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diagram nadzora
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
Pri približevanju večjim križiščem (posebno nadzorovanim križiščem), kjer širina zadostuje za dve ali več kolon vozil, naj bodo prometni pasovi označeni tako, kot je prikazano na diagramu 2 in 3. Takrat se lahko črte, ki označujejo prometne pasove, dopolnijo z označbami iz puščic (glej devetintrideseti odstavek te priloge).
At the approaches to major intersections (especially intersections where traffic is controlled), where the width is sufficient for two or more lines of vehicles, traffic lanes should be marked as shown in diagrams 2 and 3. In such cases, the lines marking the lanes may be supplemented with arrow markings (see paragraph 39 of this Annex).
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
V tem oddelku zahtevani podatki se lahko prikažejo v obliki organigramov ali diagramov, ki prikazujejo strukturo lastništva in nadzor podjetij.
The information sought in this section may be illustrated by the use of organisation charts or diagrams to show the structure of ownership and control of the undertakings.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Podatki, zahtevani v tem oddelku, so lahko prikazani v obliki organigramov ali diagramov, ki prikazujejo strukturo lastništva in nadzor podjetij.
The information sought in this section may be illustrated by the use of organization charts or diagrams to show the structure of ownership and control of the undertakings.
4 Pravna redakcija
Nadzorne in zaščitne naprave elektronapajalne postaje morajo omogočati ponoven prenos povratne energije v oskrbovalno omrežje. Diagrami omogočajo ocenjevanje.
The substation control and protection devices shall allow feed back for energy to the supplying net. The connecting diagrams shall allow the assessment.
5 Pravna redakcija
Podatki, ki se zahtevajo v tem oddelku, se lahko ponazorijo z organizacijskimi shemami ali diagrami, iz katerih so razvidni lastniška struktura in nadzor v podjetjih.
The information sought in this section may be illustrated by the use of organisation charts or diagrams to show the structure of ownership and control of the undertakings.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Podatki, zahtevani v tem oddelku, so lahko prikazani v obliki organigramov ali diagramov, ki prikazujejo strukturo lastništva in nadzor podjetij.
The information sought in this section may be illustrated by the use of organization charts or diagrams to show the structure of ownership and control of the undertakings.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Navodila morajo vsebovati risbe in diagrame, ki so potrebni za zagon, vzdrževanje, nadzor, preverjanje pravilnosti delovanja, in kadar to pride v poštev, popravila strojev, ter vse koristne napotke, posebej o varnosti.
The instructions must contain the drawings and diagrams necessary for putting into service, maintenance, inspection, checking of correct operation and, where appropriate, repair of the machinery, and all useful instructions in particular with regard to safety.
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diagram nadzora