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deklaracija proizvajalca
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
deklaracija proizvajalca opreme potrjuje njen natančni izvor in da upravičenec za to opremo še ni prejel državne pomoči ali pomoči Skupnosti;
a declaration by the seller of the equipment confirms its exact origin and that the equipment has not already been the subject of national or Community assistance;
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
deklaracija proizvajalca opreme potrjuje njen natančni izvor in da upravičenec za to opremo še ni prejel državne pomoči ali pomoči Skupnosti;
a declaration by the seller of the equipment confirms its exact origin and that the equipment has not already been the subject of national or Community assistance;
3 Končna redakcija
ker je zato treba prilagoditi nekatere simbole, ki se uporabljajo, in pojasniti posamezne zahteve za simbole in znake, ki jih je treba uporabljati pri navajanju predpisanih oznak na deklaracijski tablici proizvajalca;
Whereas to this end it is necessary to adapt certain symbols used and to clarify certain requirements concerning the symbols and characters to be used for the indication of the statutory markings on the manufacturer's data plate;
4 Pravna redakcija
Priglasitev deklaracije proizvajalca ali dobavitelja
Notification of the manufacturer's or supplier's declaration
5 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici bosta medsebojno priznavali deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti, kakor zahteva zakonodaja posamezne pogodbenice.
Both Parties agree to recognise each other's suppliers declarations of compliance, as required under their respective legislation.
6 Pravna redakcija
Spodnje točke opisujejo postopek preverjanja skladnosti proizvodnih zahtev glede CO 2, če je standardni odklon po deklaraciji proizvajalca zadovoljiv.
The following sections describe the procedure to be used to verify the CO2 conformity of production requirements when the manufacturer's production standard deviation is satisfactory.
7 Pravna redakcija
Agencija po prejemu mnenja Svetovalnega odbora določi in objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti rok, do katerega, in obdobje, za katero morajo uporabniki in proizvajalci Agenciji dostaviti deklaracije iz členov 1 in 2.
The Agency shall, after obtaining the Opinion of the Advisory Committee, fix and publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities the time limit within which, and the period in respect of which, users and producers must forward to the Agency the declarations referred to in Articles 1 and 2.
8 Pravna redakcija
Da bi se izognili podvajanju postopkov, kadar se zahteve Švice in Skupnosti štejejo za enakovredne, Skupnost in Švica vzajemno sprejmeta poročila, potrdila in dovoljenja, ki jih izdajajo organi, našteti v Prilogi 1, in deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti, ki potrjujejo skladnost z njunimi zahtevami na področjih, ki jih pokriva člen 3. Poročila, potrdila, dovoljenja in deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti navajajo skladnost z zakonodajo Skupnosti.
In order to avoid duplication of procedures when Swiss and Community requirements are deemed equivalent, the Community and Switzerland shall mutually accept reports, certificates and authorisations issued by the bodies listed in Annex 1 and manufacturer's declarations of conformity certifying conformity to their respective requirements in the areas covered by Article 3. Reports, certificates, authorisations and manufacturer's declarations of conformity shall in particular indicate conformity with the Community legislation.
9 Pravna redakcija
Ko se telekomunikacijska oprema iz člena 3 Direktive 98/13/ES da na trg v eni od pogodbenic, mora odgovorna oseba predložiti deklaracijo proizvajalca ali dobavitelja priglašenemu organu pogodbenice, kjer je oprema prvič dana na trg.
When placing on the market of one of the Parties the telecommunications equipment referred to in Article 3 of Directive 98/13/EC, the person responsible shall notify the manufacturer's or supplier's declaration to the notified body of the Party where the equipment is first placed on the market.
10 Pravna redakcija
Po prejemu vseh deklaracij, oddanih na podlagi členov 1 in 2 te uredbe, Agencija z okrožnico sporoči uporabnikom in proizvajalcem v Skupnosti informacije o splošnih podatkih in razvoju trga, ter po potrebi tudi o dobavnih in prodajnih možnostih v tretjih državah.
