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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(e) računovodsko evidentiranje obveznosti in plačil;
(e) accounting of commitments and payments,
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
e) poseduje otroško pornografijo v računalniškem sistemu ali na sredstvu za shranjevanje računalniških podatkov.
e possessing child pornography in a computer system or on a computer-data storage medium.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
e) predloži svetu letna in po potrebi vmesna poročila o dejavnostih akademije, skupaj z revidiranim letnim računovodskim poročilom;
(e) Submit to the Board annual and ad hoc reports on the activities of the Academy including an annual audited statement of the Academy's accounts;
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
e. podrobna navodila, potrebna za nakazilo, vključno z bančnim računom/podatki za nakazilo, naslovom prejemnika, podatki o osebi za stike.
e. Detailed Instructions necessary to effect Payment including Bank Account/Transfer Information, Payee Title, Point of Contact information.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(e) ` evro račun SAPARD` pomeni račun, ki ga v imenu Republike Slovenije in v njeni pristojnosti odpre nacionalni odredbodajalec pri finančni ali zakladniški instituciji in ki se obrestuje po normalnih komercialnih pogojih, tako da na ta račun lahko prejema plačila, navedena v 7. členu tega razdelka; račun se uporablja izključno samo za transakcije programa SAPARD, vodi se v evrih in ni obremenjen z nobenimi dajatvami ali davki;
(e) ` SAPARD euro account` means the account opened by the National Authorising Officer, on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, under their responsibility in a financial or treasury institution bearing interest under normal commercial conditions to receive payments referred to in Article 7 of this Section and used exclusively for SAPARD transactions, maintained in euro and not subject to any charges or taxes;
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 61-2008
(e) Načeloma se uporabljajo določbe Natovih finančnih predpisov, ki se nanašajo na naloge Mednarodnega revizijskega odbora za Nato in revizijo računovodskih izkazov.
(e) The provisions of the NATO Financial Regulations that relate to the duties of the IBAN and to the auditing of accounts shall, in principle, be applicable.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(e) osebam, ki so pooblaščene za uporabo sistemov za računalniško obdelavo podatkov, zagotovi dostop le do tistih podatkov, ki so zajeti v njihovem pooblastilu za dostop (nadzor dostopa do podatkov);
(e) ensure that persons authorized to use an automated data processing system only have access to the data covered by their access authorization (data access control);
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če generalna skupščina v skladu s točko k) drugega odstavka 14. člena ne odloči drugače, opravi računovodsko revizijo država glavnega sedeža v skladu z določbami tega člena in ob upoštevanju posebnih navodil upravnega odbora tudi v skladu s pravilnikom o računovodstvu in knjigovodstvu organizacije (točka e) petega odstavka 15. člena).
1 In the absence of a contrary decision by the General Assembly pursuant to article 14 paragraph 2, letter k), the auditing of accounts shall be carried out by the Headquarters State, according to the rules laid down in this Article and, subject to any special directives of the Administrative Committee, in conformity with the Financial and Accounting Regulation of the Organisation (Article 15 paragraph 5, letter e)).
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Odbor: a) sprejme svoj poslovnik; b) sklene sporazum o sedežu organizacije; c) sprejme pravilnik za zaposlene v organizaciji; d) ob upoštevanju sposobnosti kandidatov in ustrezne geografske razporeditve po državah imenuje vodilne uslužbence organizacije; e) sprejme pravilnik o računovodstvu in knjigovodstvu organizacije; f) odobri delovni program, finančni načrt, poročilo o poslovanju in zaključni račun organizacije;
5 The Committee shall: a) establish its rules of procedure; b) conclude the Headquarters Agreement; c) establish the staff regulation for the Organisation; d) appoint, taking account of the ability of the candidates and an equitable geographical distribution, the senior officers of the Organisation; e) establish a regulation concerning the finances and book-keeping of the Organisation; f) approve the work programme, budget, management report and accounts of the Organisation;
10 Končna redakcija
Računali smo z modelom k-e s Kato-Launderjevim popravkom.
