zahtevajo, da se osnovno seme, certificirano seme vseh kategorij in trgovsko seme trži le v dovolj homogenih pošiljkah in zapečatenih pakiranjih, ki imajo, kot predpisujeta člena 11 in 12, sistem pečatenja in označbe.
Member States shall require that basic seed, certified seed of all categories and commercial seed be marketed only in sufficiently homogeneous consignments and in sealed packages bearing, as prescribed in Articles 11 and 12, a sealing system and markings.
49 Končna redakcija
Komisija lahko v skladu s postopkom iz člena 21 določi, da se seme rodov in vrst krmnih rastlin razen tistih iz odstavka 1 lahko daje na trg po določenih datumih le, če je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
The Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, provide that after specified dates seed of genera and species of fodder plant other than those listed in paragraph 1 may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
50 Končna redakcija
Države članice določijo, da se sme seme krmnih rastlin rodov in vrst, razen tistih na seznamu v odstavku 1, dajati na trg samo, če je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme" in, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz Priloge II.
The Member States shall provide that fodder plant seed of genera and species other than those listed in paragraph 1 may not be placed on the market unless the seed has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is commercial seed, and unless the seed also satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
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certificirano osnovno seme