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družbena struktura
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Unija prispeva k spodbujanju evropskih športnih zadev ob upoštevanju njihove posebne narave, na prostovoljni dejavnosti temelječih struktur in njihovo družbeno in vzgojno vlogo.
The Union shall contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
Na številnih večjih območjih imajo strukturne težave v jeklarski industriji ter s tem mogoče družbene in gospodarske posledice zaradi nujnega strukturnega prilagajanja veliko razsežnost.
In a number of major areas, the magnitude of structural problems confronting the steel sector and resultant social and economic implications of the necessary structural adjustments are substantial.
3 Objavljeno
razumevanje zdravja kot razvojnega projekta kvalitete življenja in družbenih vrednot v mestu, medsektorsko sodelovanje v varovanju zdravja, aktiviranje javnosti in razvijanje civilne družbe ter nujnost izgradnje organizacijske strukture projekta zdravo mesto.
understanding of health as a development project of life quality and social values in the city, intersectoral collaboration in health promotion, activation of public and development of civil society and the urgency of building up the organizational structure of healthy city project, are presented in the article.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
so prepričane, da bo odprava prodaje otrok, otroške prostitucije in otroške pornografije lažja z uporabo celostnega pristopa, ki bo obravnaval dejavnike, ki k temu prispevajo in med katerimi so: nerazvitost, revščina, gospodarska neskladja, nepravične družbeno-ekonomske strukture, družine, ki ne opravljajo svoje vloge, pomanjkanje vzgoje in izobraževanja, preseljevanje s podeželja v mesta, spolno razlikovanje, neodgovorno spolno vedenje odraslih, škodljivi tradicionalni običaji, oboroženi spopadi in nedovoljeno trgovanje z otroki,
Believing that the elimination of the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography will be facilitated by adopting a holistic approach, addressing the contributing factors, including underdevelopment, poverty, economic disparities, inequitable socio-economic structure, dysfunctioning families, lack of education, urban-rural migration, gender discrimination, irresponsible adult sexual behaviour, harmful traditional practices, armed conflicts and trafficking in children,
5 Končna redakcija
ker ima svojo lastno družbeno strukturo in ribari pod posebnimi pogoji;
whereas they have their own social structure and fish under special conditions;
6 Končna redakcija
Marginalizirane države in družbene skupine imajo strukturo, ki jim omogoča upor.
States and social groups that are marginalized have a structure that is capable of supporting resistance.
7 Končna redakcija
ker se je skoraj dve desetletji poskušalo vključiti kmetijsko strukturno politiko v širši gospodarski in družbeni kontekst podeželskih območij;
whereas for almost two decades, attempts have been made to integrate agricultural structural policy into the wider economic and social context of rural areas;
8 Končna redakcija
Sodoben pogled na materinstvo prinaša prepoznanje ženske vloge v strukturi družbene moči, in sicer kot subjekta strokovnega diskurza in kot potrošnice (diskurza in blaga).
The novelty introduced by the modern view on motherhood is the recognition that women's role in the structure of social power is that of a subject of professional discourse and a consumer (of the discourse and the commodities).
9 Končna redakcija
Jezik in ideologija sta blizu drug drugemu, zato lahko sistematična analiza jezika ali besedil (pisnih ali govornih) razkrije sisteme zatiranja ljudi v določenih družbenih strukturah.
Given that language and ideology stand close one to another, a systematic analysis of language or texts (written or spoken) can expose the systems exploited for the oppression of people within specific social structures.
10 Končna redakcija
Prav zato se nam zdi aplikacija načel kda v diskurzivni analizi medijskega poročanja o homoseksualnosti najbolj primerna, saj ima jasne politične cilje in s sistematično analizo jezika ali tekstov odkriva sisteme zatiranja posameznikov in posameznic v določenih družbenih strukturah.
It is precisely this assumption that makes us convinced that the application of the cda principles to a discourse analysis of media representations of homosexuality is the most suitable approach. It has clear political goals and through the systematic analysis of language or texts it exposes the systems used to oppress individuals within specific social structures.
11 Končna redakcija
Sami geji in lezbijke s skrivanjem svoje spolne usmerjenosti tako prispevajo k omenjenim medijskim reprezentacijam, vendar po našem mnenju fatalnost začaranega kroga podpira tudi struktura heteroseksualne družbe, saj je homoseksualnost najmanj ogrožajoča za družbeno kohezivnost takrat, kadar je nevidna.
By hiding their sexual preferences, gays and lesbians themselves undoubtedly contribute towards distorted media representations. However, in our opinion, the fatality of the vicious circle is also bolstered through the heterosexual structure of society, since the social cohesion is least endangered if homosexuality remains invisible.