The calculation was made with the Kato-Launder k-e model.
11 Končna redakcija
Poleg standardnega modela k-e smo računali tudi z modelom RNG.
Besides the standard k-e model the RNG model was also used.
12 Končna redakcija
Tok v dvojni kaskadi smo računali s standardnim in z modelom RNG k-e.
Flow in the tandem cascade was calculated with the standard and the RNG k-e models.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kmetijska proizvodnja, ki jo opravlja nekmetijska enota, namreč v smislu računovodskih podatkov zaradi posebnih značilnosti proizvodov in sredstev za kmetijsko proizvodnjo kakor tudi zaradi virov podatkov in metod za oblikovanje ERK, ki iz tega izhajajo, vedno šteje za ločeno proizvodnjo (prim. oddelek E Poglavja I in oddelka B in C Poglavja II).
Agricultural production carried out by a non-agricultural unit is in fact considered to be always separable, in terms of accounting data, because of the specific features of the products and the means of agricultural production as well as the data sources and methods used for drawing up the resulting EAA (cf. section E of chapter I and sections B and C of chapter II).
14 Pravna redakcija
Številka(e) računa(ov)
Invoice(s) number(s)
15 Pravna redakcija
e) Druge računalniške storitve (CPC 849)
e) Other Computer Services (CPC 849)
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0010
(e) dokumentacijo o validaciji računalniških sistemov;
(e) validation documentation for computerised systems;
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1535
(e) upravni in računovodski pregled najmanj 10 % plačanih cen iz člena 22(1);
(e) administrative and accounting checks on at least 10 % of payments of the prices referred to in Article 22(1).
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0051
(e) mnenje glede skladnosti letnega poročila z letnim računovodskim izkazom za isto poslovno leto.
(e) an opinion concerning the consistency or otherwise of the annual report with the annual accounts for the same financial year.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0051
(e) mnenje glede skladnosti konsolidiranega letnega poročila s konsolidiranim računovodskim izkazom za isto poslovno leto.
(e) an opinion concerning the consistency or otherwise of the consolidated annual report with the consolidated accounts for the same financial year.
20 Pravna redakcija
(e) posamezne pogodbe o tehnični pomoči (jeziki, računalništvo itd.), ki se nanašajo na specifičen vidik posameznega primera.
(e) individual technical assistance contracts (languages, computing, etc.) relating to a specific aspect of a case.
21 Pravna redakcija
Ne uporablja se za "elektronske sklope", ki so po svoji naravi namenjeni za uporabo z računalniško opremo iz točk 4A003.d ali 4A003.e.
It does not apply to "electronic assemblies" inherently limited by nature of their design for use as related equipment specified in 4A003.d. or 4A003.e.
22 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi izvajanja določb odstavka 1 morajo carinski organi zgoraj navedene države vrniti izjavo dobavitelja in račun(-e), dobavnico (e) ali drug(-e) trgovinski(-e) dokument(-e) za blago, na katere se nanaša ta izjava, carinskim organom države, kjer je bila izjava sestavljena, in navesti vsebinske ali oblikovne razloge za poizvedbo, kadar je to primerno.
For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the abovementioned country shall return the supplier's declaration and the invoice(s), delivery note(s) or other commercial document(s) concerning goods covered by this declaration, to the customs authorities of the country where the declaration was made out, giving, where appropriate, the reasons of substance or form of an enquiry.
23 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Sveta z dne 24. julija 1989 o kodeksu poslovanja računalniških rezervacijskih sistemov e, kot spremenjena z Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 3089/93.
Council Regulation of 24 July 1989 introducing a code of conduct for computer reservation systems, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3089/93.
24 Pravna redakcija
(e) Tanzanijski organi pred datumom začetka veljavnosti sporazuma sporočijo način plačevanja licenčnin, predvsem podatke o bančnem računu in valuti, ki jo je treba uporabiti.
