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certifikacija proizvoda
1 Končna redakcija
Če so proizvodi iz člena 1 predmet certifikacijskega postopka, glede označbe geografskega porekla, jih je mogoče tržiti ali izvažati samo, če je bil izdan certifikat.
Where products referred to in Article 1 are subject to a certification procedure in respect of the designation of origin, they may only be marketed or exported if the certificate has been issued.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
vse legalne ali zakonske ovire za vstop, na primer dovoljenje vlade ali določanje standardov v kateri koli obliki, pa tudi ovire, ki so posledica postopkov certifikacije proizvodov, ali potrebe po dokazanih referencah;
any legal or regulatory barriers to entry, such as government authorization or standard setting in any form, as well as barriers resulting from product certification procedures, or the need to have a proven track record;
3 Končna redakcija
Svet, na predlog Komisije, po postopku glasovanja iz člena 43(2) Pogodbe, za vsak proizvod sprejme splošna pravila za certifikacijski postopek glede označbe geografskega porekla in določi datum začetka njegovega izvajanja.
The Council, acting in accordance with the voting procedure laid down in Article 43 (2) of the Treaty on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt, for each product, general rules for the certification procedure in respect of the designation of origin and the date of its implementation.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi II, se potrjuje po postopku, po katerem je poleg sistema kontrole tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v oceno in nadzor kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi certifikacijski organ.
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory-production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
5 Končna redakcija
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi I, se potrdi s postopkom, po katerem je poleg proizvajalca, ki upravlja sistem nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, v oceno in nadzorovanje kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi odobren certifikacijski organ.
The products set out in Annex I shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0606
Pri proizvodih in družinah proizvodov, ki so določeni v Prilogi II, se njihova skladnost potrjuje s postopkom, pri katerem je poleg sistema nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v ocenjevanje in nadzor proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen odobren certifikacijski organ.
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
ker to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti ali pa je, iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril iz člena 13(4), treba vključiti certifikacijski organ;
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory-production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
8 Končna redakcija
ker to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za neki proizvod ali neko družino izdelkov obstoj sistema kontrole tovarniške proizvodnje, za katerega je odgovoren proizvajalec, potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti, ali pa je zaradi izpolnjevanja meril iz člena 13(4) potrebno posredovanje certifikacijskega organa;
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is therefore required;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0606
To pomeni, da je treba odločiti, ali je za določen proizvod sistem preverjanja tovarniške proizvodnje, za katerega je odgovoren proizvajalec, nujen in zadosten pogoj za potrjevanje skladnosti ali pa je, iz razlogov v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem meril iz člena 13(4), zato potrebno posredovanje odobrenega certifikacijskega organa.
This means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria set out in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approval certification body is required.
10 Končna redakcija
to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti, ali pa je potrebno posredovanje odobrenega certifikacijskega organa iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril, navedenih v členu 13(4);
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
11 Pravna redakcija
pri členu 13(3)(b), k temu, da odobreni certifikacijski organ izda certifikat o skladnosti za sistem kontrole in nadzora proizvodnje ali za sam proizvod.
in the case of Article 13 (3) (b), to the issue by an approved certification body of a certificate of conformity for a system of production control and surveillance or for the product itself.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1428
Kontrolne postopke in certifikacijo proizvoda opravlja imenovana državna služba na podlagi veljavne zakonodaje za proizvode z označbo porekla in geografsko oznako.
Control procedures and certification of the product will be carried out by the designated State agencies on the basis of the legislation in force for designated origin and geographical indication products.
13 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 8. januarja 1997 o potrebnih ukrepih za izvajanje certifikacijskih predpisov za nekatere živalske proizvode (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/94/ES)
Commission Decision of 8 January 1997 concerning measures which are necessary for the implementation of certification rules regarding certain animal products (Text with EEA relevance)
14 Pravna redakcija
dokazilo o postopkih za spremljanje certifikacijskih dejavnosti, vključno z opredelitvijo kontaktne točke, odgovorne za proženje ukrepov s proizvajalci proizvodov, kadar so ti potrebni.
evidence of procedures for follow-up of certification activities including the identification of a contact point responsible for initiating action with manufacturers of the products when necessary.
