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certificirano seme prve množitve
1 Končna redakcija
Certificirano seme prve množitve (oves, ječmen, riž, pšenica, sevka): seme
Certified seed of the first generation (oats, barley, rice, wheat, spelt): seed
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31966L0402
Certificirano seme prve množitve (oves, ječmen, riž, pšenica, sevka):
Certified seed of the first generation (oats, barley, rice, wheat, spelt) :
3 Končna redakcija
etikete so naslednjih barv: bela za osnovno seme, modra za certificirano seme in za certificirano seme prve množitve ter rdeča za certificirano seme druge množitve;
the colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed and certified seed of the first generation and red for certified seed of the second generation;
4 Končna redakcija
ki je namenjeno proizvodnji semena kategorije "certificirano seme" ali kategorij "certificirano seme prve množitve" ali "certificirano seme druge množitve";
which is intended for the production of seed either of the category "certified seed" or of the categories "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation";
5 Končna redakcija
število množitev pred semenom kategorije "certificirano seme" ali "certificirano seme prve množitve".
number of generations preceding seed of the categories "certified seed" or "certified seed of the first generation".
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
število množitev pred semenom kategorije "certificirano seme" ali "certificirano seme prve množitve".
number of generations preceding seed of the category "certified seed", or "certified seed of the first generation".
7 Končna redakcija
ki izpolnjuje pogoje, predpisane v prilogah I in II za certificirano seme prve množitve, in
which satisfies the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for certified seed of the first generation; and
8 Končna redakcija
Države članice določijo, da se seme žit ne sme tržiti, če ni bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme", "certificirano seme", "certificirano seme prve množitve" ali "certificirano seme druge množitve" in če ne izpolnjuje pogojev, predpisanih v Prilogi II.
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed", "certified seed", "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation" and unless it satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
9 Končna redakcija
Barva etikete je za osnovno seme bela, za certificirano seme prve množitve po osnovnem semenu modra, rdeča za certificirano seme naslednjih množitev in rjava za trgovsko seme.
The colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed of the first generation after basic seed, red for certified seed of subsequent generations and brown for commercial seed.
10 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena ovsa, ječmena, riža in pšenice na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of oats, barley, rice and wheat to that of certified seed of the first generation.`;
11 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa to certified seed of the first generation.`;
12 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se seme žit, proizvedenih neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, ki je bilo potrjeno v eni državi članici in požeto v drugi državi članici ali v tretji državi, šteje kot enakovredno certificiranemu semenu ali certificiranemu semenu prve ali druge množitve, če je bilo seme požeto v isti državi, ki je proizvedla osnovno seme ali certificirano seme prve množitve, če je seme v poljskem pregledu izpolnilo pogoje iz Priloge I in če je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da so izpolnjeni pogoji iz Priloge II za certificirano seme ali za certificirano seme prve ali druge množitve.
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed produced directly from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation certified in one Member State and harvested in another Member State or in a third country is to be regarded as equivalent to certified seed or to certified seed of the first or second generation if that seed has been harvested in the State which produced either the basic seed or the certified seed of the first generation, if it has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for certified seed or certified seed of the first or second generation are satisfied.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena ovsa, ječmena, riža in pšenice na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of oats, barley, rice and wheat to that of certified seed of the first generation.';
14 Končna redakcija
ki je neposredni potomec osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve določene sorte;
which is of direct descent from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation of a given variety;
15 Končna redakcija
število generacij pred semenom kategorij »certificirano seme« ali »certificirano seme prve množitve«.
number of generations preceding seed of the categories "certified seed", or "certified seed of the first generation".