(e) The Tanzanian authorities shall communicate before the date of entry into force of the agreement, the arrangements for payment of the licence fees, and in particular the details of the bank account and the currency to be used.
25 Pravna redakcija
Kadar se določbe, ki se nanašajo na vprašalnik iz odstavka 1(e), ne izpolnjujejo, Komisija pridrži pavšalni znesek na podlagi člena 14 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2040/2000 fn jmov na vknjižbe kmetijskih izdatkov v računovodske izkaze držav članic.
Where the provisions relating to the questionnaire referred to in paragraph l(e) are not complied with, the Commission shall withhold a flat-rate amount, under Article 14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2040/2000 (3), from advances on the entry in the accounts of the agricultural expenditure of the Member States.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
Zaradi izvajanje določb odstavka 1 morajo carinski organi zgoraj omenjene države vrniti izjavo dobavitelja in račun(e), dobavnico (e) ali druge trgovinske dokumente za blago, na katerega se nanaša ta izjava, carinskim organom države, kjer je bila izjava sestavljena, in navesti vsebinske ali oblikovne razloge za poizvedbo, kadar je to primerno.
For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the abovementioned country shall return the supplier's declaration and invoice(s), delivery note(s) or other commercial documents concerning goods covered by this declaration, to the customs authorities of the country where the declaration was made out, giving, where appropriate, the reasons of substance or form of an enquiry.
27 Pravna redakcija
Zneski iz člena 4(a), (c), (d), (e) in (f) se pristojnim organom in telesom Gvineje Bissau zagotovijo najkasneje 15. januarja 2002 za prvo leto in po datumu obletnice Protokola za naslednja leta, in se vplačajo na bančne račune pristojnih organov Gvineje Bissau skladno s načrtom za njihovo porabo.
The amounts referred to in Article 4(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f) shall be made available to the competent Guinea-Bissau authorities and bodies no later than 15 January 2002 for the first year and after the anniversary date of the Protocol for the following years, and shall be paid into the bank accounts of the competent Guinea-Bissau authorities according to the schedule for their use.
28 Pravna redakcija
Letni zneski, z izjemo tistih iz (d) in (e), se plačajo na račun, ki ga določi ministrstvo republike Sao Tome in Principe, pristojno za ribištvo, in se določijo na podlagi pogojev protokola, o katerem se bo pogajalo z zakladnico najpozneje do 31. decembra 2002, 31. maja 2003 in 31. maja 2004 glede na letni načrt njihove uporabe.
The annual amounts, with the exception of those referred to at (d) and (e), shall be paid into an account designated by the Săo Tomé and Príncipe Ministry responsible for fisheries and used under the terms of a protocol to be negotiated with the Public Treasury no later than 31 December 2002, 31 May 2003 and 31 May 2004 according to the annual schedule for their use.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2348
Letni zneski, z izjemo tistih iz (d) in (e), se plačajo na račun, ki ga določi ministrstvo republike Sao Tome in Principe, pristojno za ribištvo, in se določijo na podlagi pogojev protokola, o katerem se bo pogajalo z zakladnico najpozneje do 31. decembra 2002, 31. maja 2003 in 31. maja 2004 glede na letni načrt njihove uporabe.
The annual amounts, with the exception of those referred to at (d) and (e), shall be paid into an account designated by the Săo Tomé and Príncipe Ministry responsible for fisheries and used under the terms of a protocol to be negotiated with the Public Treasury no later than 31 December 2002, 31 May 2003 and 31 May 2004 according to the annual schedule for their use.
