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davčni organi
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0012
Davčni organi vsake države članice določijo postopke nadzora in metode, ki se uporabljajo za vračila, opravljena na njihovem ozemlju.
The tax authorities of each Member State shall determine the monitoring procedures and methods applying to reimbursement made in their territory.
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Organi sile dajejo vso podporo, ki je v njihovi moči, da bi zagotovili izročitev stvari, za katere velja, da jih carinski ali davčni organi države gostiteljice ali kdo drug v njihovem imenu lahko zaseže.
The authorities of a force shall render all assistance within their power to ensure that articles liable to seizure by, or on behalf of, the customs or fiscal authorities of the receiving State are handed to those authorities.
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Carinski ali davčni organi države gostiteljice lahko kot pogoj za oprostitev carinskih in davčnih dajatev ali znižanj, ki jih zagotavlja ta sporazum, zahtevajo, da se spoštujejo pogoji, ki se njim zdijo potrebni za preprečitev zlorabe.
The customs or fiscal authorities of the receiving State may, as a condition of the grant of any customs or fiscal exemption or concession provided for in this Agreement, require such conditions to be observed as they may deem necessary to prevent abuse.
4 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
Davčni organ lahko unovči garancijo, če se pogoj iz 2. točke prvega odstavka tega člena ne izpolni.
The tax authority may redeem the guarantee if the condition referred to in point 2 of the first paragraph of this Article is not met.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
Pristojna organa držav pogodbenic se uradno obvestita o vseh bistvenih spremembah njunih davčnih zakonodaj.
The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of any significant changes that have been made in their taxation laws.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-39
Pristojna organa držav pogodbenic drug drugega uradno obvestita o vseh bistvenih spremembah njunih davčnih zakonodaj.
The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of any significant changes which have been made in their respective taxation laws.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-40
Pristojna organa držav pogodbenic drug drugega uradno obvestita o vseh bistvenih spremembah njunih davčnih zakonodaj.
The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of significant changes which have been made in their respective taxation laws.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
Pristojna organa držav pogodbenic drug drugega uradno obvestita o vseh bistvenih spremembah njunih davčnih zakonodaj.
The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of any significant changes that have been made in their respective taxation laws.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(10) Upravičenje po tem členu se prizna na podlagi dovoljenja davčnega organa, če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz tega člena.
(10) The entitlement under this Article shall be recognised subject to an authorisation of the tax authority, provided that the conditions referred to in this Article are met.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
Pristojna organa držav pogodbenic - če je to potrebno za uporabo sporazuma - drug drugega uradno obvestita o spremembah njunih davčnih zakonodaj.
The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall - if necessary for the application of the Agreement - notify each other of changes which have been made in their respective taxation laws.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se lahko izmenjani podatki zaradi preverjanja posredujejo ustreznim davčnim organom skladno z notranjo zakonodajo, in sicer:
The Contracting Parties agree that the exchanged data can be further transmitted for control purpose to the respective national tax authorities in accordance with their national legislation, as follows:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
b) se pristojni organ prve omenjene države strinja, da je pokojninski načrt skladen s pokojninskim načrtom, ki ga za davčne namene priznava ta država.
b) the competent authority of the first-mentioned State agrees that the pension plan corresponds to a pension plan recognized for tax purposes by that State.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
b) se pristojni organ prve omenjene države strinja, da je pokojninski načrt skladen s pokojninskim načrtom, ki ga za davčne namene priznava ta država.
and b) the competent authority of the first-mentioned State agrees that the pension plan corresponds to a pension plan recognized for tax purposes by that State.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) Predlaganje podatkov iz prvega odstavka tega člena davčnemu organu ter njihovo dajanje na razpolago v času nadzora določa zakon, ki ureja davčni postopek.
(2) Submission of the data referred to in the first paragraph of this Article to the tax authority and its presentation at the time of supervision shall be governed by the act regulating the tax procedure.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) Pristojni davčni organ lahko unovči garancijo, če prejemnik dividende ni razpolagal 24 mesecev z najnižjo udeležbo iz 1. točke prvega odstavka tega člena.
