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doseči dogovor
1 Pravna redakcija
doseči dogovor med Svetom in Parlamentom;
to reach a compromise between the Council and Parliament;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Po izteku roka za odgovor Komisija povabi Republiko Slovenijo na dvostranske razgovore in obe strani si prizadevata doseči dogovor o ukrepih, ki naj bi jih sprejeli, in o teži kršitve ter finančni izgubi Skupnosti.
After expiry of the period for reply, the Commission shall invite the Republic of Slovenia to a bilateral discussion, and both parties shall endeavour to reach an agreement as to the action to be taken and on an evaluation of the gravity of the infringement and the financial loss to the Community.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-25
Če bo Europol ali Slovenija na podlagi informacij, ki jih že ima, ugotovil, da je treba oceno informacij, ki jih je dala druga stran, popraviti, bo to stran obvestil in z njo skušal doseči dogovor o spremembi ocene.
If Europol or Slovenia - on the basis of information already in its possession - comes to the conclusion that the assessment of information supplied by the other party needs correction, it will inform the other party and attempt to agree on an amendment to the assessment.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
"Vlada Zvezne republike Nemčije glede Protokola h Konvenciji o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti (uradniki) izjavlja, da namerava do istega datuma s pogajanji doseči dogovor o pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje, ki je enak kot pri Konvenciji o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
"The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany states its intention, as regards the Protocol to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests (officials), of reaching, through negotiation, an agreement on the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings that is the same as that sought for the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and by the same date."
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Če v primernem obdobju ni mogoče doseči dogovora, lahko vsaka zadevna država uveljavlja postopke za poravnavo sporov, opredeljene v delu VIII.
If no agreement can be reached within a reasonable period of time, any of the States concerned may invoke the procedures for the settlement of disputes provided for in Part VIII.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Med posvetovanji v skladu z določbami zajetega sporazuma naj članice pred nadaljnjim ukrepom po tem dogovoru skušajo doseči zadovoljivo rešitev zadeve.
In the course of consultations in accordance with the provisions of a covered agreement, before resorting to further action under this Understanding, Members should attempt to obtain satisfactory adjustment of the matter.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Organizacija kot neodvisno telo si prizadeva izrabiti obstoječe znanje in izkušnje ter zmogljivosti in po možnosti doseči največjo stroškovno učinkovitost z dogovori o sodelovanju z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, kot je Mednarodna agencija za atomsko energijo.
The Organization, as an independent body, shall seek to utilize existing expertise and facilities, as appropriate, and to maximize cost efficiencies, through cooperative arrangements with other international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
Ne glede na 8. člen te konvencije simbol tega znaka vključuje besedo "carina" po možnosti v dveh jezikih; pogodbenice, ki uporabljajo znak C-16, pa si prizadevajo doseči regionalni dogovor o tem, da je ta beseda navedena v istem jeziku na vseh znakih, ki so jih postavile.
Notwithstanding Article 8 of this Convention, the symbol of this sign shall include the word "Customs", preferably in two languages; Contracting Parties using C, 16 signs shall endeavour to reach a regional agreement to the effect that this word shall appear in the same language on all the signs they set up.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-71
Če dogovora o razdelitvi premoženja ni mogoče doseči, države naslednice sprejmejo postopek, pri katerem vsako premoženje, ki ga izbere samo ena država, ta država dobi. Če pa dve ali več držav izbere isto premoženje, se bodo te države skupaj posvetovale o tem, katera ga bo dobila.
To the extent that agreement on the distribution of properties cannot be reached, the successor States shall adopt a procedure whereby any property selected by only one State will be acquired by that State, and where two or more States have selected the same property, those States will consult together as to which of them will acquire that property.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-71
(a) V zvezi z drugimi državnimi arhivi SFRJ, ki niso omenjeni v 3. in 4. členu, se države z dogovorom, ki ga morajo doseči v šestih mesecih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, odločijo za njihovo pravično delitev med seboj ali pa te arhive obdržijo kot skupno dediščino držav, ki imajo prost in neoviran dostop do njih.
(a) In relation to SFRY State archives other than those referred to in Articles 3 and 4, the States shall, by agreement to be reached within 6 months of the entry into force of this Agreement, determine their equitable distribution among themselves or their retention as common heritage of the States which shall have free and unhindered access to them.