30 Pravna redakcija
vzpostavitev sistema za zbiranje zanesljivih finančnih in statističnih podatkov o izvajanju, za določitev kazalnikov spremljanja iz člena 36 in za vrednotenje v skladu s členoma 42 in 43 ter za posredovanje teh podatkov v skladu z ureditvijo, dogovorjeno med državo članico in Komisijo, če je mogoče z uporabo računalniških sistemov, ki omogočajo izmenjavo podatkov s Komisijo, kakor je opredeljeno v členu 18(3)(e);
setting up a system to gather reliable financial and statistical information on implementation, for the monitoring indicators referred to in Article 36, and for evaluation in compliance with Articles 42 and 43; and for forwarding this data in accordance with arrangements agreed between the Member State and the Commission, using where possible computer systems permitting the exchange of data with the Commission, as defined in Article 18(3)(e);
31 Pravna redakcija
"e) V primerih, ko države članice uporabijo možnost, ki je predvidena v tretji alinei točke (a), da se vzdržijo dodeljevanja številke, kot je navedeno v odstavku 1(c) davčnim zavezancem, ki ne opravljajo nobenih transakcij iz odstavka 4(c), in kjer dobavitelju ali naročniku ni bila dodeljena identifikacijska številka te vrste, mora imeti račun namesto tega drugo številko, ki se imenuje davčna sklicna številka, kot jo opredelijo zadevne države članice.
'(e) In cases where Member States make use of the option provided for in the third indent of point (a) to refrain from allocating a number as referred to in paragraph l(c) to taxable persons who do not carry out any of the transactions referred to in paragraph 4(c), and where the supplier or the customer have not been allocated an identification number of this type, the invoice should feature instead another number called the tax reference number, as defined by the Member States concerned.
32 Pravna redakcija
S pismom z dne 29. septembra 2000 je Food Assurance Authority Ministrstva za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Nove Zelandije (MAF Food) obvestila Komisijo o revidiranem za postopek značilnem standardnem odstopanju za nabavno specifikacijo vsakega proizvoda v petih proizvodnih obratih skladno s členom 28(1)(e) Uredbe (ES) št. 1374/98. Računski postopek, uporabljen za določanje za postopek značilnega standardnega odstopanja za nabavno specifikacijo vsakega proizvoda so revidirali, ker bistven element tega standardnega odstopanja ni bil upoštevan.
By letter dated 29 September 2000, the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's Food Assurance Authority (MAF Food) notified the Commission of a revised typical process standard deviation for each product purchasing specification in five production plants in accordance with Article 28(l)(e) of Regulation (EC) No 1374/98. The calculation procedure used for establishing the typical process standard deviation for each product purchasing specification has been revised, because an essential element of this standard deviation was not taken into consideration.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
podlago(-e) za merjenje, ki je (so) uporabljena(-e) pri pripravljanju računovodskih izkazov;
the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial statements;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0029
Pri določanju E(τ) je τ dan s številom let, v katerih računamo integriranje.
In specifying E(ô), ô is given in the number of years over which the integration is made.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Julija 1997, ko je bil sprejet MRS 1 - Predstavljanje računovodskih izkazov, je bil spremenjen odstavek 66(e) MRS 16 (spremenjen 1993) (to je odstavek 60(e) tega standarda).
In July 1997, when IAS 1, presentation of financial statements, was approved, paragraph 66(e) of IAS 16 (revised 1993) (now paragraph 60(e) of this Standard) was amended.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
storitve zastopnikov, ki delujejo v imenu in za račun drugega, kadar za svojega naročnika posredujejo storitve iz te točke (e).
the services of agents who act in the name and for the account of another, when they procure for their principal the services referred to in this point (e).
