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ekonomski odnosi s tujino
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Ministrstvo za ekonomske odnose in razvoj opravlja poleg nalog, ki jih opravlja na podlagi 32. člena tega zakona, tudi gospodarske zadeve, ki se, nanašajo na sistem ekonomskih odnosov s tujino ter na zunanjetrgovinski režim;
In addition to the tasks which it carries out pursuant to Article 32 of this Law, the Ministry of Economic Relations and Development shall also attend to economic affairs relating to the system of foreign economic relations and the foreign trade regime:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-46
Vodja delegacije Ministrstva za gospodarstvo Republike Slovenije je državni sekretar ali generalni direktor Direktorata za ekonomske odnose s tujino na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo Republike Slovenije, vodja delegacije Ministrstva za gospodarstvo Slovaške republike pa državni sekretar ali generalni direktor Sektorja za trgovino pri Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo Slovaške republike.
The Head of the delegation of the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Slovenia is the State Secretary or the Director General of the Directorate for foreign economic relations in the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Slovenia, the Head of the delegation of the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic is the State Secretary or the Director General of the Section of Trade in the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic.
3 Končna redakcija
(4) Vlada odloči o zahtevku v 30 dneh od prejema popolnega zahtevka na podlagi mnenja ministrstev, pristojnih za ekonomske odnose s tujino, gospodarske dejavnosti in finance ter mnenja Carinske uprave Republike Slovenije o pogojih za izvajanje carinskega nadzora.
(4) The Government shall make a decision on the request within 30 days after the receipt of a complete request on the basis of the opinion of ministers responsible for external economic relations, economic activities and finance, and the opinion of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia on the conditions for carrying out customs supervision.
4 Pravna redakcija
Namestnik ministra za ekonomske odnose s tujino Republike Belorusije, vodja delegacije
Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Belarus, Head of the Delegation
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ekonomski odnosi s tujino