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denarni zahtevek
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Denarni zahtevek kot je potrjen
Monetary claim as certified
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se tožbeni zahtevek ne nanaša na denarni znesek, pa tožeča stranka v tožbi navede, da je pripravljena namesto izpolnitve zahtevka sprejeti določen denarni znesek, se vzame kot vrednost spornega predmeta ta znesek.
If in the action raising a non-monetary claims the plaintiff declares their willingness to accept a certain sum of money in lieu of satisfying the claim, such sum shall be considered as the amount in dispute.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Spori majhne vrednosti so po določbah tega poglavja spori, v katerih se tožbeni zahtevek nanaša na denarno terjatev, ki ne presega 200.000 tolarjev.
For purposes of the present Chapter, a small claim dispute shall denote a dispute on a monetary claim where the amount of dispute does not exceed 200,000 tolars.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
V postopku v gospodarskih sporih so spori majhne vrednosti spori, v katerih se tožbeni zahtevek nanaša na denarno terjatev, ki ne presega 500.000 tolarjev.
In commercial litigations, small claims shall deem to comprise any claim wherein the amount in dispute does not exceed 500,000 tolars.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
V drugih primerih, ko se tožbeni zahtevek ne nanaša na denarni znesek, je odločilna vrednost spornega predmeta, ki jo je tožeča stranka navedla v tožbi.
In other non-monetary claims, the amount in dispute shall be defined as the amount stated by the plaintiff in action..
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Kadar se tožbeni zahtevek nanaša na zapadlo denarno terjatev in je ta terjatev dokazana z verodostojno listino, ki je priložena tožbi v izvirniku ali overjenem prepisu, izda sodišče toženi stranki nalog, naj izpolni tožbeni zahtevek (plačilni nalog).
When a monetary claim is supported by an authentic document the original or a certified copy of which is enclosed with the action, the court shall order the defendant to satisfy the claim (payment order):-
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-64
Če banka da zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti posojilojemalke po finančni pogodbi, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
In the event of the Bank making demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance Contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-21
3.04 Če banka da zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti kreditojemalca iz finančne pogodbe, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
3.04 In the event of the Bank making a demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance Contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-22
3.04 Če banka poda zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti kreditojemalca iz finančne pogodbe, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
3.04 In the event of the Bank making demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance Contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
3.04 Če banka poda zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v Finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti posojilojemalca po Finančni pogodbi, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
3.04 In the event of the bank making demand, the guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the finance contract, all the monetary obligations of the borrower under the finance contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
3.04 Če banka poda zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v Finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti posojilojemalca po Finančni pogodbi, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
3.04 In the event of the Bank making demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Če se zaprosilo za odvzem nanaša na določen del premoženja, se lahko pogodbenici dogovorita, da zaprošena pogodbenica izvrši odvzem v obliki zahteve za plačilo denarnega zneska, ki ustreza vrednosti premoženja.
4 If a request for confiscation concerns a specific item of property, the Parties may agree that the requested Party may enforce the confiscation in the form of a requirement to pay a sum of money corresponding to the value of the property.
13 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
Statusni partner mora vrednost izplačati najkasneje v treh letih od dneva zahteve, z obrestmi po obrestni meri, po kateri se obrestujejo bančni denarni depoziti na vpogled, pri čemer morajo biti ustrezno zavarovane terjatve upnikov statusnega partnerja.
The equity partner must pay out such value no later than within three years of the day of the request, with interest added according to the interest rate payable on bank cash sight deposits, where the claims of creditors on the equity partner must be appropriately protected.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se tožbeni zahtevek ne nanaša na denarni znesek in je pristojnost ali pravica do revizije odvisna od vrednosti spornega predmeta, tožeča stranka pa v tožbi ne navede vrednosti spornega predmeta, ravna sodišče po določbah 108. člena, ki veljajo za nepopolne vloge.
In the non-monetary claims where the subject-matter jurisdiction or the right to revision depend on the amount in dispute which the plaintiff has failed to state, the court shall act pursuant to provisions of Article 108 governing the proceedings with incomplete pleadings.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Za spore majhne vrednosti se štejejo tudi spori, v katerih se tožbeni zahtevek ne nanaša na denarno terjatev, tožeča stranka pa je v tožbi navedla, da je pripravljena namesto izpolnitve določenega zahtevka sprejeti denarni znesek, ki ne presega zneska iz prvega odstavka tega člena (prvi odstavek 44. člena).
Small claims litigations shall also involve disputes on non-monetary claims in respect of which the plaintiff has declared his willingness to accept, instead of satisfaction the claim, a sum of money which does not exceed 500,000 tolars (first paragraph of Article 44).