(3) The responsible tax authority may redeem the guarantee if the recipient of the dividend did not record the minimum participation referred to in point 1 of the first paragraph of this Article for 24 months.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da preprečevanje in odkrivanje carinskih in davčnih goljufij v Carinski uniji zahtevata tesno sodelovanje med carinskimi organi obeh držav članic,
CONSIDERING that preventing and detecting customs and tax fraud in the framework of the Customs Union requires close cooperation between the customs authorities of the two Member States,
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
Zavezanci, ki ugotavljajo davek na podlagi skupinskega davčnega obračuna v skladu z 200. členom Zakona o davčnem postopku (Uradni list RS, št. 18/96, 87/97, 35/98 - odl. US, 82/98, 91/98, 108/99, 37/01 - odl. US, 97/01 in 105/03 - odl. US) in je bila odobritev davčnega organa dana pred dnem začetka uporabe tega zakona lahko:
Taxable persons determining the tax on the basis of a group tax calculation subject to Article 200 of the Tax Procedure Act (Uradni list RS, Nos. 18/96, 87/97, 35/98 - CC ruling, 82/98, 91/98, 108/99, 37/01 - CC ruling, 97/01, and 105/03 - CC ruling) to whom the approval of the tax authority was granted prior to the date of application of this Act, may:
18 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Da bi preprečili kršitve predpisov iz carinskih in davčnih zakonov, si organi države gostiteljice in države pošiljateljice medsebojno pomagajo pri poizvedovanju in zbiranju dokazov.
In order to prevent offences against customs and fiscal laws regulations, the authorities of the receiving and of the sending States shall assist each other in the conduct of enquiries and the collection of evidence.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
Družbeniku, ki zamenja vrednostne papirje, se upravičenje po 36. do 40. členu tega zakona prizna na podlagi dovoljenja, ki ga izda davčni organ, če so izpolnjeni pogoji po 36. do 40. členu tega zakona.
The rights referred to in Articles 36 to 40 of this Act shall be recognised to a partner exchanging securities on the basis of an authorisation of the tax authority, provided that the conditions subject to Articles 36 to 40 of this Act are met.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(4) Za ustrezno bančno garancijo se šteje bančna garancija banke s sedežem v Sloveniji ali v državi članici EU, s katero se banka nepreklicno zavezuje, da bo na prvi poziv pristojnega davčnega organa ter brez ugovorov, na poseben račun davčnega organa izplačala vsoto iz drugega odstavka tega člena, z rokom veljavnosti do dneva izpolnitve pogoja glede časa trajanja udeležbe v skladu z 2. točko prvega odstavka tega člena.
(4) The adequate bank guarantee shall be a bank guarantee of a bank with a registered office in Slovenia or in an EU Member State, whereby the bank irrevocably undertakes, upon first call of the responsible tax authority and without objections, to pay to the tax authority` s special account the amount referred to in the second paragraph of this Article, with a validity period up to the day of meeting the condition relating to the duration of participation subject to point 2 of the first paragraph of this Article.
21 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
EU prav tako spodbuja nadaljnje zakonodajno usklajevanje zakona o uradu za preprečevanju korupcije in organiziranega kriminala (USKOK), vključno glede njegove trenutno omejene pristojnosti za primere davčnih goljufij.
The EU also encourages further legislative fine-tuning of the law on USKOK, including with regard to its currently limited competence for tax fraud cases.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Na zaprosilo pristojnega organa države prosilke pristojni organ zaprošene države lahko dovoli predstavnikom pristojnega organa države prosilke, da so navzoči pri ustreznem delu davčnega nadzora v zaprošeni državi.
1 At the request of the competent authority of the applicant State, the competent authority of the requested State may allow representatives of the competent authority of the applicant State to be present at the appropriate part of a tax examination in the requested State.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Vprašanja na podlagi tega člena lahko vključujejo na primer kapitalske vložke, navzkrižno subvencioniranje, nepovratna sredstva, jamstva, lastništvo, oprostitev davkov ali davčne izjeme katerih koli državnih organov.
Issues raised under this Article could include, for example, capital injections, cross-subsidization, grants, guarantees, ownership, relief or tax exemption, by any governmental entities.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
ob upoštevanju, da so se z razvojem mednarodnega pretoka oseb, kapitala, blaga in storitev? čeprav zelo koristnim? povečale možnosti izogibanja obdavčenju in utaje ter je zato potrebno večje sodelovanje med davčnimi organi,
Considering that the development of international movement of persons, capital, goods and services? although highly beneficial in itself? has increased the possibilities of tax avoidance and evasion and therefore requires increasing co-operation among tax authorities;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
V skladu s pravili in pod pogoji, ki jih določi Generalna skupščina, so generalni direktor Agencije in člani osebja Organizacije glede plač in honorarjev, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija, davčni zavezanci v korist Organizacije.