11 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
Če kljub takim prizadevanjem ni mogoče doseči sporazuma v pogajanjih o kompenzaciji po XXVIII. členu, kot je razčlenjen z Dogovorom o razlagi XXVIII. člena GATT 1994, v razumnem obdobju od začetka pogajanj, carinska unija kljub temu lahko spremeni ali umakne koncesije; prizadete članice pa imajo pravico umakniti v bistvu enakovredne koncesije v skladu z XXVIII. členom.
Where, despite such efforts, agreement in negotiations on compensatory adjustment under Article XXVIII as elaborated by the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXVIII of GATT 1994 cannot be reached within a reasonable period from the initiation of negotiations, the customs union shall, nevertheless, be free to modify or withdraw the concessions; affected Members shall then be free to withdraw substantially equivalent concessions in accordance with Article XXVIII.
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
17.4 Če članica, ki je zahtevala posvetovanje, meni, da se s posvetovanjem v skladu s tretjim odstavkom ni uspelo doseči obojestransko dogovorjene rešitve, in če so upravna telesa članice uvoznice opravila neko končno dejanje z namenom določitve dokončne protidumpinške carine ali z namenom sprejetja cenovne zaveze, tedaj sme zadevo posredovati Organu za reševanje sporov (Dispute Settlement Body, DSB).
17.4 If the Member that requested consultations considers that the consultations pursuant to paragraph 3 have failed to achieve a mutually agreed solution, and if final action has been taken by the administering authorities of the importing Member to levy definitive anti dumping duties or to accept price undertakings, it may refer the matter to the Dispute Settlement Body ("DSB").
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0008
Če vodi preiskavo skupno več schengenskih organov, je treba že v zgodnji fazi doseči dogovor o načinu delitve stroškov.
If an investigation is to be conducted jointly by several Schengen bodies, agreement should be reached at an early stage on how the costs are to be shared.
14 Končna redakcija
Če katera od strank zahteva novo ali spremenjeno besedilo, si prizadevajo doseči dogovor o takšnem besedilu ob upoštevanju svojih vsakokratnih interesov.
If a succeeding or amending text is required by any party, they shall endeavour to reach agreement on such a text having regard to their respective interests.
15 Končna redakcija
Konferenca se strinja, da bodo države članice preučile vprašanja glede števila članov Komisije in števila članov Evropskega parlamenta najpozneje do konca leta 1992 z namenom doseči dogovor, ki bo omogočil vzpostavitev potrebne pravne podlage za določitev števila članov Evropskega parlamenta še pred volitvami 1994.
The Conference agrees that the Member States will examine the questions relating to the number of members of the Commission and the number of members of the European Parliament no later than at the end of 1992, with a view to reaching an agreement which will permit the establishment of the necessary legal basis for fixing the number of members of the European Parliament in good time for the 1994 elections.
16 Končna redakcija
V odločbi razsodišča se v tem primeru navede, da med strankama ni bilo mogoče doseči poravnave, brez navedbe pogojev predlaganega dogovora.
The decision of the board shall then record that no conciliation between the parties could be achieved, but the decision shall not reproduce the terms of the proposed arrangement.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Agenciji je treba predložiti podrobno poročilo glede zadev, o katerih države članice niso mogle doseči dogovora, ter razloge za njihovo nestrinjanje.
The Agency shall be provided with a detailed statement of the matters on which the Member States have been unable to reach agreement and the reasons for their disagreement.
18 Končna redakcija
Če v teh rokih ni mogoče doseči dogovora o nekaterih izdelkih, Svet na predlog Komisije do konca druge faze soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino določi dajatve skupne carinske tarife.
If, for certain products, no agreement can be reached within these periods, the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission, acting unanimously until the end of the second stage and by a qualified majority thereafter, determine the duties in the common customs tariff.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
kadar ni mogoče doseči dogovora glede roka za sprejemanje ponudb, naročnik določi rok, ki je praviloma vsaj 24 dni in v nobenem primeru ni manj kakor 10 dni od datuma povabila k oddaji ponudbe.
where it is not possible to reach agreement on the time limit for the receipt of tenders, the contracting entity shall fix a time limit which shall, as a general rule, be at least 24 days and shall in no case be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender.
20 Pravna redakcija
Na koncu obdobja dogovarjanja je treba, kadar ni nasprotovanj, doseči dogovor.
An agreement should be reached at the end of the mediation period when no objections remain.
21 Pravna redakcija
Na tej stopnji so dopustne le spremembe, ki jih vloži pristojni odbor in katerih namen je doseči dogovor s Komisijo.
Only amendments tabled by the committee responsible and seeking to reach a compromise with the Commission shall be admissible at this stage.