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Kot spori majhne vrednosti se štejejo tudi spori, v katerih se tožbeni zahtevek ne nanaša na denarno terjatev, tožeča stranka pa je v tožbi navedla, da je pripravljena namesto izpolnitve določenega zahtevka sprejeti denarni znesek, ki ne presega zneska iz prvega odstavka tega člena (prvi odstavek 44. člena).
Small claims disputes shall also include disputes on non-monetary claims in respect of which the plaintiff has declared his willingness to accept, in instead of satisfaction the claim, a sum of money not exceeding 200,000 tolars (first paragraph of Article 44).
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Kadar se tožbeni zahtevek nanaša na zapadlo denarno terjatev, ki ne presega 200.000 tolarjev, izda sodišče plačilni nalog zoper toženo stranko, čeprav tožbi niso priložene verodostojne listine, so pa v njej navedeni podlaga in višina dolga ter dokazi, s katerimi se lahko ugotovi resničnost tožbenih navedb.
In claims providing for payment of due sum of money not exceeding 200,000 tolars, the court shall issue a payment order against the defendant even though the action does not contain an authentic document, but does allege the legal basis and the amount of debt, adducing also the evidence to determine the truth such allegations.
18 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-0192-2009-1
Če banka da zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti kreditojemalca iz finančne pogodbe, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
In the event of the Bank making a demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance Contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
19 Končna redakcija
Za prejemanje denarnih dajatev razen pokojnin v skladu s členom 52(b) uredbe delavec v treh dneh po nastopu nezmožnosti za delo vloži zahtevek pri nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča in predloži obvestilo o prenehanju dela, ali če tako določa zakonodaja, ki jo izvaja pristojni nosilec ali nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča, spričevalo o nezmožnosti za delo, ki ga je izdal lečeči zdravnik zadevnega delavca.
In order to draw cash benefits other than pensions under Article 52 (b) of the Regulation, a worker shall, within three days from the commencement of incapacity for work, apply to the institution of the place of residence by submitting a notification of having ceased work or, if the legislation administered by the competent institution or by the institution of the place of residence so provides, a certificate of incapacity for work issued by the doctor treating the worker concerned.
20 Pravna redakcija
(v) lahko zaradi brezposelnost vloži zahtevek za denarne prejemke iz naslova zavarovanja druge države, za katero velja Uredba, ali če take prejemke prejema;
(v) he can establish a claim, due to unemployment, to cash benefits from the unemployment insurance of another State to which this Regulation applies or if he receives such a benefit;
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Ni nikakršne zahteve, da bi bilo treba denarna sredstva izkoristiti le za izvoz, prodajo ali proizvodnjo izdelka, za katerega je bila izračunana višina odobrenega kredita.
There is no requirement that the cash must be used to benefit only the export, sale or production of the product for which the credit amount was calculated.
22 Pravna redakcija
lahko zaradi brezposelnosti vloži zahtevek za denarne dajatve iz naslova zavarovanja za brezposelnost druge države, v kateri se uporablja Uredba, ali če take dajatve prejema;
he can establish a claim, due to unemployment, to cash benefits from the unemployment insurance of another State to which this Regulation applies or if he receives such a benefit;
23 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Razen zahteve po predložitvi zadostnega ustreznega finančnega premoženja za zavarovanje terjatve, ni omejitve glede denarnega zneska, ki se odobri v okviru odprte ponudbe mejnega posojanja.
Apart from the requirement to present sufficient underlying eligible assets, there is no limit to the amount of funds to be advanced under the marginal lending facility.
24 Pravna redakcija
Razen če organi države članice, katere državljan je prosilec, izrecno ne zavrnejo zahteve, se mora prosilec zavezati, da bo povrnil polno vrednost denarnega posojila in nastale stroške, kadar je to potrebno, pa tudi konzularno pristojbino, ki jo uradno sporočijo pristojni organi.
Unless the authorities of the Member State of the applicant's nationality expressly waive this requirement, the applicant must undertake to repay the full value of any financial advance or help and expenditure incurred plus, where applicable, a consular fee notified by the competent authorities.
25 Pravna redakcija
zahtevek, ki ga vloži država članica v skladu s točko (a) tega odstavka, se upošteva v takem obsegu, da vsota prejetega zneska in zneska, priglašenega v skladu s členom 16(1)(a), ne preseže 75 % celotnega denarnega zneska, dodeljenega tej državi članici z Odločbo 2000/503/ES.
a request made by a Member State in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph shall be accepted to the extent that the sum of the amount accepted and the amount notified under Article 16(l)(a) does not exceed 75 % of the total financial amount allocated to that Member State by Decision 2000/503/EC.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
Države stranke si morajo na vse razumne načine prizadevati, da bi podprle zahteve Podjetja po posojilih na denarnih trgih ali od mednarodnih finančnih ustanov.