15 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici sprejmeta ustrezne ukrepe za pospeševanje uporabe tehničnih pravil Skupnosti v Maroku in evropskih standardov za industrijske in agroživilske proizvode in certifikacijske postopke.
The Parties shall take appropriate steps to promote the use by Morocco of Community technical rules and European standards for industrial and agri-food products and certification procedures.
16 Pravna redakcija
izdajali popolno dokumentacijo preskusov in vrednotenja (t.j. podatke in poročila o ocenjevanju), ki jo bodo proizvajalci preskušenih proizvodov predložili kanadski certifikacijski organizaciji.
issue a comprehensive testing and evaluation file (i.e. assessment data, reports) for submission by the manufacturer of the tested products to a certification organisation in Canada.
17 Pravna redakcija
je za posamezne proizvode, navedene v ustreznih tehničnih specifikacijah, poleg sistema lastne kontrole proizvodnje, v ocenjevanje in nadzor kontrole proizvodnje ali proizvoda vključen odobren certifikacijski organ.
for particular products indicated in the relevant technical specifications, in addition to a factory production control system, an approved certification body being involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
Udarna glava mora izpolnjevati zahteve učinkovitosti, navedene v oddelku 2 dodatka I, in mora biti opremljena z deformabilnimi elementi kolena iz iste proizvodne serije kot elementi, uporabljeni v certifikacijskih preskusih.
The impactor shall meet the performance requirements specified in Section 2 of Appendix I, and shall be fitted with deformable knee elements from the same batch as those used in the certification tests.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
Udarna glava mora biti prav tako prekrita s penasto maso, izrezano iz ene do največ štirih zaporednih plošč iz penastega materiala vrste Confor TM, izdelanih iz iste proizvodne serije (izrezanih iz istega bloka penaste mase), pod pogojem, da se je pena iz ene od teh plošč uporabila v dinamičnem certifikacijskem preskusu in da masa vsake od teh plošč ne odstopa za več kot ± 2 % od mase plošče, uporabljene v certifikacijskem preskusu.
The impactor shall also be fitted with foam cut from one of up to four consecutive sheets of Confor TM foam flesh material produced from the same batch of manufacture (cut from one block or bun of foam), provided that foam from one of these sheets was used in the dynamic certification test and the individual weights of these sheets are within ± 2 % of the weight of the sheet used in the certification test.
20 Pravna redakcija
Odločitev o izvedbi tega ukrepa temelji na oceni tveganja ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kakor so zadevni proizvodi, dotedanje izkušnje gospodarske panoge ali izvozne države v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem zahtev, proizvedene in uvožene ali izvožene količine, spremembe infrastrukture in vrsta nacionalnih inšpekcij in certifikacijskih sistemov.
The decision to include this step shall be based upon a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the products concerned, the past history of compliance with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, quantities produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the nature of the national inspection and certification systems.
21 Pravna redakcija
Revizija dokumentov lahko obsega revizijo dokumentov in registrov v skladu s točko 3.1, revizijo struktur in pooblastil pogodbenice, ki je predmet revizije, in vseh sprememb v zvezi z inšpekcijami živil in certifikacijskimi sistemi od sprejetja te priloge ali od prejšnje revizije, s poudarkom tistih vidikov inšpekcij in certifikacijskega sistema, ki se nanašajo na zadevne živali ali proizvode.
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records as referred to in point 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any changes in food inspection and certification systems since the adoption of this Annex or since the previous audit, with emphasis on those aspects of the inspection and certification system that relate to the animals or products concerned.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R3922
"certifikacija" (proizvoda, storitve, organizacije ali osebe) pomeni vsako obliko pravnega priznanja, da tak proizvod, storitev, organ ali oseba izpolnjujejo veljavne predpise.
