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certifikat ES o skladnosti projekta
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Priglašeni organ mora vlogo preučiti in, če projekt izpolnjuje določbe te direktive, izdati vlagatelju certifikat ES o skladnosti projekta.
The notified body must examine the application and where the design meets the provisions of this Directive, must issue an EC design examination certificate to the applicant.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0079
Spremembe odobrenega projekta mora priglašeni organ, ki je izdal certifikat ES o proučitvi projekta, ponovno odobriti, kadarkoli bi lahko spremembe prizadele skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami direktive ali pogoji, predpisanimi za uporabo pripomočka.
Changes to the approved design must receive further approval from the notified body which issued the EC design-examination certificate wherever the changes could affect conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive or with the conditions prescribed for use of the device.
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certifikat ES o skladnosti projekta