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dodeliti otroka
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Če se otrokovo običajno prebivališče spremeni, ureja zakonito dodelitev starševske odgovornosti osebi, ki take odgovornosti še nima, pravo države, v kateri je novo otrokovo običajno prebivališče.
4 If the child's habitual residence changes, the attribution of parental responsibility by operation of law to a person who does not already have such responsibility is governed by the law of the State of the new habitual residence.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Zakonito dodelitev ali prenehanje starševske odgovornosti brez posredovanja sodnih ali upravnih organov ureja pravo države, v kateri je otrokovo običajno prebivališče.
1 The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by operation of law, without the intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the habitual residence of the child.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Dodelitev ali prenehanje starševske odgovornosti s sporazumom ali enostranskim aktom brez posredovanja sodnih ali upravnih organov ureja pravo države, v kateri je otrokovo običajno prebivališče ob začetku veljavnosti sporazuma ali enostranskega akta.
2 The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by an agreement or a unilateral act, without intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the child's habitual residence at the time when the agreement or unilateral act takes effect.
4 Končna redakcija
Za prejemanje dajatev po določbah člena 39(4) ali 47(3) uredbe prosilec predloži potrdilo o članih njegove družine, razen njegovih otrok, s stalnim prebivališčem na ozemlju države članice, ki ni država, v kateri ima sedež nosilec, pristojen za dodelitev dajatev.
In order to draw benefits under Article 39 (4) or Article 47 (3) of the Regulation, the claimant shall submit a certified statement relating to the members of his family, his children excepted, who are residing in the territory of a Member State other than that in which the institution responsible for the award of benefits is situated.
5 Končna redakcija
Namesto potrdila iz prvega pododstavka, lahko nosilec, pristojen za dodelitev dajatev, od vlagatelja zahteva, naj mu dostavi najnovejše listine o osebnem stanju njegovih družinskih članov razen otrok, s stalnim prebivališčem na ozemlju države članice, ki ni država, v kateri je navedeni nosilec.
In place of the certified statement provided for in the first paragraph, the institution responsible for the award of benefits may require the claimant to supply recent civil status documents relating to the members of his family, his children excepted, who are residing in the territory of a Member State other than the State in which the said institution is situated.
6 Pravna redakcija
Dodelitev ali prenehanje starševske odgovornosti po samem zakonu, brez poseganja sodišča ali upravnih organov, ureja pravo države otrokovega prebivališča.
The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by operation of law, without the intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the habitual residence of the child.
7 Pravna redakcija
Če pa glavni cilj ni pedagoške narave, ampak je zagotoviti pomoč in podporo pri varstvu otroka, je treba zadevno storitev dodeliti v COICOP/HICP, razred 12.4.0.
If, on the other hand, the main objective is not a pedagogical one, but to provide child-minding assistance and support, the service concerned should be allocated to COICOP/HICP class 12.4.0.
8 Pravna redakcija
Dodelitev starševske odgovornosti po samem zakonu osebi, ki te odgovornosti še nima, ureja v primeru spremembe otrokovega prebivališča pravo države novega prebivališča.
If the child's habitual residence changes, the attribution of parental responsibility by operation of law to a person who does not already have such responsibility is governed by the law of the State of the new habitual residence.
9 Pravna redakcija
Dodelitev ali prenehanje starševske odgovornosti s sporazumom ali enostranskim aktom, brez poseganja sodišča ali upravnega organa, ureja pravo države, v kateri otrok prebiva ob začetku veljavnosti sporazuma ali enostranskega akta.
The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by an agreement or a unilateral act, without intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the child's habitual residence at the time when the agreement or unilateral act takes effect.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0479
v času zaprosila GSS za dodelitev je kraj dodelitve glavno prebivališče zakonskega partnerja ali katerega od nepreskrbljenih otrok DDI.
at the time of the GSC's request for the secondment, the place of secondment is the principal residence of the SNE's spouse or of any of his dependent children.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0479
Če se DDI preseli iz kraja stalnega prebivališča v kraj dodelitve, ima pravico, da zase, za zakonskega partnerja in nepreskrbljene otroke vsako leto dobi pavšalno izplačilo v višini cene povratne vožnje od kraja dodelitve do kraja stalnega prebivališča v skladu s predpisi, veljavnimi v GSS.
If a SNE has effected his removal from his place of residence to his place of secondment, he will be entitled each year to a flat-rate payment equal to the cost of a return journey from his place of secondment to his place of residence for himself, his spouse and any dependent children on the basis of the provisions in force at the GSC.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0479
Pri dodeljenem vojaškem uslužbencu šteje, kot da ima kraj stalnega prebivališča v glavnem mestu države članice, katere državljan je, kadar je kraj glavnega prebivališča zakonskega partnerja ali otroka (otrok) iz člena 17(3)(b) v državi članici, ki ni država dodelitve.
The seconded military staff member is considered as having his place of residence in the capital of the Member State of which he is a national when the place of principal residence of the spouse or of the child (children) referred to in Article 17(3)(b) is situated in a Member State other than that of secondment.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Razen v primeru, da je ena od strank začela postopek pred sodišči v državi članici, kjer je otrok običajno prebival neposredno pred neupravičeno premestitvijo ali zadržanjem, mora sodišče ali osrednji organ, ki prejme dokumente iz odstavka 6, o tem obvestiti stranke in jih povabiti, naj v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo predložijo sodišču v roku treh mesecev od dne obvestila svoje predloge, da bi lahko sodišče preučilo vprašanje dodelitve varstva in vzgoje otroka.
Unless the courts in the Member State where the child was habitually resident immediately before the wrongful removal or retention have already been seised by one of the parties, the court or central authority that receives the information mentioned in paragraph 6 must notify it to the parties and invite them to make submissions to the court, in accordance with national law, within three months of the date of notification so that the court can examine the question of custody of the child.
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dodeliti otroka