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dokument o pristopu
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-57
Dokumenti za pogajanja o pristopu k EU
EU accession negotiation documents
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev samo dela dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristop k njegovemu delu ni mogoč.
Ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, only a part of such an amending instrument shall be excluded.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-57
(1) Noben dokument, enostransko predložen med pogajanji o pristopu k EU, ne pomeni prejudica za arbitražno sodišče pri opravljanju njegovih nalog in ne zavezuje ene ali druge strani v sporu.
(1) No document presented in the EU accession negotiations unilaterally shall prejudice the Arbitral Tribunal when performing its tasks or commit either side on the dispute.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-57
(2) To velja za vse dokumente in stališča, tako pisna kot ustna, med drugim zemljevide, pogajalska izhodišča, pravne akte in druge dokumente ne glede na obliko, ki so enostransko pripravljeni ali predloženi ali na katere se enostransko sklicuje med pogajanji o pristopu k EU.
(2) The above applies to all documents and positions either written or submitted orally, including, inter alia, maps, negotiating positions, legal acts and other documents in whatever form, produced, presented or referred to unilaterally in the framework of the EU accession negotiations.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve te ustave, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo veljati v celoti in v obliki enega samega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah na dan, ki ga določi konferencadržav članic, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi te ustave ter dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali o pristopu k njima.
Any amendments to this Constitution adopted by aplenipotentiaryconference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the conference between Member States having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, both this Constitution and the amending instrument.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
1.15 pristopna nota (NOA) - dokument, iz katerega je razvidna namera države pošiljateljice za sodelovanje pri dogovorih za podporo države gostiteljice skladno s tem memorandumom o soglasju za določeno operacijo pod vodstvom Nata;
1.15 Note of Accession (NOA). A document indicating the intent of an SN to participate in arrangements for HNS under the provisions of this MOU for a specified NATO-led operation.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-21
(5) Vsaka država lahko ob podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu izjavi, da se ne zavezuje, da bo vključevala številke vseh ali nekaterih sekcij v uradne dokumente in objave v zvezi z registracijo in podaljšanjem znamk.
(5) Any country may, at the time of its signature or of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession, declare that it does not undertake to include the numbers of all or some of the sections in official documents and publications relating to registrations and renewals of marks.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve te konvencije, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo veljati v celoti in v obliki enega samega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah na dan, ki ga določi konferenca držav članic, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi te konvencije ter dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristopu k njima.
Any amendments to this Convention adopted by a plenipotentiary conference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the conference between Member States having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, both this Convention and the amending instrument.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Spremembe in dopolnitve iz tega dokumenta začnejo v celoti in v enem samem dokumentu veljati 1. januarja 2000 za tiste države članice, ki so na ta dan pogodbenice Ustave in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992) in so pred tem datumom deponirale svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi tega dokumenta ali pristopu k njemu.
The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument on 1 January 2000 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-84
Vsaka pogodbenica si ob podpisu ali deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, lahko pridrži pravico zahtevati, da se ji zaprosila in priložena dokumentacija pošiljajo skupaj s prevodom v njen jezik ali kateregakoli od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope ali v enega od teh jezikov, ki ga določi.
Each Contracting Party may, when signing or depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, by means of a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, reserve the right to stipulate that requests and annexed documents shall be addressed to it accompanied by a translation into its own language or into either of the official languages of the Council of Europe or into one of the latter languages, specified by it.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
Vsaka država pogodbenica si lahko ob podpisu ali deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali pristopu z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, pridrži pravico zahtevati, da so zaprosilu in spremljevalnim dokumentom priloženi prevodi v njenem jeziku ali v enem od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope ali v enem od teh jezikov, ki ga določi.
Any Contracting State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, reserve the right to require that requests and supporting documents be accompanied by a translation into its own language or into one of the official languages of the Council of Europe or into such one of those languages as it shall indicate.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Ob podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu lahko vsaka pogodbenica ali Evropska skupnost generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope sporoči, da si pridržuje pravico zahtevati, da je nanjo naslovljenim zaprosilom in dodatni dokumentaciji priložen prevod v njen jezik ali v enega od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope ali v tistega od teh jezikov, ki ga določi.