The Director General of the Agency and the Staff members of the Organisation shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation in accordance with the rules and conditions determined by the General Assembly.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Država prosilka uvede postopek v zvezi z ukrepi, sprejetimi po tej konvenciji, zlasti tistimi, ki se na področju izterjave nanašajo na obstoj ali znesek davčne terjatve ali njen izvršilni naslov, samo pri svojem ustreznem organu.
2 Proceedings relating to measures taken under this Convention by the applicant State, in particular those which, in the field of recovery, concern the existence or the amount of the tax claim or the instrument permitting its enforcement, shall be brought only before the appropriate body of that State.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
Prenosni družbi, družbi prejemnici in družbeniku prenosne družbe se upravičenja po 41. do 47. členu tega zakona priznajo na podlagi dovoljenja, ki ga izda davčni organ, če so izpolnjeni pogoji po 41. do 47. členu tega zakona.
The rights referred to in Articles 41 to 47 of this Act shall be recognised to the transferring company, the receiving company and the partner of the transferring company on the basis of an authorisation to be granted by the tax authority, provided that the conditions subject to Articles 41 to 47 of this Act are met.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
Kadar je davčna terjatev države pogodbenice izterljiva po zakonodaji te države, dolžnik pa takrat po zakonodaji te države izterjave ne more preprečiti, to davčno terjatev na zahtevo pristojnega organa te države sprejme v izterjavo pristojni organ druge države.
When a revenue claim of a Contracting State is enforceable under the laws of that State and is owed by a person who, at that time, cannot, under the laws of that State, prevent its collection, that revenue claim shall, at the request of the competent authority of that State, be accepted for purposes of collection by the competent authority of the other Contracting State.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-16
(a) spremlja in zbira podatke o čezmejni trgovini s tobačnimi izdelki, vključno z nezakonito trgovino, in po potrebi izmenjava podatke s carinskimi, davčnimi in drugimi organi v skladu s svojo zakonodajo in ustreznimi veljavnimi dvostranskimi ali večstranskimi sporazumi;
(a) monitor and collect data on cross-border trade in tobacco products, including illicit trade, and exchange information among customs, tax and other authorities, as appropriate, and in accordance with national law and relevant applicable bilateral or multilateral agreements;
30 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Službena vozila in stvari, ki pripadajo sili ali njenemu civilnemu delu in ne pripadniku te sile ali civilnega dela in so jih organi države gostiteljice zasegli v zvezi s kršitvijo njenih carinskih in davčnih zakonov ali predpisov, se izročijo ustreznim organom zadevne sile.
Service vehicles and articles belonging to a force or to its civilian component, and not to a member of such force or civilian component, seized by the authorities of the receiving State in connection with an offence against its customs or fiscal laws or regulations shall be handed over to the appropriate authorities of the force concerned.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
Kadar je davčna terjatev države pogodbenice taka, da ta država po svojem pravu lahko izvede ukrepe zavarovanja, s katerimi zagotovi izterjavo, to davčno terjatev na zahtevo pristojnega organa te države sprejme pristojni organ druge države zaradi izvedbe ukrepov zavarovanja.
When a revenue claim of a Contracting State is a claim in respect of which that State may, under its law, take measures of conservancy with a view to ensure its collection, that revenue claim shall, at the request of the competent authority of that State, be accepted for purposes of taking measures of conservancy by the competent authority of the other Contracting State.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
pri zahtevah po četrtem odstavku davčna terjatev prve države, za katero ta država po svoji zakonodaji lahko izvede ukrepe zavarovanja, da zagotovi izterjavo, pristojni organ prve države o tem takoj uradno obvesti pristojni organ druge države in glede na izbiro druge države prva država začasno ali trajno umakne svojo zahtevo.
in the case of a request under paragraph 4, a revenue claim of the first-mentioned State in respect of which that State may, under its laws, take measures of conservancy with a view to ensure its collection the competent authority of the first-mentioned State shall promptly notify the competent authority of the other State of that fact and, at the option of the other State, the first-mentioned State shall either suspend or withdraw its request.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
V Združenem kraljestvu se 20. člen uporablja v zvezi z nalogi o prestrezanju, ki jih minister izda policiji ali carinskemu in davčnemu organu Združenega kraljestva, kadar se v skladu z notranjim pravom o prestrezanju komunikacij kot namen naloga navede odkrivanje težjih kaznivih dejanj.
