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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Dokler sporazum ne začne veljati po členu 26:
Pending entry into force pursuant to Article 26:
2 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
Dokler pregled ni končan, velja prvotna odločitev.
Until the review process has been completed, the original decision remains in effect.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
Dokler ni ratificiran, za pogodbenici velja začasno.
Pending such ratification, it shall be given provisional effect by the Parties.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Dokler rezervni sklad še ni v celoti oblikovan, se polni iz:
Until such time as the reserve fund has been fully built up, it shall be fed by:
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotovi, da se:
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that:
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler ne poteče rok za predložitev pooblastila, odloži sodišče izdajo odločbe;
Until the expiration of the time period prescribed for submitting of the power of attorney, the court may not pass any decision;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Dokler se standardi CEN ali ISO še pripravljajo, se uporabljajo nacionalni standardi.
While awaiting the development of the CEN or ISO standards, national standards shall apply.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler traja prekinitev postopka, ne more sodišče opravljati nobenih pravdnih dejanj.
During the suspension of the proceedings are suspended, the court may not perform any act of procedure.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Dokler dokument ali podatki niso dokončno uničeni, je treba označiti, da niso uporabni.
The paper file or data concerned must be marked as not for use until they have been effectively destroyed.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler pravda teče, se ne more o istem zahtevku začeti nova pravda med istimi strankami;
Pending the action, no litigation may commence between the same parties in respect of the same cause of action;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler sodišče druge stopnje ne izda odločbe, lahko stranka umakne že vloženo pritožbo.
Until disposition has been made by the court of second instance, a party may withdraw the appeal they have lodged.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
Dokler visoka pogodbenica takega obvestila ne pošlje, velja njen sedanji postopek v zvezi z zaprosili.
Until such notification is made by a High Contracting Party, its existing procedure in regard to letters of request shall remain in force.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-57
Dokler se organa o tem ne dogovorita, ostane v veljavi zmogljivost, ki jo zagotavljata določena prevoznika.
Until such agreement has been reached, the capacity provided by the designated airlines shall remain unchanged.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, se vozovnica uporablja kot dokazilo o sklenitvi in vsebini prevozne pogodbe.
3 The ticket shall be prima facie evidence of the conclusion and the contents of the contract of carriage.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-17
Dokler je taka država dolžna dajati posojila, ima po uradni dolžnosti eno mesto v koordinacijskem odboru.
As long as it remains under the obligation to grant advances, such State shall have an ex officio seat on the Coordination Committee.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Dokler traja pridržanje, ima obdolženec pravico do pritožbe zoper sklep, ki pa ne zadrži odvzema prostosti.
During the time of detention, the accused person shall have the right to an appeal against the order, which however shall not stay execution of the deprivation of liberty.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Dokler traja pridržanje, ima obdolženec pravico do pritožbe zoper sklep, ki pa ne zadrži odvzema prostosti.
During the time of apprehension the accused person shall have the right to appeal against the order, which however shall not stay the deprivation of liberty.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, se prtljažnica uporablja kot dokazilo o oddaji prtljage in pogojih njenega prevoza.
3 The luggage registration voucher shall be prima facie evidence of the registration of the luggage and the conditions of its carriage.
19 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Dokler delovni program za harmonizacijo pravil o poreklu, predviden v IV. delu, ni končan, članice zagotavljajo, da:
Until the work programme for the harmonization of rules of origin set out in Part IV is completed, Members shall ensure that:
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler stranka ne imenuje pooblaščenca, se vročitve opravljajo po začasnem zastopniku, ki ga je imenovalo sodišče.
Until the party has appointed a person authorised to accept the service, the documents shall be served upon them through intermediary of the a temporary representative appointed by the court
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Dokler ustrezne zaveze niso izpolnjene, pa se ukrepi lahko uporabljajo tudi po izteku obdobja, ki je določeno v prejšnjem odstavku.
They may however be applied beyond the period specified in the first paragraph as long as the relevant commitments have not been fulfilled.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Dokler te pomanjkljivosti niso odpravljene, pa se ukrepi lahko uporabljajo tudi po izteku obdobja, ki je določeno v prejšnjem odstavku.