12 Končna redakcija
To jo je tako silovito pretreslo, da je v trenutku, ko jo je gospod H. G. Wells s svojim mogočnim peresom povzdignil in jo postavil v tak zorni kot, od koder sta se ji življenje, ki ga je imela, in družba, ki se je je oklepala, pokazala v njunih pravih odnosih do resničnih človeških potreb in vrednih družbenih struktur, doživela spreobrnitev in spoznanje napak, kakor ju je mogoče primerjati z najbolj senzacionalnimi potezami generala Bootha in Gypsyja Smitha.
It shook her so violently, that when Mr H. G. Wells lifted her on the point of his puissant pen, and placed her at the angle of view from which the life she was leading and the society to which she clung appeared in its true relation to real human needs and worthy social structure, he effected a conversion and a conviction of sin comparable to the most sensational feats of General Booth or Gypsy Smith.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0443
Izboljševanje institucionalne strukture, ki se mora izvajati skupaj s tesnejšim dialogom s partnerji zaradi ustvarjanja ugodnejših gospodarskih, zakonodajnih in družbenih razmer za razvoj;
Improvement of the institutional structure, which must go hand in hand with a closer dialogue with partners, in order to make the economic, legislative, administrative and social climate more conducive to development;
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2046
ker razkroj družbenih struktur v državah v razvoju zaradi porabe mamil in s tem povezane industrije škoduje trajnostnemu družbenemu razvoju ter doseganju ciljev politike Skupnosti na področju razvojnega sodelovanja iz člena 130u Pogodbe;
Whereas the breakdown of social structures in developing countries due to drug consumption and the related industry is detrimental to sustainable social development and the attainment of the goals of Community policy in the sphere of development cooperation as defined in Article 130u of the Treaty;
15 Pravna redakcija
POTRJUJOČ svojo politično voljo za ustanovitev nove strukture za gospodarski dialog med Skupnostjo in državami Medmorske Amerike s širjenjem in utrjevanjem sodelovanja med obema regijama na gospodarskem, trgovinskem, finančnem, tehničnem in družbenem področju,
CONFIRMING their political will to establish a new structure for economic dialogue between the Community and the Central American Isthmus by broadening and consolidating cooperation between the two regions in the economic, trade, financial, technical and social spheres,
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0706
Sodelovanje z Jordanijo obsega predvsem program strukturnega prilagajanja, ki mora zagotoviti potrebno finančno podporo za stabilizacijo obstoječih resnih makroekonomskih neravnotežij in pospeševanje gospodarskih reform ob upoštevanju najobčutljivejših družbenih sektorjev.
cooperation with Jordan should principally consist of a programme of structural adjustment which shall provide the necessary budgetary support in order to stabilize the serious macroeconomic imbalances which exist and to promote structural economic reforms while taking into account the most sensitive social sectors.
17 Pravna redakcija
Pomembne družbene spremembe, ki so večinoma že razpoznavne, se bodo po pričakovanjih nadaljevale ves čas programskega obdobja (na primer v populacijski piramidi, strukturi gospodinjstev, selitvenih gibanjih, delovnih vzorcih, izobraževalnih sistemih, itd.) in poleg zgoraj opisanih bo potrebna nova vrsta statističnih instrumentov.
Significant social changes, most of which are already discernible, are expected to continue throughout the programme period (for example in the population pyramid, household structure, migration trends, working patterns, educational systems, etc.) and a new type of instrument will be required in addition to those described above.
18 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju družbenega, gospodarskega, kulturnega in ekološkega pomena gojenja banan na območjih Skupnosti v francoskih prekomorskih departmajih, na Madeiri, Azorih, Algarvu, Kreti, Lakoniji in Kanarskih otokih, za katera je značilna izoliranost, oddaljenost in strukturna zaostalost, te razmere pa v nekaterih primerih zaostruje še gospodarska odvisnost od gojenja banan;
Having regard to the social, economic, cultural and environmental importance of banana-growing in the Community regions of the French Overseas Departments, Madeira, the Azores, the Algarve, Crete, Lakonia and the Canary Islands, which are regions characterized by insularity, remoteness and structural backwardness, aggravated in some cases by economic dependence on banana growing,
19 Pravna redakcija
ker se pristojni organi v srednje-in vzhodnoevropskih državah, novih neodvisnih državah nekdanje Sovjetske zveze in Mongoliji, uporabniki programa, strukture, odgovorne za njegovo organizacijo v državah upravičenkah in v Evropski skupnosti, ter izvedenci in kvalificirani predstavniki, ki zastopajo stališča univerzitetnega prostora v Evropi, strinjajo z ugotovitvami evalvacijskega poročila, ki potrjuje, da je Tempus v državah upravičenkah sposoben učinkovito prispevati k raznolikosti možnosti za izobraževanje in sodelovanje med univerzami ter tako utreti pot za razvoj znanstvenega, kulturnega ter gospodarskega in družbenega sodelovanja;
Whereas the competent authorities in the countries of central and eastern Europe, the new independent States of the former Soviet Union and Mongolia, the users of the programme, the structures responsible for organising it in the eligible countries and in the European Community, and the experts and qualified representatives reflecting the views of the university world in Europe, share the findings of the evaluation report attesting to the capacity of Tempus to make an effective contribution in the eligible countries to the diversification of educational opportunities and to cooperation between universities, thereby paving the way for the development of scientific, cultural and economic and social cooperation;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
pomen teritorialnih struktur in družbenih omrežij v teh procesih.