In the United Kingdom, Article 20 will apply in respect of interception warrants issued by the Secretary of State to the police service or HM Customs & Excise where, in accordance with national law on the interception of communications, the stated purpose of the warrant is the detection of serious crime.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Globo, sankcijo odvzema predmetov s plačilom denarnega zneska oziroma odvzem premoženjske koristi z odvzemom denarnega zneska in plačilo stroškov postopka, izrečenih z odločbo o prekršku prekrškovnega organa, izvrši pristojni davčni organ po določbah zakona, ki ureja prisilno izterjavo davkov.
(1) A fine, the sanction of seizure of items through the payment of a pecuniary amount or deprivation of a pecuniary advantage, and the payment of legal costs, imposed on the basis of a misdemeanour decision issued by the misdemeanour authority shall be executed by the competent tax authority pursuant to the provisions of the act governing the compulsory collection of taxes.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(1) Prenosni družbi in družbi prejemnici se upravičenja od 30. do 35. člena tega zakona priznajo na podlagi dovoljenja davčnega organa, če so izpolnjeni pogoji po teh členih in če prenosna družba obdrži prejete vrednostne papirje družbe prejemnice za obdobje najmanj 36 mesecev po prenosu dejavnosti.
(1) The rights referred to in Articles 30 to 35 of this Act shall be recognised to the transferring company and the receiving company on the basis of an authorisation of the tax authority, provided that the conditions subject to the said Articles are met and that the transferring company retains the received securities of the receiving company for a period of no less than 36 months following the transfer of activities.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Delodajalske organizacije si bodo prizadevale za odpravljanje ovir za ustvarjanje stabilnih ekonomskih, socialnih in delovnih razmer, ki bodo zagotavljale spoštovanje pravic zaposlenih pri neposrednih delodajalcih ter večjo finančno disciplino, zlasti s spoštovanjem davčnih in drugih finančnih predpisov.
Employers' organisations will strive to eliminate barriers for the creation of stable economic, social and working conditions in order to ensure that workers`rights are respected by the individual employers, ensure greater financial discipline and full implementation of tax legislation and other financial rules,
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
(2) Ob prenehanju družbe ali če za dejavnost družbe prenehajo veljati davčne ugodnosti, se sredstva družbe, ki presegajo znesek vplačanih osnovnih deležev delničarjev in pošteno tržno vrednost nedenarnih kapitalskih vložkov delničarjev, prenesejo na GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, ki sredstva neposredno porabi izključno za dejavnosti v javnem interesu, ali jih po posvetovanju z nemškimi davčnimi organi nameni drugi družbi, za katero veljajo davčne ugodnosti, ali drugi pravni osebi javnega prava za znanstveni in raziskovalni namen.
(2) In the event of the Company's dissolution or its objects ceasing to be tax-privileged, its assets, to the extent that their value exceeds the paid-up capital shares of the Shareholders and the fair market value of the non-cash capital contributions of the Shareholders, shall be transferred to the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, which shall use the assets directly and exclusively for public-benefit objects, or, following consultation with the German tax authorities, to another tax-privileged corporation or public-law entity, for the use of science and research.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-111
Svet je sklenil, da se z navodilom Europolu pri obravnavi ` goljufije` kot oblike kaznivega dejanja, navedene v prilogi h Konvenciji o Europolu, in sicer glede davčnih utaj in carinskih goljufij, dodeli pristojnost samo na področju izboljšanja učinkovitosti in sodelovanja pristojnih organov držav članic, ki so odgovorni za delovanje sistema kazenskega pregona, in ne njihovih organov, ki so odgovorni za pobiranje davkov in carinskih dajatev.
The Council declared that the instruction of Europol to deal with `` fraud` as one of the forms of crime referred to in the Annex to the Europol Convention confers, as far as tax fraud and customs fraud is concerned, competences to Europol only in the field of improvement of the effectiveness and cooperation of the competent authorities of the Member States responsible for the functioning of the criminal law enforcement system and not their authorities responsible for ensuring the levying of taxes and customs duties.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) Prejemnik, ki še ne izpolnjuje pogoja iz 2. točke prvega odstavka tega člena, izpolnjuje pa druge pogoje iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena, lahko izvzame dividende iz davčne osnove po prvem ali drugem odstavku tega člena pod pogojem, da izroči pristojnemu davčnemu organu ustrezno bančno garancijo za znesek davka, ki bi ga moral plačati, če jih ne bi izvzel.