They may however be applied beyond the period specified in the first paragraph as long as these shortcomings persist.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, se tovorni list uporablja kot dokaz o sklenitvi in vsebini prevozne pogodbe ter o prevoznikovem prevzemu blaga.
1 The consignment note shall be prima facie evidence of the conclusion and the conditions of the contract of carriage and the taking over of the goods by the carrier.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
Dokler ta cilj ni izpolnjen, se problematika onesnaženih izkopanih snovi lahko rešuje z metodami za ravnanje z odpadki na morju in na kopnem.
Until this objective is met, the problems of contaminated dredged material may be addressed by using disposal management techniques at sea or on land.
25 Objavljeno
Dokler ne bomo imeli več podatkov, pa je še vedno treba ob vsakem bolniku presoditi, kako ga bomo zdravili in kako bomo zdravljenje nadzorovali.
But nevertheless, until more data are available, careful planning of dosing and monitoring is needed in every patient.
26 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
Dokler je vlagateljev vložek zmanjšan zaradi izgub, se sorazmerni del letnega dobička uporablja za kritje izgube, če ni dogovorjeno kaj drugega.
Until the investor` s contribution is reduced owing to losses, a proportionate part of the annual profit shall be used to cover losses unless agreed otherwise.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Dokler se ta pravila ne sprejmejo, se uporabljajo določbe poslovnika Sodišča in poslovnika Sodišča splošne pristojnosti o ureditvi vprašanja jezikov.
Until those rules have been adopted, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court governing language arrangements shall apply.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler se ne odloči v sporu o pristojnosti, je sodišče, ki mu je zadeva odstopljena, dolžno opravljati tista pravdna dejanja, ki bi jih bilo nevarno odlašati.
Until a jurisdictional dispute is decided upon, the court to which the case has been referred shall be obliged to perform all acts of procedure the postponement of which might be dangerous.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler postopek teče, dovoli to predsednik senata, potem ko je končan, pa predsednik oziroma predstojnik sodišča oziroma delavec na sodišču, ki ga ta določi.
When the proceedings are in progress, such permission shall be issued by the presiding judge, while after the completion thereof, the permission shall be issued by the president or the chief judge of the court, or by other court official appointed by the president or the chief judge of the court.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Dokler država, ki je zahtevano osebo izročila, ne sprejme odločitve, izvršitvena država zagotovi, da ostanejo izpolnjeni materialni pogoji, potrebni za dejansko predajo.
Pending the decision of the State from which the requested person was extradited, the executing State will ensure that the material conditions necessary for effective surrender remain fulfilled.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler se ne odpravijo te pomanjkljivosti, se smejo opravljati samo tista pravdna dejanja, zaradi katerih bi lahko nastale za stranko škodljive posledice, če bi se odložila.
Until the shortcomings are done away with, only those procedural acts may be performed the postponement of which might cause damage to the party.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Dokler izvršitveni pravosodni organ ne sprejme dokončne odločitve o nalogu za prijetje, mora zagotoviti, da ostanejo izpolnjeni materialni pogoji, potrebni za dejansko predajo osebe.
As long as the executing judicial authority has not taken a final decision on the arrest warrant, it shall ensure that the material conditions necessary for effective surrender of the person remain fulfilled.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
DOKLER ne bo podpisan celovit sporazum o gospodarskem partnerstvu med Zahodno Afriko in Evropsko unijo, ki mora zagotavljati stalen in usklajen razvoj ter povezovanje regije Zahodne Afrike;
PENDING the signing of a comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between West Africa and the European Union with a view to the sustained and harmonious development and integration of the West African Region;
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotovi, da Ministrstvo za promet imenuje osebo za stike, ki je za banko sprejemljiva in bo delovala kot servis za banko v zvezi z izvajanjem projekta.
