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digestivna metoda
1 Pravna redakcija
Do 1. januarja 1994 Svet s kvalificirano večino na predlog Komisije in po pridobljenem mnenju Znanstvenega veterinarskega odbora določi digestivne metode, ki so primerne za odkrivanje trihinoze pri merjascih ali drugih vrstah divjadi, dovzetnih za trihinelozo;
Before 1 January 1994, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after obtaining the opinion of the Scientific Veterinary Committee, shall lay down the methods for the analysis by digestion which are suitable for detecting trichinosis in wild boar or other species of wild game susceptible to trichinosis;
2 Pravna redakcija
posebne pogoje in enakovredna jamstva, povezana z zahtevami te direktive, razen tistih, ki omogočajo, da se meso izključi iz prehrane ljudi v skladu s členom 3(2)(d) in tistih iz člena 5 in tistih iz Poglavij IV in V Priloge I ter v zvezi s trihinoskopskim pregledom z digestivno metodo v skladu z Direktivo 77/96/EGS, pri čemer ti pogoji in jamstva niso manj strogi od tistih iz Poglavja II razen tistih iz člena 6 in 8.
the specific conditions and the equivalent guarantees relating to the requirements of this Directive, other than those enabling meat to be excluded from human comsumption in accordance with Article 3 (2) (d) and those of Article 5 and those laid down in Annex I, Chapters IV and V, and, as regards the trichinoscopic examination by the digestion method, in accordance with Directive 77/96/EEC, on the understanding that such conditions and guarantees may not be less stringent than those laid down in Chapter II, excluding those in Articles 6 and 8.
3 Pravna redakcija
Na mesu merjascev ali drugih vrst, dovzetnih za trihinelozo, mora biti opravljena analiza z digestivno metodo v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 77/96/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1976 o pregledu na trihinele (trichinella spiralis) pri uvozu svežega mesa, pridobljenega iz domačih prašičev, iz tretjih držav fn inoskopski pregled z mikroskopskim opazovanjem več vzorcev iz vsake živali, vzetih vsaj iz čeljusti in mišic trebušne prepone, iz mišic spodnjega dela sprednje noge, iz medrebrnih mišic in jezika.
Meat of wild boar or of other species susceptible to trichinosis must undergo analysis by the digestion method in accordance with Council Directive 77/96/EEC of 21 December 1976 on the examination for trichinae (trichinella spiralis) upon importation from third countries of fresh meat derived from domestic swine (2) or a trichinoscopic examination with microscopic observation of several samples from each animal taken from the jaw and diaphragmatic muscles, from the muscles of the lower front leg, from the intercostal muscles and the tongue muscles at least.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0045
Na mesu merjascev ali drugih vrst, dovzetnih za trihinelozo, mora biti opravljena analiza z digestivno metodo v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 77/96/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1976 o pregledu na trihinele (trichinella spiralis) pri uvozu svežega mesa, pridobljenega iz domačih prašičev, iz tretjih držav [12] ali trihinoskopski pregled z mikroskopskim opazovanjem več vzorcev iz vsake živali, vzetih vsaj iz čeljusti in mišic trebušne prepone, iz mišic spodnjega dela sprednje noge, iz medrebrnih mišic in jezika.
Meat of wild boar or of other species susceptible to trichinosis must undergo analysis by the digestion method in accordance with Council Directive 77/96/EEC of 21 December 1976 on the examination for trichinae (trichinella spiralis) upon importation from third countries of fresh meat derived from domestic swine (2) or a trichinoscopic examination with microscopic observation of several samples from each animal taken from the jaw and diaphragmatic muscles, from the muscles of the lower front (2) OJ No L 26, 31.1.1977, p. 67. Last amended by Directive 89/321/EEC (OJ No L 133, 17.5.1989, p. 33). leg, from the intercostal muscles and the tongue muscles at least.
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digestivna metoda