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
"Ca. Certificirano seme, seme prve množitve (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa):
'Ca. Certified seed, first generation (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa) seed:
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vieta spp. and Medicago saliva to certified seed of the first generation.';
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, ki je bilo vzgojeno in uradno nadzorovano posebej za proizvodnjo certificiranega semena druge množitve;
which has been produced directly from certified seed of the first generation which has been established and officially controlled with a special view to the production of certified seed of the second generation;
19 Končna redakcija
omejijo trženje certificiranega semena ovsa, ječmena, riža, pšenice ali sevke na seme prve množitve;
restrict the marketing of certified seed of oats, barley, rice, wheat or spelt to that of the first generation;
20 Končna redakcija
ki je bilo pridelano neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve množitve ali, če tako zahteva žlahtnitelj, iz semena množitve pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko in za katero je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz Prilog I in II za osnovno seme;
which has been produced directly from basic seed, from certified seed of the first generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
ki izvira neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve ali druge množitve ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom in ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
which is of direct descent from basic seed, from certified seed of the first or second generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed and which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve množitve ali, če žlahtnitelj to zahteva, iz semena generacije pred osnovnim semenom, ki lahko izpolnjuje in katerega uradni pregled je pokazal, da izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za osnovno seme;
which has been produced directly from basic seed, from certified seed of the first generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed and which can satisfy and has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;
23 Končna redakcija
ali je seme žit, ki je bilo požeto v tretji državi in ima enaka zagotovila glede svojih lastnosti in glede ukrepov pri pregledih, zagotavljanju pristnosti, označevanju in nadzoru, v teh pogledih enakovredno osnovnemu semenu, certificiranemu semenu ali certificiranemu semenu prve ali druge množitve, ki je bilo požeto v Skupnosti in je skladno z določbami te direktive.
cereal grain harvested in a third country and affording the same assurances as regards its characters and the arrangements for its examination, for ensuring identity, for marking and for control is equivalent in these respects to basic seed, certified seed or certified seed of the first or second generation harvested within the Community and complying with the provisions of this Directive.
24 Končna redakcija
je seme oljnic in predivnic, požeto v tretji državi in ki daje ista zagotovila glede svojih lastnosti in pravil za njegov preglede za zagotavljanje pristnosti, zaznamovanje in nadzor v teh pogledih enakovredno osnovnemu semenu, certificiranemu semenu, certificiranemu semenu prve, druge ali tretje množitve ali trgovskemu semenu, požetemu v Skupnosti in ustreza določbam te direktive.
seed of oil and fibre plants which has been harvested in a third country and affords the same assurances as regards its characteristics and the arrangements for its examination, for ensuring its identity, for marking and for control is equivalent in these respects to basic seed, certified seed, certified seed of the first, second or third generation or commercial seed harvested within the Community and complying with the provisions of this Directive.
25 Končna redakcija
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve, uradno potrjenega v eni ali več državah članicah ali v tretji državi, ki ji je bila priznana enakovrednost po členu 20(b), ali ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno z oprašitvijo osnovnega semena, uradno potrjenega v državi članici, z osnovnim semenom, uradno potrjenim v taki tretji državi, in
which has been produced directly from basic seed or certified seed of the first generation officially certified either in one or more Member States or in a third country which has been granted equivalence under Article 20(b), or which has been produced directly from the crossing of basic seed officially certified in a Member State with basic seed officially certified in such a third country, and
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0055
Barva etikete je bela za osnovno seme, modra za certificirano seme in certificirano seme prve množitve ter rdeča za certificirano seme druge množitve.
The colour of the label shall be white for basic seed, blue for certified seed and for certified seed of the first generation and red for certified seed of the second generation.
27 Pravna redakcija
Certificirano seme, seme prve množitve (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa):
Certified seed, first generation (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vieta spp. and Medicago saliva) seed:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31972L0418
številu prejšnjih generacij semena pred kategorijo certificirano seme ali certificirano seme prve množitve.
number of prior generations of seed of the categories "certified seed" or "certified seed of the first reproduction".
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31966L0402
ki izpolnjuje pogoje, predpisane v prilogah I in II za certificirano seme prve množitve;
which satisfies the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for certified seed of the first generation;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0060
ta določba se smiselno uporablja tudi za certificirano seme prve množitve iz odstavka 1(G)."
this provision shall apply correspondingly to the certified seed of the first generation referred to in paragraph 1 (G)."