22 Pravna redakcija
Če vodi preiskavo skupno več schengenskih organov, je treba že v zgodnji fazi doseči dogovor o načinu delitve stroškov.
If an investigation is to be conducted jointly by several Schengen bodies, agreement should be reached at an early stage on how the costs are to be shared.
23 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v člen 197 Pogodbe ES si predsednik prizadeva doseči dogovor s Komisijo in Svetom o ustrezni dodelitvi časa za njun govor.
Without prejudice to Article 197 of the EC Treaty, the President shall seek to reach an understanding with the Commission and Council on appropriate allocation of speaking time for them.
24 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa vedno ni mogoče doseči dogovora.
However, it may not always be possible for agreement to be reached.
25 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja o skupnih administrativnih zadevah razhajajo, si Skupščina prizadeva doseči dogovor s Skupščino Sklada iz leta 1992 v duhu sodelovanja in z upoštevanjem skupnih ciljev obeh organizacij.
If differences of opinion with respect to common administrative issues arise, the Assembly shall try to reach a consensus with the Assembly of the 1992 Fund, in a spirit of mutual cooperation and with the common aims of both organizations in mind.
26 Pravna redakcija
Če država članica nasprotuje ugotovitvam Komisije, jo ta povabi na zaslišanje, v katerem se obe strani v sodelovanju, ki temelji na partnerstvu, trudita doseči dogovor o ugotovitvah in na njih temelječih sklepih.
If the Member State objects to the observations made by the Commission, the Member State shall be invited to a hearing by the Commission, in which both sides in cooperation based on the partnership make efforts to reach an agreement about the observations and the conclusions to be drawn from them.
27 Pravna redakcija
V primeru staležev, ki se nahajajo znotraj ribolovnih območij obeh strank in sosednjih območij, si stranki neposredno ali preko ustreznih regionalnih organov prizadevata doseči dogovor s tretjimi strankami o ukrepih za ohranitev in smotrno rabo teh staležev.
In the case of stocks occurring within the fishing zones of both Parties and in adjacent areas, the Parties shall seek either directly or through appropriate regional bodies to reach agreement with third parties on measures for the conservation and rational utilization of these stocks.
28 Pravna redakcija
Odbor, ki mu je bila zadeva vrnjena na podlagi odstavka 2, mora pod pogoji te vrnitve poročati v določenem roku in, kadar je to primerno, vložiti spremembe, katerih namen je doseči dogovor s Komisijo, ne sme pa ponovno obravnavati vseh določb, ki jih je sprejel Parlament.
A committee to which a matter has been referred back pursuant to paragraph 2 is principally required under the terms of that referral to report within the deadline given and, where appropriate, to table amendments seeking to reach a compromise with the Commission, but not to reconsider all the provisions approved by Parliament.
29 Pravna redakcija
V takih primerih mora zaradi dejstva, da so dopustne samo tiste spremembe odbora, katerih namen je doseči dogovor, ter z namenom, da se ohrani suverenost Parlamenta, poročilo iz odstavka 2 jasno navajati, katere že sprejete določbe bi prenehale veljati, če bi bile sprejete predlagane spremembe.
In such cases, in view of the fact that the only admissible amendments from the committee are those seeking to reach a compromise, and with a view to preserving the sovereignty of the House, the report referred to in paragraph 2 must clearly state which provisions already approved would fall if the proposed amendments were adopted.
30 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Romunije in pristojnih organov Skupnosti ob vstopu v Skupnost razhajajo glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovijo uvoznice, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 14, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede zadevne uvrstitve.
In case of divergent opinions between Romania and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Protocol, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the importing Party, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 with a view to reaching agreement on the classification concerned.
31 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Hrvaške in pristojnih organov Skupnosti ob vstopu v Skupnost razhajajo glede uvrstitve izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, uvrstitev začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 14, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Croatia and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by this Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 with a view to reaching agreement on the definitive classification of the product concerned.
32 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Ukrajine in pristojnih organov Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 15, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Ukraine and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 15 with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
33 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Uzbekistana in pristojnih organov Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, uvrstitev začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 15, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Uzbekistan and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 15 with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
34 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Laosa in pristojnih organov Skupnosti ob vstopu v Skupnost razhajajo glede uvrstitve izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, uvrstitev začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 11 Sporazuma, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Laos and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by this Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 11 of the Agreement with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
35 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Bosne in Hercegovine ter pristojnih organov Skupnosti ob vstopu v Skupnost razhajajo glede uvrstitve izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, uvrstitev začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 14, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by this Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
36 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Nepala in pristojnih organov Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 11 tega sporazuma, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Nepal and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by this Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 11 of this Agreement with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
37 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Kambodže in pristojnih organov Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 11 tega sporazuma, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Cambodia and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by this Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 11 of this Agreement with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
38 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Belorusije in pristojnih organov Skupnosti ob vstopu v Skupnost glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovi Skupnost, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 15, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede dokončne uvrstitve zadevnega izdelka.