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
številčna uskladitev odhodka za davek (prihodka od davka) in zmnožka računovodskega dobička z ustrezno davčno(-imi) stopnjo(-ami), pri čemer se razkritje tudi osnova, na katero se uporabi(-jo) davčna(-e) stopnja(-e);
a numerical reconciliation between tax expense (income) and the product of accounting profit multiplied by the applicable tax rate(s), disclosing also the basis on which the applicable tax rate(s) is (are) computed;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987L0102
Ne glede na izključitev po členu 2(1)(e) je potrošnik v primeru pogodbe med kreditno ali finančno institucijo in potrošnikom za odobritev kredita v obliki predplačila na tekoči račun, razen na račun kreditnih kartic, ob sklepanju pogodbe ali pred tem obveščen o:
Notwithstanding the exclusion provided for in Article 2 (1) (e), where there is an agreement between a credit institution or financial institution and a consumer for the granting of credit in the form of an advance on a current account, other than on credit card accounts, the consumer shall be informed at the time or before the agreement is concluded:
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
Podobno se lahko izpustijo podatke pod točkama (e) in (f), če podjetje, v kapitalu katerega ima izdajatelj aktivno udeležbo, ne objavi svojih letnih računovodskih izkazov.
Similarly, the information required under points (e) and (f) may be omitted where the undertaking in which a participating interest is held does not publish its annual accounts.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
Določiti je treba vsebino teh podatkov ter obliko in načine prenosa računalniških datotek, če se podatki dostavijo v elektronski obliki v skladu s členom 18(3)(e) navedene uredbe.
It is necessary to lay down the content of such data and the format and means of transmission of computer files when data is supplied in electronic form in accordance with Article 18(3)(e) of the Regulation.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1392
Kadar se določbe, ki se nanašajo na vprašalnik iz odstavka 1(e), ne izpolnjujejo, Komisija pridrži pavšalni znesek na podlagi člena 14 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2040/2000 [11] iz predujmov na vknjižbe kmetijskih izdatkov v računovodske izkaze držav članic.
Where the provisions relating to the questionnaire referred to in paragraph 1(e) are not complied with, the Commission shall withhold a flat-rate amount, under Article 14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2040/2000(11), from advances on the entry in the accounts of the agricultural expenditure of the Member States.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0680
Z odstopanjem od člena 9(1) je kraj opravljanja storitev ki jih opravijo posredniki, ki delujejo v imenu in za račun drugih oseb, kadar so takšne storitve del drugih transakcij, razen tistih iz odstavka 1 ali 2 ali člena 9(2)(e), kraj, kjer se te transakcije opravijo.
By way of derogation from Article 9 (1), the place of the supply of services rendered by intermediaries acting in the name and for the account of other persons, when such services form part of transactions other than those referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 or in Article 9 (2) (e), shall be the place where those transactions are carried out.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0065
Trajni nosilci podatkov vključujejo zlasti diskete, CD-ROM-e, DVD-je in trdi disk potrošnikovega računalnika, na katerem se shranjuje elektronska pošta, ne vključujejo pa spletnih strani interneta, razen če te izpolnjujejo merila iz opredelitve trajnega nosilca podatkov.
Durable mediums include in particular floppy discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and the hard drive of the consumer's computer on which the electronic mail is stored, but they do not include Internet websites unless they fulfil the criteria contained in the definition of a durable medium.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0349
konsolidirani računovodski izkazi iz točke (e), konsolidirano letno poročilo in mnenje osebe, odgovorne za revidiranje teh računovodskih izkazov, se morajo objaviti za podrejeno podjetje, kakor je predpisano z zakonodajo države članice, v skladu s členom 3 Direktive 68/151/EGS."
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
Komisija se z vsako državo članico dogovori o vsebini računalniških zapisov, ki ji morajo biti na voljo po odstavku 1, načinih njihove predložitve in času, potrebnim za vzpostavitev zahtevanega računalniškega sistema, pri čemer se upošteva dogovor iz člena 18(3)(e) Uredbe (ES) št.1260/1999.
