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dvokrožni volilni sistem
1 Končna redakcija
dvokrožni volilni sistem
double-ballot voting system
2 Končna redakcija
Če država članica za volitve v Skupščino uporablja dvokrožni volilni sistem, mora prvi krog potekati v obdobju iz odstavka 1.
If a Member State adopts a double ballot system for elections to the Assembly, the first ballot must take place during the period referred to in paragraph 1.
3 Končna redakcija
2. Na spletni konferenci, kot so jo imenovali, ste lahko pustili svoje mnenje na naslednja vprašanja: Kaj bi po vašem mnenju Bajukova vlada še morala storiti do konca mandata?, Kaj menite o podpori poslanske skupine SLS+SKD - Slovenska Ljudska stranka pod vodstvom dr. Franca Zagožna ustavnim spremembam, s katerimi so v Slovensko ustavo zapisali proporcionalni volilni sistem, ne glede na referendumski izid in odločbo ustavnega sodišča, ki sta v prid dvokrožnemu volilnemu sistemu?, Ali podpirate predlog vlade rs o zmanjšanju števila ministrskih resorjev?, Ali se strinjate z objavo imen vseh, ki niso plačali davčnih obveznosti? in Kaj menite o tem, da sta Milan Kučan in Jorg Haider izpostavila avnojske sklepe kot politično vprašanje?
2 On the web conference the visitors could give their opinion about the following questions: What, in your opinion, should Bajuk's government accomplish before the end of its mandate? What do you think about the support that the group of MPs of SLS+SKD-The Slovenian People's Party, under the leadership of Dr. Franc Zagožen, gave to the constitutional changes through which the proportional system entered the Constitution despite the result of the referendum and the decision of the Constitutional Court which speak in favor of the two-round voting system? Do you support the proposal of the government of RS to reduce the number of ministerial sectors? Do you approve of the publishing of the names of all who did not pay tax? What do you think about the fact that Milan Kučan and Jorg Haider declared that the AVNOJ resolutions were political issue?
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dvokrožni volilni sistem