States Parties shall make every reasonable effort to support applications by the enterprise for loans on capital markets and from international financial institutions.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2423
Brez poseganja v odstopanja iz člena 2(2) lahko NCB skladom denarnega trga (SDT) odobrijo odstopanja glede poročanja o prevrednotovalnih prilagoditvah, pri čemer odpravijo vse zahteve, da SDT poročajo o prevrednotovalni prilagoditvi.
Without prejudice to the derogation in Article 2(2), NCBs may grant a derogation in respect of the reporting of revaluation adjustments to money market funds (MMFs), removing from the MMFs any requirement to report the revaluation adjustment.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
dodatna razkritja, če zahteve v mednarodnih računovodskih standardih ne zadostujejo za to, da bi bilo uporabnikom omogočeno razumevanje vpliva posameznih poslov ali drugih poslovnih dogodkov na finančni položaj podjetja in njegove denarno izražene dosežke.
providing additional disclosures when the requirements in International Accounting Standards are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions or events on the enterprise's financial position and financial performance.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2423
Treba je razširiti mesečne zahteve, da bi zagotovili mesečne razčlenitve obveznosti iz naslova vlog po podsektorjih in nadalje po zapadlosti/valuti in razčlenitve posojil po podsektorjih/zapadlosti ter namenu, ker te razčlenitve veljajo kot bistvene za namene denarne politike.
It is necessary to expand the monthly requirements to provide a monthly breakdown of deposit liabilities by subsector and further by maturity/currency and of loans by subsector/maturity and purpose as these breakdowns are considered essential for monetary policy purposes.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0116
Odbor deluje v tesnem sodelovanju z Odborom za statistični program in Odborom za denarno, finančno in bilančno statistiko, ustanovljenim s Sklepom 91/115/EGS6, ki jima v vednost pošilja svoja mnenja in poročila, zlasti če zadevajo zahteve, ki vključujejo novo statistično delo.
It shall work in close cooperation with the Statistical Programme Committee and the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics set up by Decision 91/115/EEC (6), to which it shall send, for information purposes, its opinions and reports, principally in so far as requests which imply new statistical works are concerned.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1253
zahtevek, ki ga vloži država članica v skladu s točko (a) tega odstavka, se upošteva v takem obsegu, da vsota prejetega zneska in zneska, priglašenega v skladu s členom 16(1)(a), ne preseže 75 % celotnega denarnega zneska, dodeljenega tej državi članici z Odločbo 2000/503/ES.
a request made by a Member State in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph shall be accepted to the extent that the sum of the amount accepted and the amount notified under Article 16(1)(a) does not exceed 75 % of the total financial amount allocated to that Member State by Decision 2000/503/EC.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0197
Če v času odobritve zahtevka ni predviden poziv za plačilo prispevkov ali če odobreni zahtevek za povračilo presega višino pričakovanega prispevka, upravitelj izplača znesek povračila v roku 30 dni ob upoštevanju stanja razpoložljivosti denarnih sredstev ATHENE in potreb po financiranju skupnih stroškov zadevne operacije.
If no call for contributions is anticipated when the request is approved, or if the approved request for reimbursement would exceed the anticipated contribution, the administrator shall make payment of the amount to be reimbursed within 30 days, taking account of ATHENA's cash flow and of what is needed to finance the common costs of the operation concerned.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2531
ker je sistem za nalaganje obveznih rezerv, da bi bil učinkovit kot instrument za izvajanje upravljanja denarnega trga in nalog monetarnega nadzora, treba organizirati tako, da ima ECB možnost in prožnost nalagati zahteve po rezervah v okviru in odvisno od spreminjajočih se ekonomskih in finančnih pogojev v sodelujočih državah članicah;
Whereas, in order to be effective as an instrument for the performance of money market management and monetary control functions, the system for the imposition of minimum reserves needs to be structured so that the ECB has the ability and flexibility to impose reserve requirements within the context of, and dependent upon, changing economic and financial conditions among participating Member States;
34 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Če naloži sodišče s sklepom o izvršbi dolžniku plačevanje občasnih dajatev, ki zapadejo v določenih časovnih presledkih v enem letu od dneva vložitve predloga (denarna renta zaradi zmanjšanja življenjske aktivnosti, zaradi zmanjšanja oziroma izgube delovne zmožnosti, ali zaradi smrti tistega, ki je preživnino dajal, preživnina idr.) plačuje dolžnikov dolžnik te dajatve brez ponovne zahteve po njihovi zapadlosti.
If under a decree for execution a debtor is ordered to make periodic payments which fall due in time intervals during a period of one year after the lodging of the decree for execution (payments such as life annuity for the loss of enjoyment of life, the loss or impairment of capacity to work, or the death of the person providing maintenance, maintenance itself, etc.), the debtor's debtor shall execute such payments upon their respective maturity, without the creditor having to file another application for execution.
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denarni zahtevek