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that a contact person satisfactory to the Bank, who will act as a service point for the Bank regarding the implementation of the Project, is appointed by the Ministry of Transport.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Dokler Republika Tadžikistan ne vstopi v STO, se pogodbenici v okviru Odbora za sodelovanje posvetujeta o politiki Republike Tadžikistan o uvoznih tarifni politiki, vključno s spremembami tarifne zaščite.
Until the Republic of Tajikistan accedes to the WTO, the Parties shall hold consultations in the Cooperation Committee on the Republic of Tajikistan's import tariff policies, including changes in tariff protection.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, se predpostavlja, da je bila prtljaga, ko jo je prevoznik prevzel, po zunanjem videzu v dobrem stanju in da sta število in masa kosov prtljage ustrezala podatkom na prtljažnici.
4 Subject to evidence to the contrary, it shall be presumed that when the carrier took over the registered luggage it was apparently in a good condition, and that the number and the mass of the items of luggage corresponded to the entries on the luggage registration voucher.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Dokler zaprošena pogodbenica ne prejme zahtevanih dopolnitev ali podatkov v zvezi z zaprosilom na podlagi 4. dela tega poglavja, lahko sprejme katerega koli od ukrepov, navedenih v 2. ali 3. delu tega poglavja.
3 Pending receipt of the requested amendments or information in relation to a request under Section 4 of this chapter, the requested Party may take any of the measures referred to in Sections 2 or 3 of this chapter.
38 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Dokler ne bodo urejena premoženjsko pravna razmerja med občinami po 100. členu zakona o lokalni samoupravi, se občine ne smejo zadolževati in izdajati soglasij in poroštev po 18. in 19. členu tega zakona.
Until the final settlement of relations of properly and legal relations between municipalities in accordance with Article 100 of the Law on Local Self-Government, municipalities shall not incur any debts and issue any concordances or guarantees under Articles 18 and 19 of this Law.
39 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Dokler nekdanji uslužbenec, ki dobiva invalidnino, ne dopolni 63 let starosti, ga Agencija lahko napoti na občasne zdravniške preglede, s katerimi preveri, ali še izpolnjuje pogoje za izplačevanje invalidnine.
While a former staff member drawing invalidity allowance is aged less than 63 years, the Agency may have him medically examined periodically to ascertain that he still satisfies the requirements for payment of the allowance.
40 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotovi, da so sprejeti ukrepi za zavarovanje del in premoženja, ki so del projekta, v skladu z običajno prakso za podobna dela v javnem interesu v Republiki Sloveniji.
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that measures for insuring all works and property forming part of the Project will be taken in accordance with normal practice for similar works of public interest in the Republic of Slovenia.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
Dokler se s posvetovanji ne doseže soglasje in v smislu režima vzajemnega priznavanja spričeval in licenc, pogodbenice še naprej priznavajo spričevala in licence, ki so jih potrdili letalski organi druge pogodbenice.
Until such time as consultations may lead to a consensus and, in the spirit of a regime of reciprocal acceptance of each others' certificates and licenses, the Parties shall continue to recognise the certificates and licenses rendered valid by the aeronautical authorities of the other Party.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Dokler ta konvencija ne začne veljati, lahko vsaka država članica v obvestilu iz odstavka 2 ali kadar koli kasneje izjavi, da ta konvencija, razen člena 12, zanjo velja v odnosih s tistimi državami članicami, ki dajo enako izjavo.
Until the entry into force of this Convention, any Member State may, when giving the notification referred to in paragraph 2 or at any time thereafter, declare that this Convention, with the exception of Article 12 thereof, shall apply to it in its relationships with those Member States which have made the same declaration.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Dokler omejitve svobode opravljanja storitev niso odpravljene, uporabljajo države članice te omejitve brez diskriminacije glede na državljanstvo ali prebivališče za vse osebe, ki opravljajo storitve iz prvega odstavka III-144. člena Ustave.
As long as restrictions on freedom to provide services have not been abolished, the Member States shall apply such restrictions without distinction on grounds of nationality or of residence to all persons providing services within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article III-144.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Dokler Organizacija ne prejme prispevkov za prvi proračun, kot je predvideno v 40. členu, države pogodbenice vplačujejo na zahtevo upravnega sveta in do višine zneska, ki ga določi, akontacije, ki se odštejejo od njihovih prispevkov v zvezi s tem proračunom.