'certification` (of a product, service, organization or person) means any form of legal recognition that such a product, service, body or person complies with the applicable requirements.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R3922
Certifikacija tipa proizvodov in njihovih delov
2.Type certification of products and parts
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
Podmene, uporabljene za certifikacijo proizvoda, ki naj bi se spremenil, niso več veljavne;
The assumptions used for certification of the product to be changed do not remain valid.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
pogoje za določanje osnov za certifikacijo tipa, ki velja za proizvod, in obveščanje vlagatelja zahteve o tem;
conditions to establish and notify to an applicant the type-certification basis applicable to a product;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
proizvodna organizacija vodi evidenco vsega certifikacijskega osebja, ki vključuje podrobnosti o obsegu njihovih pooblastil,
The production organisation maintains a record of all certifying staff which shall include details of the scope of their authorisation.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
spremenjeni proizvod izpolnjuje veljavne certifikacijske specifikacije in zahteve glede varstva okolja, kakor je določeno v 21A.101;
The changed product meets the applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements, as specified in 21A.101;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0044
Direktivo 94/25/ES je treba spremeniti, da se upoštevajo tudi proizvodne potrebe, ki zahtevajo večjo izbiro certifikacijskih postopkov.
Directive 94/25/EC should be amended also to take account of manufacturing needs, which require a greater choice of certification procedures.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0094
Odločba Komisije z dne 8. januarja 1997 o ukrepih, ki so potrebni za izvajanje certifikacijskih predpisov za nekatere živalske proizvode
COMMISSION DECISION of 8 January 1997 concerning measures which are necessary for the implementation of certification rules regarding certain animal products
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
da je certifikacija ali odobritev za proizvod, del ali napravo po tem poddelu potrebna za izdajo potrdila proizvodne organizacije po poddelu G;
the certification or approval of a product, part or appliance under this Subpart is needed pending the issuance of a production organisation approval under Subpart G.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
JAA osnova za certifikacijo tipa za proizvode, ki so bili certificirani po postopkih JAA, kakor je opredeljeno v njihovi JAA listi podatkov, ali
the JAA type-certification basis, for products that have been certificated under JAA procedures, as defined in their JAA data sheet; or
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
dokaže, da spremenjeni proizvod izpolnjuje veljavne certifikacijske specifikacije in zahteve glede varstva okolja, kakor je določeno v 21A.101;
Show that the changed product complies with applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements, as specified in 21A.101;
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
določiti in uradno sporočiti osnovo za certifikacijo tipa za vsak proizvod, za katerega se zahteva certifikat tipa ali sprememba certifikata tipa.
for each product for which a type-certificate or a change to a type-certificate is requested, establish and notify the type-certification basis.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
proizvod, ki naj bi se certificiral, ustreza veljavni osnovi certifikacijo tipa in zahtevam glede varstva okolja, opredeljenim v skladu z 21A.17 in 21A.18;
The product to be certificated meets the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection requirements designated in accordance with 21A.17 and 21A.18;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
za druge proizvode, osnova za certifikacijo tipa, kakor je opredeljeno v listi podatkov certifikata tipa države projektiranja, če je ta država projektiranja:
for other products, the type-certification basis as defined in the type-certificate data sheet of the State of design, if that State of design is:
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
v zvezi s certifikacijskim osebjem, ki ga je proizvodna organizacija pooblastila za podpis dokumentov, izdanih po 21A.163, v okviru področja in pogojev odobritve:
with regard to certifying staff, authorised by the production organisation to sign the documents issued under 21A.163 under the scope or terms of approval:
37 Prevajalska redakcija
Odločba Komisije 97/94/ES z dne 8. januarja 1997 o ukrepih, ki so potrebni za izvajanje certifikacijskih predpisov za nekatere živalske proizvode (UL L 29, 8.1.1997, str. 56).
Commission Decision 97/94/EC of 8 January 1997 concerning measures which are necessary for the implementation of certification rules regarding certain animal products (OJ L 29, 8.1.1997, p. 56).
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
da zagotovi, da so projekti za proizvode, dele in naprave ali spremembe projektov zanje v skladu z veljavnimi osnovami za certifikacijo tipa in zahtevami glede varstva okolja, in
To ensure that the design of the products, parts and appliances or the design change thereof, comply with the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection requirements; and
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
opravljati, samostojno ali preko nacionalnih letalskih organov ali usposobljenih subjektov, tehnične inšpekcijske preglede, povezane s certifikacijo proizvodov, delov in naprav;
conduct, itself or through national aviation authorities or qualified entities, technical inspections associated with products, parts and appliances certification;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
opredelitev katerih koli preiskav, ki so potrebne za dokazovanje skladnosti spremenjenega proizvoda z veljavnimi certifikacijskimi specifikacijami in zahtevami glede varstva okolja.