the importance of territorial structures and social networks in these processes.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001E0931
resno destabiliziranje ali uničevanje temeljnih političnih, ustavnih, gospodarskih ali družbenih struktur države ali mednarodne organizacije:
seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation:
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0016
zadostno razumevanje strukture, funkcij in obnašanja zdravih in bolnih ljudi ter odnosov med zdravstvenim stanjem človeka ter njegovim fizičnim in družbenim okoljem;
sufficient understanding of the structure, functions and behaviour of healthy and sick persons, as well as relations between the state of health and physical and social surroundings of the human being;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1292
prispevati k uravnovešenemu gospodarskemu in socialnemu razvoju držav prejemnic na podeželju in v urbanem okolju ob upoštevanju vlog žensk in moških v organizaciji gospodinjstev ter v družbeni strukturi;
to contribute towards the balanced economic and social development of the recipient countries in the rural and urban environment, by paying special attention to the respective roles of women and men in the household economy and in the social structure;
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998E0350
Unija suverenim državam priznava vso pravico, da vzpostavljajo svoje lastne ustavne rešitve in ustanavljajo svoje lastne upravne strukture v skladu s svojo zgodovino, kulturo, tradicijo ter družbeno in etnično sestavo.
The Union fully recognises the right of sovereign states to establish their own constitutional arrangements and to institute their own administrative structures according to their history, culture, tradition and social and ethnic composition.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1572
ker je v okviru prizadevanj mediteranskega partnerstva za reformo gospodarskih in družbenih struktur razvoj kadrovskih zmogljivosti bistven za doseganje dolgoročne stabilnosti in blaginje ter zlasti za doseganje socialno-gospodarskega ravnotežja;
Whereas, in the context of the Mediterranean partners' efforts to reform their economic and social structures, the development of human resources is essential for the attainment of long-term stability and prosperity and in particular the achievement of socio-economic equilibrium;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
Pogodbenice bodo v okviru razvojnih strategij ter nacionalnih in regionalnih programov upoštevale strukturne pritiske, povezane z migracijskimi tokovi, z namenom podpiranja gospodarskega in družbenega razvoja regij, iz katerih izvirajo migranti, in zmanjševanja revščine.
The Parties will take account, in the framework of development strategies and national and regional programming, of structural constraints associated with migratory flows with the purpose of supporting the economic and social development of the regions from which migrants originate and of reducing poverty.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Oblikovanje makroekonomskih politik in programov strukturnega prilagajanja odraža družbenopolitično ozadje in institucionalno zmogljivost zadevnih držav, zagotavlja pozitiven vpliv na zmanjšanje revščine in dostop do socialnih služb ter temelji na naslednjih načelih:
The design of macroeconomic policies and structural adjustment programmes shall reflect the socio-political background and institutional capacity of the countries concerned, ensure a positive impact on poverty reduction and social services access and shall be based on the following principles:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0404
ob upoštevanju družbenega, gospodarskega, kulturnega in ekološkega pomena gojenja banan na območjih Skupnosti v francoskih prekomorskih departmajih, na Madeiri, Azorih, Algarvu, Kreti, Lakoniji in Kanarskih otokih, za katera je značilna izoliranost, oddaljenost in strukturna zaostalost, te razmere pa v nekaterih primerih zaostruje še gospodarska odvisnost od gojenja banan;
Having regard to the social, economic, cultural and environmental importance of banana-growing in the Community regions of the French Overseas Departments, Madeira, the Azores, the Algarve, Crete, Lakonia and the Canary Islands, which are regions characterized by insularity, remoteness and structural backwardness, aggravated in some cases by economic dependence on bananagrowing,
29 Prevod
CELEX: 31997R0550
lokalne oblasti in druge decentralizirane ustanove, vključujoč tradicionalne družbene strukture,
local authorities and other decentralized bodies, including traditional social structures,
30 Prevod
CELEX: 31996R1292
prispevati k uravnovešenemu gospodarskemu in družbenemu razvoju držav prejemnic v ruralnem in urbanem okolju ob upoštevanju vlog žensk in moških v organizaciji gospodinjstev ter v družbeni strukturi; končni cilj dejavnosti pomoči Skupnosti je pripraviti prejemnice, da postanejo nosilke svojega lastnega razvoja,
to contribute towards the balanced economic and social development of the recipient countries in the rural and urban environment, by paying special attention to the respective roles of women and men in the household economy and in the social structure; the ultimate objective of Community aid operations shall be to make the recipients into agents of their own development,
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družbena struktura