(3) A recipient who, although not yet meeting the condition referred to in point 2 of the first paragraph of this Article, meets the other conditions referred to in the first or second paragraph of this Article may exclude the dividends from the tax basis subject to the first or second paragraph of this Article, provided that an adequate bank guarantee for the tax amount which he must have paid if the dividends were not excluded is submitted to the responsible tax authority.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) Dividenda, ki je izplačana osebi, ki še ne izpolnjuje pogoja 24 mesecev po 2. točki prvega odstavka tega člena, sicer pa izpolnjuje pogoje iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se lahko izplača brez odtegljaja davka, če izplačevalec dividende ali posrednik, za zavarovanje izpolnitve morebitne davčne obveznosti, izroči ustrezno bančno garancijo pristojnemu davčnemu organu.
(2) A dividend paid out to a person who has not yet met the condition of 24 months subject to point 2 of the first paragraph of this Article but, however, meets the conditions referred to in the first paragraph of this Article may be paid out without withholding tax provided that the payer of the dividend or a mediator provides an appropriate bank guarantee, in order to secure the meeting of a possible tax liability, to the responsible tax authority.
41 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
Hrvaška dodatno okrepi operativno zmogljivost USKOK, med drugim z razširitvijo njegovih pooblastil na področje davčnih goljufij, povezanih z kaznivimi dejanji organiziranega kriminala in korupcije, izboljšanjem finančnega strokovnega znanja in zagotovitvijo zadostnega usposabljanja ter sredstev glede na novo vlogo, ki jo bo urad imel v obtožnem sistemu, vzpostavljenem julija 2009;
Croatia further reinforces the operational capacity of USKOK, including by extending its remit to tax fraud linked to organised crime and corruption offences, improving financial expertise and ensuring sufficient training and resources in view of its new role in the accusatorial system introduced in July 2009;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
Če je subjekt, ki se za davčne namene obravnava kot korporacija, dolžan plačevati davke v državi pogodbenici, vendar je dohodek tega subjekta obdavčen v drugi državi pogodbenici kot dohodek imetnikov deleža v tem subjektu, pristojna organa sprejmeta take ukrepe, da po eni strani ni dvojnega obdavčevanja, po drugi strani pa preprečita, da samo zaradi uporabe konvencije dohodek ne ostane (delno) neobdavčen.
In case an entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes is liable as such to tax in a Contracting State, but the income of that entity is taxed in the other Contracting State as income of the participants in that entity, the competent authorities shall take such measures that on the one hand no double taxation remains, but on the other hand it is prevented that merely as a result of application of the Convention income is (partly) not subject to tax.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(h) v skladu z razmerami v svoji državi izvaja in nadalje pripravlja politike in ukrepe, kot so postopno zmanjševanje ali odprava tržnih pomanjkljivosti, davčne spodbude, oprostitev plačila davkov in carinskih dajatev ter subvencije v vseh sektorjih, v katerih nastajajo emisije žvepla, dušikovih oksidov, amonijaka in hlapnih organskih spojin, ki so v nasprotju s cilji protokola, in uporablja tržne instrumente ter
(h) Implement and further elaborate policies and measures in accordance with its national circumstances, such as the progressive reduction or phasing-out of market imperfections, fiscal incentives, tax and duty exemptions and subsidies in all sectors that emit sulphur, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and volatile organic compounds which run counter to the objective of the Protocol, and apply market instruments; and
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delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(6) Za ustrezno bančno garancijo se šteje bančna garancija banke s sedežem v Sloveniji ali v državi članici EU, s katero se banka nepreklicno zavezuje, da bo na prvi poziv pristojnega davčnega organa ter brez ugovorov, davčnemu organu izplačala znesek davka iz tretjega odstavka tega člena, z rokom veljavnosti do dneva izpolnitve pogoja glede časa trajanja udeležbe v skladu z 2. točko prvega odstavka tega člena.