3 At the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, any State or the European Community may communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a declaration that it reserves the right to require that requests made to it and documents supporting such requests be accompanied by a translation into its own language or into one of the official languages of the Council of Europe or into such one of these languages as it shall indicate.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Sestavljeno v Wiesbadnu 4. oktobra 2010 v angleškem, francoskem, nemškem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, razen tehničnih dokumentov, ki so sestavljeni le v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna, in so v enem izvirniku deponirana v arhivu Vlade Zvezne republike Nemčije, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vsem pogodbenicam in vladam, ki pristopijo, in jih pozneje obvešča o vseh spremembah.
Done at Wiesbaden this 4 October 2010, in the English, French, German, Russian and Spanish languages, apart from the Technical Documents, which are only done in the English language, all texts being equally authentic, in a single original, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, which shall transmit a certified true copy to all Contracting Parties and acceding Governments, and subsequently notify them of any amendments.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ob podpisu ali deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu da generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope izjavo, da si pridržuje pravico zahtevati, da so njej poslana zaprosila, druga sporočila in priložena dokumentacija napisani v jeziku te pogodbenice ali v enem od uradnih jezikov Sveta Evrope ali pa v enem od teh jezikov, ki ga sama določi, oziroma da jim je priložen tak prevod.
At the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, any Party may communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a declaration that it reserves the right to require that requests, other communications and supporting documents sent to it, be made in or accompanied by a translation into its own language or into one of the official languages of the Council of Europe or into such one of these languages as it shall indicate.
15 Končna redakcija
Dokumenti o pristopu Helenske republike k Evropskim skupnostim
Documents concerning the accesion of the Hellefnic Republic to the European Communities
16 Končna redakcija
Kraljevina Norveška ni deponirala listin o pristopu in ratifikaciji za te dokumente;
The Kingdom of Norway did not deposit instruments of accession and ratification in respect of these documents;
17 Končna redakcija
Dokumenti o pristopu Kraljevine Španije in Portugalske republike k Evropskim skupnostim
Documents concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities
18 Končna redakcija
DOKUMENTI o pristopu Kraljevine Španije in Portugalske republike k Evropskim skupnostim
DOCUMENTS concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities
19 Končna redakcija
so bili dokazilo o poreklu in prevozni dokumenti izdani najkasneje na dan pred dnem pristopa;
the proof of origin and the transport documents were issued no later than the day before the date of accession;
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0035
Centralno skupino se pooblasti, da v vsakem posameznem primeru odloči, ali se državam, s katerimi potekajo konkretna pogajanja o pristopu k Evropski uniji, pošljejo tudi drugi zaupni dokumenti.
The Central Group is empowered to decide on a case-by-case basis on forwarding other confidential documents to those States.
21 Končna redakcija
Če so bili dokazilo o poreklu in/ali prevozni dokumenti izdani pred dnem pristopa in če so glede trgovine z blagom med novimi državami članicami in sedanjimi državami članicami ali med samimi novimi državami članicami potrebne carinske formalnosti, se uporabijo določbe protokolov o definiciji pojma "izdelki s poreklom" in načinih upravnega sodelovanja ustreznih sporazumov.
Where the proof of origin and/or the transport documents were issued prior to the date of accession, and where customs formalities are necessary in respect of trade of goods between the new Member States and the present Member States or between the new Member States themselves, the provisions of the Protocols concerning the definition of the concept of "originating products" and methods of administrative cooperation of the relevant Agreements shall apply.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0585
Prehodne določbe za mejne kontrolne točke med državami članicami in novimi državami članicami, za katere se pričakuje, da bodo odpravljene ob pristopu novih članic, niso dovolj jasne v členu 8 Uredbe (ES) št. 282/2004 o uvedbi dokumenta za deklariranje in veterinarske preglede živali iz tretjih držav, ki vstopajo v Skupnost [2], ter jih je treba preoblikovati, da se prepreči kakršna koli nejasnost.
The transitional provisions for the border inspection posts between the Member States and the new Member States which are due to be abolished on accession are not made sufficiently clear in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 282/2004 introducing a document for the declaration of, and veterinary checks on, animals from third countries entering the Community(2) and should be reworded to avoid any ambiguity.
23 Pravna redakcija
Odnosi med VŠEU in evropskimi članicami Nata, ki niso članice EU in državami kandidatkami za pristop k EU, bodo določeni v dokumentu o odnosih EU s tretjimi državami.
