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disciplinsko sodišče
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(4) Zoper odločbo disciplinske komisije je dovoljena pritožba na disciplinsko sodišče.
An appeal to the disciplinary tribunal shall be allowed against a ruling by the disciplinary commission.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) V disciplinskih zadevah zoper člane poklicne zbornice na prvi stopnji odloča disciplinska komisija, na drugi stopnji pa disciplinsko sodišče zbornice. Pred disciplinsko komisijo in disciplinskim sodiščem zastopa obtožbo disciplinski tožilec.
(1) Disciplinary matters against members of the professional chamber shall be ruled on by the chamber's disciplinary commission in the first instance and by the chamber's disciplinary tribunal in the second instance. The disciplinary prosecutor shall present the charge before the disciplinary commission and the disciplinary tribunal.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(5) Zoper odločbo disciplinskega sodišča je dovoljen upravni spor.
An administrative dispute shall be allowed against a ruling by the disciplinary tribunal.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
b) se zaradi sporočila, poslanega sodišču po ustrezni poti, proti takim osebam ne smejo uvesti disciplinski ukrepi v kakršni koli obliki,
b such persons shall not be subject to disciplinary measures in any form on account of any communication sent through the proper channels to the Court;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Pri določanju kazni lahko državna kazenska sodišča v skladu z načeli nacionalnega prava upoštevajo disciplinske kazni, ki so bile osebi za ista dejanja že izrečene.
In determining the penalty to be imposed, then national criminal courts may, in accordance with the principles of their national law, take into account any disciplinary penalty already imposed on the same person for the same conduct.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
Pri določanju sankcije lahko nacionalna kazenska sodišča v skladu z načeli svoje notranje zakonodaje upoštevajo disciplinske sankcije, ki so bile isti osebi za isto ravnanje že izrečene.
In determining the penalty to be imposed, the national criminal courts may, in accordance with the principles of their national law, take into account any disciplinary penalty already imposed on the same person for the same conduct.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Za sodnika, tožilca, namestnika tožilca, tajnika sodišča ali namestnika tajnika sodišča, ki je pri svojem ravnanju storil manjši prekršek od navedenega v prvem odstavku 46. člena, se uporabijo disciplinski ukrepi v skladu s Pravili o postopku in dokazih.
A judge, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor, Registrar or Deputy Registrar who has committed misconduct of a less serious nature than that set out in article 46, paragraph 1, shall be subject to disciplinary measures, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
8 Končna redakcija
V intervjuju za osrednji dnevnik je novi generalni direktor izjavil, da je »sistem bil v hiši tak, da bi lahko zdajle potegnil ven katerokoli pogodbo, tudi vrsto drugih, ki jih računsko sodišče ni uspelo pregledati, in bi pri vseh po vrsti ugotovil, da niso ustrezale nekemu zakonitemu poslovanju«. Na ugotovitev novinarja, da je torej šlo za nezakonito poslovanje, je generalni direktor odgovoril, da bi »lahko sprožil vsaj sto ali dvesto disciplinskih postopkov, zamenjal vse odgovorne urednike, direktorja radijskih programov, vodji obeh regionalnih centrov in vrsto drugih«.
In his interview given to a central daily newspaper, the new director- general stated that "the management system was such that he could launch one to two hundred disciplinary actions at least, replace all editors in chief, all directors of radio programs, leaders of both regional centers and a number of other employees".
9 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa takšno dovoljenje ni potrebno, če morajo uradniki in drugi uslužbenci pričati pred Sodiščem Evropskih skupnosti ali disciplinsko komisijo o zadevah, ki so povezane s sedanjimi ali bivšimi uradniki ali drugimi uslužbenci Evropske unije.
However, such permission is not necessary if officials or other servants are required to give evidence before the Court of Justice or a disciplinary board on a matter involving an official or other servant or former official or other servant of the European Union.
10 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Odločitve, s katerimi se izrečejo disciplinski ukrepi ali finančne kazni, se uradno pošljejo zainteresirani stranki in v vednost drugim institucijam ter Računskemu sodišču.
Decisions imposing disciplinary measures or financial penalties shall be notified to the interested party and communicated, for information purposes, to the other institutions and the Court of Auditors.
11 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Uvedbo disciplinskega postopka lahko predlaga Zbornica izvršiteljev, predstojnik sodišča za območje katerega je izvršitelj imenovan, predsednik okrožnega sodišča z območij okrajnega sodišča, za območje katerega je izvršitelj imenovan in stranke v izvršilnem postopku, v katerem je izvršitelj opravljal dejanja izvršbe ali zavarovanja.
The institution of disciplinary proceedings may be proposed by the Chamber of Execution Officers, the chairman of the court to whose jurisdiction the particular execution officer has been appointed, the chairman of the circuit court to whose jurisdiction the particular execution officer has been appointed, and parties to execution proceedings in which the execution officer has been performing acts of execution and protection.
12 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Disciplinsko komisijo sestavljajo dva sodnika višjega sodišča z območja okrajnih sodišč, za katere je izvršitelj imenovan, dva predstojnika okrajnega sodišča, od katerih je eden predstojnik okrajnega sodišča, za katero je izvršitelj imenovan in predstavnik izvršiteljev.
The disciplinary commission shall be composed of two High Court judges with jurisdiction over the district courts to which the execution officer has been appointed, two chairmen of district courts, of which one shall be the chairman of the district court to which the execution offtcer has been appointed, and the execution officers' representative. The High Court judges on the disciplinary commission shall be appointed according to the yearly timetable of the High Court;
13 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Sodnika višjega sodišča, člana disciplinske komisije, se določita z letnim razporedom dela višjega sodišča, predstojnik okrajnega sodišča z liste okrajnih sodišč, ki je sestavljena po abecednem redu krajev, kjer so sedeži okrajnih sodišč, in jo vodi Zbornica izvršiteljev, predstavnika izvršiteljev pa izvoli skupščina Zbornice izvršiteljev za dobo dveh let.
the chairmen of the district courts shall be appointed from the alphabetical list of district courts kept by the Chamber of Execution Officers; and the execution officers' representative shall be elected by the Chamber of Execution Officers for a period of two years.
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disciplinsko sodišče