When in possession of all the declarations made under Articles 1 and 2 of this Regulation the Agency shall, by means of a circular, communicate to users and. producers in the Community information on general data and market trends, and also, where appropriate, on supply potential and possible outlets in third countries.
11 Pravna redakcija
ker mora Agencija za izvajanje svojih dejavnosti v skladu z načeli iz člena 52 Pogodbe za vsak izdelek in na podlagi deklaracij, v katerih so zajete ocenjene potrebe uporabnikov in ocenjene razpoložljive količine za dobavo proizvajalcev, v celoti poznati razmere na trgu;
Whereas, in order to carry out its duties in accordance with the principles set out in Article 52 of. the Treaty, the Agency must, in respect of each product and on the basis of declarations covering users'. estimated requirements and producers' estimated available supplies, have a complete knowledge of the situation on the market;
12 Pravna redakcija
Skupnost in Švica se strinjata, da bosta zagotovili vzajemno sprejetje poročil, potrdil, dovoljenj in znakov skladnosti, ki jih izdajajo organi, našteti v Prilogi 1, in deklaracij proizvajalcev o skladnosti, ki potrjujejo skladnost z zahtevami druge pogodbenice na področjih, ki jih pokriva člen 3.
The Community and Switzerland hereby grant mutual acceptance of reports, certificates, authorisations and conformity marks issued by the bodies listed in Annex 1 and of the manufacturer's declarations of conformity certifying conformity to the requirements of the other Party in the areas covered by Article 3.
13 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici še naprej priznavata poročila, potrdila, dovoljenja in znake skladnosti ter deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti, ki so bili izdani v skladu s tem sporazumom in pred iztekom njegove veljavnosti, pod pogojem, da je bil zahtevek za začetek preverjanja skladnosti podan pred obvestilom o nepodaljšanju ali odpovedi.
The Parties shall continue to recognise reports, certificates, authorisations and conformity marks and manufacturers' declarations of conformity issued in accordance with, and prior to the expiry of, this Agreement, provided that the request for conformity evaluation to be started was made before the notice of non-renewal or denunciation was given.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2236
Kadar se nepredelani škrob, ki ga je proizvedlo podjetje za proizvodnjo škroba, skladišči za izvoz v silosu, skladišču ali zabojniku zunaj tovarne proizvajalca v državi članici proizvodnje ali kateri koli drugi državi članici, v kateri se hkrati skladišči tudi nepredelani škrob, ki so ga proizvedla druga podjetja ali isto podjetje, tako da tako skladiščenih proizvodov ni mogoče fizično razlikovati, so do sprejema izvozne deklaracije iz člena 12(1)(b) vsi takšni proizvodi pod upravnim nadzorom, ki daje enaka jamstva kakor carinske službe, takoj po sprejemu izvozne deklaracije pa pod carinskim nadzorom.
When the unprocessed starch produced by a starch-producing undertaking is stored for export in a silo, warehouse or bin outside the factory of the manufacturer in the Member State of production, or in any other Member State, where other unprocessed starch produced by other undertakings or by the same one is also stored so that the products so stored cannot be physically distinguished, all such products shall be placed under administrative supervision offering guarantees equivalent to those of the customs services until the export declaration referred to in Article 12(1)(b) has been accepted, and shall be placed under customs supervision as soon as the declaration is accepted.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
Poročila, potrdila, dovoljenja in deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti navajajo skladnost z zakonodajo Skupnosti.
Reports, certificates, authorisations and manufacturer's declarations of conformity shall in particular indicate conformity with the Community legislation.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0077
pri tem se upošteva največjo dovoljeno moč, ki jo pri temu tipu motorja po deklaraciji proizvajalca absorbira oprema, ki jo poganja motor.
the maximum permissible power absorbed by engine-driven equipment, declared by the manufacturer to be applicable to the engine type, shall be taken into account.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
glede elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) - medsebojno priznavanje certifikatov skladnosti, deklaracij proizvajalcev in tehnične projektne dokumentacije v skladu s potrebami.
for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - the recognition of each other's certificates of compliance, suppliers' declaration and technical construction file, as required.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Ko se telekomunikacijska oprema iz člena 3(1) Direktive 98/13/ES da na trg v eni od pogodbenic, mora odgovorna oseba predložiti deklaracijo proizvajalca ali dobavitelja priglašenemu organu pogodbenice, kjer je oprema prvič dana na trg.