The relations between the EUMS and the non-EU European NATO members and other countries, which are candidates for accession to the EU will be defined in the document on the relations of the EU with third countries.
24 Pravna redakcija
Centralno skupino se pooblasti, da v vsakem posameznem primeru odloči, ali se državam, s katerimi potekajo konkretna pogajanja o pristopu k Evropski uniji, pošljejo tudi drugi zaupni dokumenti.
The Central Group is empowered to decide on a case-by-case basis on forwarding other confidential documents to those States.
25 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Sveta št. 122/67/EGS ( fn ) z dne 13. junija 1967 o skupni ureditvi trga za jajca, kakor jo nazadnje spreminja Odločba Sveta z dne 1. januarja 1973 ( fn ) o prilagoditvi dokumentov v zvezi s pristopom novih držav članic Evropskim skupnostim, se razveljavi.
Council Regulation No 122/67/EEC fn of 13 June 1967 on the common organization of the market in eggs, as last amended by the Council Decision of 1 January 1973 fn adjusting the documents concerning the accession of the new Member States to the European Communities, is hereby repealed.
26 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Sveta št. 123/67/EGS ( fn ) z dne 13. junija 1967 o skupni ureditvi trga za jajca, kakor jo nazadnje spreminja Odločba Sveta z dne 1. januarja 1973 ( fn ) o prilagoditvi dokumentov v zvezi s pristopom novih držav članic Evropskim skupnostim, se razveljavi.
Council Regulation No 123/67/EEC fn of 13 June 1967 on the common organization of the market in poultrymeat, as last amended by the Council Decision of 1 January 1973 fn adjusting the documents concerning the accession of the new Member States to the European Communities, is hereby repealed.
27 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega novo besedilo dokumentov o varnem pristanu zahteva, da vsaka organizacija iz varnega pristana uradno obvesti Ministrstvo za trgovino o vsakem prevzemu ter da dovoli nadaljnji prenos podatkov v organizacijo naslednico samo, če organizacija naslednica pristopi k varnemu pristanu.
In addition, the safe harbor documents as revised now require any safe harbor organization to notify the Department of Commerce of any takeover and permit data to continue to be transferred to the successor organization only if the successor organization joins the safe harbor.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0585
(1) Prehodne določbe za mejne kontrolne točke med državami članicami in novimi državami članicami, za katere se pričakuje, da bodo odpravljene ob pristopu novih članic, niso dovolj jasne v členu 8 Uredbe (ES) št. 282/2004 o uvedbi dokumenta za deklariranje in veterinarske preglede živali iz tretjih držav, ki vstopajo v Skupnost fn, ter jih je treba preoblikovati, da se prepreči kakršna koli nejasnost.
(1) The transitional provisions for the border inspection posts between the Member States and the new Member States which are due to be abolished on accession are not made sufficiently clear in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 282/2004 introducing a document for the declaration of, and veterinary checks on, animals from third countries entering the Community(2) and should be reworded to avoid any ambiguity.
29 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi z državami članicami, naštetimi v 1. členu Protokola, ki vključuje schengenski pravni reda v okvir Evropske unije, je obseg ozemeljske uporabe določb ali sklepov, ki sestavljajo schengenski pravni red, za katerega je Svet določil pravno podlago v Oddelku IV v III delu Pogodbe o Evropski skupnosti na podlagi drugega stavka prvega odstavka člena 2 zgoraj navedenega Protokola, in obseg ozemeljske uporabe ukrepov, ki dopolnjujejo ali spreminjajo takšne določbe in sklepe, takšen, kot je določen v 138. členu Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma iz leta 1990 in takšen, kot je določen v ustreznih določbah dokumentov o pristopu k tej konvenciji.
With regard to the Member States listed in Article 1 of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union, the territorial scope of the provisions or decisions forming the Schengen acquis for which the Council has determined a legal basis in Title IV of Part 3 of the EC Treaty on the basis of Article 2(1), second sentence, of the abovementioned Protocol, and the territorial scope of measures extending or amending such provisions and decisions shall be that laid down in Article 138 of the 1990 Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement and that laid down in the relevant provisions of the accession instruments to that Convention.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0329
ker mora v skladu s členom 24(4) Konvencije vsaka pogodbenica, ki pristopa h Konvenciji, sprejeti Prilogo o dokumentih o začasnem uvozu (zvezki ATA in zvezki CPD) in še vsaj eno Prilogo;
Whereas, pursuant to Article 24 (4) of the Convention, each Contracting Party acceding to the Convention must accept the Annex concerning temporary admission papers (ATA carnets and CPD carnets) and at least one other Annex;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Druge pogodbene stranke, ki so deponirale svoje akte o ratifikaciji, sprejemu ali potrditvi ali so pristopile h Konvenciji pred 31. decembrom 1979, prispevajo znesek iz Dodatka k temu dokumentu.