Until contributions provided for in Article 40 due in accordance with the first budget are received by the Organisation, the Contracting States shall, upon the request of and within the limit of the amount fixed by the Administrative Council, make advances which shall be deducted from their contributions in respect of that budget.
45 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotovi, da se vse premoženje, ki je del projekta, vzdržuje, popravlja, generalno pregleduje, obnavlja in zamenjuje tako, kot je potrebno, da se ohranja v dobrem delovnem stanju in v skladu s svojim prvotnim namenom.
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that all property forming part of the Project will be maintained, repaired, overhauled, renewed and replaced, as required to keep it in good working order in accordance with its original concept.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Dokler organi, prvič omenjeni v prvem odstavku, obdržijo svojo pristojnost, lahko organi države pogodbenice, v katero je bil otrok odpeljan ali v kateri je bil zadržan, izvajajo le tiste nujne ukrepe v skladu z 11. členom, ki so potrebni za varstvo otroka ali njegovega premoženja.
3 So long as the authorities first mentioned in paragraph 1 keep their jurisdiction, the authorities of the Contracting State to which the child has been removed or in which he or she has been retained can take only such urgent measures under Article 11 as are necessary for the protection of the person or property of the child.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
dokler oseba prejema neko drugo denarno dajatev socialne varnosti razen družinskih dajatev in za čas, ko prejema nadomestilo za isti zavarovalni primer iz drugega vira, če del dajatve, ki je začasno ustavljen, ne presega vrednosti druge dajatve ali nadomestila, ki ga oseba prejema iz drugega vira;
as long as the person concerned is in receipt of another social security cash benefit, other than a family benefit, and during any period in respect of which he is indemnified for the contingency by a third party, subject to the part of the benefit which is suspended not exceeding the other benefit or the indemnity by a third party;
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Dokler so te zahteve izpolnjene, se dovolijo tesni poslovni stiki in dogovori o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami pogodbenic in tujimi podjetji, vsak posamezen vidik dogovora o franšizingu in trženju blagovne znamke, naveden v nadaljevanju, pa med drugim sam po sebi naj ne bi odpiral vprašanj glede nadzora, razen v izjemnih primerih:
So long as those requirements are met, close business relationships and cooperative arrangements between the airlines of each Party and foreign businesses are permissible, and each of the following individual aspects, among others, of a franchise or branding arrangement would not, other than in exceptional circumstances, of itself raise control issues:
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Dokler zapuščinski postopek ni pravnomočno končan, je za sojenje v sporih iz dednopravnih razmerij in v sporih o terjatvah upnika proti zapustniku poleg sodišča splošne krajevne pristojnosti krajevno pristojno tudi sodišče, ki vodi zapuščinski postopek, oziroma sodišče, na območju katerega je sodišče, ki vodi zapuščinski postopek.
Until the final completion of the probate proceedings, the territorial jurisdiction to decide upon disputes relating to the law of succession and upon creditors` claims on the decedent shall be vested, in addition to the court of general territorial jurisdiction, also in the court conducting the probate proceedings and the court of territorial jurisdiction over the court conducting the probate proceedings.
50 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Dokler občine ne določijo vrednosti točke za ugotovitev zneska nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča, se vrednost točke s 1. januarjem 1995 valorizira s koeficientom rasti cen na drobno, ki ga ugotovi Zavod Republike Slovenije za statistiko, za obdobje prvih devetih mesecev leta pred letom, za katero se nadomestilo odmerja, v primerjavi z enakim obdobjem prejšnjega leta.
Until the municipalities determine the value of (he point for the assessment of the amount of compensation for the use of building sites, the point shall be revaluated, from ) January 1995 onwards, using the retail price index, determined by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for the period of the first nine months of the year before the year for which the compensation is being assessed, in comparison with the same period of the previous year.
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