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0055
ker to podaljšanje omogoča državam članicam tudi sprejetje vseh potrebnih ukrepov, da se v bližnji prihodnosti zagotovi primerna oskrba s semenom lanu za vlakna kategorij "certificirano seme prve množitve" in "certificirano seme druge množitve";
whereas this extension should also allow Member States to take all necessary steps to ensure in the near future adequate supplies of fibre flax seed of the categories "certified seed of the first generation" and "certified seed of the second generation";
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31973L0438
"(d) na zahtevo in v skladu s postopkom, predpisanim v členu 21, so najpozneje do 31. decembra 1978 pooblaščeni za uradno potrjevanje semen samooprašilnih vrst za kategorije, certificirano seme prve množitve "ali, certificirano seme druge množitve":
"(d) be authorized, on request and according to the procedure laid down in Article 21, to officially certify seed of autogamous species of the categories "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation" until 31 December 1978 at the latest:
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0055
Države članice se lahko v skladu s postopkom iz člena 20 pooblasti, da z odstopanjem od odstavka 1D(a) ali E(a) dovolijo, da se kot certificirano seme prve množitve ali kot certificirano seme druge množitve potrdi seme samoprašnih vrst, ki je bilo prijavljeno v potrditev kot osnovno seme in pridelano neposredno iz množitve pred osnovnim semenom, ki pa ni bilo uradno pregledano.
Member States may be authorized in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 20 to permit, by way of derogation from paragraph 1 D (a) or E (a), to be certified as certified seed of the first generation or certified seed of the second generation seeds of self-pollinating species which have been entered for certification as basic seed and which have been produced from a generation prior to basic seed but which has not been officially examined.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0055
Države članice se v skladu s postopkom iz člena 21 lahko pooblasti, da z odstopanjem od odstavka (1) pod (F)(a) ali (G)(a) dovolijo, da se kot certificirano seme prve množitve ali kot certificirano seme druge množitve potrdi seme samoprašnih ali apomiktičnih vrst, ki je bilo prijavljeno v potrditev kot osnovno seme in pridelano neposredno iz množitve pred osnovnim semenom, ki pa ni bilo uradno pregledano.
Member States may be authorized in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21 to permit, by way of derogation from paragraph 1 under F (a) or G (a), to be certified as certified seed of the first generation or certified seed of the second generation seeds of self-pollinating species which have been entered for certification as basic seed and which have been produced from a generation prior to basic seed but which has not been officially examined.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0060
Države članice določijo, da se lahko seme žit, ki izhaja neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, potrjenega v eni državi članici in proizvedenega v drugi državi članici ali v tretji državi, potrdi v državi, ki je proizvedla osnovno seme ali certificirano seme prve množitve, če je bilo to seme pregledano na terenu v skladu s pogoji iz Priloge I in če je uradni pregled pokazal, da so izpolnjeni pogoji iz Priloge II za certificirano seme.
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed produced directly from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation certified in one Member State and harvested in another Member State or in a third country may be certified in the State which produced the basic seed or the certified seed of the first generation if that seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for certified seed are satisfied.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Certificirano seme, seme prve množitve (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa):
Certified seed, first generation (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa) seed:
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31966L0402
seme (a) ki je neposredni potomec osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve določene sorte;
seed (a) which is of direct descent from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation of a given variety;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0060
"(a) ki izhaja neposredno iz osnovnega semena, iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, ali če tako zahteva žlahtnitelj, iz semena množitve pred osnovnim semenom, za katerega je bilo z uradnim pregledom ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz Prilog I in II za osnovno seme;"
"(a) which is of direct descent from basic seed, from certified seed of the first generation or, if the breeder so requests, from seed of a generation prior to basic seed which has been found by official examination to satisfy the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for basic seed;"
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certificirano seme prve množitve