Other Contracting Parties which have deposited their instruments of ratification , acceptance or approval or acceded to the Convention before 31 December 1979 shall contribute the amount indicated in the Appendix hereto.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975R2771
Uredba Sveta št. 122/67/EGS (2) z dne 13. junija 1967 o skupni ureditvi trga za jajca, kakor jo nazadnje spreminja Sklep Sveta z dne 1. januarja 1973 (3) o prilagoditvi dokumentov v zvezi s pristopom novih držav članic Evropskim skupnostim, se razveljavi.
Council Regulation No 122/67/EEC (2) of 13 June 1967 on the common organization of the market in eggs, as last amended by the Council Decision of 1 January 1973 (3) adjusting the documents concerning the accession of the new Member States to the European Communities, is hereby repealed.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2121
ker je Komisija sprejela Uredbo (EGS) št. 1839/92 z dne 1. julija 1992 o podrobnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 684/92 glede dokumentov za mednarodni prevoz potnikov [4], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu Avstrije, Finske in Švedske;
Whereas the Commission adopted Regulation (EEC) No 1839/92 of l July 1992 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 684/92 as regards documents for the international carriage of passengers (4), as last amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0212
zavrniti EGS-homologacije ali izdaje dokumenta, navedenega v tretji alinei člena 10(1) Direktive Sveta 70/156/EGS z dne 6. februarja 1970 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o homologaciji motornih in priklopnih vozil, kakor je spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu, ali nacionalne homologacije za katerikoli tip motornih vozil,
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0585
Prehodne določbe za mejne kontrolne točke med državami članicami in novimi državami članicami, za katere se pričakuje, da bodo odpravljene ob pristopu novih članic, niso dovolj jasne v členu 8 Uredbe (ES) št. 282/2004 o uvedbi dokumenta za deklariranje in veterinarske preglede živali iz tretjih držav, ki vstopajo v Skupnost [2], ter jih je treba preoblikovati, da se prepreči kakršna koli nejasnost.
The transitional provisions for the border inspection posts between the Member States and the new Member States which are due to be abolished on accession are not made sufficiently clear in Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 282/2004 introducing a document for the declaration of, and veterinary checks on, animals from third countries entering the Community(2) and should be reworded to avoid any ambiguity.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0292
Pogodbe med strežniškim centrom Animo in mejnimi kontrolnimi točkami v Nemčiji, Avstriji in Italiji, naštetimi v Prilogi II k Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 282/2004 z dne 18. februarja 2004 o uvedbi dokumenta za prijavo in veterinarske preglede živali iz tretjih držav, ki vstopajo v Skupnost [8], bo treba prilagoditi, tako da bodo upoštevale načrtovano odpravo teh mejnih kontrolnih točk v zvezi s pristopom novih držav članic.
The contracts between the Animo host centre and the border inspection posts located in Germany, Austria and Italy listed in Annex II to Commission Regulation (EC) No 282/2004 of 18 February 2004 introducing a document for the declaration of, and veterinary checks on, animals from third countries entering the Community(8) will have to be adapted to take account of the scheduled disappearance of those border inspection posts in connection with the accession of new Member States.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
ker je za namene te direktive usklajen standard tehnična specifikacija (evropski standard ali uskladitveni dokument), ki jo sprejme eden od teh dveh organov ali jo sprejmeta oba organa po pooblastilu Komisije v skladu z določbami Direktive Sveta 83/189/EGS z dne 28. marca 1983, ki določa postopek posredovanja informacij na področju tehničnih standardov in predpisov [5], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu Španije in Portugalske, ter na podlagi splošnih smernic;
whereas, for the purposes of this Directive, a harmonized standard is a technical specification (European standard or harmonization document) adopted by one or both of those bodies upon a remit from the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (5), as last amended by the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and on the basis of the general guidelines;
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dokument o pristopu