When placing on the market of one of the Parties the telecommunications equipment referred to in Article 3(1) of Directive 98/13/EC, the person responsible shall notify the manufacturer's or supplier's declaration to the notified body of the Party where the equipment is first placed on the market.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Da bi se izognili podvajanju postopkov, kadar se zahteve Švice in Skupnosti štejejo za enakovredne, Skupnost in Švica vzajemno sprejmeta poročila, potrdila in dovoljenja, ki jih izdajajo organi, našteti v Prilogi 1, in deklaracije proizvajalcev o skladnosti, ki potrjujejo skladnost z njunimi zahtevami na področjih, ki jih pokriva člen 3.
In order to avoid duplication of procedures when Swiss and Community requirements are deemed equivalent, the Community and Switzerland shall mutually accept reports, certificates and authorisations issued by the bodies listed in Annex 1 and manufacturer's declarations of conformity certifying conformity to their respective requirements in the areas covered by Article 3.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R3892
Kadar se sladkor C ali izoglukoza C zaradi izvoza skladišči v silosu, skladišču ali cisterni zunaj proizvajalčeve tovarne, v državi članici proizvodnje ali v drugi državi članici, kjer se skladišči tudi drug sladkor ali izoglukoza drugih proizvajalcev ali istega proizvajalca, in sicer tako, da med njimi ni možno fizično razlikovati, mora biti do sprejetja izvozne deklaracije iz člena 1(1)(b) ves tako skladiščeni sladkor ali izoglukoza pod upravnim nadzorom, ki zagotavlja enakovredna jamstva kakor carinski nadzor, in od trenutka navedenega sprejetja pod carinskim nadzorom.
Where the C sugar or the C isoglucose produced by a manufacturer is stored, with a view to its export, in a silo, warehouse or tank located in a place outside the factory of the manufacturer, in the Member State of production or in another Member State, and in which are stored other sugars or isoglucose produced by other manufacturers or by the manufacturer in question, without it being possible to distinguish physically between them, all of the sugars or the isoglucose so stored must be placed under an administrative control providing equivalent guarantees to those of customs control until the acceptance of the export declaration referred to in Article 1 (1) (b) and to be kept under customs control as from the moment of the said acceptance.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0158
Če se sladkor C, izoglukoza C ali inulinski sladkor C skladišči za izvoz v silosu, skladišču ali cisterni zunaj proizvajalčeve tovarne, v državi članici proizvodnje ali drugi državi članici, kjer se skladišči drug sladkor ali izoglukoza ali inulinski sirupi, ki so jih proizvedli drugi proizvajalci ali zadevni proizvajalec, ne da bi jih bilo mogoče fizično razločevati, mora biti ves tako skladiščeni sladkor, izoglukoza ali inulinski sirupi pod upravnim nadzorom, ki zagotavlja jamstva, enakovredna carinskemu nadzoru, do sprejetja izvozne deklaracije iz člena 1(1)(b) in pod carinskim nadzorom od trenutka navedenega sprejetja.
Where the C sugar, C isoglucose or C inulin syrup produced by a manufacturer is stored, with a view to its export, in a silo, warehouse or tank located in a place outside the factory of the manufacturer, in the Member State of production or in another Member State, in which are stored other sugars or isoglucose or inulin syrups produced by other manufacturers or by the manufacturer in question, without it being possible to distinguish physically between them, all of the sugars, isoglucose or inulin syrups so stored must be placed under an administrative control providing equivalent guarantees to those of customs control until the acceptance of the export declaration referred to in Article 1 (1) (b) and be kept under customs control as from the moment of the said acceptance.
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deklaracija proizvajalca