Identification of any re-investigations necessary to show compliance of the changed product with the applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
Mala sprememba projekta tipa se odobri samo v skladu z 21A.95, če se dokaže, da spremenjeni proizvod izpolnjuje veljavne certifikacijske specifikacije, kakor je določeno v 21A.101.
A minor change to a type design shall only be approved in accordance with 21A.95 if it is shown that the changed product meets the applicable certification specifications, as specified in 21A.101.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
Kot posledica tega so letalski proizvodi podvrženi certifikaciji, s katero se preveri, ali ti izpolnjujejo bistvene plovnostne in okoljevarstvene zahteve, povezane s civilnim letalstvom.
As a consequence, aeronautical products should be subject to certification to verify that they meet essential airworthiness and environmental protection requirements relating to civil aviation.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0836
Strateške naloge bodo vključevale razvoj primarnih merilnih tehnik, proizvodnjo in certifikacijo izotopnih referenčnih materialov in organizacijo mednarodnih programov za ocenjevanje meritev.
Strategic tasks will include the development of primary measurement techniques, the production and certification of isotopic reference materials and organisation of International Measurement Evaluation Programmes.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri izdajanju certifikata bo proizvajalec upošteval določbe veljavne certifikacijske sheme Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije o kakovosti farmacevtskih proizvodov v mednarodnem blagovnem prometu.
When issuing a certificate, the manufacturer will take account of the provisions of the current WHO certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
vse legalne ali zakonske ovire za vstop, na primer dovoljenje vlade ali določanje standardov v kateri koli obliki, pa tudi ovire, ki so posledica postopkov certifikacije proizvodov, ali potrebe po dokazanih referencah;
any legal or regulatory barriers to entry, such as government authorization or standard setting in any form, as well as barriers resulting from product certification procedures, or the need to have a proven track record;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
ter v zvezi z velikimi spremembami proizvodov, ki jih predlaga nekdo drug kakor nosilec certifikata tipa za proizvod, za katerega 28. septembra 2003 država članica izvaja proces certifikacije tipa po ustreznih nacionalnih postopkih:
and with regard to major changes to products, proposed by persons other than the type-certificate holder of the product, for which a certification process is being carried out by a Member State on 28 September 2003 under applicable national procedures:
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
Udarna glava mora biti prav tako prekrita s penasto maso, izrezano iz ene do največ štirih zaporednih plošč iz penastega materiala vrste ConforTM, izdelanih iz iste proizvodne serije (izrezanih iz istega bloka penaste mase), pod pogojem, da se je pena iz ene od teh plošč uporabila v dinamičnem certifikacijskem preskusu in da masa vsake od teh plošč ne odstopa za več kot ±2 % od mase plošče, uporabljene v certifikacijskem preskusu.
The impactor shall also be fitted with foam cut from one of up to four consecutive sheets of ConforTM foam flesh material produced from the same batch of manufacture (cut from one block or bun of foam), provided that foam from one of these sheets was used in the dynamic certification test and the individual weights of these sheets are within ± 2 % of the weight of the sheet used in the certification test.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
Pri odločanju o tem, ali je neka sprememba pomembna, agencija upošteva spremembo v kontekstu vseh prejšnjih pomembnih sprememb projekta in povezanih revizij veljavnih certifikacijskih specifikacij, vključenih v certifikat tipa za proizvod.
In determining whether a specific change is significant, the Agency considers the change in context with all previous relevant design changes and all related revisions to the applicable certification specifications incorporated in the type-certificate for the product.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0555
Skladnost proizvodov, navedenih v Prilogi II, se potrjuje po postopku, v katerem je poleg sistema kontrole proizvodnje, ki jo izvaja proizvajalec, v oceno in nadzor kontrole proizvodnje ali proizvoda samega vključen tudi certifikacijski organ.
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production or of the product itself.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
načrti in specifikacije ter seznami teh načrtov in specifikacij, potrebnih za določitev konfiguracije in projektnih lastnosti proizvoda, ki dokazujejo, da proizvod ustreza veljavni osnovi za certifikacijo tipa in zahtevam glede varstva okolja;
The drawings and specifications, and a listing of those drawings and specifications, necessary to define the configuration and the design features of the product shown to comply with the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection requirements;
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certifikacija proizvoda