(6) The adequate bank guarantee shall be a bank guarantee of a bank with a registered office in Slovenia or in an EU Member State, whereby the bank irrevocably undertakes, upon first call of the responsible tax authority and without objections, to pay to the tax authority the amount of the tax referred to in the third paragraph of this Article, with a validity period up to the day of meeting the condition relating to the duration of participation subject to point 2 of the first paragraph of this Article.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
d) oprostitev plačila davka na dohodek, če so plače in drugi prejemki, ki jih plačuje organizacija, obdavčeni v korist organizacije; države članice pa imajo pravico te plače in druge prejemke upoštevati pri določanju višine davka, ki se zaračunava na dohodke iz drugih virov; državam članicam ni treba odobriti te davčne oprostitve za odškodnine in pokojnine ter rente za nepreskrbljene družinske člane, ki jih organizacija izplačuje nekdanjim članom svojega osebja ali drugim ustreznim upravičencem;
d) exemption from national income tax, subject to the introduction for the benefit of the Organisation of an internal tax on salaries, wages and other emoluments paid by the Organisation; nevertheless the Member States may take these salaries, wages and emoluments into account for the purpose of assessing the amount of tax to be charged on income from other sources; Member States shall not be obliged to apply this exemption from tax to payments, retirement pensions and survivor's pensions paid by the Organisation to its former members of staff or their assigns;
46 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-123
1.1 Glede na to, da je reforma javnih financ, katere cilj je posodobiti sistem pobiranja javnih prihodkov, upravljanja in izplačevanja proračunskih sredstev, vključno z organizacijo carinske in davčne uprave, in postopke izvajanja javnih naročil, izjemnega pomena za prihodnji gospodarski razvoj na državni in regionalni ravni, sta se pogodbenici dogovorili za strokovno pomoč, ki jo Vlada Republike Slovenije zagotavlja Vladi Republike Makedonije.
Considering that public finance reforms, aiming at updating the system of collecting, managing and disbursing public finance, including the design of the Customs and Tax Administrations and public procurement procedures, are of exceptional importance for future economic development at the national and regional level; the contracting parties hereto have agreed on technical assistance, provided by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Ne glede na davčne oprostitve, določene v 22. in 23. členu konvencije, vlade držav članic Organizacije v primerih, kadar Organizacija pri opravljanju svojih uradnih dejavnosti pridobi premoženje večje vrednosti ali naroči storitve večje vrednosti, glede katerih so plačane oziroma se plačujejo posredne dajatve, davščine ali pristojbine (skupaj s takšnimi dajatvami, davščinami in drugimi obveznostmi glede uvoza, ki niso zajete s prvim odstavkom 23. člena konvencije), kadar koli je to mogoče, ustrezno ukrepajo za finančno razbremenitev Organizacije glede plačila takšnih dajatev, davščin ali pristojbin bodisi z ustrezno prilagoditvijo finančnih prispevkov Organizaciji bodisi z odpustom ali povračilom zneskov teh davščin, dajatev ali pristojbin Organizaciji.
Without prejudice to the exonerations provided for in Articles 22 and 23 of the Convention, when the Organisation in the exercise of its official activities makes substantial acquisitions of property or employs services of substantial value in respect of which indirect duties, taxes or charges (including such duties, taxes or charges levied on importation other than those referred to in Article 23.1 of the Convention) have been paid or are payable, the Governments of the Member States shall, whenever possible, take appropriate action to offset the effect on the Organisation of such duties, taxes or charges by means of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation or by means of remission or of reimbursement to the Organisation of the amount of the duties, taxes or charges.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Da bi določili poročevalske enote, odgovorne za posredovanje informacij iz člena 7, ter preverjali posredovane informacije, pristojni davčni organi v vsaki državi članici posredujejo nacionalnemu organu:
In order to identify the parties responsible for providing information referred to in Article 7 and to check the information which is provided, the tax administration responsible in each Member State shall furnish the national authority:
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
kazni in penalov ter stroškov, ki jih naložijo davčni organi v zvezi s pobiranjem ali izterjavo, ki se ne zajemajo skupaj z davki, na katere se nanašajo, razen če jih ni mogoče razmejiti od samih davkov(prim. ESR 95, 4.133);
fines and penalties and the costs imposed in connection with collection and recovery should not be recorded with the taxes to which they relate, unless they cannot be distinguished from them (cf. ESA 95, 4.133);
50 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Nacionalni organ obravnava te informacije v skladu s pravili davčne uprave.
This information shall be treated by the national authority in accordance with the rules applied to it by the tax administration.
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davčni organi