The Commission shall agree with each Member State the content of computer records to be made available under paragraph 1, the means by which they are communicated, and the length of the period required to develop any necessary computer systems taking account of the agreement referred to in Article 18(3)(e) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0674
Lloyd's in skupine zavarovateljev v okviru Lloyd's v združenih računovodskih izkazihoziroma v skupinskih računovodskih izkazih ni treba prikazati številk za postavke pasive E(2) (Rezervacije za davke) in G(V) (Ostale obveznosti, vključno z davčnimi obveznostmi in obveznostmi za socialno zavarovanje), kar se tiče davka samega, ter postavk III(9) (Davek na dobiček ali izgubo iz rednega delovanja) in III(14) (Davek na izredni dobiček ali izgubo) v izkazu poslovnega izida z izjemo zneskov, odštetih pri viru.
Lloyd's and Lloyd's syndicates shall not be required to disclose, in the aggregate accounts and syndicate accounts respectively, figures for liabilities items E (2) (Provisions for taxation) and G (V) (Other creditors, including tax and social security), as far as tax alone is concerned, and items III (9) (Tax on profit or loss on ordinary activities) and III (14) (Tax on extraordinary profit or loss) in the profit and loss account as with the exception of amounts deducted at source.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Letni zneski, z izjemo tistih iz (d) in (e), se plačajo na račun, ki ga določi ministrstvo republike Sao Tome in Principe, pristojno za ribištvo, in se določijo na podlagi pogojev Protokola, o katerem se bo pogajalo z zakladnico najpozneje do 31. decembra 2002, 31. maja 2003 in 31. maja 2004 glede na letni načrt njihove uporabe.
The annual amounts, with the exception of those referred to at (d) and (e), shall be paid into an account designated by the Sao Tomé and Príncipe Ministry responsible for fisheries and used under the terms of a protocol to be negotiated with the Public Treasury no later than 31 December 2002, 31 May 2003 and 31 May 2004 according to the annual schedule for their use.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kmetijska proizvodnja, ki jo opravlja nekmetijska enota, namreč v smislu računovodskih podatkov zaradi posebnih značilnosti proizvodov in sredstev za kmetijsko proizvodnjo kakor tudi zaradi virov podatkov in metod za oblikovanje ERK, ki iz tega izhajajo, vedno šteje za ločeno proizvodnjo (prim. oddelek E Poglavja I in oddelka B in C Poglavja II).
Agricultural production carried out by a non-agricultural unit is in fact considered to be always separable, in terms of accounting data, because of the specific features of the products and the means of agricultural production as well as the data sources and methods used for drawing up the resulting EAA (cf. section E of chapter I and sections B and C of chapter II).
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0065
Najpozneje do 1. januarja 2007 Komisija pregleda določbe v členu 29(1), členu 34(10), (14) in (15) in členu 36(2)(e) v smislu izkušenj, pridobljenih pri uporabi določb o računovodenju po pošteni vrednosti in ob upoštevanju mednarodnega razvoja na področju računovodstva in po potrebi predloži predlog Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu za spremembo zgoraj navedenih členov."
Not later than 1 January 2007, the Commission shall review the provisions in Article 29(1), Article 34(10), (14) and (15) and Article 36(2)(e) in the light of the experience acquired in applying provisions on fair value accounting and taking account of international developments in the field of accounting and, if appropriate, submit a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council with a view to amending the abovementioned Articles."
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0115
"(e) V primerih, ko države članice uporabijo možnost, ki je predvidena v tretji alinei točke (a), da se vzdržijo dodeljevanja številke, kot je navedeno v odstavku 1(c) davčnim zavezancem, ki ne opravljajo nobenih transakcij iz odstavka 4(c), in kjer dobavitelju ali naročniku ni bila dodeljena identifikacijska številka te vrste, mora imeti račun namesto tega drugo številko, ki se imenuje davčna sklicna številka, kot jo opredelijo zadevne države članice.
In cases where Member States make use of the option provided for in the third indent of point (a) to refrain from allocating a number as referred to in paragraph 1(c) to taxable persons who do not carry out any of the transactions referred to in paragraph 4(c), and where the supplier or the customer have not been allocated an identification number of this type, the invoice should feature instead another number called the tax reference number, as defined by the Member States concerned.
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