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davčna inšpekcija
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Vse denarne izvršbe inšpekcijskih ukrepov ter drugih odločb in sklepov, izdanih na podlagi tega zakona v zvezi s plačili kazni in nadomestil, določenih oziroma odmerjenih na podlagi tega zakona, izvršuje tista pristojna davčna uprava, na katere območju ima inšpekcijski zavezanec stalno prebivališče.
All pecuniary executions of inspection measures and other rulings and resolutions issued on the basis of this act in connection with the payment of fines and supplementary payments stipulated and levied pursuant to this act shall be carried out by the relevant tax administration in the area where the person subject to inspection has permanent residence.
2 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
2. obravnavati ugotovitve Banke Slovenije, davčne inšpekcije in drugih nadzornih organov v postopkih nadzora nad banko,
2. take into consideration the findings of the Bank of Slovenia, tax inspectorate and other supervisory authorities in their procedures of supervising the bank
3 Končna redakcija
2. obravnavati ugotovitve Agencije za zavarovalni nadzor, davčne inšpekcije in drugih nadzornih organov v postopkih nadzora nad zavarovalno delniško družbo,
2. discuss the findings of the Insurance Supervision Agency, tax inspection and other supervisory authorities in the procedures of supervision of the insurance public limited company;
4 Pravna redakcija
Ta organ je lahko davčni inšpekcijski organ.
That authority may be a tax inspection body.
5 Pravna redakcija
prenosom izvajanja administrativnih postopkov (carinski, davčni in veterinarski nadzor ter zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregledi rastlin) na terminale ali na odpremni oz. namembni kraj;
transferring the performance of administrative formalities (customs, fiscal, veterinary and plant-health controls) to the terminals or to the point of departure or the final destination;
6 Pravna redakcija
uslužbenci ` Rijkspolitie` (državne policije) in ` Gemeentepolitie` (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 6, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov, ter tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojnih za uvozne carine in trošarine.
officers of the `Rijkspolitie` (national police) and the `Gemeentepolitie` (municipal police), as well as, under the conditions laid down in appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 6, with respect to their powers regarding illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
7 Pravna redakcija
uslužbenci “Rijkspolitie” (državne policije) in “Gemeentepolitie” (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 6, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov, ter tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojnih za uvozne carine in trošarine.
officers of the ‘Rijkspolitie’ (national police) and the ‘Gemeentepolitie’ (municipal police), as well as, under the conditions laid down in appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 6, with respect to their powers regarding illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
8 Pravna redakcija
uslužbenci ` Rijkspolitie` (državne policije) in ` Gemeentepolitie` (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 10, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov.
officers of the `Rijkspolitie` (national police) and the `Gemeentepolitie` (municipal police) as well as, under the conditions laid down in the appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 10, with respect to their powers regarding the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
9 Pravna redakcija
uslužbenci “Rijkspolitie” (državne policije) in “Gemeentepolitie” (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 10, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov.
officers of the ‘Rijkspolitie’ (national police) and the ‘Gemeentepolitie’ (municipal police) as well as, under the conditions laid down in the appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 10, with respect to their powers regarding the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
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