In case of divergent opinions between Belarus and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 15 with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
39 Pravna redakcija
Če se mnenja Romunije in pristojnih organov Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta sporazum, ob vnosu v Skupnost razhajajo, glede uvrstitve izdelkov, ki jih pokriva ta protokol, uvrščanje začasno temelji na kazalcih, ki jih zagotovijo uvoznice, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 14, katerih cilj je doseči dogovor glede zadevne uvrstitve.
In case of divergent opinions between Romania and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Protocol, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the importing parties, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 with a view to reaching agreement on the classification concerned.
40 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si v vsakem trenutku prizadevata doseči za obe pogodbenici zadovoljiv dogovor glede spora.
Parties shall at all times endeavour to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement on the dispute.
41 Pravna redakcija
Na tem vrhu po Riu leta 1992 bo Evropska unija poskusila doseči »globalni dogovor« o trajnostnem razvoju.
At this summit, following the 1992 Rio process, the European Union will seek to achieve a 'global deal' on sustainable development.
42 Pravna redakcija
Sledi torej, da morajo navedeni delničarji pri določanju gospodarske politike skupnega podjetja doseči skupni dogovor.
It follows, therefore, that these shareholders must reach a common understanding in determining the commercial policy of the joint venture.
43 Pravna redakcija
Če ni možno doseči dogovora, Svet po posvetovanju s preostalo pridruženo državo pogodbenico odloči o potrebnih ukrepih.
If no agreement can be reached, the Council shall decide after consultation of the remaining associated Contracting Party on the necessary measures.
44 Pravna redakcija
Za usklajevanje je verjetneje, da se pojavi na trgih, kjer je sorazmerno preprosto doseči skupen dogovor o pogojih usklajevanja.
Coordination is more likely to emerge in markets where it is relatively simple to reach a common understanding on the terms of coordination.
45 Pravna redakcija
Če dogovora ni mogoče doseči, se uvrstitev blaga predloži Odboru za nomenklaturo, ki določi dokončno uvrstitev v kombinirano nomenklaturo.
In case no agreement can be reached, the classification of the goods is to be submitted to the Nomenclature Committee for a definitive classification in the combined nomenclature.
46 Pravna redakcija
Če dogovora ni mogoče doseči, se uvrstitev blaga predloži Odboru za nomenklaturo, ki določi dokončno uvrstitev v kombinirano nomenklaturo.
In case no agreement can be reached, the classification of the goods is to be submitted to the Nomenclature Committee for a definitive classification in the Combined Nomenclature.
47 Pravna redakcija
Če tega iz praktičnih razlogov ni mogoče doseči, se lahko proizvajalec in organ, ki opravlja preskušanje, dogovorita o alternativnih ukrepih.
If for practical reasons this cannot he achieved, alternative arrangements mutually agreed between the manufacturer and the test authorities may be made.
48 Pravna redakcija
Če v treh mesecih od datuma zahteve za razpravo ni mogoče doseči dogovora, se sodelovanje na zadevnem projektu na zahtevo katere koli od pogodbenic začasno ali dokončno ustavi.
If no agreement can be reached within a three-month period from the date of the request for discussions, cooperation on the project in question will be suspended or terminated at the request of either Party.
49 Pravna redakcija
Če zadevne stranke ne uspejo doseči dogovora, morajo zaprositi za dobre usluge ali skupaj zahtevati mediacijo tretje pogodbenice, pristojne mednarodne organizacije ali pristojne osebe.
If the Parties concerned cannot reach agreement they should seek the good offices of or jointly request mediation by a third Contracting Party, a qualified international organization or a qualified person.
50 Pravna redakcija
Če zadevne stranke ne uspejo doseči dogovora, morajo zaprositi za dobre usluge ali skupaj zahtevati mediacijo tretje pogodbenice, pristojne mednarodne organizacije ali pristojne osebe.
If the Parties concerned cannot reach agreement they should seek the good offices of or jointly request the mediation by a third Contracting Party, a qualified international organization or a qualified person.
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doseči dogovor